complaints officer report


Westminster Special Needs
As you are aware from previous reports, we have tried to change the calling of this account and have put the calling points on to ranks. I have been along to these ranks to study the working of them and see how our members are sticking to procedure and also listen to drivers and their feelings about the way they are working. As this was for a trial period, we knew that there could be problems not envisaged at the outset. I know full well that being on a public rank could cause problems in itself with walk-ups, not moving up when space is vacant, and being accused on occasion of brooming and so on. I know that you put on to do radio work and not street work. Our problem is how do we run a system that is fair to everyone without groups of drivers trying to corner the work? Private ranks? Where do we find these?
   Obscure street ranks? There is no easy answer other than going back to the original zone calling. Do not forget that we have to give the customer a first class service. These children with their escorts have to get school on time and require special attention from our drivers.
   We will keep trying to make the system as fair as we can. Do remember that whilst we are using public ranks, you cannot book on until you are on the rank and if you do, you can run the risk of being put on complaint by your fellow drivers. These ranks are meant to be self policing. However, the Board will continue to monitor the overall situation.

I am still getting these silly complaints where some drivers are not following procedure insofar as making sure that they are picking up the correct passengers, not doing delay advised and not bothering where required to have a name board at

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the pick up point. These things cause problems in the control room and are unnecessary. It is also required that after 15 minutes, if you have not yet picked up, that you inform the control room. Likewise also, it is important that you do a prompt POB when you have picked up. I have always believed in a softly softly approach with a quiet word where necessary to minor infringements by drivers, but where this does not work with the same offenders then further measures might be required to that minority. Do not get me wrong, the vast majority of drivers do a good job of work in, at times, difficult conditions but customers soon complain if our standards fall below what is expected.
   Before long, I will be running a list of members who are not undertaking 40 jobs a month as required by the rules, unless of course they have been excused by the Board of Management. I hasten to add that this would not of course apply to those people who have been sick, or off the road or on holiday. Why do we ask for you to apply yourself to this rule? It is so important that we give our customers a good service to retain our market share. The coverage at times could be better and there are some drivers who could improve their participation by putting themselves out more than they do.


This is the time of the year when clients start to hold their entertainment functions and require our marshals to attend to make things run smoothly. But above all, it is the service we provide as to how we are judged. So if calls are requested by the marshals for coverage, be they cash or credit, please do your best to provide the service.
   We have also put a Marshal in place at Cabot Square between the hours of 8.00pm to 10pm to make contact easier for you. So if you are allocated a job at these times, report to the marshal to let him know who you are picking up and where you are parked.

PCO Open Day
I, along with Allen Togwell ( I was assisting ! ) put on a display on behalf of Dial-a-Cab at the PCO Open Day. Along with all the other trade organisations we spent a well-worthwhile day there. The purpose was to show the public the workings of that august body and to take away the mystique and misconceptions that surround it’s workings. There were many interesting facets, such as to how the Knowledge is conducted , cabs passed, examples of cabs over the years, and other interesting matters. For a first time exercise it seemed to be a great success and the PCO should be congratulated on the idea of opening its doors to the public.

I attended a meeting at Heathrow on behalf of the radio circuits where an increase in the admission fee was discussed with the trade representatives and HAL. There was some pretty straight talking and searching questions as to why an increase was being sought. The outcome at this time is that each party was going away to reconsider its position.

Aubrey Siteman

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