Mailshot continued

members of the Board of management do not want to abide by this decision and wish to pursue the argument. If they don’t want to abide by the wishes of the membership then they are free to give up their positions and leave. The pursuit of this ambition has cost the members of this society probably close to £100000 over the last few years and it is time for the Board to take note of this and not waste any more of the members money. How many times do they have to be told no…!
Ron Elmes (W44)

Are you saying that I should allow drivers to say whatever they wish but that the BOM cannot? My policy is as it has always been. Drivers - provided they act responsibly - have the freedom of this page to express their views. Board members have the freedom to express their views on their own page (with the very occasional exception such as Aubrey Siteman’s reply to Steve Shaller where I decided to include it with Mailshot letters). Those views can be Board policy or personal views. After all, Keith Cain is not the DAC Golf rep, does that mean he mustn’t talk about golf? The only proviso I carry re BOM reports is that they do not speak out against any policy that has been passed within the boardroom. The BOM must be seen to act with collective responsibility ie if a decision is voted on and passed, then individual Board members should not criticise that decision. Likewise, if a decision is voted against, no BM should use his platform to accuse the rest of the BOM of acting incorrectly. Should they disagree with any policy vehemently, then as Ron Elmes points out, they have the option of resignation. This magazine is widely read and I have to maintain the balancing act of allowing freedom of expression together with responsibility. I tend to agree that the PLC debate is dead and have mentioned to Board members that I would rather old ground was not retrod. Incidentally, I note with some irony that the latest issue of Mountview news tells subscribers that their BOM intend looking into the possibility of PLC status…Ed

   The present situation whereby the Limehouse Link is closed just as the American markets shut down (21.00 Hrs ) for cleaning one weekday night virtually every week is ridiculous.
   This link cost, so we are told, £300,000,000 a mile to construct out of tax payers money. The traffic build up in the area when the link is closed means that the service to Canary Wharf is very poor and obviously adds to the cost.

I am sorry Aubrey did not like the contents and style of my letter in the April edition of Call Sign. Not everyone enjoys reading Shakespeare and. needless to say. he is a far better wordsmith and wit then I will ever be. "To be, or not to be a plc, that is the question!". "Alas! Poor ODRTS, I knew it well!"
   I get the impression that Aubrey over-reacted to the references I had made to the two historical events. I am grateful he didn't seize the opportunity and suggest I was trying to make a comparison between Joe Stalin and our Chairman Brian. Now that would have been ridiculous seeing as Brian hasn't got a moustache!
   Despite his advantageous view, it is still confusing however, when so many members obviously arrive at different conclusions as to the numbers on each side of the vote.
   May I suggest that if the BoM sincerely want an accurate and democratic vote from the membership on any issue paramount to the Society's well-being, then surely they should institute a postal ballot and ideally one conducted by the Electoral Reform Society. That way, where BMs are seated and what views they command and their assessment of how the membership voted, becomes irrelevant.
Steve Shaller (R75)

Would it be possible for the screen to show the map book references when the job is first offered, rather than as at present, after accepting it? This would then give a driver the chance to have a look in the book if they do not recognise the pick up location and then decide if they want to do the job, rather than what I suspect happens quite often at the moment, that is that they just reject it straight away.
   Both we the drivers and account clients are tax payers and I feel that something should be done to improve the situation. Could Brian (Rice) through his position on JRTA speak to firstly, the other JTRA members and then to the account clients to see if they can either get the start of this work put back to midnight when there is considerably less traffic on the road, or perhaps to the weekends.
Eddie Lambert (V27)

I have spoken to Roy Masterson in the Call Centre about your first point and he is going to look at it. Re your point on the Limehouse Link, the Chairman is going to bring the matter up with JRTA as you have requested. However, my view is that, so far as customers are concerned, it would be far better for

the drivers actually stuck in the hold-ups to explain to their passengers at the time that they are wasting theirs or their company’s time and money and that it might be prudent for them to write to the relevant authorities concerning the cleaning times.

Your comments in the April Call Sign seem to be attacking the T&G for being small in numbers and therefore not worthy of being listened to? Also, I note that you do not retract your sentiments that they should not leaflet our meetings. I agree with the driver in your discussion and Mr McCarthy of the T&G. The right to leaflet and picket is a fundamental civil right that was hard fought for and not given without sacrifice on the part of the campaigners. Surely you do not think that over 1000 taxi drivers would be intimidated by a handful of leafletters from the T&G? The fact that they are small in numbers does not mean that what they are saying is wrong. It is the arguments that they put forward that are important. I noticed that you do not deal with those arguments.
   The T&G is well-used to outsiders trying to influence their elections and affairs. I refer you to the many instances of interference in Union matters by the gutter press. To get back to the point, could you please tell me what you think should have happened at the EGM re the leafletters? Would you like to see a law in place to make what they are doing illegal? Would you please be specific and stop talking about grey areas. I await your reply with interest.
Stephen Martin (Y85)

Await no longer, Mr Martin. My views have not changed and that is the crux of the matter. Those who constantly attack me in The Badge and CTN do not like opinions that vary from their own. However, I maintain the freedom to have my own views. If they differ from yours and theirs, then isn’t that MY fundamental right? I don’t like outsiders unconnected with DAC trying to sway my view re DAC business. I would have no objection to you as a DAC and T&G member issuing leaflets, however, it would be pointless as you have the opportunity of addressing the meeting personally anyway. Incidentally, may I ask who it is that decides which of the press come from the gutter? Would I be right in saying that they would be those who have differing views to your own?…Ed

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