marketing report

Given a choice of product with money permitting, most of us I'm sure would prefer it to be aesthetically pleasing, comfortable and of high quality. One example being when purchasing a new cab, particularly a new TX1. Currently, there are still differing opinions amongst drivers as to the preference of a TX1 against that of the Fairway - or for that matter, the Metrocab. However, like them or not, it is a fact that the manufacturers have gone to great lengths to appeal to those drivers who like style, by making the interior of certain models of the TX1 as attractive and as comfortable as possible, perhaps almost on par with the private car.
   For my own personal opinion as a passenger, I think they are excellent and as someone selling and marketing our services, sitting in the rear of an immaculately clean, polished TX1 with its soft velour seats and smart carpet, my initial thoughts were how great it would be to have a whole fleet of them.
   Unfortunately my respect of other peoples property is not indicative of everyone else. And because of this varying respect shown by others and because of the number of letters and phone calls I get each week from our members complaining (justifiably) of damage being done to their cabs, particularly to both inside and out of the TX1, my attitude regarding top of the range interiors has reluctantly changed.
   It seems to me if a cab is to be used simply as a work horse with the object of taking maximum earnings with the minimum amount of disruption, the passenger interior needs to reflect that fact ie polystyrene seats and rubber mats etc.
   Dial-a-Cab have for many years compensated a driver who has had the interior of his cab soiled by an account client with a £20 cleaning charge which if possible, we pass on to the client. The problem we are experiencing now since the introduction of the TX,1 is a greater vulnerability to damage, higher cleaning costs, higher repair and replacement costs and above all demands for 'loss of earnings costs' for time waiting for the cleaning to dry out.

Whenever I receive details of damage to a subscribers cab caused by an account client, I've always where possible contacted the client personally and by letter, together with follow up calls to exert as much pressure as I can on behalf of the driver to seek full compensation. It isn't an easy task because whilst a passenger (who may be an employee) may admit liability at the time of the incident, more often than not they deny it later when they get back to their office. If it is a senior director, they too often deny any such incident took place or ask for proof, a witness or insists that the driver takes it up with their insurers. Nearly all ask what would happen if it was a cash ride off the street, particularly when the damage is only noticed after the passenger has long gone. An example of the latter is when damage has been done to velour seats such as tears, cigarette burns, marks left by food etc and wetness of all descriptions including urine. During the past month, I have had an exceptionally high number of claims ranging from £16 for a cracked door handle cover, to £460 for damage caused by the passenger opening the door and the driver hitting a stationary object. The claim for £460 and two immediately prior, one of which was of a similar amount caused by a passenger being

Allen Togwell

violently sick, resulting in the driver having to buy a new valour seat and carpet etc. I was successful in getting a full refund.
In many other cases, I have not been so successful. It's disappointing and I really sympathise with the driver, but I can only do my best and frankly, being abusive to me won't alter the situation. Drivers must realise that I am not a damage claims lawyer and in reality, it's not really the Society's responsibility.
Which brings me back to practicality versus prettiness...
   Up until the introduction of the TX1, the majority of cabs had leather or plastic seating and rubber mats which, in the event of soiling, could be easily cleaned with a bucket of disinfected water or a hose. The £20 compensation was as much for loss of earnings as for the cost of cleaning.
   The situation now is that we are seeing claims for £20 plus for cleaning and a days money for loss of earnings, apparently waiting for it to dry. I have discussed this with members of the Board and whilst in the past the Society was prepared to cover the £20 cleaning costs should the client refuse, the society cannot cover additional cleaning costs and subsequent loss of earnings for damaged items which the driver has chosen in preference to that which is considered as 'standard'. The hard facts are that as far as a cab is concerned, not only is there a high price to pay for quality initially, but also for maintaining it.
   On the question of damage to doors, could I please ask all of you to be exceptionally careful when setting down passengers, particularly young children who are eager to open the doors quickly, and be sure you are not stopping close to a post or parking meter etc.

Following my article about abusive drivers in the October issue of Call Sign and the Editor expanding on the subject in the November Editorial, I have discussed the matter with quite a number of our subscribers, many of whom feel something should be done by our Society to assist members to overcome this problem.
   Perhaps that could be in making available 'Stress Management' sessions run by qualified professionals who would show our drivers how to overcome stress and to teach the various methods of handling difficult clients. Exactly how many of you would attend such courses, I don't know because unfortunately there is a common perception amongst many English males as well as a certain arrogance, in believing help is not needed or that if it is, it is a sign of weakness to ask. Hence the reason the majority of companies in this country, particularly those in the service industry, insist that ALL their staff, irrespective of status or ability, attend seminars and learn techniques on how to handle the general public. Many of you may know of the very successful company which John Cleese established called Visual Arts which he later sold for a fortune. They were based in Oxford St and made humorous video's about handling difficult people or situations in all walks of life which they then sold or hired out to companies for training purposes. I've seen quite a few and they are not just hilarious, but also very clever and practical and they also really work.


However they are also very  expensive, which just goes to prove that those who buy them consider them to be worthwhile if they wish to improve their staff's ability. I personally believe that the vast majority of you could benefit from stress management training courses. I've been on them and I think they are extremely beneficial. I also believe that many of you would benefit from stress therapies such as yoga, hypnosis, reflexology, massage or acupuncture etc, the last two of which I have taken regularly several times a month for many years and in some instances, the visits were in preference to taking conventional medicines and I know for a fact that it works.
   Stress these days is a national disease, it affects everyone and is the cause of many serious illnesses. If you seriously believe that something should be done by the Society, even if it was only in the form of literature, and it was available to you, would you be interested? I would like to hear from you, my extension is 223 or e-mail:

To those of you that are interested, I have now completed the first draft design of the DaC Web site at:  There is still a small amount of tweaking-up to do ie colour balance, additional links and more pages in the various languages etc but as it was more or less completed, we decided to make it accessible. As with any design I'm sure it won't please everybody, particularly those that like animations - which I purposely avoided using. We are a serious business and I wanted our site to reflect that fact. Those of you that have access to the Internet will notice on our first page Press Releases and DaC News. Should any of you have worthy news items that you feel would be appropriate to be recorded under this heading, please let me know. Equally the 'feedback' section is available for your views, criticisms, suggestions or ideas for future changes etc.
   Finally in answer to those who might question why transfers you to the Dial-a-Cab site, the reason is simple. When I originally registered our domain name, I also looked for other names generically associated with our trade that we could legally market both in the UK and World-wide. Then I noticed that was available and so we claimed it. and uk with hyphen (-) is also registered by ODRTS although as yet are not linked to our site.

One of our senior clients experienced a serious incident this month which I believe should be brought to your attention.
The incident occurred when one of our drivers was in traffic on Hampstead Heath with a lady passenger. The driver whilst stationary, noticed a man being chased by two other men. The man being chased suddenly got into our drivers cab. On being ordered out by the driver, the man refused and it is alleged he said he would harm the lady passenger. The driver drove 150 meters or so further up the road whereby the man jumped out. Needless to say the lady was extremely frightened and distressed, but also angry that no precautionary action had been made by the driver to prevent the man entering the cab ie engaging the automatic door locking system. In hindsight, we could all do things differently. However we would be fools if we didn't learn from other peoples misfortunes. People use licensed taxis because they assume them to be safe and secure, so please be on your guard, both for your own protection and that of your passengers. LOCK YOUR DOORS.

Allen Togwell

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