sales report

   The Westminster Special needs account is now five months into its four year contract and already drivers are speaking out about their concerns. Service! There are many who feel that the service we are providing could be substantially improved if our method of despatch were altered. There are feelings that a minority of drivers are making the more lucrative journeys their own by booking into an area for a considerable amount of time before the journeys are required. In doing this, it leaves the less value trips and other account holders to be serviced by the rest of the fleet.
   If this is not bad enough, Westminster have expressed their disappointment to the drivers who are travelling at speeds to reach a school before it opens. This means that the waiting time kicks in and meter fares apply, but more importantly, the discomfort and distress being caused to the passengers. These actions not only leave a bad taste with other drivers but also Council staff. The direct impact of continuously changing the fixed price to a meter reading is increasing costs to the Council.

   To alter the methods of despatching is a simple one to resolve and actions are in place to do just that. The biggest problem we face is to find ways to ensure the budgets that have been set by Westminster City Council for their Special Needs Service are controlled. We have been fortunate in so far as

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Westminster have asked us to re-evaluate all the journeys to see if we can operate a service that is not only cost effective to them, but at prices acceptable to the driver.
   In carrying out the exercise we feel that the way forward is to set time limits on the journeys. The data we have acquired over the last five months has enabled us to set these times in excess of the actual time journeys have been taking. There are routes which have seen drivers constantly having to wait either in the morning or afternoon through no fault of their own. Prices for these rides have been increased to compensate for this. No set hourly rate has be used. We have looked at individual trips and negotiated each one with Westminster in an effort to agree the best price possible.
   In the extreme event a journey exceeds the allocated time, then a 10p a minute waiting time penalty will be added to the fixed price. This will then generate a revised fixed price. Journeys will not revert to a meter reading. Before any journey is permitted to be altered from the fixed price, Westminster will need to give their authorisation first. If this is not obtained then no additional payment will be made. It is therefore a must that drivers continue to carry out a Code 11 when waiting more than five minutes at any pick up or drop off. When doing a Code 11, please ensure to enter in the optional data

field. (1) Postal Zone. (2) Number of Minutes kept waiting and put a space between the two. It is very important that as much information is given about the trip whilst on route and it is necessary to have alterations made before clearing the trip.

   It is the drivers responsibility to ensure problems with any trip are bought to the Control Room’s attention as soon as possible. Remember, no journey will be altered for any reason after the event. It is also worth mentioning that Westminster have a remote call taker terminal in their offices which is used to monitor our service.
   We are at present the preferred supplier to Westminster for three of their taxi accounts. In total they are without doubt, the largest user of a Licensed Taxi Service in London. Please work with us to supply them with the service they have come to expect. The concerns of many of our drivers expresses the importance that we, as a Society, place on their custom.
   Let’s keep it that way and hopefully as each department comes up for tender it will be difficult for them to change supplier.

Keith Cain

Dial a Dome Musings on the Millenium

The thoughts of Stephen Berndes (R14)

I have thought of an idea that could even out-market Marketeer, our PR company. Nearing Friday December 31st 1999, the Millennium exhibition - albeit incredulously named The New Millennium Experience - will soon be upon us. The Dome, although ridiculed at present, I suspect will turn out to be a huge success story. After all, can the Government afford to fritter away £750 million? Dial a Cab could use this chance in 2000 to it’s advantage.
   It is estimated that 100,000 visitors a day will trek around the Greenwich site, but an intractable problem still exists. How to get all these people to the exhibition.
   Using the Thames / underground will be unworkable just as allowing tens of thousands of private cars into a confined space will be equally so.
   So what about Dial a cab members offering a free service, ferrying ordinary people whose perception of the cab trade might be of an expensive luxury? A mad idea? No, I don’t think so.

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   We would need the agreement of all subscribers but the kudos gained, naturally, would be overwhelming. It is inevitable that some organisation will offer this public relations gift; WHY NOT DIAL A CAB?
   The Minister without Portfolio, Mr Peter Mandelson, would no doubt jump at this opportunity selling DAC as taxi drivers who derive their sole income from London and who want to show their appreciation to the peoples of London, Britain and indeed the world as it will certainly become a global attraction. A few hours working for nothing will result in money in the bank.

I would be interested in any feedback….

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