Mailshot is your chance to tell the subscribers of Dial-a-Cab exactly what you think. Complaints, compliments or just to write about Call Sign.   This is YOUR paper within your magazine....
You can also email your letters to:

My apologies to those whose letters have not been published below. Call Sign is on the mailing list of many taxi mags from around the world; from Singapore to New Zealand to the USA and of course, all parts of the UK. I have to say that I have yet to see any magazine from anywhere in the world that has anywhere near as much post as Call Sign does. For that, I thank everyone who writes in. If you have written to Call Sign and your letter is not published below, then it will certainly be in the next issue - which hopefully will be published before the end of the month because of the forthcoming holiday period...

Alan Fisher, Editor

Now that Dial-a-Cab has acquired lots of credit work, it is up to us to keep it. Don't forget that soon all the tourists will have gone home. What then? Credit work is 52 weeks of the year so let's keep it and our pockets happy. As for drivers who moan about Gary Gates motivating us, we should think what he is actually doing - he is winding us up in order to get us to cover our work with the company in mind. We should be thinking the same...
T.Goldsmith (R74)

Three requests please:
1. Is it possible to have our credits dated from the 1st of the month?
2. Could we have some more positional information when someone is on 'emergency'.
3. When there are jobs still to be covered, could the messages from the control room be raised to a slightly higher level than 'snap em up' or 'give em nothing' etc?
David Brett (P93)
See Keith Cain's report...Ed

I have been a member of Dial-a-Cab for over 20 years and for nearly all that time I have driven at night time. As a consequence, I do not know which parts of London are busy during the day. Likewise, I guess that the day drivers are not aware of how busy it often is during the night time. As an example, at 9.30 pm on a Wednesday evening in October, I did a Zone Query and saw a total of 67 trips in the City zones with barely a handful of cabs available. All these jobs had extra run-ins! This has been typical for almost any day for many months now. Are there other times of day when it is as busy? I cannot understand some day drivers who complain about lack of work. And if coverage of the night work does not improve, then accounts will be lost and day drivers will be even more short of work.
Laurence Kelvin (W88)
Also in Keith Cain's report...Ed

I had just started work when a young lady flagged me down. Without mentioning where she was going, she just said: "Would you sleep with me for £100?"
I was a bit taken aback but I told her: " Well, I'm not really tired but I could use the money...!"
Dennis Vogel (R5)
It must be almost Christmas - the Sherry's coming out!...Ed

I was somewhat surprised to read in Call Sign that Mike Son is compiling a database of fixed prices. Over three years ago, I set up a database of all the fixed prices on the system. It contained the name and account number of the client, pick-up, destination, price, date price fixed or last reviewed and the name of person who authorised the price. It was set up on a standard Microsoft database program and could therefore sort almost any way. For example, I could obtain a list of all fixed prices going from EC2 to Heathrow from all clients, or all the fixed prices from clients with a destination at E14 or indeed, all the fixed prices for any particular client (almost any permutation). Most importantly, the database could uplift the prices fixed prior to a particular date or just list them for review. When I left the Board, the database contained all the fixed prices although at that time, some were in urgent need of review. I saw the Chairman shortly after leaving and explained to him the importance of keeping this information constantly maintained and he promised that it would be. As well as leaving the information on the machine on which I had been working, back up copies were also left, as well as printed copy . Prior to leaving the Board, I demonstrated the data base to at least three members of the Board who agreed that it had been set up correctly. I also called back and checked off with a member of staff the information I had on my database against the information on the main computer. I had consulted our IT department at the time, who agreed that I had set it up correctly. They also linked into the machine that I was using, information with regard to the usage by the client.
   Can someone now explain whether the data was maintained or was there something wrong with either the program or information that I had set up If so, what needed changing?
Cecil Selwyn (V76)

Mike Son replies:
I was aware of your involvement with a similar project when you were previously on the BoM. When I was given the brief to construct a new data base and consolidate and update existing customers with fixed prices, I did inquire about the database you constructed a few years ago. On investigation, it was apparent that sometime after completion of the project, the PC used, due to its age, was replaced and unfortunately, the database was lost during transferral to the new PC. I was also given to understand that copy disks you made were corrupted. The print-out you state you also made, I was unable to locate. I was surprised after talking to various Board Members, to see how long you spent on the project - I understand that it was nearly a year. This is surprising due to the fact that the new project is now completed and in fact only took about six weeks on a part-time basis. Nevertheless, I feel sure the management appreciated your efforts. I do hope this clarifies the situation.

I feel that I have to write to Mailshot regarding the Christmas incentive scheme (scheme 1). At first glance, the overall scheme looked quite good. It was when I checked my average number of trips per month that I realised I would find it quite hard to make any substantial increase in the number of trips I cover. Discussing this issue with some of my colleagues, it become apparent that we are all in the some situation. We agreed that this scheme is not really an incentive, at a guess, for the majority of members. It is obvious that it is designed to encourage those drivers that only cover a minimum amount of work, so I have to ask you, is this fair? I feel quite strongly that for those of us who regularly cover the work and provide a good service all through the year are, in effect, being penalised for doing so. I cannot think of any other organisation that would reward those that had continually under-achieved. Then, to rub salt into the wound, these people will no doubt get a nice big thank you and their picture in Call Sign as they pick up their cheques. Surely an incentive scheme must apply to every-one and operate on the basis that the more you do, the bigger the reward.
John Rugg (V59)

Re the Xmas Bonus Scheme, yet again I feel that you are penalising drivers who cover account work all year round. It is very hard for these drivers to increase the amount of account work they do, unless they work 24 hours a day! Would it not be possible to give a bonus to thank the drivers who are covering the account work all year round? I understand the reasoning behind the Xmas Bonus Scheme, but the regulars are being left out! Furthermore, some circuits give financial incentive to their drivers to work during Xmas and New Year. I am sure that some drivers feel it is not worth working during this period and this would encourage drivers to cover accounts. Most people are paid much more to work during public holidays and it is time that this problem was addressed.
Frances Marks (Mrs King 80 ) ...via email

Brian Rice replies:
Dear Frances, I am doing something for the hard workers, I'm trying to make the under-achievers do more work in order to retain accounts so that the good credit man will have some work to do next year. Please don't look at this in a short sighted manner and try and look at the big picture. Remember, I have 1612 members with 200 journeymen - everyone of them with an opinion! But even more important - everyone of them is right! I cannot tailor a scheme to suit everyone, this is a scheme to try and ensure that the A/C customer gets a better service at a very, very busy time. Remember we are in the service industry.

At the time of writing, New Year's Eve is eight weeks away. The BoM won't be working that night, but some of the drivers may have to. What sort of bonuses are going to be paid? We really need to know, we have families as well and need to know whether we should bother working or not. Radio Taxi's drivers are supposed to be getting £1000 each to be at the beck and call of their control room. The powers-that-be in Whitehall are dragging their feet as usual so why couldn't someone from the BoM at Brunswick House take a trip to the Government's HQ, make themselves known, tell them that they represent 2000 drivers and ask what the hell is going on!
   Changing tack, I do not believe that Code 77 should begin until 8 o'clock with the old Code 3 being in use until that time. In addition, no cab radios should be immobilised unless they accept a job in their home zone. Too many cabs are being signed-off miles from home - you can't even do a Voice Request let alone a few locals to help you home. It's outrageous!
   And finally, why are our top account clients using other circuits for their cash rides? There was more chance of getting through to the England - Scotland ticket line than 253 5000...!
T.Peacock (C21)

Allen Togwell replies:
To infer that Board Members will not be working on New Years Eve because they can afford not too compared to the moneys earned by our subscribers, I would say is quite the reverse. As for the Board storming Government HQ demanding an answer as to what additional moneys can be levied on New Years Eve, well things just aren't done that way. There are procedures to follow and elected personnel to conduct them.
However at the time of receiving your mail, the Minister for London, Keith Hill, has announced the charges which I'm sure you now know. However, for the record, the fare structure is that taxi fares will be doubled for all hirings between 20:00hrs on New Years Eve and 06:00 on New Years Day. Up to a maximum fare of £25.00.
Example: If the fare shown on the meter is £16 (including extra charges) the fare charged would be £32. If the metered fare is £25 (including extra charges) the fare charged is £50. However if the metered fare is £27 (including extra charges) the fare charged is £52. This replaces the usual £3 charge.
As to what the other circuits are doing is up to them. I have seen the various letters supposedly being sent to their clients with rates of over £60 to £100 on top of the fare. The irony is, from our investigations, not one of their senior clients from whom they receive the bulk of their work, has received any such letters. These letters usually serve two purposes, firstly they send it to all of their smaller clients to deter usage and thereby give better coverage to their important clients and secondly it winds up those drivers on DaC who think they are missing out!
Several weeks ago I sent out over 3.000 questionnaires to our clients asking what level of premium would they be prepared to pay over Xmas and NY, the levels were £5. £10. £15 and so on. Over 90% said they were not prepared to pay anything extra. Their argument was they gave us business every day of the year. unlike restaurants etc 

who only got their business occasionally. Hence the reason we instigated the incentive scheme for the whole of November and December.
The cash lines were busy being used for credit clients and as for code 77, by the time you read this it would have been discontinued.

I too have been a victim of the parking ticket scam (Oct Call Sign). I left my cab outside a restaurant in Kennington Road (borough of Southwark) albeit on a single yellow line. My cab was in full view during my break and not one single person went near it. If a warden had come along, I would have aborted my lunch and moved the cab - a scenario we are all familiar with. One month later, an £80 parking ticket arrived - apparently doubled from the original because I had "ignored" the original £40 ticket. I paid up because I thought that it would be pointless to argue the case. Now I wish that I had gone to appeal (as Roy Martin R42 did). I certainly have every intention of doing so if this happens again. Just to recap, no ticket was placed on my cab and no warden went near it!
   Incidentally, I paid the fine in cash at the 'Parking Shop' and got an undated, hand-written receipt. I wonder why the expressions 'fiddle' and 'nice little earner' come to mind?
You have forgotten to sign your hand-written letter, so I have to assume that when you mention the word 'fiddle' that you are referring to the musical instrument...Ed

I have also had the same problem as Roy Martin re his article on the Parking Ticket Scam. No ticket, yet still a £60 fine issued. Would you please pass my name and address onto Mr Martin as I would like to speak to him.
Terry Probart (G85)

This is to advise your subscribers - through Call Sign - that Cabology is now servicing the ranks at Waterloo Station with all driver essentials - and more! From mid - late November we shall also be servicing the Heathrow feeder park too. Our aim is to provide the trade with top quality merchandise including many original items. We shall also be stocking refreshments. In fact, everything the driver needs...and more!
   For those on the Internet, our web site address is Cabology Ltd

I have never written in before but in the past I have been generally happy with the way the circuit has been run and I am also happy with the tremendous amount of credit work we have, which I believe is more than any other circuit. But I am dismayed at the discrimination towards the nightman who works the city with regard to the going home system (Code 77). The driver who sits in EC2, and there are sometimes as many as 25 waiting to go home, have 5 chances to get a home trip - all of which are unmasked. Consequently, many of the regular drivers who work the city are not getting a fair crack of the whip and are deserting the city and working elsewhere. A far better solution before we start losing major accounts, would be to give the driver who has been out for 6 hours and completed 5 and NOT 3 credit rides, a chance of a job going home. Not 5 unmasked chances, but 3 jobs that will remained masked until the driver accepts the trip. I live in Ilford and if I was going home and got a job anywhere in an easterly direction, I would be pleased like the majority of drivers, but as has been proven, Code 77 is being abused. Something must be done about it rather than just trying to appease the greedy daymen. Let's have a level playing field where both the clients and drivers are happy. I trust that action will be taken sooner rather than later and if the excuse is that the software is not capable at the moment, then turn this most unfair system off until the software has been rewritten.
Paul Samuels (T85)

Brian rice replies:
By the time you read this, Code 77 would have been disbanded because coverage did not improve. Yes, the regular 'city workers' were not returning as they felt they would never get a good job because anything good would be offered to a member that had Code 77 on. And Paul, if I can give you a little bit of advice, don't call the daymen 'greedy'...

Flushed with the success of my letter in the October issue of Call Sign asking for the Code 3 going home facility to be banned from EC5 and SE75, I now ask for it to be banned from all zones at all times as I believe it is interfering with our coverage at busy times. I start work at about 5pm and work through till 4am or 5am and I will not now take a radio job from any EC zone except EC5 as most drivers booked into EC zones are on a Code 3 and are only interested in longer journeys to increase their earnings. This of course means that good jobs will be taken by those drivers, leaving the true night drivers with the leftovers. I would ask all drivers that, when they have finished their day's work, to go home and let me have the chance to earn a living! In addition, it has come to my notice that work is being re-dispatched into EC5, old jobs which have not been covered in their EC zone. This proves the Code 3 is not working in the best interests of our clients and therefore our Society. I respectfully ask that the code 3 going home facility is withdrawn.
   The bonus scheme is of no help to regular radio drivers. In fact, it is a bit of a slap in the face for us drivers who support Dial-a-Cab day in day out, week in week out, as we will not earn very much from it.
A.B.Cook (A62)

It seems that you may get your wish re Code 77. As for the incentive scheme, I think it's worth mentioning that when the prize of a 28 inch wide-screen Dolby Stereo TV was offered as an incentive last year in Call Sign to whoever did the most credit rides over the holidays (won by Tony Hizer), those who benefit this year were moaning that it was unfair to them (sickness, part time work etc being quoted as the reasons). This year's incentive is aimed at those who don't normally do much credit work. The idea is for DaC to cover as much work as possible...Ed

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