Most hated person?
Attila the Hun, Adolph Hitler and many others seem to have good claim to the title of most hated person. But who seems to be the most hated person to 2000 or so drivers on Dial-a-Cab? Well it seems to be me, Tom  Whitbread! Is this because I do my job well and like a level playing field with everyone being equal? It really annoys me when I hear of a driver cheating on those whom they would like to call their friends. Do you go around taking advantage of your friends, stealing off of them and by your actions, risk losing their livelihoods?
   This is what some drivers by their actions risk doing and it is very dangerous for your livelihoods. What’s more annoying are those who know what these drivers are doing and attempt to protect them. It is because I try and combat these problems and retain work for the great majority, that it seems I am so disliked. Someone like me, a married man of 37 years, a man who loves children and animals and runs a children’s charity.  They seem to believe that I am Freddy Kruger!
   But I cannot do things by half; it is all or nothing, so if I start on a problem I have to follow it through to its final conclusion - even if on the way I may upset some people. Whilst I am working, it is very hard to look at a problem and stay completely neutral, this is because I have known some of the people involved for over 30 years. As Brian Rice once said of me: "If he found his Granny breaking the rules, he would do her as well!"
After some 15 years of acting as the Society’s Complaints Officer, you gain an instinct of telling if someone is telling you the truth, whether it be by their body language or attitude. But you still have to stay neutral until all of the facts have been gained and checked. Sometimes it can be impossible for one person to stay unbiased, as we all have tendencies to feel sorry for one person or another. That’s when the complaint may be passed onto a panel of 3 drivers. You will rarely get those drivers to all see a complaint in the same way, therefore by using 3 drivers you will never come to an impasse, it will usually go one way or another. The decision is not always as expected, but that is what happens when you have a democratic Society.
   The Owner Drivers Radio Taxi Service is the fairest circuit you can ever work on, if you do not believe what I say then I suggest you try one of the others and your attitude will change. In fact, it is our failing that we allow too many drivers to try and run the Society from the road, this sometimes costs the Society dearly. These people are quite often bullyboys who have absolutely no idea of how to run a large profitable organisation.
   At his moment in time, we are having a boom in the amount of work being offered to drivers. Due to the forward-looking attitude of the Board, we are the leaders in the taxi trade and gaining more account clients every day. We have a wonderful hard working team of dedicated employees as well as the majority of excellent drivers out on the road. But as in most organisations, there are the lazy and corrupt, these are the ones that it is up to me to try and weed out.
   Anyone who knows me will tell you that no complaint is pushed under the carpet and forgotten, obviously some get to a point where you can gain no satisfactory answer and they have to be dropped or left in abeyance. Even those complaints that are left in abeyance allow you build up a history, which could later assist in another complaint.

40 jobs
As I’ve mentioned in the above paragraphs, we have never had so much work. As to whether are we covering it in the allotted time, the answer must be no. So how do we combat this problem? There are currently two answers - we either take on a lot more drivers or make sure that all of the drivers abide by the rule book and complete the minimum amount of account rides per month. So what happens to drivers who fail to complete the minimum amount of account rides?
   Firstly they will get a letter informing them of how many

Tom Whitbread

account rides they have completed per month over the last 6 months and receive a warning. If this continues into the next months, they will be taken to a Complaints meeting and possibly expelled. This will enable us to the enlist drivers who will assist the Society to stay in the position it is today and supply the drivers with the profitable work that they are enjoying.
  If a driver works 5 days a week, we are only asking them to complete 2 jobs a day. I do not think that is unreasonable. The other day we put 7000 jobs through the system, so please do not tell me there is not enough work for you to complete your 2 a day. Any driver who does not complete 2 account rides per day is not a radioman and should think hard whether his / her subscriptions are worth paying. You as subscribers have invested over £2000 in the equipment sitting idle in these driver’s taxis, equipment that could be given to a driver to help in retaining your accounts for the future.

Credit cards
We have put numerous articles in the magazine explaining how to complete a Credit Card ride correctly. You must issue a receipt to the client and gain a signature on the copy that you keep. You must not key in the card number!
   Your terminal informs the Clearing Agency and us whether a card has been SWIPED or KEYED into the computer. If the card number is keyed in, then it informs the Agency that the card may not have been present, therefore it could be a fraudulent transaction. Banks and cardholders can then deny a transaction took place and refuse payment. Always carry a Credit Card receipt pad (available in the drivers reception) in your taxi, if a card will not swipe put the card under 2 or 3 copies in the receipt pad and rub the blunt end of a pen or pencil over then face of the card through the paper therefore gaining a perfect print of the card details. This method can also be used if your printer will not produce a receipt. You must then get the cardholder to sign one of these receipts in pen after you have entered the meter fare and handling charge. There have been quite a few drivers who have failed to complete this method correctly and have had money stopped or claimed back by the bank.

We have some drivers who do not like conforming to the rules regarding logos. Some of them have now had small Dial-a-Cab logos made which they have affixed to both front doors. DaC do not approve these logos. Therefore, if any driver is seen with these logos and they are claiming the lower rate, their subscriptions will be raised to £170. As they are not conforming to the rules for the reduced rate, they will also have the logo attribute removed and will not be offered certain types of work through the data system.
   In addition, as the PCO have not approved them, so the driver could also get a stop notice from the Carriage Office, which could prove to be a costly problem in the long run.

Meter fares
You should all know by now that the data computer system can read the meter in your taxi, therefore if any changes are made to the meter fare, it is produced on a report daily and sent to my office. There are times when a driver is allowed to alter the fare shown on the meter.  You are allowed to add the pre-booked theatre charge or a pre-booked station pickup. These journeys will have a pre-booked time shown in the job details.  Football grounds do not carry the surcharge. Neither are you allowed to add money on at the end of a journey if your run in was lower than the maximum allowed.
   If a client or passenger tells you to add any money on at the end of a journey as an extra tip, you must go to the voice channel to find out if this person has the authority to do that. If this is an employee, then they are giving away their employer’s money. This could also end up with a complaint for you from the client due to overcharging.
   Any car parking, food or shopping layouts should be put in the expenses and the appropriate code entered.

Phoning or messaging the Call Centre
No driver should phone the Call

  Centre if he can get through on the voice channel, this practice stops a despatcher doing his work in the correct manner. Drivers have been phoning the Call Centre to jump the voice channel queue; this causes the drivers waiting on voice to wait even longer. You should only phone the Call Centre if your voice channel is inoperable
or you are out of range. You are also allowed to phone the Call Centre if you are inside an
airport terminal, as you have to phone in every 15 minutes.   A recent phenomenon involves drivers sending childish messages to the despatcher; please do not do this as it causes time to be lost and airways to be blocked.
   There is a procedural rule that will be enforced which refers to disrupting the smooth running of the Call Centre. This rule, if accompanied with any other procedural rule broken, could end up with the driver getting a suspension.

Theatre Tickets
We have been lucky recently in acquiring many tickets for different London shows. These tickets are given to our drivers in the hope that they will inform their passengers about the shows, therefore getting more bums on seats and more people travelling in taxis to the venues.
   But as usual, many drivers take advantage of the generous offers but do not complete the deal; this being the case the theatres and agencies may see no advantage in this avenue and close it. Lets keep our part of the bargain and hopefully it is another way in which the driver saves money because these free tickets are worth up to £40 each. I have made some good contacts, don’t let us lose them.
   Some of the shows we have had tickets for in the past 2 months are, The Genius of Ray Charles, Circus Oz, What the Butler Saw, Telstar, On the Ceiling and a few others.

Motor cab licence
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have asked in the past and it sometimes falls on deaf ears; when you receive your new motor cab licence following the overhaul, please make a copy to give us or you can bring the original one into the Drivers Services office and they will make a copy for you, it takes just a few minutes. As I have said before, this is our proof to the Registrar of Friendly Societies that you are allowed to retain your share in ODRTS. If we do not have this proof, there are some people out there who are ready to point it out to the authorities…

There are many drivers who come into the office and ask for my help in fighting fixed penalty notices, complaints from the PCO, driving offences and motor accident claims. I will help in the best way I can or put them on to someone with far more experience. I can say that we have had some minor successes, which help the driver to keep a clean record.

New Meters
If you have a new meter fitted at your taxi overhaul or any other time and it is a different model or make to your previous one, you must go to our Roman Way fitting department to have a new computer connection fitted. I also now believe that there is a meter that does not need to have a PCO lead seal put on it; it is sealed and shows that electronically. This could end a lot of driver problems.

So as I was saying…
After reading this article, you will understand what I mean about being the most hated person. It’s the same way most people view a policeman, he is disliked because he has to enforce the law. Hopefully you are happy when I do my work correctly in putting right those taking advantage of our Society. Nobody likes getting caught doing something wrong, they are embarrassed and that is when they try to besmirch the person’s name who is trying to right that wrongdoing.

Have a pleasant month and drive carefully, remember you have a family waiting for you to get home safely...

Tom Whitbread
DaC Complaints officer

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