from the editor's desk

Hope for Diabetic Drivers
Something happened in late 2000 that bought much satisfaction to DaC driver Gerry Murray (V81) and also to Call Sign Magazine. Gerry's life totally turned around from the depths he seemed to be looking at, to once more aiming skywards and in doing so has given hope to other licensed taxi drivers in a similar situation.
To start at the beginning, in mid September Gerry and his brother-in-law were having a late break in Majorca. When they came back, Gerry's wife Judith commented on the fact that Gerry seemed to have lost weight and asked whether the food had been ok. Gerry couldn't understand because he had been eating normally.
   In addition, before they had left London, Gerry had seen his doctor following an attack of thrush - something that can be attributed to a sexually transmittable disease, however in Gerry's case, that definitely wasn't the reason because thrush is also fairly common in diabetics and Gerry was to soon find out that he had developed 'type 1' diabetes.
   A week or so later, Gerry was working in his taxi when he felt an incredible thirst come over him. "I remember it well," Gerry told Call Sign, "I just couldn't believe it. I actually spent £8 in one evening on drinks - everything from two litre bottles of water to similarly sized bottles of coke. I was also starting to eat lots of ice cream and that was strange because I don't even like it!" He then went to have some tests done.
   On a Tuesday in early October, a nurse phoned Gerry's home and Judith answered; Gerry was working. It was urgent that the nurse contacted Gerry as his results had come through and his glucose level was dangerously high. Gerry returned home and went straight to the consultant who told him that he would try him for a very short period on tablets as, if the diabetes could be controlled that way, then he would be classified as 'type 2'. If he had 'type 1' which has to be controlled by Insulin, then he would probably have his licence revoked by the PCO. After just a few days, it became obvious that Gerry's diabetic condition needed insulin injections to keep it in check and Gerry Murray's cab 

Alan Fisher, Editor

driving career appeared to be at an end.
   He phoned me at Call Sign the next day in a rather distressed state and told me the story just as I've related it to you. He remembered the series of stories we ran last year and how several drivers had regained their licenses and wanted to know whether e had a chance.
   Unfortunately, the answer was that he could do nothing about it at that time other than to hand his Bill and badge in to the PCO. I gave him the phone number of one of the guys who'd had his licence returned last year and I also told him that I was about to run the amazing story of how Tony Sam-Yorke (W95) appeared to have been cured by a Chinese herbalist doctor (see December issue). I also told him that I hoped to have a definitive response re taxi drivers with 'Type 1' diabetes from Mr Kennedy at the PCO (see January issue). He has responsibility for issuing licenses and I told Gerry that we might at least know from the article whether he had any chance of getting it back.
   Meanwhile Gerry went onto insulin and other than a first occasion when a nurse showed him how to inject himself, he has had no problems at all - other than suddenly finding himself without any income.
   Within one week of Sandy Kennedy writing the article, Gerry had a phone call from the PCO: He could come and pick his licence up! He phoned me to give me the news and I have to say that it was hard to stop my eyes filling up! I don't know whether the article helped or not, but what I do know is that diabetics with 'type 1' diabetes are now being given a fair crack of the whip by the PCO. Ok, so Gerry needs a yearly medical, but even he accepts that as being fair and who would argue against it.
   'Type 1'Diabetics will need to be able to prove by a consultant's examination and then a PCO say so that they are medically sound 


to drive a cab. But whatever the whys and wherefores, it was a great way to end the old year...

Cabcharge Takeovers?
I see that Reg Kermode, the Australian Chairman and founder of Cabcharge has published a financial statement which claims that his company expects more than 50 per cent of its revenue to come from overseas within five years - 'overseas' being as in outside Australia. He told shareholders that the UK was "a priority market."
   As you no doubt know, Cabcharge (Australia), along with its Singaporean partner Del Gro, owns an 80 per cent interest in ComCab in addition to DataCab. Mr Kermode said that the UK plan was to separate Cabcharge's financial service side and its call centre operation.
   Then in a rather surprising and intriguing quote, he said that the move would allow the group to move into bigger radio circuits in London and then on to the rest of the UK and Europe.
   That last sentence seems to suggest that Cabcharge are looking to possibly takeover either Mountview or us - or at least our charge card services! On behalf of DaC drivers, I asked Brian Rice whether it was likely to be us? He gave me a two-word answer, the second of which was "off!"
   Reg Kermode is someone that I have a great deal of respect for. He is also on the Call Sign mailing list and will be reading this in several days time. I invite him to write an article for Call Sign readers explaining exactly what he means and how he thinks it would benefit our Society.

London Taxi Board
At the time of writing (January 22nd), I have no way of knowing whether the T&G's withdrawal from the LTB is permanent of if it indeed means that the demise of the LTB is now imminent. If it does end, I shall look forward to seeing how long the trade "unity" that we constantly hear about, actually lasts. My heart hopes that it does - my head tells me otherwise. After all, it was only their antagonism towards the LTB that they seemed to have in common anyway...

Alan Fisher

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