Jonathen Winterburn was appointed Dial-a-Cab’s Network Administrator – giving him responsibility for our website among other things - around four months ago. So Call Sign took the opportunity to ask him how DaC compared to other companies that use developed technology…
When I came for the interview for the role of Network Administrator at Dial-a-Cab, I thought I’d be applying for a job within a company that would be one of two things; either an enormous, faceless corporation where one sinks into oblivion or a tiny two-man operation with no future. The reason for this preconception is due simply to the fact that in this day and age, the majority of IT professionals find themselves stuck in one of the two scenarios with no way out, continually jumping from one to the other. The old saying is true: "Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom."  My preconceptions quickly dissipated during the interview and I felt that if I was offered the job, I might well have finally found the ‘right job’ that everyone is seeking. Imagine my surprise when I was called on my mobile phone before I was even half way home to say I’d been offered the job!
   Prior to joining Dial-a-Cab, I have worked as an IT professional for the past seven years and during that time, have been employed by a major IT corporation as well as a medium-sized IT college. In both situations, my skills were largely unnoticed; consequently I was underused to the detriment of my respective employers and to my own frustration. My experience of the IT world during this time had jaded, as had my attitude towards the ‘wonderful IT opportunities’ that those dodgy sales adverts try to make us believe are readily available to us should we buy their dated training courses.
   Joining Dial-a-Cab was by far the best career choice I have made. This company is neither an enormous, faceless, uncaring corporation, nor is it a two-man show. It has proved itself to be a strong, sharp contender in the business market and a reputable employer. How many companies do you know of where the

Life@Dial-a-Cab: A Techie’s Opinion

Jonathen Winterburn

average length of employee
service is fifteen years? In this
age, it’s practically unheard of!  The reason why DaC has such a good retention record is because,
in my opinion, it is run by real people – not distant suits who have never done a days real work in their lives, but ordinary, hard-working people who understand and value the importance of looking after one of the businesses most valuable assets - employees.

Seeking Awards to Look Good?
Both of my previous IT employers constantly sought all manner of awards to prove that they were so good at what they did and that they treated their employees well, yet they never did anything to deserve it; you could speak to any of the employees (worker and manager alike) to ascertain that fact. With average staff turnovers of 60% per annum, they had to seek these awards to make themselves look great. This is not unusual, nor is it restricted to the IT industry. We live in a country that is largely incompetent – people don’t give a damn anymore and the "I’m alright Jack" attitude has become a national epidemic.
   Dial-a-Cab is different. I’m not saying this just because I work here, or because it’s politically correct or for any other reason – people who know me know I speak my mind and don’t hold back. If I have a gripe with my employer, I make it very clear how I feel, come what may. My Grandfather’s generation fought for me to have the right to speak my mind and I actively use that right.
   DaC treat me like an individual; like a human. My skills are not just encouraged – they are pushed further and higher, keeping me challenged and interested. I am continually gaining further qualifications and skills –

provided by Dial-a-Cab and
actively encouraged and supported by my superiors. Hard work is rewarded and appreciated. All that most of us want is to be thanked every now and then, especially when we do our best for our employer – and  Dial-a-Cab appreciates its staff.  My manager supports me and I know I can rely on him for backup as well as guidance.  There is a clear chain of command, with each level of the ladder supporting that beneath it.  This kind of pyramidal design makes the company an indestructible force and a serious threat to its competitors. This is why Dial-a-Cab has lasted for 50 years and will easily last another 50 years, whereas so many companies nowadays come and go.

Dial-a-Cab Among the Elite…
As a father, I understand the importance of validating my son.  All children need support and
guidance. My son, like all children, needs to know when he has excelled himself and when he
has let himself down and he needs to know the difference between the two. He needs to be congratulated when he has done well and supported and guided when he hasn’t. So it must be with the employer. In order to maintain a useful workforce, he must congratulate and encourage the good work and provide support and guidance through the mistakes. There is an art to maintaining this fine balance and few employers manage to reach this equilibrium, let alone maintain it for so long. It is my opinion that DaC are among these elite, and this is due to the foresight, open-mindedness and strong leadership of the Chairman and his management team.
   In conclusion, I would recommend Dial-a-Cab as a good employer – whether you are a Taxi Driver, Manager, IT Professional, Administrator or Customer Support Representative. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t see work here through rose-tinted glasses and I am fully aware that all jobs have their high and low times; I have experienced both, as has everyone. However, one could do a lot worse, while finding better would be quite a challenge.

Jonathen Winterburn
DaC Network Administrator

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