July 2014
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Why were Peter Bond and Brian Rice smiling at the June 11 demo?
Could this be the answer!
Call Sign July 2014
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
By popular request I’m reproducing the famous DaC zone map first copied into Nash’s Numbers
December 2003. Also included are some outer London Post Codes. If you’re offered a job to eg SL7, it
will be going to Marlow.
Check out www.myfav.co.uk and click the “Left screen selector” link “Taxi<--------”. By the time you
read this the new Eurostar timetable should be online. Watch out for new facilities coming soon; 1)
get commission on some purchases through MyFav and 2) have you own web page on the MyFav
platform free of any charges.
Call Sign July 2014
Page 3
from the editor’s desk
Is Camden Council mad?
As you’d expect, when Call Sign closes for its one
Inside this issue of Call Sign, we have confirmed
month hiatus, the world virtually collapses around
that Camden Council’s “experiment” of shutting
us with shocks and demos and certainly no short-
Warren Street to stop taxi drivers avoiding the con-
age of material to write about! Of course, by the
gestion of Euston/Marylebone Roads and to pre-
time we return I can hardly print lots of news that
serve the safety of pedestrians using the rat run,
you’ve already read while Linda and I were sun-
has now been made permanent. We had discov-
ning ourselves in sunny Suffolk! But Hailo using
ered that when the scheme was originally mooted
private hire - well I could hardly ignore that!
some 18 months ago, only 15 residents were in
It all blew up following an LCDC tweet where
favour, while others - residents and commercial
those receiving it were advised to delete the Hailo
enterprises alike - saw inconvenience to accessing
App because it claimed that Russell Hall had
their properties, a drop in passing trade to shops
applied for a PH licence. The tweet was passed
and the difficulty of services such as waste dispos-
over to me so many times from drivers who knew
al and recycling agencies being able to service the
I didn’t do Twitter, that I was almost tempted to
affected roads. When a public consultation was
briefly switch my phone off. But I didn’t.
launched, just 84 responses were received. But
Soon after, we heard that someone had broken
Camden closed it anyway.
a window at Hailo’s Southwark office and scrawled
But compared to their latest brainwave, Warren
the word ‘Judas’ in paint. Anger against Russell
Street’s closure is a total nothing - they now want
Hall was almost at fever pitch and something had
to shut Tottenham Court Road to all traffic except
to be done, so Hailo Chairman Ron Zeghibe sent
buses until 7pm and make Gower Street two-way!
I’ve no doubt that Russell Hall would have been
out his open letter to the trade telling anyone pre-
That could also pose problems when southbound
100% against the current suggestion but had to do
pared to listen that drivers were losing their liveli-
whatever he was told. I have been told by someone
traffic reaches Princes Circus at the junction of
hoods because passengers were moving to apps
Shaftesbury Avenue and High Holborn because
who knows him well that he has earned over £1mil-
that didn’t offer both taxis AND cars as an option.
lion so far and for a taxi driver that represents huge
that could become pedestrianised with some pret-
He wrote of taking unpopular decisions.
bucks. His only alternative was to resign as a matter
ty flowers put in!
My first thought was why drivers were sur-
of principle and lose far more than any driver who
Astonishingly, Camden Council uses the reason
prised. I published a piece in the May Call Sign
just deleted the app would. It will also be interesting
that Tottenham Court Road currently suffers with
that said Hailo in New York was about to use
to see how many taxi drivers take up the Hailo offer
narrow pavements, a lack of public spaces and
cars as well as cabs. I had also heard that
to drive an executive car. Radio Taxis tried it but the
poor air quality. Well the ‘narrow’ pavements look
Chicago was doing the same and confirmed it
money wasn’t good enough. That will also be the
quite wide to me. Lack of public spaces - it’s a
to all the drivers that phoned me to ask if I’d
case here.
shopping area, not a park! As for air quality, what
made a mistake! It was no real shock to me any-
There is apparently another app in development
the hell does Camden think closing TCR is going to
way because I knew it would happen as soon as
said to be about to compete against Hailo, but
do to the area? We’ll all need smog masks!
Hailo London announced they were going to
where all profits are reinvested into the app and
According to the Mayor of London’s office, over
chase corporate work and in reality become a
perhaps Russell could have been invited to help
25,000 people have died because of air pollution
radio circuit.
with that. The question is how much is principle
in London since he came into office six years ago.
They would then discover that very few corpo-
worth and how many drivers out of the 26,000 of
So how will forcing even more traffic into Gower
rates want just taxis and that even though some
us would put that principle against another million
Street and the surrounding areas help? The head-
drivers (including me) didn’t like Concierge when
smackers, knowing the money meant you wouldn’t
ing sounds about right. Is Camden Council mad?
it was first invented by Dial-a-Cab’s IT department
have to work in your taxi again? I can’t honestly say
There is a public consultation taking place and if
some ten years ago, I could see then that it was the
I’d have done any differently, although I like to
you care about the future, then take part.
only way to get large accounts - and we did! The
think I would.
Go to www.camden.gov.uk/westendproject
only reason we are now finding it difficult to keep
But my views on Hailo have never changed - dri-
and let them know what you think, but the con-
them all is because ten years on, the rest of the
vers were queuing up to join a business that forced
sultation closes on July 18...
market has finally caught up and many now have
them to work cheap, taking money off them and giv-
their own versions of Concierge.
ing it to an ex-minicab proprietor and his two entre-
Call Sign apology
I think most of us realise that PH aren’t going
preneurial friends. I’ve had lots of letters over the
In the last issue of Call Sign we published details
away and rather ironically, at the time of the LCDC
past two years saying that drivers pay subs to DaC so
of a weekend event at Upminster (We are FSTVL).
tweet, their newspaper, The Badge, published an
what’s the difference if they pay their 10 percent to
It sounded like there would be much work there
appeal from Steve Wright, Chairman of the
Ron Zeghibe and co? Well, the main difference is
and when TfL passed over details saying taxis
Licensed Private Hire Car Association in which
that all the subs money goes back to Dial-a-Cab and
would be needed, we were happy to pass them
he issued a warning about the dangers of Uber. In
is then re-used on technology or new terminals or
over to DaC drivers even though the event was out-
fact, had there been a June issue I probably would
anything connected to a Society that we all own.
side of the usual area. I spent several hours at
have published his letter too.
Hailo’s money - using you as cheap labour - goes to
Costa Coffee in Upminster and was delighted to
So no, the news doesn’t really surprise me
the three businessmen.
see Dial-a-Cab taxis among the Yellow Badges.
because without corporate work Ron Zeghibe and
Now they want to earn even more and using cars
One told me he was doing well just going from the
Caspar Woolley won’t make enough money to
will undoubtedly get them extra work and profit,
station to the airfield where the festival took place.
make their system pay. Russell’s backing down on
but drivers will have to give away even more because
Then late in the evening, there was a taxi rank at
his original ‘never using minicabs’ did upset me,
prices have to compete against their PH “partners.”
the event with passengers going all over the show.
but I don’t think for a second the decision was his,
Their Hailo for Business brochure offers fixed
However, the following day, several DaC drivers
although he was the one taking all the flack - no
prices to airports so when they offer £45 or so
phoned to ask if I knew that there was also a mini-
doubt something his paycheck includes!
from Cabot Square to Heathrow, will there be lots
So let’s get a few things straight. I don’t and
of taxi drivers profiting? Will pigs fly? Will Jay
cab rank there for the going home rush. As that is
illegal, I never considered the possibility of TfL
never have believed that Russell Hall, Gary
Bregman leave?
Jackson and Terry Runham were anything other
So because principles have now gone out of the
allowing a minicab rank. But the licensing author-
than three taxi drivers whose names were used to
window, if Hailo gets through this and keeps
ity used the excuse that there must be a phone
forward Hailo to the world. After all, one of the
enough taxi drivers to continue as a dual system,
somewhere at the airfield and as such they would
three entrepreneurs behind Hailo - Jay Bregman -
here is another Call Sign forecast: Within
provide a temporary licence using a tent as the
ran an online minicab business before moving over
months, Hailo will attempt to force pressure on the
operating hub! I don’t blame Addison Lee for tak-
to taxis and this magazine has mentioned that fact
Mayor’s office asking that minicabs are allowed to
ing advantage, but I do blame TfL for misleading
several times, so why the shock? I’ve also said that
use bus lanes - always assuming the Addison Lee’s
me and I will look very carefully at future events
Messrs Zeghibe, Woolley and Bregman had one aim
appeal fails. But of course, whatever we think of AL,
passed over to me by TfL...
and that was to make money - after all, that’s what
they are at least legitimate opposition. I always
they do. In reality we’re all out there trying to earn
assumed that even if disagreeing with their meth-
Alan Fisher
money while the rumour mill suggests that
ods, that at least Hailo was one of us. Yep, I admit I
Bregman could be on his way to greener pastures.
was wrong!
Call Sign July 2014
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
It seems as though no sooner the
allowed to operate until a verdict was
reached by a High Court judge.
Editor misses an issue of Call Sign,
What did TfL do? They granted the licence
than a whole host of news stories
and when there was uproar from not just the
break involving the Taxi industry.
Taxi trade but also the Private Hire industry,
Initially, we had the story regarding Hailo
they decided to pass the buck to a High
where they announced they were also going
Court judge, the difference being that Uber
into the market to supply cars. This led to a
can still operate until the judge reaches a
howl of protest from within the taxi industry
decision, which will probably not be until
because many felt they had been misled by
the end of the year. Even if the judge finds in
the three taxi drivers who would have any-
our favour, which I am not convinced that he
one prepared to listen, believe they were the
will, Uber can then appeal and the process
founders of Hailo. Hailo’s premises were
will drag on and on and in the meantime
attacked and vandalised and graffiti was
Uber will still be operating.
scrawled onto the building. Whilst I can
In my view, TfL were not brave enough
understand the feelings of some, I don’t
to make the correct decision of not grant-
believe we can possibly condone that type of
ing a licence. I would like to think that it
to onlookers that TfL were an easy touch and
had nothing to do with the fact that Uber
would allow almost anything illegal regard-
As soon as Hailo announced they were
is backed by Google and Goldman Sachs.
ing ground transport in London to prosper.
going to offer Hailo Business in an attempt
The taxi trade quite rightly organised a
Consequently, an American company
to win business from the three radio circuits,
demonstration against TfL, stating that the
called Uber that had started out in San
I just knew they would have to change their
licensing authority were not fit for purpose
Francisco, sought an Operator’s licence in
philosophy. They have now said they are
and that TfL were not carrying out their
London. I remember reading at the time that
going to supply the corporate customer with
obligations correctly. However, TfL and Uber
Uber claimed TfL were the easiest and most
both cars and taxis. So if the corporate is
somehow changed the theme of the demon-
co-operative authority in the world to deal
already using taxis - which I assume they are
stration from being against TfL to being
- then Hailo will only be taking that work
against Uber, which was not correct
What Uber were endeavouring to do was
from the three existing radio circuits and
although quite clever. The Taxi trade was
have a trip ordered by a member of the pub-
completing that work a lot cheaper than the
portrayed as resisting progress and every
lic via their App appear on a Private Hire dri-
client is currently paying due to no run-ins
interview I saw or heard began by why they
ver’s phone without a record of the trip
and free waiting time etc with all of that com-
were resisting Uber. The demonstration was
being kept by the Private Hire operator.
ing at the driver’s expense. They will force
very well attended by the trade, but due to
Neither were they in a position to give an
down the price of a taxi, but of course the
the way the theme of the demonstration was
advanced quote for the trip if required, both
driver will be paying.
manipulated, the publicity Uber received
of which are required by legislation. In addi-
I’m sure you can understand why the
was enormous. Members of the public that
tion, the driver’s smartphone would record
three radio circuits have now banned the
had never heard of Uber suddenly became
the time and distance and produce a journey
use of Hailo; how can any of those circuits
aware of the name and exactly what they did.
cost at the end of the trip, the driver’s
be seen to be operating at Hailo prices? If
So whilst I totally agreed with the demo due
mobile phone then becoming a device for
any of our logo’d taxis are seen to be picking
to the lack of enforcement by TfL, I was
recording time and distance - something
up and operating at Hailo prices, then cus-
somewhat aggrieved at the way in which TfL
that to most people is a meter (although not
tomers will expect exactly the same price (at
and Uber out manoeuvred the Taxi trade.
to TfL). It is illegal to have a meter in a mini-
the drivers expense) when they are picking
Hopefully, we have all learned something
cab. When Uber sought an Operator’s
up on behalf of the radio circuit.
from this.
Licence, they should have been refused by
The three taxi drivers have been accused
TfL due to the above reasons, Uber would
Brian Rice
of being hypocrites; I do not subscribe to
then have had to take TfL to court. However,
that theory and genuinely believe that
in the meantime Uber would not have been
when they first started they had every
granted a licence and would not have been
intention of putting all their trips into
Licensed Taxis. However, as time pro-
gressed the three American owners decid-
ed they were going to allow cars on the
The Flower Mill
App so they could go after corporate busi-
ness and the three taxi drivers were
Creating Beautiful Flowers For Weddings
absolutely powerless to do anything, which
goes some way to show the type of influ-
ence they had over the business - absolute-
ly none. The only sin the three taxi drivers
Tel: 07854 738895
were guilty of was being gullible and naïve.
Web: www.theflowermillessex.co.uk
Demo against TfL
I have been writing for years in Call Sign
about how ineffective TfL are and how they
Email: theflowermill@yahoo.co.uk
are just not enforcing legislation. All you
nightmen know that touting has reached
pandemic proportions at almost every pub-
Covering Essex & The Surrounding Counties
lic venue in London. TfL then allowed a taxi
App to introduce a minimum fare, but to
charge more than the metered fare is, in my
“It is at the edge of a petal that love waits”- William Carlos Williams
view, illegal. Consequently, it could appear
Call Sign July 2014
Page 5
Taxi demo stops London
Charing Cross Road completely blocked southbound by taxis
charge of UK operations. Jo Bertram told
we lose and tails we lose!
he promised taxi demo on 11 June
that organisers had warned was going
anyone prepared to listen that not only did
Leon Daniels, MD at TfL’s Surface
Uber pay “all the taxes they should be paying”
Transport admitted that the taxi trade did not
to block London, did exactly that.
Although good natured in the main,
in the UK - even though the company is reg-
agree with his decision of whether the Uber
its underlying point of accusing Transport
istered in the Netherlands - but that on the
app was a taximeter and called the demo
for London of capitulating to corporate busi-
day of the demo, there was an increase over
pointless, inconveniencing London as well as
ness rather than looking after the world’s
the previous Wednesday of their app being
damaging the economy. He claimed that TfL
finest and most respected taxi service, was
downloaded, of
850%. The Evening
didn’t think the app Uber use was a taximeter
made throughout the day by drivers being
Standard reveled in the unsubstantiated fig-
and that the rules had not kept up with tech-
interviewed on various media outlets and the
ure but missed the story on the same day of
nology. So they referred it to the High Court.
LTDA General Secretary, Steve McNamara,
the two white mice who swam the Atlantic
Dial-a-Cab Chairman Brian Rice, who
possibly becoming one of the most recognis-
and back in a record 47 mins - shaving 850%
went on the demo, has gone on record sever-
able faces on TV having appeared on every-
off the previous record for a white mouse!
al times over the past few months in criticising
thing throughout the week!
TfL is seeking a High Court ruling on
TfL for allowing apps to get away with things
For once, the taxi trade was united in its
whether the use of an app that does the same
taxis would never be allowed to do. He com-
condemnation of TfL and by inference, of
as a meter is legal. However, drivers were
pared TfL to the old PCO whom he said
Mayor Boris Johnson for what Unite called
united in asking why TfL didn’t just say to
would never have allowed apps to get away
a capitulation to Uber, aligning that to its
Uber that they were using a meter and there-
with so much.
multi-billion dollar backing from companies
fore were breaking the rules. If they didn’t
Although no arrests were made in the
including Google and Goldman Sachs.
then agree, then they could go to court and
peaceful demo, Steve McNamara was handed
Although the trade bodies emphasised that
pay the
£100,000 approximate costs!
a Section 14 order under the Public Order Act,
the demo was against TfL, most still linked it
Although the result won’t be available for a
which would have meant him carrying the
with Uber - whose CEO, Travis Kalanick,
few months, if Uber win then the trade suf-
can if trouble occurred. It never did and taxis
was filmed referring to taxi drivers as
fers but if the court decides that it IS a meter,
got their point across.
a***holes. Also in the media spotlight was a
then it seems probably that the cost will be
Just to add fuel to the taxi drivers com-
young lady from Uber who claimed to be in
added to our licence renewals anyway. Heads
plaint, Call Sign was shown an online
instruction from Uber to its’ drivers which
clearly states: “Enter the fare as per the
meter.” Some would say that it’s only TfL
who can’t see what is plainly in front of
London and the
Alan Fisher
Tour de France
Call Sign
The Tour de France hits London on Monday 7 July and all roads involved in the race
July 2014
Editor: Alan Fisher
will be fully closed to ensure the safety of riders and spectators.
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
The large number of road closures will affect the boroughs of Redbridge, Waltham Forest,
Tel: 0207 251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Westminster, Lambeth, Southwark and the City and
Email: callsignmag@aol.com
although most of the streets on and near the race route in London will be open that morning
until 10:00, they will then be closed until at least 18:00. Parking restrictions will also be in place.
Printers: Premier Print Group
Vehicles (including taxis and buses) will not be able to cross the route while the road clo-
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
sures are in place, though local access will be maintained for as long as possible. Access for
Design: Aldan Publications
emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times and pedestrian access to properties will
Tel: 07958 300 428
not be affected.
Email: deborahfresco@gmail.com
Key strategic roads will remain open all day, including the Rotherhithe and Blackwall
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
Tunnels. However, the road closures will result in displaced traffic and make other parts of
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
London busier than usual.
either manually or electronically without the express
permission of the Editor.
Call Sign July 2014
Page 6
Jery’s       World
“I fink we’ve got more chance of winning the World Cup that your lot ‘ave of gettin’ sumfing right!”
For those that may have not received the letter from Chairman Brian Rice regarding third
party apps, Call Sign is reprinting it here...
During the last few years, the Taxi Trade in London has changed dramatically with the introduction of third party
Apps. Throughout this period, Dial-a-Cab has taken the view that the Apps, particularly Hailo, have focused more
on the cash side of the market rather than the corporate side. So the Board of Management took the decision
that Members could have the Hailo App providing they did not display their logo. We also prohibited our
Members from having hardware installed in their taxi from another App supplier.
However, the situation has now changed with the recent announcement by Hailo that they will be entering the business sector in an
attempt to sign corporate clients on an account basis. This will, of course, be in direct competition with Dial-a-Cab and a situation that
the BoM cannot ignore. We couldn’t possibly condone liveried Dial-a-Cab taxis picking up on behalf of Hailo, as this without doubt,
would be prejudicial to the Society. This situation will cause confusion to our clients and also raise the question as to why Dial-a-Cab
cannot operate under the same terms as Hailo, which in our view is detrimental to the driver.
We, the Board, realise that we are unable to dictate that you do not subscribe to a third
party App. But what we can say is that you only use one; you either use the Hailo App or
remain a Member of Dial-a- Cab. But you cannot do both.
Consequently, as from Monday, 9 June 2014, any Member or Journeyman that
endeavours to use or advertise any App other than Dial-a-Cab’s will become the
subject of a complaint.
As I am sure you can appreciate and fully understand, the Board cannot possibly tolerate
All makes and models
this latest situation whereby your account clients are being actively canvassed by a com-
petitor. Therefore it is imperative the above is adhered to so that we may endeavour to
serviced and repaired
stem the damage that has been done to the Radio Taxi circuits by the introduction of
Mobile service - we
third party Apps, which will be exacerbated even further as they attempt to enter the
come to you!
corporate sector.
To conclude, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for your co-
Call Mick Wheeler on
operation in this matter.
020 8715 0079
Brian Rice
Covering London
and the Home Counties
Call Sign July 2014
Page 7
The late Marie White was a former Dial-a-Cab
Board Member and held the distinction of being,
in 1978, London’s very first lady cab driver when
A DaC lady’s view of
breaking into the ‘ranks’ of a previously all-male
profession. She did the Knowledge and went
through the system like everyone else and came
out the other end… with a Green ‘All London’
male taxi drivers!
So you’d be forgiven for thinking that after
flow and grinning broadly!
all this time and with equality of the sexes
“My own experience has been that the general
gaining momentum almost weekly, the sight
public are absolutely fine about having a female
of a licenced female cab driver would be
driver, and in fact many out-of-town visitors are
nothing new.
unaware there are so many of ‘us’ now. When
However, while Call Sign was making a rou-
questioned, I often say ‘we are trying to break the
tine pit-stop at our Roman Way depot, it was
mould, but have got a bit of a way to go yet!”
refreshing to see female DaC driver Jackie Hill
Jackie continued.
(S34) offering a view on what it’s like to be dri-
“But it’s a great job, especially if you are a
ving a cab around the streets of London and the
mum with kids at school. If you live fairly central
reaction she attracts from members of the public
then you can get in a few hours’ work in between
and male cab drivers alike! She explained her
the school day and be back home in time for the
views to Call Sign
children. And, of course, it’s great for financial
“Is it different for us women, or just worse,”
independence too,” she added, almost as an
Jackie mused. “I’m often asked by passengers
what it’s like to be a female London taxi driver. In
“So ladies and gents, if you know of a female
respect of being a driver, I’m sure I can speak for
who is thinking of doing the Knowledge, tell her
us all when I say it is definitely something you get
to get started. It’s great to be your own boss, to
used to, keeping those eyes in the back of your
call your own hours and if you need a bit of space
head wide open at all times and especially keep-
from those indoors, get out on the cab for a
DaC's Jackie Hill is proud of being a
ing a sharp look-out for the boy racers looking to
while until it is safe to return home!
score points! Even now, after more than eight
taxi driver
“So, be lucky all of you, and the next time you
years of driving a cab, I sometimes give a side-
kitchen! It really is comical to see some of you
come face to face with a female driver, just
ways glance at other drivers and frequently catch
male drivers react in this way. As for me, I have
remember, we have had to work just as hard as
the males laughing into their phones or over the
become immune to what other drivers think and
you guys, going out on our bikes in all weathers
steering wheel,” she confided.
just get on with my work. But what makes me
to get our Badges without any special favours,
“Hey fellas, wake up and smell the coffee, this
really laugh is when the PHV drivers start giggling
just the determination to make it!”
is the 21st century! Our bras have been burnt and
With that, Jackie got back into her taxi and
as I pull up alongside them on the road. But it is
we’re also allowed to vote, remember? If they’re
drove off - but not before displaying a glint of
obvious to me - and my passengers too - who has
not laughing, the look on some of those drivers
pride in her eyes that said she was proud of being
done the hard work and doesn’t need to rely on
is clearly telling me to get off home to my pots
a licensed London taxi driver...
that satnav stuck to their windscreen to find
and pans and that a woman’s place is in the
Buckingham Palace!” By now Jackie was in full
Alan Green, Call Sign Online
Call Sign July 2014
Page 8
While we all recognise that
there is a small element of dan-
DaC driver mugged
ger when at work in the taxi,
most of us soon learn to adapt
our work to nullify as much of
outside his house!
that as possible. The opening in
the partition is small and keep-
bag, got out of the cab and walked towards
my front door. I then saw two men come
ing the front doors locked is as
from behind my cab. They had their faces
good a protection as we are
covered but I could see that they were Afro-
likely to get. Incidents of drivers
They grabbed and pushed me to the floor
being robbed are very small
with one of them sitting on me and putting his
compared to private hire.
gloved hands over my nose and mouth. I
However, there comes a time of
found it very difficult to breathe. The other
assailant grabbed the strap of my watch and
the day when you finish your
was pulling my arm so much that I thought my
day’s work and have to get out.
shoulder was going to pop out of its socket.
Brian With (Y84) came up against that
They then grabbed my bag and ran off.
problem. He told Call Sign what happened...
Police were called, but the thieves were
On 21 May at 1am, I arrived home in
long gone. I lost my night’s takings, my
Woodford Green, parked outside my house,
Badge, Bill and iPhone, as well as my
took a few minutes to put my stuff into my
Brian was mugged outside his home
The Police told my wife that Redbridge
John Vigus is DaC’s parking expert and the person that
Council had housed a large number of prob-
lem families in the Broadmead Estate and
fights to appeal our PCNs. He also writes for Call Sign and
they were being called there on an average of
is clarifying the successful victory a driver gained himself...
ten times each night!
The attack on me was obviously planned as
I usually get home around that time. My next
Beating PCNs:
door neighbour’s daughter was woken by the
noise and told Police that she heard a car
door slam and drive off in a hurry. I know I
What to remember...
will not get any of my possessions back but I
want to warn any cab drivers who live in the
The driver was Steve Albasini (V02) and he had written to
vicinity of Broadmead Estate to be very care-
Call Sign for assistance after reading about two incidents
ful when getting home at night.
where DaC drivers had been caught via CCTV after stopping
I am getting a CCTV camera installed out-
on zigzag lines, yet won their appeals.
side my house and have also purchased a
On one appeal, the driver pointed out that he had stopped for
body alarm for £12.50, which I have been
eleven seconds in Waterloo Road to pick up a lady coming out of
told is a good deterrent.
the station with a heavy case. That driver - Editor Alan Fisher -
So to all Dial-a-Cab drivers and any others
pointed out in his appeal that buses were pulling up at the stop
reading this; please be very careful when get-
and often a third bus would have to stop on zigzags so why could-
ting home at night!
n’t he as a licensed taxi driver also do so.
The second driver was Sid Nathan (K88) whose passengers opened the door in traffic outside St
Pauls when the traffic suddenly cleared leaving Sid in full view of the CCTV cameras. DaC’s park-
ing expert at the time, Barrie Segal, gave Sid the advice he needed to appeal and both drivers
won those appeals...
Steve Albasini had been spotted by CCTV on a zigzag in Waterloo Road waiting for the lights to
change when suddenly his passengers opened the cab door and got out. As the whole of the sec-
tion of road is closely watched by cameras, a PCN dropped through Steve’s letter box soon after.
Steve appealed to the council and lost but when taking it to the Adjudicator, he was successful.
After reading articles about all three cases, John Vigus called the magazine to explain a few rele-
vant points that may not be as clear cut as we think. He told us:
“I’d like to clarify one point raised in Alan Fisher’s appeal when he pointed out that buses were
stopping within the zig zag crossing controlled area. The Zebra, Pelican and Puffin Pedestrian
Crossing Regulations 1997 (section 22 1 b) gives an exemption to local buses as follows:
Vehicles must not stop in a controlled area except:-
If the vehicle is a public service vehicle being used;
(i) in the provision of a local service; or
(ii) to carry passengers for hire or reward at separate fares (i.e. each passenger pays his own fare
and boards or alights independently of the others but does not include an excursion or tour) and
the vehicle, having proceeded past the crossing to which the controlled area relates, is waiting in
that area in order to take up or set down passengers.
The exemption also applies to any vehicle if stopped while waiting to turn left or right. So it is no
good moaning that buses 'get away with it' because they have the exemption.”
When I pointed John Vigus’s comments to the Editor, his only comment was that fortunately
Lambeth Council must know even less about their own regulations than he did! But he also asked
where that left cab sharing schemes where each taxi passenger pays separately? He always was a
bit of a pain!
Dennis Latchett
Call Sign Online
Call Sign July 2014
Page 9
Dial-a-Cab driver Alec Wilkey (W83) isn’t
just a nine-year veteran of this circuit, but
also a very respected trainer in the world of
professional boxing. His latest success came
via 20 year old Johnny Coyle (6-0-1) who
took home the Prizefighter Welterweight
trophy along with the
£32,000 winner’s
purse after a sensational night of boxing at a
Another success for DaC trainer Alec Wilkey
sweltering York Hall in London’s Bethnal
Coyle and the 7 other fighters in the
knockout tournament showcased their
skills live on Sky Sports with another of
Eddie Hearn and Matchroom Sport’s
Prizefighter tournaments providing the
first-class entertainment that it has
become renowned for.
The exciting format of the one-night tour-
nament, which consists of
3x3 minute
rounds, has four quarter-final bouts, the win-
ners proceeding to the semi-finals and then
the final if victorious.
Alec Wilkey’s Stanford le-Hope southpaw,
Johnny Coyle, was rated as a 20/1 outsider to
take the championship, but used his boxing
skills to beat experienced Welshman Jason
Cook (30-6-1) on points and then scored a
DaC trainer Alec Wilkey (right) holds up his victorious boxer Johnny Coyle with
narrow victory over Sam Eggington in the
help from Derek Grainger. Promoter Eddie Hearne is on the right
semi-final. This set up a showdown with tour-
nament favourite Paddy Gallagher after he
champion after getting the decision with
in her home country of Greece on the Gods
stopped Marc Douglas in the other semi-
the judges scoring 30-25, 30-26 and 30-26
of War show promoted by Stelios Politis.
final bout.
37 year-old outpointed Slovakian
The raucous York Hall crowd came alive
Alec Wilkey told Call Sign:
Claudia Ferenci 60-53 in her 7th fight as a
time and again throughout the bouts roaring
fought really well and I’m proud of him
professional over the six rounds as she con-
the fighters on and this was the case once
because he went in as the rank outsider
tinued her journey towards a World Title.
again as we reached the final. And it was
and was up against some really tough
The Master, as she is known, fights and
Johnny Coyle who produced the outstanding
opponents. But although the bouts were
trains in London under the tutelage of Alec
final performance by flooring his man twice
close, he came through. And he will keep
Wilkey and sold over 200 tickets to support-
in the first round, both times with right
on improving...”
ers who witnessed a part of Greek boxing his-
hooks. Johnny showed his punch variation
Alec also made some European history
tory at Athens Dais Arena.
and boxing skills as well as the ability to stand
when another of his fighters, Greek Super-
David Wilkey
and trade against his strong punching
Featherweight female boxer Areti
Irishman opponent.
Mastrodouka (7-0) was declared the winner
Call Sign Online
A proud Johnny Coyle was crowned
in the first ever professional bout to be held
Taxis face Tottenham
Court Road ban
Camden Council have unveiled plans to
turn Tottenham Court Road into a
buses only road until 7pm each night and
forcing everyone else - including taxis -
into the new two-way Gower Street.
ercedes-Benz Vans are offering
The Council are looking to complete
a free upgrade for the rear-
their plans to coincide with the arrival
wheel steer system on all the
of Crossrail. The claim is that the
Euro 5 Vito taxis that seem to
new interchange will make Tottenham
have had so many problems.
Court Road station busier than
The company say they have improved both
the near side and off side actuators together
The current TCR northbound
with the electronic control unit responsible
one-way system will become
for their operation. Testing is expected to be
two-way, but cars, lorries and
completed by August and drivers will then be
vans will be banned between
invited to visit their local Mercedes-Benz
8am and 7pm.
commercial vehicle dealer to have the parts
The Labour run council say that TCR suffers from
traffic congestion, narrow pavements, poor air quality and a lack of public spaces,
An MBV spokesperson said that they had
adding that the proposed measures would make it a much safer area. However, those travelling
worked tirelessly to ensure that Vito Taxis
southbound down Gower Street will face a further problem with Princes Circus (junction of
have remained safe and roadworthy.
Shaftesbury Ave and High Holborn) being closed and replaced with a new public open space.
The free upgrade will only be applica-
Completion would be tied in to the Crossrail opening in 2018.
ble to cabs that have been fully main-
A consultation is taking place and if you would like to be part of it, send your views to
tained by an approved MB service deal-
www.camden.gov.uk/westendproject before July 18.
er and which have covered fewer than
See Editorial on page 3...
150,000 miles.
Call Sign July 2014
Page 10
Well I want
Ron Zeghibe, Caspar Woolley and Jay Bregman...
to start by
saying that I
Hailo: Is it all about a
am leaving
return on their investment?
because the
sensus of opinion from the London taxi trade
ty, whilst providing a sound level of service
did not
that TfL have a long term ambition to merge
the public appreciates - and you know who
phone me to
private hire and taxis into one system as is the
that is.
case in most other European capital cities. So
wish me
what would be the need to have a dual system
Congestion Charge
happy birthday - nor did he
It had been a well-kept secret and it doesn't
if a taxi company supplied both? It may not
send me a cake. Only kidding,
have occurred to him either, but we have
really affect us, but from the 1st June the con-
gestion charge went up by £1.50 to £11.50. It’s
everything to lose, PH has everything to gain
but if it’s good enough for
and he is playing straight into TfL`s hands.
been a long time coming, but finally TfL has
Manchester City’s YaYa Toure!
created enough congestion to justify putting
In his statement, Mr Zeghibe goes on to say
up the CC. You only have to look at the delib-
So welcome back to what you
that “...every free thinking driver knows that
erate way the lights phase at Exhibition Road
you've got to be in it to win it. Passengers
can expect from Premiership
and Cromwell Road southbound and at
want a choice and if we don't give them what
footballers, now that Queens
Canon Street Road with The Highway east-
they want, they will take their money to the
bound to see that many delays are unnecessary.
Park Rangers are back in the big
car apps.”
Don't forget that if the congestion charge real-
So far as I know, if the public book a
ly worked without some kind of intervention
taxi then that's what they should get - not
from Victoria Street, there would be no need to
Hailo problems
a PH car. Like I said, it looks like these
put the charge up. It falls in nicely with TfL`s
On a more serious note, by the time you read
people don't care if the London taxi trade
plans to spend £millions on improving junc-
this the police would have left Great Suffolk
lives or dies, just so long as they get a
tions and road layouts to speed up traffic out-
Street, the graffiti will have been cleaned off
return on their investment.
side of the congestion charge zone. Personally,
the wall and everyone at DaC would have
As I write, there has been a huge backlash
on the run up to the opening of Cross Rail, I
taken off their ‘told you so’ T-shirts. Are we
against Hailo with drivers peeling stickers off
can only see the traffic jams getting worse.
all disappointed at Hailo applying for a PH
their taxis, buying themselves out of their liv-
Need I say any more?
operator’s licence? Very much so. Are we sur-
ery contracts and leaving complaints from the
Speaking of The Highway, I was recently
prised? Not at all...
public about an even worst level of coverage.
driving my taxi along there with a tipper
What I find most ridiculous is that in a state-
And then there is Uber - while TfL bury
truck a cigarette paper away from my
ment to Hailo drivers, the app Chairman Ron
their heads in the sands. I picked up a punter
rear bumper! The aggressive way those peo-
Zeghibe said: “Drivers like you are losing
recently who was paying by credit card. He
ple drive reminds me of a film I saw when I
their livelihoods because passengers are mov-
was using DaC for the first time because he
was a kid. Hell Drivers was a 1957 film star-
ing to apps that don't offer taxis as an option.”
was using a non-PIN credit card from the
ring Stanley Baker, Sid James, Sean
Well as far as I know, you don't need a PH
USA. He told me that Hailo don't take USA
Connery and Patrick McGoohan. It was
operator’s licence to supply taxis to PH com-
swipe credit cards and allegedly Visa don't
about tipper truck drivers racing around the
panies, as DaC have been doing this for many
authorise Uber payments by card in the US,
streets and being paid by the trip. It’s a great
years. What he is not telling you is that if a
so he has lost confidence in them. But DaC
film and really worth a re-run. It proves that
punter wants a Hailo taxi and there is not one
does take US swipe cards, so here he was.
very little has changed over the years.
available, Hailo will dispatch that job to a pri-
What's the point of having all the modern
vate hire car, which is something completely
technology if the passenger can’t pay for the
Richard Potter (T51)
different. It may not have occurred to Mr
journey? There is only one London taxi com-
Zeghibe, but there has been a general con-
pany, silently keeping its counsel and digni-
Call Sign Online
Call Sign’s Bob Woodford takes a look at how we are apparently
I am guessing that most of Call Sign's read-
balanced by some good humour -
ership is now embracing the social network
plus some key information for
media phenomenon. I have to admit it took
working cab drivers with regards to
me a long while to start riding this train -
updates on traffic issues, marshalled
but our web designer at www.blackcab-
ranks and notice of planned events.
heritagetours.co.uk recently told me in no
So given all the pros and cons, I
uncertain terms that both the Company
am in favour of it and if you have
and we as individual Guides needed to
not yet taken the plunge then go
have a Twitter presence (Facebook now
for it - I believe that it can only
less so it seems).
enhance your working life In effect
Believe me I'm all for embracing technology - even though my pre-
you are 'managing a community'
ferred subject is history. But even I, as a 59-year old male, was reluctant
and can choose to follow whoever you like - quite handy if you want to
to start with Twitter - until about 3 months ago.
keep up to date with what's going on gossip-wise within the cab trade,
I was told at a recent seminar held at the City Business Library that for
national or local news or even your favourite football team.
business purposes it would be a 'slow burner' - but eventually it would pay
Give it a go if you haven't already - but while you are at it please fol-
off. Indeed it has in some respects. BCHT recently needed 50 black only in
low me @black_cabs or @cabbie_walks.
colour TX cabs for a corporate event on a bank holiday Monday - and my
The picture recently formed part of a Tweet and shows the fleet
regular Tweets leading up to the event (coupled with an Ad in Call Sign
of cabs that gathered for a corporate event in May in Whitehall
courtesy of the Editor) started to gain responses and allowed me to build
Place - thanks to the power of Twitter.
up a new list of 'associates' that could be called on for future events.
Bob Woodford
Oh yes, there is quite a lot of nonsense being mouthed off within the
Call Sign Online
allowed 140 characters per text by certain individuals, but this is equally
Call Sign July 2014
Page 12
Camden Council has made the Warren Street closure permanent,
previously claiming it was being used as a ‘rat run’ by taxi drivers
that could damage the environment as well as pose a danger to
and the kids
pedestrians. So Call Sign asked Camden Council a simple question...
Fancy a
run to
If you read the last issue
of Call Sign, you will
have seen an article from
Camden Council claim-
ing that their experimen-
tal closure of Warren
Street had proved suc-
cessful and was now per-
manent. Bollards placed
across the middle of the
street just to the east of
Fitzroy Street forced traf-
fic down Whitfield Street
Now permanent even though the reasons have been
and back into the one
way system of Grafton
n Thursday 10th
Way and Maple Street.
July 2014, The
So Call Sign decided to ask Camden Council an obvious question: How many pedes-
trians had been injured by traffic in Warren Street for the 12 months prior to Camden
London Taxidrivers’
Council closing it and how many have been injured since the closure? If the figures
Fund for
were that bad then we’d be forced to agree with the closure. Council Traffic Engineer
Underprivileged Children will
Raymond Cheng gave us an answer...
“Regarding the number of pedestrians that have been injured by traffic in Warren
once again be going on their
Street in the 12 months prior to the road closure of Warren Street, according to the col-
legendary outing to
lision records held by the Council (up to December 2013), there were no collisions
Southend-on-Sea, giving 300
resulting in injury to a pedestrian 12 months prior to the closure of Warren Street.
‘special needs’ and underpriv-
There was one minor collision involving a pedestrian with a vehicle which occurred on
3rd October 2013 at Warren Street’s junction with Tottenham Court Road. This was due
ileged children a fun-packed
to a pedestrian crossing Warren Street who was struck by a vehicle travelling the
day out at the seaside.
wrong way along Warren Street. Additional signs showing one-way on Warren Street
They are currently looking for
were placed after the closure was implemented in order to reinforce the message to
drivers. We are now also looking into putting in place no entry signs on Warren Street
volunteers and would welcome
at its junction with Whitfield Street facing east.”
any Dial-a-Cab drivers to join
In other words, the bollards are not assisting safety and actually caused the only accident
after being put up when a driver assumed they meant you had to go back the way you came!
As well as giving a great deal
But the closure is now permanent regardless of what anyone thinks and even though Call
Sign has disproved Camden’s story of that ‘rat run’ compromising safety, in doing so we have
of pleasure to so many children,
also shown that Camden’s overtures of being ‘green’ are little short of ludicrous because they
you will also have a brilliant day
are now forcing all vehicles into the main road traffic jams with its sad side effect of even more
with prizes given for the best
emissions - and they then threaten to shut Tottenham Court Road to all traffic except buses!
Emissions? You ain’t seen nothing yet!
decorated taxis and also to the
driver wearing the best fancy
Dennis Latchett
Call Sign Online
Without volunteers there are
no outings, so if you would like
to help with the children’s trip to
Southend on 10 July, contact the
LTFUC Driver’s Liaison, Steve Bell
on 07811 508772.
You can also enter your details
at www.ltfuc.org.uk on the vol-
unteer page of the LTFUC web-
Remember the Fund’s
motto: None walks so tall as
he who stoops to help a
Call Sign July 2014
Page 13
Another true story from Geoff Levene
and what
springs to
he stepped out into the fresh air, he got to
B.B.Evans store and bought some curtain
material before moving on to Lyons cafeteria
where he has my favourite from those days, a
‘milk and dash’ - or a latte as it’s now known
Vegas? New York (New York)?
- and an iced bun. The State was cinema
Sammy and Dean? Kilburn High
number three, but Frank gave up before he
Road! Did I just say Kilburn High
got to number four - the Essoldo, which is
now the Marriott Hotel.
After the show, he went to Nat's Fish Shop
Yes Kilburn High Road! He was there on the
for a portion of rock 'n chips, which he ate in
21st June 1953 appearing at the Gaumont
the back of the car as it whisked him back to
State because as well as being a huge cinema,
Park Lane.
it also hosted the biggest names in music from
Django Reinhardt through to Black Sabbath
So that was one celeb in an unlikely place.
What about two unlikely celebs together...
along with Duke Ellington, Count Basie,
The Beatles and even Marilyn Monroe.
One evening back in the seventies, I had to
pick up at the Garrick Club. My passenger
So for all of you
Dial-a-Cab drivers that are
wondering what Frank did on that day in the
was then DaC account holder Robin Day, the
fearsome TV interviewer. He was with a lady -
few hours before going on stage; well, he
came out of the Dorchester and asked his
I won't say who it was but I'll give you a few
Before going on stage, Frank looked
clues. She was a beautiful blonde actress who
driver to just take him to Baker Street
around Kilburn (apparently)!
Station from where he was “gonna take the
still turns heads in her seventh decade. She
played a monstrous character in a long run-
There were lots of little shops along there;
ning sitcom featuring three women and is
Actually, he could have taken the Number
butchers, bakers, greengrocers and on the
noted for her charity work.
16 bus all the way but he would have needed
left was yet another cinema - the grotty old
So we got to Robin's flat in Eaton Square
to cross Park Lane to catch it. In those days
Grange. But Frank was getting thirsty and
at about 11pm and I expected him to ask
as I remember from my childhood, all traffic
popped into Biddy Mulligan's pub. His foot-
if I could take the lady home, but no, they
in Park Lane used what is basically today's
steps were muffled by the sawdust and he
both went in.
southbound lane. It all changed when the
noticed ruddy-faced men staring morosely
Of course, it was probably entirely innocent -
Hyde Park underpass was built and what was
into glasses of black liquid. He approached
and he was not yet married anyway. Perhaps he
formerly the East Carriage Drive of Hyde Park
the Irish barman:
was going to show her his well-known collec-
became the northbound lane.
“Set ‘em up Joe. I'll have a vodka marti-
tion of Millwall FC programmes! As I say, an
So Frank got out at Kilburn Station. If he
ni on the rocks.”
unlikely couple. Now if it had been her and
had turned sharp left, he would have passed
The barman narrowed his eyes: “We don't
Frank, that would have been really interesting...
my old barber, whose guvnor would one day
serve that nancy-boy Yankee stuff. Do you
give evidence at the trial of murderer James
want a point or half a point of Guinness?”
Geoff Levene (W32)
Hanratty, one of the last people to be hung
Half an hour later and slightly swaying as
in the UK. Next door he might have admired
Call Sign Online
the boats for sale at Raymond Way's premis-
es and then he could have popped into
Foxley's Record Shop where my older
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
brother and my late Father-in-law bought
their classical 78 rpm records.
Ever needed money quickly but were anxious about
But he turned right and found himself by the
variable bank interest rates?
Envoy Cinema, which showed films that were
not on general release. It later became a Classic
Well wonder no more! If you are a subscriber, journeyman or
Cinema and is now a petrol station
member of staff at Dial-a-Cab, then you qualify to join the
and where I was to trap my first job 18 years
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union. Any member of your family residing
at your address also qualifies for membership!
Then if you are over 18, have been a member of the Credit Union for
over 3 months and have established regular savings, you can borrow
Airport taxi demo
up to 3 times your total savings…
une 11 not only saw a huge demo in
The cost?
Just 1% per month on the outstanding balance (or APR of 12.7%).
Central London, but many Heathrow-
Loans can be paid back early AND there can be an annual dividend on your shares.
based drivers did their bit as well by
driving between Hammersmith Broadway
The question is: Can you afford NOT to be in it…?
and the Hogarth roundabout. So much
Call us on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
congestion was caused that the police
had to be called in to sort it out!
Members of the Financial Ombudsman Service
Like London, they also finished their
Member’s funds protected up to limit set by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
DaC Credit Union Ltd, Peterley Business Centre, 472 Hackney Rd E2 9EQ
demo at 3pm and returned to the feeder
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Registration number 213263
Call Sign July 2014
Page 14
In this series commemorating the 100th anniversary later this month of the start of WW1, we have
featured both past and present DaC drivers and their stories. This one tells of the selfless bravery of
James McCarthy BEM - brother of DaC’s John McCarthy (L29)...
John McCarthy told us of his brother's
James McCarthy after being presented with his BEM
aircraft gunners, the aircraft itself was accidentally hit by the
Every mother’s worst fear…
gunnery team on the ground and my hero brother Jimmy was
So far in this series, we have featured heroes that survived the con-
flicts of both world wars in which they were involved and played
“My wife Patsy and I have family memorabilia and have done
a significant part. Many found it difficult to return to normality in
some documentary research; we have his BEM and various
peacetime and rarely spoke of the horrors of battle, probably not
telegrams about pensions, funeral expenses claims and the list of
even many years later. But they were able to return to Civvy Street
his personal effects left in his locker back at his barracks on that
and continue to enjoy life with their families. Not every combatant
fateful day.
- or every family - was so lucky. War can be very cruel...
“It’s hard to imagine how much it must have saddened my par-
John McCarthy (L29) told Call Sign of his elder brother’s
ents, but the telegram that really cuts like a knife is the one that
story of remarkable bravery and selfless heroism.
starts: ‘We regret to inform you.’ That must surely be every moth-
“My big brother, Leading Aircraftman James John McCarthy,
er’s worst fear when her son goes to war. I remember very little of
was born in London in 1921 and enlisted in the Royal Air Force
the events I’ve recounted because I was only seven years old when
Volunteer Reserve in the early stages of WW2. He was later sent
Jimmy was killed. Yet, knowing how I feel now and so proud of my
to Canada to complete his Navigator’s training. But it was here, in
brother’s brave deed, my Ma must have been distraught beyond
England, that my brother Jimmy earned his British Empire Medal.
belief when that telegram arrived.
It was about lunchtime on the 8th March 1942 when a Miles
“Jimmy’s name is inscribed in a book in St Clement Danes,
Master aircraft crash landed on the tarmac near a hangar at
the RAF church in Strand and he was ‘Gazetted’ in the London
the-then RAF Station Heston and immediately burst into
Gazette on December 1st 1942 in recognition of his bravery
flames with the pilot still trapped inside the cockpit.
award in saving another person’s life. Soon after, he lost his
“My brother Jim was standing nearby and witnessed the incident
own life aged just 22 years old.”
first hand. Despite the intensity of the fire and without regard for
As John finished telling us about Jimmy, we couldn’t help but
his own safety, Jimmy rushed toward the burning aircraft in an
see the look of pride in his older brother spreading steadily across
attempt to rescue the injured pilot. All he was wearing at the time
John’s face...
was his tunic, which he hastily pulled over his head as his only
Alan Green (E52)
protection and approached the stricken aircraft. Only when his
uniform caught fire from the intense heat, his hair singed and his
scalp burned did he retreat from the scene.
“I believe there were other personnel close by who also
Keith Reading
attempted to pull the pilot out of the craft, but were forced back
Professional Toastmaster
due to the extreme heat and flames. Jimmy then grabbed a fire-
Master of Ceremonies
man’s asbestos headpiece which was nearby, donned the kit and
returned to the inferno - this time succeeding in getting the pilot
Tele: 01279 465 938
out and clear of the wreckage. He must have been aware that the
Mobile: 07774 860 374
petrol tank could explode at any moment, but he got stuck in
Email: kgr.2@virgin.net
there just the same. Anyway, Jimmy did it. Sadly, the pilot died of
his injuries two days later. But in recognition of his heroic actions
10% discount for DaC drivers and staff
on that day, my brother was presented with his BEM at
Buckingham Palace, accompanied by my parents and other family
Fellow of the Guild of
Professional Toastmasters
“Then, on August 15th 1943, while Jim was airborne in an air-
craft that was towing a marker for target practice used by anti-
Call Sign July 2014
Page 15
On 2nd May 2014, 80 taxis - including several
from Dial-a-Cab - with 160 veterans began
arriving at The Railway Club in Harwich ready
LTBAWD return to
to board a ferry for the overnight sailing to
Hook of Holland for a five day trip to the
Netherlands. The committee of The London
Dutch battlegrounds
Taxi Benevolent Association for War
Disabled would like to thank Fiona and the
club staff for all their hard work on the day.
On arrival at the Dutch quayside, they were
met by The Dutch National Police, passport
control was quickly dealt with and soon they
were on their way to the National War
Museum at Overloon, which was around 110
miles from Hook of Holland. The police escort
held traffic back on the motorway so that
nobody could overtake the convoy!
Inside the museum, the group looked at the
vast number of military vehicles and equipment
and also heard of the tank battle that took place
in the area. The museum is located in a large
park which is also the site of the
Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery
and some of the veterans and drivers visited the
site. Then it was back to their hotel, The
Vets at the Oosterbeek service
Papendal in Arnhem.
At 3.30pm, the four taxis with eight of the
tion of the committee!
The next morning after breakfast, the vets in
veterans on board formed up with The Royal
The following morning was time to return
their taxi convoy left with its police escort to
British Legion to begin the two mile journey
home, but first a small presentation was made
make their way to Oosterbeek
through the streets of the town. The taxis con-
to the Dutch Police in thanks for their help and
Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery for
sisted of Red, White, Blue and one with the
then it was back to Hook of Holland and the
a British Military Service that was conducted by
Union flag motif on the bonnet. LTBAWD
ferry. During the return trip, the Captain
The Royal British Legion (Holland Branch). It
thanks go to Long Lane Taxis for allowing
slowed the ferry so that they could hold a short
lasted for an hour beginning with The
them to use that vehicle in the parade and
service of remembrance, read by Rev George
Pipes and Drums of the Dutch Royal British
thanks also to the drivers Ian Gray, Steve
Parsons and a wreath of poppies was thrown
Legion. The congregation was welcomed by Mr
Painter, John Harris and Derek Leone for
over the side.
J.P. Gebben; Captain Ray Waller made an
agreeing to give up their time and assist in tak-
The President, Vice Chairman, Officers and
introduction; Mr Robin Ammerlaan read the
ing part in the parade. It was very moving to
Committee of The London Taxi Benevolent
poignant poem In Flanders Fields and prayers
see small children handing small bunches of
Association for War Disabled have asked Call
were conducted by Reverand Canon
flowers to the vets, while the adults
Sign to thank all the veterans who
Geoffrey Allen. After the sounding of the Last
present thanked the vets for what they did for
collected donations in stations. Also thanks to
Post, the silence and reveille, the exhortation
the people of The Netherlands. All too soon
Bernie Waterson and Camberfield Taxis and
was given:
their part in the parade ended and it was time
of course the 80 drivers, without whom the
They shall not grow old, as we are left to
to return to the hotel.
LTBAWD could not undertake outings like this.
grow old, Age shall not weary them, nor
After dinner, singer Matt Cutler enter-
Gratitude also goes to paramedics (John and
the years condemn. At the going down of
tained, followed by a talent show organised by
Elizabeth Stubbs and Gary and Penny
the sun, and in the morning We will
Janet Hodgeson. A number of vets participat-
Extence), to Kenny (spanners) Flemwell and
remember them.
ed in singing and telling stories and jokes. Then
his breakdown team, all the garages that
Mr Gebben, accompanied by two children,
allowed drivers to take rented taxis on the trip,
Committee members were called onto the
then placed a wreath on behalf of the people of
stage to be presented to everybody in the
National Dutch Police and Stena Line for their
the Netherlands. All the local children are taken
room. They then proceeded to sing, which
to the cemetery each year where they each look
almost cleared the room but assistance from
Call Sign thanks LTBAWD PRO Derek
after a headstone and leave a bunch of flowers.
Matt Cutler saved the evening - and the reputa-
Leone Hon for the information...
They are taught of the sacrifice these men paid
for their freedom. The vets then placed wreaths
in remembrance on behalf of the Royal Navy,
Caption Contest Winner
Army and the RAF. LTBAWD Vice Chairman
Gary Belsey placed a wreath on behalf of the
The winner of the May
War Disabled charity and a large number of vet-
Call Sign photo caption
erans then placed their own personal tributes.
contest was Gary
Then it was back to the taxis for the short trip
Heath (W42). Gary
to Arnhem where the group boarded a cruise
picks up a cheque for
boat for a 6 hour trip on The Rhine after which
£100 for his caption to
the police escort took them back to the
Papendal to prepare for the next day, which
the photo of David
would be one to remember...
Lessman (D19) and
two furry friends:
It was Monday morning at 11am and apart
from four taxis that were scheduled to be in
David gives his
the parade, everyone else travelled in coaches
approval as he test
to the town of Wageningen for the Dutch
drives the new sporty
Liberation celebrations and parade.
Zimmer frame...
Wageningen normally has a population of
30,000 - on this day it swelled to around
Call Sign July 2014
Page 16
Hello Ladies & Gents
Please be mindful when running into an
Trade matters
account job to check your meter and only
The taxi trade worldwide is going through
have the allowed run-in amount on arrival, or
unprecedented changes brought on by the
if on a pre-booked trip to have no more than
app market with big money wanting to invest
the maximum amount at the pre-booked
in car booking platforms ie Uber and Lyft to
challenge the traditional licensed taxi trade.
DaC offer
London is seen as a city with the best taxi ser-
You would have received a letter last month
vice in the world and if they can achieve their
updating Members of the state of play as to
foothold in London, I believe it will give them
where we’re at. I do hope this situation of
the platform they desire to start going into
third parties wanting buy DaC is resolved
the corporate taxi market.
sooner rather than later and then you the
Transport for London
Members getting to vote on which way you
want the Society to go in the future.
The lack of willingness by TfL to enforce the
rules/law over immediate hirings with meters
World Cup
only being allowed in taxis and not private hire
At the time of writing this article, England
vehicles, has allowed Uber to use an iPhone to
have begun to make their way home after fail-
calculate the fare with time and distance trav-
It was decided by the Board that as of 9th
ing to claim a single point following their first
elled while at peak times introduce surge pric-
June and as they have now introduced Hailo
two games. Had they got through, the coun-
ing, something the travelling customer isn’t
Business, putting them indirect competition
try would have been in the middle of a feel-
always aware of until the journeys ends and is
with Dial-a-Cab, taking work from Hailo in a
good factor. I sincerely hope that the current
then charged for as they have already pre-
DaC liveried taxi is no longer allowed. I do
busy street work continues even though the
lodged credit/debit card details.
hope you understand our position and act
team failed. If your team isn’t England but are
This has galvanised the trade organisations in
accordingly, as otherwise complaints will be
still in the tournament, I wish them well.
a way I haven’t seen before in holding a demo
Drive carefully and be lucky...
on 11th June over Transport for London’s inept
Thanks in advance for your co-operation as
I know it’s tough going out there at the
Garry White
way of dealing with these matters! As a working
DaC Compliance Officer
driver, I was proud to attend it...
Touts tout the cops!
If you spend your working
life as a minicab tout, then
who’s the one person you
don’t try to pick up? Right
first time - plain clothed
police officers from the Met
police Cab Enforcement
But that’s what minicab tout Konor
Ali tried to do. As a reward for his stu-
pidity, he was fined £700 and disquali-
fied for 12 months, but with an
address in England’s Lane NW3 we
doubt that he will starve!
It was back in September 2013 when
Ali touted plain clothes police officers
from the CEU on Camden High Street.
When the officers identified them-
selves, he attempted to drive off,
almost running over an officer and col-
liding with an unmarked police vehicle
- hence a dangerous driving charge in
addition to that of touting. He was
subsequently detained and arrested.
Ali appeared at Highbury Corner
Magistrates Court on 5 June and was
found guilty of touting for hire, pos-
sessing no insurance and also danger-
ous driving.
Call Sign July 2014
Page 17
Admiral Multicar Insurance is currently
running a series of TV ads and it took us back
to 2012. That was when Call Sign received
several calls from Dial-a-Cab drivers com-
plaining that following an earlier series of ads
from Admiral proclaiming their cut price car
insurance, they had applied and when it
came to being asked what they did for a living
decision “despicable” and said that they
and replying that they were part of the finest
would fight it.
taxi driving service in the world - probably
We don’t know the result of the claim, but
the world’s only truly professional taxi dri-
compared to the Admiral statement that was
vers - they were informed that Admiral would
akin to calling London taxi drivers dishonest,
not insure them!
Call Sign phoned Admiral to ask whether
Perhaps the Admiral phone reps in
their no taxi drivers policy had changed? And
Cardiff were unaware that we don’t use
it has!
our cars as taxis and that our safety record
Call Sign readers will undoubtedly be
No thank you!
at work is second to none. But when
delighted to know that Admiral now insure
pointed out, it made no difference to
in the process. The car driver admitted liabil-
your car but will not allow you third party
Admiral - they just weren’t interested in
ity to DaC’s TX4 driver - although many often
coverage for any other car you drive other
London taxi drivers when in their cars.
do that and later change their mind when it
than your own. If you weren’t a London taxi
And needless to say they won’t insure
comes to filling in the claim form. However,
driver then you could do that with their bless-
your taxi!
another passing taxi driver in a Vito was right
ing, but just as they don’t trust you to tell the
Then we come up-to-date and 2014. A Dial-
behind and offered our driver his name as a
truth, they don’t trust you with someone
a-Cab taxi was hit by a private car at Hyde
witness, making it what should have been a
else’s car.
Park Corner. The incident was fairly minor
fairly straight-forward claim. At least that’s
May we humbly suggest that the next
although a substantial amount of damage
how it should have been - until Admiral
time Admiral offer you a deal, you tell
occurred to both vehicles when the car, dri-
declined to accept the taxi driver witness
them where they can place it!
ving in the offside lane of the southbound
because they claimed “we all stuck together!”
roundabout carriageway, suddenly decided
The result was that the non-fault acci-
that it wanted to turn left into Piccadilly and
dent had to be passed over to the regular
Michael Toomey
cut straight across three lanes, hitting the taxi
insurance company, who called Admiral’s
Call Sign Online
Every issue of Call Sign takes a look back at ODRTS history through the pages
of the magazines of the time with a Flashback…
This issue harks back to an historic
Mr Harry Benjamin then got up and said it was our own fault for being in this position; we had
meeting that some older drivers may
been too apathetic and divided. He continued that in 1965, 13 prosecutions were instituted against
mini-cabs for illegal plying for hire. He said we should press home an attack now and not accept a brush
have heard of but few, if any, were
at - the meeting that saw a group of
The press were then let in to hear Mr P.Healey from Orpington who has been in consultation with
drivers leave the T&G and start the
his MP, Mr Eric Lubbock, who is most interested and believes we have a strong case. Mr Healey and his
LTDA in 1967
wife were up all night sending 750 recorded delivery letters to every M.P and a complaint against the
From ODRTS News Magazine, May 1967
Home Secretary (Mr Roy Jenkins) has been lodged with the Ombudsman. Mr Healey then read out
many letters and received tumultuous applause. The press were then asked to leave.
The treasurer Mr Stanley Stone, then appealed for funds and collected £437 l0s and 2 dollars,
On Sunday 23rd April a mass meeting was
which coupled with the balance of Mr Healey’s own personal collection, totalled £456. Mr Bill D`Arcy
called at St Pancras Town Hall by the 12,000
then spoke and told of the committee’s decision to give the meeting with the Home Secretary on the
group. This initially was working as a ginger
following day, a chance. However, if negative, then they would go ahead with the formation of an asso-
group within the TGWU. The chairman was Mr
ciation of licensed cab drivers. This suggestion was greeted with roof-raising applause.
Bill D`Arcy (A19) who opened the meeting and
As we now know, it was negative and so has been born the Licensed Taxi Drivers' Association.
introduced the committee individually. He
Joe Toff (B4), Editor, ODRTS News Magazine
thanked the police for their co-operation on the
day of the lobbying and Mr Sam Cooper who
lent us £50 for the use of the hall.
The first speaker was Mr Harry Kaufman
who thanked both ODRTS and Radio Taxis
(South) for their help. He said this committee
was also concerned about the trades` internal
disease as well as its external one. He slated the
union for little or no action and accused the
men for continuing their bad practices; airport
men, radio men who jam their systems, men
answering a Rank telephone call and not turn-
ing up to do the job. He said we wanted some
say in the cab’s production, we need a PRO and
Electrical Installations - Fault Finding & Repairs
stressed the fact that we are treated as second
class citizens. Mr Kaufman received an ovation.
The next speaker was Mr Joe Bloom who
didn’t want to break away from the union. He
wanted militant action against mushes that did
not join the union. He was not given a very
warm reception and has since retracted the
0203 130 6798
statement and apologised.
Call Sign July 2014
Page 18
Dial-a-Cab driver Tony Arnold
(F03) is coming up to 30 years
with the Society and is certainly
Tony Arnold and
no stranger to Call Sign, having
been involved in some of our
most unusual stories.
the ranker!
The one that comes to mind first was in
2002 when he drove a TX2 from Beijing
(China) to Trafalgar Square with two Chinese
students who had won the trip in a competi-
tion. That trip was filmed and shown on the
CCTV channel in China over 15 weeks, with
Tony becoming something of a cult hero.
Along the way, Tony drove his taxi
through Outer Mongolia, Russia and the
Arctic Circle. Then he continued via much
of Europe from Finland down to London!
A few years on and Tony was off again, this
time taking his TX2 to Nigeria and Ghana
where he taught the locals how real taxi dri-
vers operate and left them with what both
African governments had agreed was a hugely
improved service. Amongst other places, Tony
has also visited Melbourne in Australia, where
once again he showed the Oz ‘cabby blokes’
how real taxi drivers operate!
Tony is incredibly proud of being a
London taxi driver and of the way the
Tony in Beijing's Tiannamen Square publicising his taxi trip to London in 2002
London taxi trade always tries to behave to
a much higher standard than the opposi-
shame to a trade that Tony has spent so
baby. I saw that the RTG cab sitting on the rank
tion. That is one of the reasons why we are
much time promoting. Tony takes up the
had no for hire light on and I assumed he was
siding with Tony and his TX4 against a
either waiting for someone or taking a short
Radio Taxis Group driver who was recent-
“I was in Marylebone High Street having just
break. So I stopped for the passengers. They
ly involved in a ‘showdown’ with Tony -
passed the rank outside Waitrose. Some 10 or
boarded the taxi and we moved off. I had just
one that we consider brought unnecessary
so feet beyond it were a couple with a young
turned right into Weymouth Street when the
RTG taxi squeezed past and cut in front forc-
ing me to break sharply while hoping that the
Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers
baby was safely secured.
Then this red-faced and fairly elderly driver
WCHCD Election Court at Guildhall
let out a tirade of abuse that included my par-
ents, whilst all the time my young clients and
On 22nd May, the WCHCD
their thankfully safe baby were looking and lis-
held their annual Election
tening from within the cab, no doubt finding it
Court Lunch. Graham
hard to believe that this was a licensed taxi dri-
ver. But they had seen nothing yet because I
Woodhouse, Company
Master, together with his
was just about to say - without using his rather
Wardens, members of the
basic language - that he didn’t have his for hire
sign on so how was I supposed to know that
Court of Assistants and the
he was working, when this supposed ‘gentle-
newly qualified Cab Guide
man of the road’ suddenly spat into my face
Course students, enjoyed
lunch in the private members
before reversing against the Weymouth Street
one-way system, obviously assuming - quite
dining room at Guildhall.
correctly - that I wouldn’t pursue him.
Prior to lunch, the
My passengers were obviously afraid that I
Election Court had been
might follow the RTG driver and pleaded with
held and the Master read
me to continue the journey. I assured them
out some of the wonderful thank-you letters he had
that there was no way I would attempt to catch
received from guests at the recent Royal Charter Presentation and celebration. These
him and tried to explain that they had wit-
included a letter from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, thanking the WCHCD
nessed just one driver out of a total of 25,000
warmly for the gift of a painting for their young son Prince George, which had
professionals and that very few out of that total
been presented to Prince Charles during the ceremony in April.
would have behaved like that, even if they had
Graham Woodhouse was presiding over his final full WCHCD Court meeting as
a genuine complaint.
Master before handing over office to the new Master in September, Malcolm Paice.
His Wardens during his year will be Colin Evans as Upper Warden, Alan Roughan as
I know things haven’t been that good of
Renter Warden and Dave Cannell as Lower Warden. After the meeting two new
late, but is there any excuse for that driver’s
Freemen were sworn in, Steve Bilham and Bob Oddy.
behaviour of swearing out loudly in front of
Graham was also delighted to be presenting the successful Cab Guide Course can-
passengers, spitting at a fellow driver and then
didates with their Badges and Certificates. All of them had enjoyed the course and
reversing the wrong way down a one-way
were looking forward to using their new skills in the near future. Graham is one of the
street? I would be the first to agree that had he
tutors of the course and has managed to combine his duties as Master with still run-
had his for hire sign on, there is no way I
ning the course thanks to the team he has to assist him. The next Cab Guide course
would have stopped for those passengers.
begins on 1 September. See the ad on page 20...
What have we become...?”
Call Sign July 2014
Page 19
DaC driver Sean Farrell (B39) looks at trade history from a different angle
ethren of the Whip
Cab drivers getting the sack...
1851, John
Prosecutors for the Sack Protection Society
out shortly after the Mitchell case. There
Leary, a cabman of
then estimated that lost or stolen sacks were
had been a case in the summer of 1865 in
5 Brook Green Lane
costing millers and corn dealers £20,000 -
which Messrs Hadleys, of the City Flour
in Hammersmith,
£30,000 a year and the chief culprits were said
Mills in Upper Thames Street were prose-
was up before the
to be cabmen! Kollen was fined 10s for being
cuted for having over a 1000 sacks belong-
magistrates charged
in possession of a sack.
ing to other members of the society, a soci-
with theft. He had
In November of that same year, Walter
ety to which Messrs Hadley & Co were sub-
found an empty sack
Mitchell was up before the magistrates, again
scribers. It would appear that if they could
in a yard and kept
at Mansion House and the Sack Protection
not prevent their own members stealing
hold of it. It was
Society was once again the prosecutor.
thousands of sacks from each other - there
Mitchell said he had picked up the sack and
later found to be
was little point in going after a cabman
had not known who it belonged to. Mr
outside his house
using a sack to keep his legs warm.
Carden, a magistrate who was generally sym-
and he admitted that he had picked it up.
It appears that after this period, cab drivers
pathetic to cab drivers, said that people in
Prosecutors were, believe it or not, The
could give their bodies a little molecule pro-
unlawful possession of a sack always told that
Association for the Prevention of Sack
tection from the cold without risking a fine.
story. Mitchell was luckier than Kollen and was
Stealing. They claimed that lost or stolen
fined 2s 6d plus costs.
sacks cost the industry many thousands of
Sean Farrell
The Sack Protection Society, despite its
pounds each year and not only were they
numerous victories, appears to have died
Call Sign Online
used to hold goods, but those in dirty trades
used them as aprons to keep their own
clothes clean, while cabmen used them as
Selling the TDYCF charity single
leggings to prevent the cold getting to them!
The court was informed that the name of
Chairman of the Taxi Driver of the Year
the owner of the sack was emblazoned in sev-
Charity Fund, Dial-a-Cab’s Russell Poluck
eral places, but Leary said he was illiterate.
MBE (T55), has asked Call Sign to thank
The magistrate, Mr Beadon (Beadon Road
some of the young helpers who have been
W6 is named after him) said that if Leary was
helping to sell the Fund’s charity CD by The
honestly disposed, he would have shown the
London Cabbies, We’ll Take You There. All
sack to the first person he met or to a police-
man, either of whom would have told him
proceeds go to the five trade charities.
where the sack came from - it actually
“I would like to thank, Emma, Matt, Sam, Ross and
belonged to a miller in Isleworth.
Ethan for helping us to sell the charity CD at Paddington
Station. They all worked very hard and did very well. The
The Association for the Prevention of
more we sell, the more money the five taxi charities that
Sack Stealing had wanted a heftier fine to
TDYCF support will receive at our annual dinner dance.”
act as a deterrent to other cabmen, but a
You can still buy a copy at the Dial-a-Cab driver’s recept
semblance of common sense prevailed and
Go to:
Leary was fined 2s 6d with 2s costs.
The Association for the Prevention of Sack
Russell also added that the 2014 Taxi Driver of the Year Dinner and Dance will take place
Stealing was not alone in its endeavour to save
on 6th December at a new venue: The Holiday Inn Regents Park at Carburton Street W1.
sacks. Around 1845, The Sack Protection
See page 21 for details.
Society was formed by a group of millers in
London and the Home Counties. They
employed a professional sack collector who
would enter mills, delivering sacks if that mill
was a member of the society and taking away
the sacks of other society members for later
Each sack was said to be worth 3s and all
would have the name of the owner both on
the outside and the inside. But once a miller’s
sack was used to carry anything else, then that
sack could never be used to carry flour again.
In 1860 The Sack Protection Society prose-
cuted what they referred to as “... a batch of
people, in various grades of life, some of them
cabmen.” The Times does not mention how
many of the batch there were, or how many
were found guilty for having a sack without a
legal excuse. Each of them was fined 5s plus
costs. The paper also reported that in aggra-
vated cases, the court could impose a prison
sentence of two months.
A cabman, James Kollen, was up before the
magistrates at Mansion House in March 1865.
Call Sign July 2014
Page 20
Oh no... not another piece about the state of the cab trade!
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
So the Trafalgar Square demonstration with drivers raising their total dissatisfaction with the activities -
or perhaps I should say lack of them - from Transport for London is now over. What the response will
be from TfL and their lack of any proactive leadership was unknown at the time of writing.
What they should be doing is to protect the transport needs of London’s citizens in addition to the
business interests of our iconic London taxi industry which is respected the world over, against the
unregulated technologies that are being introduced in an effort to take revenue from unsuspected mem-
bers of the public who just want to use a safe and secure vehicle to take them to their destination. TfL’s
lack of action is unforgivable.
The lack of control of the likes of Uber and its obvious meter gadget, car sharing apps and
many others, is a dangerous direction that TfL are taking.
As a Taxi and Private Hire Licencing Authority, TfL must realise that because of their apparent laissez-faire attitude, they will be putting
members of the public at risk.
I have to say that although several trade associations claim to represent the taxi industry, this is one of the first times for many years
that there appears to be some unity.
For years I have been banging on that all taxi drivers should join one organisation that protects the interests of the whole
trade, which should include drivers, manufactures, suppliers, support services, radio circuits etc, and dare I say it, the
Licencing Authority!
Back in the day, some may remember the London Taxi Board, which was a well-respected trade organisation. However, for one rea-
son or another, members representing their various interests began to leave - often for what appeared to be rather minor political rea-
sons - after which time the Taxi Board disbanded.
If there was one unified body that was in existence now with one sole purpose and that was to protect our trade, I do not believe the
trade would be in the dire straits it is in now.
Nonetheless, I do commend those who are trying to safeguard the future of our trade...
Mike Son
DaC Board Member
Call Sign often gets drivers
asking how they can get onto
our online library because
they have only just gone on
the internet. Astonishingly, our online
department headed by Vince Chin has kept this magazine’s web-
site going since 1998 - by far the longest of any trade magazine
including the one that is apparently read by more drivers than any
other! Even though the last time we looked, CS had over 8000
online readers, never mind hard copy readers!
So, you want to look up something in the latest issue or in an
old issue of Call Sign.
Go to www.dac-callsign.co.uk or o www.dac-callsign.c
Then either browse through every issue of Call Sign since 1998
by using the Search facility at the top left of the page, type a clue
and let our search engine do the rest. Or go straight to the issue
you want.
If you want to read each complete issue with ads, you can do
that because since the May 2006 issue, you just need to click on
the PDF logo under the issue you want to see. No search facility
for that, but if you know the page then go to it, press CTRL F and
a box will appear. Just type in the word and the text you are look-
ing for on that page and it will be highlighted.
If you just want to see the latest issue, just click on the year,
then the month or click on the PDF sign at the end of the intro-
duction. There are also issues from 1967, 1977 and 1987 as a
reminder of the old days!
But beware, looking back at old issues can be addictive!
Call Sign July 2014
Page 21
Hailo: The
Call Sign’s Stephen Berndes (R14) says...
last word?
Is it the
embattled’ or
beleaguered Russell
It’s a cabby’s life
Hall? Actually there are a
number of descriptive
words that I should
whether he was still on Hailo, he sheepishly
and which we later regret. My excruciating faux
refrain from using for reasons of decency. Perhaps
admitted he was and when I said there was a prin-
pas moment came when I picked up Lady
we’ll stop at ‘holed up’ in his bunker at Somerset
ciple there, he just shrugged his shoulders.
Antonia Fraser with her husband Harold
House as he says rather pathetically: “It wasn’t me
Alarmingly, another driver I spoke with actually
Pinter from a street in Holland Park.
that applied for the private hire licence...”
bragged that he was cleaning up! With selfish,
I had just read Antonia Fraser’s book, The
He has been duplicitous on every long-winded
greedy individuals like these who obviously do
Gunpowder Plot. What I knew and had read
missive he has put out; a discredited figure that
not have the taxi trade at heart, it will inevitably
about Harold I didn’t like. He appeared to be
continues to refer to himself as a ‘founder’ but
allow outside forces to destabilise us.
portrayed as a conceited, arrogant man of let-
who seemingly makes no company decisions.
Ok, I am playing devil’s advocate here, but
ters. There was a gap in their conversation and
His yank boss, Ron Zeghibe, has produced an
maybe it’s time to do some introspective navel
I rudely steamed in saying rather provocatively:
app that focuses on taxi street work - the bedrock
gazing ourselves. Our Concierge platform looks
“I liked your book on the gunpowder plot Lady
of our very existence. I suspect that what Ron
to some suspiciously like a minicab fourth emer-
Fraser, but Harold Pinter plays with pregnant
Zeghibe really thinks is that Uber have a superior
gency service. We also do the minicab reject work.
pauses I don’t really understand.”
and more lucrative business model, so to com-
Yes, admittedly it may have been and still be a
After a fairly long pause, Harold Pinter apolo-
pete they now have to supply cars and limos.
valuable asset, but isn’t retaining -respect a valu-
gised for my ignorance. I changed my opinion
Like many of you, I have now seen liveried
able commodity too? As I said, just playing devil’s
of him after that encounter!
Hailo yellow taxis with ‘Hailo scabs’ emblazoned
on the rear window. I thought at the time this was
going too far, but having consorted with the
Taxi demo
I recently read an extract from Richard
Oxford English dictionary, is ‘scab’ really too
The taxi demonstration on
11th June that
Littlejohn’s book, Littlejohn’s Lost World, in
brought central London to a standstill has now
the Mail. Likewise, Rod Liddle’s book Selfish
Scab: A derogatory word meaning a person
passed and I see its success - the number of TV,
Whining Monkeys had extracts in the Sunday
who refuses to strike or join a trade union or
radio and news crews with helicopters being pre-
Times. Both books are a social history of their
who takes the place of a striking worker.
sent guaranteed that - as having been the most
times from infancy to the present and look like
Now I am not so sure! Incongruously, our
important stand our trade could have done
good reads. I ordered them at the local library
views are aligned with Licenced Taxi and Private
against the weak ineptitude of Transport of
paying 60p each to reserve. That’s good value...
Hire who describe apps that circumvent the law
London. Interesting times...
as cowboy cab apps akin to hi-tech touts.
On the London Bridge taxi rank I recently
noticed a clean taxi with the driver frantically jab-
I am sure we all say crass things to the luminar-
Stephen Berndes
bing his smart phone. When I questioned
ies of the day who invade our personal fiefdom
Call Sign Online
TDOY Dinner and Dance
‘Remembering those less fortunate than ourselves’
The Taxi Driver of the Year Charity Fund presents their Annual Dinner and Dance on Saturday 6th December 2014
at a NEW venue: The Holiday Inn Regents Park, Carburton Street, W1.
Reception begins at 6.15pm with dinner at 6.45pm followed by dancing to a live band. The cost of tickets is £65 per person and
includes a 4-course meal with half a bottle of wine per person.
With your support, The Taxi Driver of the Year Charity Fund is able to make substantial donations to the taxi trade charities that support them.
Don’t miss one of the year’s great nights. Great food and great company! It will prove to be an enjoyable and memorable occasion for all.
For tickets, please send completed form and cheque made out to T.D.Y.C.F to:
Russell Poluck MBE, TDYCF Hon Chairman, 5 St Brides Avenue, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 6BT
RSVP by 1st November
Company (if applicable):
Number of tickets:
Dietary requirements:
Dress smart
For further information, contact Russell Poluck: 07850 056 765 • Tel/fax 020 8952 1357
Registered with the Charities Commission No: 1000761
Call Sign July 2014
Page 22
When Donald Dacas (P76) was
summoned to the head of
Donald and the
Liverpool Street Station rank by
the late night taxi marshal to
take a credit card trip, little did
disappearing chip...
he realise that the journey
would end with Donald destroy-
tleman’s credit card!” Donald was now laugh-
ing the passengers bank card!
ing heartily at the memory!
“When the taxi marshal asked if I would
The passenger’s electronic chip was still
take a credit card trip, I jumped at the oppor-
firmly inside Donald’s PED and he prepared
tunity and promptly moved to the front of the
himself for a verbal assault from the passen-
rank ahead of all the other cabs waiting to
ger, but the passenger said that it was a well-
take on passengers,” Donald told Call Sign.
used card and he realised it wasn’t Donald’s
“The marshal had recognised my Dial-a-Cab
door logos and called me forward,” Donald
“I did feel slightly uncomfortable that it
should have happened in my cab,” Donald
“With the old style terminal, we used to be
added, “but that’s life I guess. It has certainly
never happened before to me, but I’d bet
able to authorise the trip at the beginning of
supermarkets, shops and fuel stations have
the journey, but nowadays it is cleared at the
end of the trip - and that’s when my problems
had the odd jammed card,” Donald mused.
Fortunately, the passenger had another
began. We had reached the destination - Pont
bank card which he used at a nearby ATM
Street - and I passed the PED through to the
“I gave it several gentle pulls but it would-
machine and Donald went to Roman Way the
passenger for him to enter his card and PIN.
n’t budge, so I gripped it firmly between fin-
next day to get a new PED fitted.
“After an unusually long time he said he
ger and thumb and gave it more of - shall we
“It’s funny,” Donald ended,
“I always
couldn’t remove his card and I could see from
say - a determined tug! Sure enough, the
assumed that chips went missing when some-
my MDT that the card had not been recog-
obstinate little blighter did shoot out of my
one ate them!”
nised. The passenger was adamant that it was
PED. But it left a gaping hole in the card
stuck and so with traffic building up behind
where the data chip used to be! I could see
me, I offered to try to remove the card.
daylight through the square hole in the gen-
© Call Sign Magazine MMX1V
Taxi driver’s licences...
“Firstly, let me say what an excellent, read-
“My existing driving licence is good until August and this licence car-
able and informative magazine Call Sign is,”
ries on from the date of expiry of my present licence, so I will not lose
Graham Leonard (J20) stated cheerily while
any time at all! And that is all good news worth reporting.”
our young hack humbly and graciously accept-
LTPH Interim General Manager Helen Chapman told Call Sign:
ed the accolade on behalf of the Editor.
“It is always good to hear of the good experiences after interacting
“I have read about and heard of drivers hav-
with us. We have been working very hard behind the scenes to get
ing real problems renewing their taxi driving
the new systems and processes working more efficiently so we can
licences,” Graham continued “some apparently
get the service to an acceptable level. We still have some work to do
taking several months to complete the proce-
but it is good to see that the hard work is starting
dure as the process steadily wound its way
to pay off.”
through the various agencies. As a result, I
believe some drivers have been unable to work
© Call Sign Magazine MMX1V
if their current taxi driving licence had expired
and they were waiting until the new licence
arrived, something which must have caused
untold hardship.
“So for me to get my renewed taxi driving
licence back in just two weeks was absolutely
amazing,” Graham enthused, smiling broadly
while thrusting the smart, shiny document out
of the cab window!
“My CRB papers had come through the let-
terbox early on the Saturday morning and with-
out further ado I filled it in and sent it off that
same morning, concerned I did not delay
because of those horror stories I’d heard about.
“To my surprise the CRB papers came
back by the following Wednesday, so
again, without delay I forwarded the docu-
ment to TfL and quite astonishingly, my
renewed licenced dropped through the
door just a few days later. The whole
process took just two working weeks,
which is pretty amazing really.
“True, I didn’t hang about getting the paper-
work sorted at my end, but it does show how
the various agencies have got their act together
as they said they would, and this is the result -
although perhaps I should also give due credit
to the Royal Mail for their speedy service too!
Call Sign July 2014
Page 23
With Tom Quigley (Y33)
probably be considered as stalking! What
on Sunday would have a field day!
about The Carpenters Solitaire being the
Imagine the outcry and blame for violence
only game in town? Well you would no longer
that would beset Bobby Darin’s glorifying of
be able to sit quietly in your room without
Mack the knife - worse still, imagine the out-
the internet to play Candy Crush Saga, Angry
rage and horror that would have been
Birds, Word, Mine Craft or any other of the
thrown at Pattie Page for asking How much is
thousands of on-line games.
that doggie in the window? She would have to
Then there would be the problem if Billy
go into hiding!
Jo Spears put her Blanket on the ground
It’s a shame that your generation’s music is
because the world would be up in arms
the best to you exclusively, but at least you can
about the promiscuity she was preaching!
enjoy them for what they were. I’m off now to
Crooner and Rat Pack star, Dean Martin,
listen to The Smiths ‘to cheer myself up’.
would undoubtedly cause shock over being
the Little old wine drinker me. And what about
Tom Quigley
Doris Day? Could you imagine her being
allowed to warble of her Secret Love? The Sun
Call Sign Online
Time for a cough?
I know the government have to make the
A Dial-a-Cab driver looks back in time and asks the question...
population aware of health matters and it’s
apparently all in our best interests.
The latest campaign showing someone
Who are we???
coughing with the message that if you have
had it for three weeks then it could be cancer
“I wish my ancestor’s would have written down their
isn’t so much enlightenment, but more like a
life stories, exploits, and just everyday snippets,”
threat. Starting out through the winter
Garry Farr (R87) - a 26 year veteran of DaC - sug-
months and into spring when many of us
gested to Call Sign, “that way I would know about
have colds, flu or early signs of Hay fever
my historical relatives a whole lot better than I do and
alongside any Asthma sufferers, it seems that
be able to pass that genealogical history onto future
everyone has a cough.
But now when I - or anyone I know -
“It was really my wife who started the ball rolling
cough, I immediately do a quick mental cal-
so to speak, and I got a big slice of the ancestry bug
culation counting back the days, weeks or
from her,” Garry said thoughtfully.
months from when I first noticed it.
If a passenger gets into my Dial-a-Cab taxi
“We have researched both the Welsh and English
and starts coughing, where I would usually
sides of my family and have been able to achieve
and subtly try and close the partition window
some successes, but unfortunately the older genera-
and open my front windows, I now find
tions didn’t really speak about their lives very much so
myself behaving like a doctor, asking ques-
as to pass bits onto us in the modern age, so I can
tions about their complaint - even offering
only go on what I can determine from official records,
advice and tips. No doubt I will soon be car-
which is a bit ‘cold’ really and does not let you get to
rying spare bottles of water and lozenges etc.
the person, which is a great shame,” he told us with a trace of gen-
The campaign obviously works, but in the
uine sadness etched on his face.
back of my mind I can’t help but think that
“I know for instance that on my mother’s side of the family, both my Grandfather
like me and probably the rest of us, since it
and his father - my Great Grandfather - were coal miners in Wales, and my
started we have all been to our GP, had an X
Grandfather and Great Grandfather were glass-blowers here on the English side. And
ray, left the surgery with a prescription and a
my Great Great Grandfather was a ‘cow herder’ in Clapton!” Garry smiled at the
couple of items on it and before you know it,
thought, recalling with amusement when Clapton Pond was probably just a large pud-
you are nearly £16 worse off than you would
have been. It’s one way to boost the pharma-
“So yes, it’s true that I know their occupations, when certain family members were
ceutical coffers, but probably a small price to
married and of course, their demise. But there must be so much more to the fabric of
pay for the reassurance of good health...
life than just plain facts,” Garry continued. “I would so much like to know more about
Songs ain’t what they
what went on within both sides of the generations through their inter-action with each
used to be...
It’s often said that the songs of today aren’t as
“Using documentation, I have visited some of the addresses of my ancestors but alas
good as the ones before them; no lyrics or
the passage of time has changed the scenery considerably. Old houses knocked down
rhythm - just beat, bass and noise and cer-
to rebuild modern properties, while farming land has also changed too,” he mused.
tainly not as good as the songs of previous
Garry ended by passing some basic info to those Dial-a-Cab drivers that are interest-
Well maybe the reason lies in the fact that
“There are several official lines of research including The National Archives at Kew,
you wouldn’t be allowed to sing those songs
the Family Record Office and sites such as Ancestry, Findmypast and several other
resources, although some have subscription options as well. Put ‘family history’ into the
I mean, could Frank Sinatra sing the Paul
internet and there are a range of possibilities, the local library and numerous books on
Anka song of doing it My Way? Today they
the subject, but beware because once you get started it becomes very addictive and
would have to do it someone else’s way first,
time consuming indeed. But it can also be very rewarding!”
probably a politically correct way to maintain
Alan Green (E52)
fairness! Would Andy Williams be allowed to
Watch the girls go by? Sexist or what! And I’m
Call Sign Online
sorry, but Neil Sedaka’s Oh Carol would
Call Sign July 2014
Page 24
On 7th December 1681, King Charles II
The London Taxi Benevolent Association for War Disabled
issued a Royal Warrant for the foundation of
a hospital for soldiers who had become old
and infirm in the service of the Crown. Then
in 1682, work began on a site which had been
purchased by the King, the architect respon-
sible being Sir Christopher Wren.
It was modelled on Louis XIV's Hotel des
Invalides in Paris, but it would be another ten
years before the 66 acre site was completed.
1685, following the death of King
Charles II, his brother King James II carried
on with the development of the hospital; he
was also responsible for the scarlet coat
which is still worn to this day as the uniform
of the Chelsea Pensioners. It was in 1692,
during in the reign of William and Mary that
the hospital received the first of the
There are 286 in-Pensioners currently at
the Royal Hospital,- the oldest being 102 and
the average age being 82 and 6 months. 104
of the Pensioners fought in WW2. There are
also survivors of the many campaigns that
took place between the two World Wars and
after 1945.
The statue of King Charles II, which was
originally in Whitehall Palace, was moved to
Founders Court in the grounds of The Royal
Part of the
Hospital following the death of Charles II.
The statue depicts the King as a Roman and
with the
was gilded in Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden
Duke of
Jubilee year.
On Thursday 5th June 2014 and due to
their involvement with the Royal Hospital,
He ended
members of the committee of The London
with the tra-
Taxi Benevolent Association for War
ditional three
Disabled were invited to the Founders Day
cheers for
parade, held to remember the Founder,
the Founder,
King Charles II, who after the battle of
King Charles
Worcester in 1651 took refuge in an oak
II, and also
tree to escape his pursuers; the statue on
this day is decorated in oak leaves.
Majesty The
At 10.30am, the band of the Grenadier
Association for War Disabled (you can read
Queen. Finally there were three cheers for
Guards under Director of Music,
about that trip on page 15) and thanked the
The Duke of Kent. The day ended with a long
Major K.Davies LRSM ALCM, commenced
charity for their part.
fanfare and the National Anthem.
playing and at 10.45 the Pensioners under
the command of the Adjutant Colonel,
You may not need us now, but cut us out for when you do!
S.C.Bate RRC, paraded on Figure Court.
Those able to march formed four Guards
while the rest of the Pensioners occupied
seats around the parade ground.
At 11am, His Royal Highness The Duke
of Kent entered the parade ground with
All types of locks, opened, repaired and replaced
Governor Sir Redmond Watt KCB KCVO
CBE DL and Lieutenant Governor Major
10% discount on keys and locks for DaC drivers
General A.P.N. Currie CB. The Secretary and
Transponders / chipped keys
Mayor of Kensington and Chelsea were
On site key cutting services including taxis
received with a fanfare from the Fanfare
Locks replaced / fitted to insurance specifications (BS3621
Band of
The Coldstream Guards under the Director
Burglary repairs / boarding up
of Music Major D. Wolfendale BA (Mus)
Additional security / security upgrades
LRSM ALCM. His Royal Highness
Safes opened, repaired and serviced
then inspected the parade, which was fol-
Grilles and security gates
lowed by the march past with the band play-
ing The Boys of the Old Brigade with the
Specialists in UPVC doors and windows / patio doors
assembled 600 guests clapping in time to the
Free estimates / no call out charge
24hr service
Following an address by The Duke of Kent,
the Governor responded that the Pensioners
You can find us at:
engage in various outings throughout the
8-10 The Arcade, Farnham Road, Harold Hill
year and recently twenty of them were part
of a visit to Holland in London Taxis organ-
Tel: 01708 371115
ised by the London Taxi Benevolent
Call Sign July 2014
Page 25
DISCUSS: It isn't us!
internet list in Europe where questions could
“It was a long time ago,” Vince told Call
be asked and answers given. Named Discuss,
Sign recently, “but if I remember correctly
the bulk of those using it were drivers, but
there was a lot of slander made against
also on it were garage proprietors, radio cir-
Dial-a-Cab and also talk of me being taken
he Internet began in 1969 in America
cuit Chairmen, representatives from trade
to Court. I asked everyone to tone down
when the United States defence
organisations and even the then head of LTI,
their comments, but they ignored me. So I
department found the need for a
Jamie - now Lord - Borwick. However, few
closed it down.”
method of exchanging military data
had the internet and could go online at that
The reason we are mentioning this is
and research information between different
because an advert for a taxi list called Discuss
sites. This removed the reliance on a small
Discuss proved to be a useful tool, but
was recently seen by a driver who used to be
number of central computers and would be
somewhere along the line as more joined,
on the original list and he asked Call Sign if
more resilient to a nuclear attack in which
the initial respect and friendliness departed
it had returned. Apparently it is around again
key installations would be a primary target.
and it became more argumentative until a
but is nothing to do with Vince or Call Sign.
The general public in the UK started tin-
time when it deteriorated to such a degree
Although they claim to have been around
kering with the ‘net in the early 1990s and on
that following several warnings Vince, as
1997, as it was closed that seems
12 November 1997, Call Sign - thanks to its
moderator, closed it down with the words:
unlikely. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t
IT guru Vince Chin - developed the first taxi
The inmates are beginning to run the asylum!
worth looking at - but it ain’t us!
But where will it stop???
A recent report in the
Transport at TfL think about it, because many would say that the
Islington Gazette probably
way they have allowed Uber to take control, rather than be con-
caused drivers reading it
trolled, has been the start of an anything goes policy regarding
to shrug their shoulders
taxis and minicabs.
and exclaim that the
world had gone mad and
perhaps it was time to
just look the other way!
The reason? Well it may not be San Francisco but
Old Street, the home area to Dial-a-Cab, is still the closest
we have to a UK Silicon Valley and according to a report in
the paper, a new start-up app is available to download that
the paper says is not only a danger to licensed taxis, but also
Black Cab
to Uber!
The new app - called Funryde - is said to offer a minicab
Heritage Tours
ride with a driver who has similar interests to the passenger
but will charge 70% less than taxis with an average cost of
Black Cab Heritage Tours have some pre-
under £1 a mile. Those behind the app say there will be no
booked corporate work in 2014 and we
need for any TfL licensing and certainly no CRB check. The
company say it is non-profit making and will only set out to
need to increase our list of associates to
cover its expenses. Its drivers would be covered by their own
help cover that work.
We only use owner drivers - but our client has
One of the people behind the mobile phone app, Bassem
requested black (in colour) taxis only. However, your
Barake, said that he thinks their app will make taxi drivers
Dial-a-Cab logos are fine provided the taxi is black and
angry, but claims that it is a totally different experience to
has no other ads of any kind.
that of a black cab.
If you would like to join our contact list please
“You might be picked up by a doctor or an engineer and
email me (Bob Woodford) at:
you can meet new people and talk about your interests.”
It’s nice to know that the NHS, which we are told is being
No guiding skills are required and I should add that
overrun, has doctors who have the time to be minicab dri-
this client is a Kensington based events Management
Prior to the article coming out, Funryde had only 15 drivers
Company and fellow member (together with BCHT) of
even though the app had reached over 1,000 downloads. If
UK Inbound, so the trips are totally different from
you are waiting to see the doctor at your local surgery and
normal taxi work. Therefore there is not any direct
have been told he is running late, then have patience as he or
competition whatsoever with Dial-a-Cab work.
she is probably just dropping their last fare off!
We can’t help but wonder what London Mayor Boris
Bob Woodford
Johnson or Leon Daniels, Managing Director, Surface
Call Sign July 2014
Page 26
You know the one; you’ve been asked about it
The number one question that taxi drivers are asked by passengers
by your passengers and that bloke down the
must be whether we have picked up anyone famous! But close on
pub who knows everything. Yes, that one! The
bale of hay you are supposed to carry in your
its heels must be the timeless: Do you still have to carry a bale of
taxi because the law that required you to carry
hay? Call Sign’s Sean Farrell looks into what he calls...
one in the days of the horse and carriage has
never been repealed.
Yet no matter how often you tell people that
there never was such a law, the legend persists.
Like all good myths, there is usually an element
The Fifth Myth
of truth. In London, for example, there never
was a law that allowed you to pee up the back
wheel of your cab with a policeman shielding
you with his cape - but there was such a law in
Brighton, though the copper wasn’t necessary.
So if myths have a basis in fact, what
about the bale of hay?
Firstly, the law. There never was a law that
required the hackney coach and Hansom cab-
men to carry a bale of hay. This is obvious, but
most people will ignore that sentence because
it destroys the myth in one fell swoop. But let’s
assume that they did carry a bale of hay. A bale
of hay must weigh pretty much close to a ton;
imagine loading that onto your cab everyday
and then taking most of it off at the end of the
day as the horse obviously would not need that
much. Then, where would you put it? On the
roof of a hackney coach perhaps, the place
where the luggage was stored. But a Hansom
had no such space.
In the pre-Hansom days, coaches were apt to
turn over when taking a corner too fast or even
when a passenger leaned out of the window. In
later editor of the LTDA’s Taxi newspaper, pub-
the police to nick a tout.
none of these cases which were reported in the
lished Taxi! an angst ridden description of his
Despite the success of Taxi! many more
press at the time, is there mention of a bale of
life as a taxi driver. In the book he writes about
people would have read its review in the
hay. Had there ever been one present, then the
the numerous contradictions in law that the
national press such as the Daily Mirror on
driver, passenger or pedestrian would have
London cab driver faced in trying to earn a liv-
June 10th 1963, in which the bale of hay
been crushed under the weight of it. No one
ing. So successful was the book that questions
story was featured. It was from these
was ever crushed because there never was a
were asked in the House of Commons and a
reviews that a legend was born - the fifth
bale of hay in the first place.
simplified book of rules was later published.
greatest myth of the 20th century!
A law was passed in the time of William IV
In Taxi! Levinson recalls how he wanted a
And the other four myths?
(1765 - 1837). It decreed that feeding a hack-
policeman to arrest a minicab driver for tout-
1 Lemmings do not commit suicide, either sin-
ney coach horse “… in any street, road or com-
ing. The policeman responded by saying that
gular or en masse - it’s anti-Darwinian.
mon passage, except with corn out of a bag or
he (Levinson) could be arrested for not carry-
2 You cannot see the Great Wall of China
with hay held or delivered with the hand,” was
ing a bale of hay in his luggage compartment.
from space - several astronauts have tried.
deemed illegal and punishable with a heavy
Levinson was non-plussed about the police-
3 Bumblebees do not defy the laws of physics -
fine. This law probably never was repealed, but
man’s statement and fears that he could be
if they did the laws would be changed. If
there is no compulsion of the driver to carry
fined for not carrying a whip either. Levinson
Thunderbird Two can fly, so can a bumblebee.
hay in the first place. But if he did, he could
knew the hackney carriage laws and knew this
4 Elvis is not dead and lives in Peckham!
only use his hand or a bag to feed the horse.
was not one of them, but he still included it in
In 1963, Maurice Levinson, a taxi driver and
his book - probably to show the indifference of
Sean Farrell (B39)
Mayor: “Banning Uber would be difficult!”
The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said at the launch of London's Tech Week,
that it would be difficult to ban Uber. He said he could understand taxi drivers'
concerns, but admitted any attempt to ban Uber would risk a judicial review.
“I think it's very difficult,” he said, “we've gone to the High Court to get a ruling on
this and the issue is whether the driver's mobile in the cab is equivalent to a taximeter?
I can see why m'learned friends might think so, because it's receiving data about, or it's
calculating the distance and time and the fare. And there are other lawyers who say
that it isn't, and that was the advice of the counsel to TfL. And so we've got a legal problem.”
So Call Sign’s question has to be whether a judicial review would be that bad? After all, when Uber were licensed in
2012 for limousines, they were totally unsuited for the job. The only way they could be contacted was via their app and
with no records of any note kept, no reputable licensing authority would have issued a licence to operate. But here they
are two years later holding London to ransom because they have already said that nothing will stop them..
Call Sign July 2014
Page 27
No ranks at CrossRail
aving heard that Camden Council are proposing a daytime
ban for all traffic other than buses from Tottenham Court
Road because of the oncoming CrossRail station being
built there and the fact that according to Camden, the area
will be busier than Heathrow, you would have thought that if nothing
else, TfL would have made sure there would be taxi ranks at every
CrossRail station.
However they say that ranks will not be put in, their priority
will be to accommodate bus stops and there won’t be the room for
Second class transport? The way things are going we’ll be lucky to
reach those giddy heights! And besides, with Gower Street proposed
as becoming two-way and the southern end partly pedestrianised, we’ll
probably be stuck in so much traffic that we won’t be able to reach the
station anyway!
Jamie Corum
We won't see this at CrossRail stations as buses are more
Call Sign Online
World naked bike ride hits London!
June 14 in central London saw the tenth
over fifty cities around the world.
yearly run of the World Naked Bike Ride
Those riding are linked by their determina-
and no less than 12 Dial-a-Cab drivers sent
tion to all be naked on their bikes on WNBR
in photos! We don’t usually get that much
Day, riding in celebration, jubilation to deliver
a vision of a cleaner, safer, body-positive
The ride is a form of protest but contains
world to the masses.
many different groups protesting about
How naked you are depends on you and
whatever it is that affects them. Groups rep-
no one criticises if you are wearing too much
resented road safety for cyclists to protection
(and definitely not if you aren’t wearing
of plants and a large selection in between.
enough)! Many paint their bodies and it usu-
The naked aspect represents the vulnerability
Had the weather been bad it would have
ally is a fun day. June 14 in London didn’t
of cyclists in traffic and the demo is held in
been a bummer, but hey...!!!
Uber taxi driver mystery
hen Uber announced it would be tak-
ing black cabs onto its system, few in
the licensed taxi business believed any-
one would join. So it was a shock
when a tweet recently announced a welcome to the
first black taxi to join the Dutch-based app.
What was even more surprising was that the tweet not
only gave out the driver’s name but also his taxi registration
number. Within minutes another tweet said he was near
Fleet Street, followed soon after by a second saying he was
at St Paul’s Cathedral.
The driver soon realised that he had become public
enemy number one and put his own tweet out saying that
he was allegedly working under cover for Radio Taxis and
that they had asked him to join and see what happened. He
then announced that he had already parted company with
Soon after, Call Sign saw an email from an Ealing Yellow
Badge driver saying that Uber would be prepared to take
them on and give them London work! He went on to
explain how drivers could join Uber. This was followed by a
response from someone called Pritesh at Uber’s office on
the first floor of 21 Calendonian Road explaining that they
could join and would be given a fifty pound activation
bonus. The only question is, if genuine, how many will be
silly enough to cross that line. And since when were Uber
licensed by Islington?
Call Sign July 2014
Page 28
Darren Johnson:
Win £100 with
Lease electric
taxis to drivers?
a caption...
Call Sign won’t be paying for your upcoming holidays but we’ll
give £100 towards the spending money for the best caption to the
photo of DaC Board member Mike Son chatting to Camilla, Duchess
of Cornwall. The competition is open to drivers and staff.
Entries to callsignmag@aol.com, post to Call Sign at the office address or leave
your entry in the DaC driver’s reception. Closing date is July 14 and the editor’s
decision is final..
Going back to 2010, London
Assembly member and repre-
sentative of the Green Party,
Darren Johnson has appeared
in Call Sign several times
with his views that were
often interpreted as anti-
black cab. He has always
denied that and claimed that
he just wanted to help clean
up London’s air.
He has now asked the Mayor and TfL
to come up with ‘imaginative’ ways to
help London’s taxi drivers to buy envi-
ronmentally friendly cabs. This follows
on from Boris Johnson’s plan
announced last year that all taxis regis-
tered from 2018 would have to be zero
emission capable and operate in their
greener mode while in pollution
The former Green member of
Lewisham Council from 2002 until this
year when he didn’t stand wants the
376 Strand, WC2
Mayor to ease the financial burden on
taxi drivers by TfL bulk buying electric
We Invite Dial-a-Cab drivers and their guests to our
taxis and leasing them out to drivers -
restaurant where you can partake of the finest food and wine
similar to the process they do for buses.
The Mayor had previously said they
And as a thank-you for helping our clients come
were exploring a number of options to
and go over the years, we are happy to be able to
encourage introduction of new zero
offer you a genuine 25% discount on your bill
emission capable taxis as quickly as
One possible action would be to
We are certain that you will be delighted
provide financial incentives to ease
the initial cost of moving to greener
Darren Johnson said: “We need
action on air pollution sooner rather
than later and taxi drivers need to
be given assistance to switch to zero
emission vehicles as soon as possi-
Please bring along your badge or Bill as ID
ble. TfL need to think imaginatively
on this, such as bulk buying electric
Salieri Restaurant
black cabs and leasing them out to
376 Strand, WC2
drivers, which could help deliver
clean cabs at an affordable price.”
Reservations: 020 7836 1318
Call Sign July 2014
Page 29
Either write to Call Sign at
I don't know about other drivers, but I have
noticed an increase in the number of jobs
Dial-a-Cab House
that are booked as Credit Cards and then
or email us at
revert them to cash. When this happens, I
don't put £2 on the extras because DaC
don't charge me. Should we not start
charging the £2 extras to Credit Card cus-
Goodbye engine!
tomers who revert to cash as they are get-
patch days. Incidentally, was this issue a
Hi Alan
first with no moans about EC5! Hopefully
ting a cash cab for no booking fee.
Well it’s finally happened! On Tuesday 8th
Richard Potter (T51)
they will disappear totally when you go
April 2014 after hearing many stories of the
GPS. I think it should have been done years
Control Centre Manager Allan Evans
problems with the TX4 engine, my one
replies: As far as I am aware, if a Credit
ago. All I now have to look at is my home
gave up the ghost outside my house with a
computer screen with not a data terminal
Card trip is changed to cash, unless the
few clunks and vibrations. No warning
driver adds the £2 onto the extras, then
in sight! My best wishes to everyone at Dial-
lights came on, nothing. Just short of seven
nothing is charged. In effect the driver
years old with 175,000 miles on the clock, I
loses 50p and the Society loses the £1.50
Ray Sorene (ex-A53)
am told I have done well, as some drivers
Thanks Ray. I hope retirement is as
hence the passenger does not pay the
have had this problem at 70,000 miles. But
booking fee. If it is becoming a regular
enjoyable as you hoped it would be ...Ed
now I have to shell out over £4,000 for a
problem, the system may need to be
recon engine - why buy a new one? The
David Kupler and
original engine was serviced every 10,000
miles with the correct oil, the correct anti-
Ray Marks
Talking pumps?
freeze mixture and everything else that is
Dear Ed
Dear Alan
asked for at my garage
(Whitfords of
Like many I was surprised and shocked to
I recently went into a garage at the end of a
read in the May Call Sign of the sudden
shift and had to fill my cab up from the off-
Why would I buy another one? How long
passing of David Kupler and Ray Marks.
side of the pump because the normal sides
will this recon engine last? How many will I
Whilst I’ve heard of Mr Marks, I don’t rec-
were busy. Don’t ask me how, but I acci-
need to see out fifteen years? I feel once
ollect ever meeting him other than maybe
dentally filled it up with petrol. I’ve been
again that the cab driver is being fobbed off
to say hello at an AGM. David, on the other
told that a small amount of petrol wouldn’t
with inferior goods. In my 37 years of cab
hand, was someone who whilst I had never
do too much harm if there is a substantial
driving, the Nissan Fairway stands head and
met socially, I’m hardly ever likely to forget
amount of diesel still in the tank, but mine
shoulders above all else, so I ask why do we
as Jon Robinson (E88) points out in the
was virtually empty! So I phoned someone
have to put up with this inferior engine and
same issue, because I was often on the
who towed me to a place where the tank
what is my recourse? Or are we just hanging
sharp end of David’s quick tongue.
could be emptied out (it is apparently ille-
on for the hybrid / electric taxi?
However, unlike many of my other adver-
gal on the garage forecourt). It cost me
Melvyn Harvey (E87)
saries on DaC over the years, I never once
almost £150 plus the cost of the wasted
Most would agree with your comments
detected any hostility or malice with David.
petrol, which couldn’t be recycled as it had
on the Fairway, but I think that many
I think he just liked to hear his own voice at
diesel mixed in with it.
might also consider that 175,000 miles
AGMs and I was the obvious target.
So I just wondered whether it would be
on a TX4 with constant stopping and
Allen Togwell
feasible to put speakers in pumps that say
starting wasn’t too bad either! The new
Former DaC Board Member
this is a diesel or petrol pump. I remember
electric Metrocab claims to be almost
Hello Alan.
once hearing a ‘this is a diesel pump’ mes-
ready for a virtually unlimited existence,
I did not have the pleasure of getting to
sage in a garage, so surely it wouldn’t be
but that will also be provided the battery
know Mr Kupler but always enjoyed read-
that difficult to put them into every pump
is looked after. Otherwise you can
ing his poetry in Call Sign. I have to admit
replace the word engine with battery so
so that no one can make a mistake. I know
feeling a little sad to hear about his death
they are coloured green for petrol and
far as cost goes ...Ed
and was very moved by his two final poems
black for diesel, but when it’s dark and
published in the last edition. Can I take this
you’re going home after a long day, you
opportunity to offer my sincere condo-
Credit Cards
aren’t as alert as you were on the way out
I recently had a credit card job through the
to work.
lences to the family of Mr Kupler and I pray
system. My passenger said how fantastic
Sid Nathan (K88)
he will rest in peace.
and easy it was to use. I know it’s on the
I spoke to a representative of Esso who
He appears to have been a very colourful
App, but is the facility being offered to pre-
told me that the talking pump facility is
and much loved character and it seems to
sent and future corporate accounts?
available but when they tried to imple-
be true when they say that the good die
Stephen Field (F68)
ment it as an experiment in a
Keith Cain replies: This is a simple one
Manchester garage, customers com-
Clarence Ishmael (R54).
to answer, Stephen. When I came back
plained that they could never tell
Hi Alan
into Sales, I knew I couldn’t do it alone
whether it was their pump or the one
Thank you so much for the copy of Call
so I have Natalie Ezekiel who is respon-
next to it that was “talking” because they
Sign. I read it and thought it a shame that
sible for new business and Carol
were all constantly in use. Sorry Sid, but
my dad never mentioned his family much -
Carpenter who is developing customer
you’ll just have to be more careful. Every
especially his 12 grandchildren. My dad was
relationships. Both are promoting not
taxi driver does it at least once, so you’re
a unique character but you probably
only the new App, but absolutely every-
probably ok for the next 20 years! ...Ed
already know that. He spent most of his life
thing we can offer to clients - and they
searching for something; unfortunately he
are doing exceptionally well.
Call Sign Online
didn't know he already had it until it was
too late to enjoy it. Thank you again for
Changing Credit
Just to say thank you for providing Call
making such an effort with my dad, I truly
Sign Online, but it was sad news reading
Card trips to cash?
about Dave Kupler in the May issue. I
Ozzie Chavez (David Kupler’s daughter)
Hello Alan.
remember him well from our voice dis-
Los Angeles, Cali
Call Sign July 2014
Page 30
their recent dictates re Uber suggest that
they don’t! ...Ed
Dear Alan
Cab App offer
David was so proud of Dial-a-Cab and
Dear Sir
would have been chuffed to see his photo
I feel compelled to write to Call Sign after
on the front cover of Call Sign. I know that
reading Cab App’s absolutely derisory so-
accept the job - there will probably be
he held you in such high regard and saw
called offer to ‘buy us out’ with our own
another cab that is nearer.
you as a true friend and I have to say that
money! Do Mr Schive and co really have
When you think about all this, the run-in
had you not stepped in, I could have faced
such contempt for Dial-a-Cab and its mem-
and gratuity came in when our circuit first
some serious financial problems after he
bers to think that his share-out is a fair deal?
started up over fifty years ago when there
died. Many promised they’d help, but only
You do not have to be a genius to realise
was no other competition. Well boys and
you and John Riley came through. I will
that we are in the eye of the greatest storm
girls, times have changed and now there is
never forget what you’ve done for me.
of our lives with regard to our future. Mr
competition - lots of it! The only way I can
Mrs Janet Kupler
Schive does not give us anything that we
see us keeping our work and winning some
Ozzie, your dad dictated his own obitu-
could not give ourselves. For example, as
of our lost accounts back, because we
ary and those two final poems, but sud-
Mr Paul Hammett (V42) in the February
won’t get it all back, is to beat our oppo-
denly deteriorated towards the end at
issue suggested, we could restructure and
nents at their own game and eliminate
which time I thought it better to be at his
finance our members for new cab renewals
the run-in. Once you are outside the pick-
bedside as a friend rather than as an
ourselves. There is also much more we can
up, the meter will soon start to tick up and
Editor. He mentioned all his family to
and should do, but DaC members must
once word gets round that we don't have
me, including his grandchildren, but
shake themselves out of the lethargic state
run-ins, I'm sure we will see our work pick-
just never went into detail preferring to
that the cab trade seems to have fallen into.
talk about his taxi driving career first
But I will leave it at that for now. But please,
So please open your eyes; look at all the
because of the nature of the mag. He
let’s start to think like the businessmen we
Addison Lee cars with passengers in while
hoped to personalise it later, but sadly
pretend we are!
we see empty taxis driving around or rank-
we never got to go beyond that.
Bruno Manfredi (F23)
ing up. It’s a no brainer boys and girls, so
What Janet Kupler is referring to is
Cab App had their offer given out to cab
talk to your Board or within 3 years we will
the help that the DaC Credit Union gave
drivers on ranks, put onto driver’s wind-
only have half, if not less, of the
at such a terrible time. All I did was to
screens when their cabs were parked,
accounts than we have got now.
make a few enquiries and then John
had it published in The Badge and also
Gratuities? Well that's another subject
Riley and the DACCU did the work. They
released it on Twitter. Two other bidders
and I don't want to upset you all too much;
were brilliant and I’m sure David would
were tied in by Non-Disclosure
perhaps another time if and when we
have been delighted to see his name
Agreements but Cab App wanted their
get our work back...
publicise the Credit Union because of
offer to be released at the DaC AGM. The
Chris Passfield (Y25)
the insurance policy they have for just
Board decided that it would be unfair to
such a terribly sad event. So I also offer
release their offer when the other two
What’s the answer?
my sincere thanks for the help they gave
couldn’t be mentioned and that Cab
Hi Alan
Jan. That would have impressed David
App’s was the lowest of the three. Also,
Two massive accounts gone from E14. How
far more than seeing his photo on the
Cab App’s accounts showed a deficit of
much longer can we continue the way we
cover ...Ed
£96,000. Not a basis for buying a compa-
are trading? We lose accounts and tenders
ny out ...Ed
one after the other! Can DaC be sustained
the way it is? The recession has changed
Hi Alan
What’s the answer?
business expectations. Hailo is going to
In your May Editorial you talk about Uber
Hi Alan
offer cars to their customers, how long
and then add: “God knows what they will
The subject I am about to mention may not
before they offer taxi drivers trips home at
make of Lyft when they come over, as they
be very popular with many drivers, even
minicab prices? Then possibly airports at
undoubtedly will.” What is Lyft?
with some of our Board Members. Run-ins!
car prices?
Alex Constantinou (N05)
Somebody has got to open driver’s eyes to
As for DaC, we will have to change the
The Lyft app is Uber with a subtle differ-
this delicate subject. To start, it seems that
way we charge customers. Are the days of
ence in that drivers also use their own
we have lost two big accounts because we
the massive million pound accounts at DaC
cars to act as cabs, but do not make any
won’t give in when clients ask not to have
now a thing of the past?
charge! Instead they claim that what
run-ins included in their contract. So what
I still think DaC should use our money in
they are actually offering is a lift - hence
do they do? Phone another circuit! What
the bank to buy a large profitable private
the name Lyft. What passengers then do
would you rather do, get a job and start the
hire company and use the profits to sub-
to get round the law of unlicensed vehi-
meter when you get to the pickup or lose
sidise DaC booking fees. Maybe some DaC
cles is to make a “donation” towards
£millions just because we want that extra
accounts would pay the meter fare; it
couple of quid on the meter? We will just
would be nice to know if this would help or
What we as taxi drivers have learned is
keep sitting on our backsides or riding
if it is the £4.20 run in that makes us unable
that whereas in years gone by, people
round in circles as time goes on because
to compete?
were concerned about which vehicle
other circuits are cutting out run-ins - and I
Jon Robinson (E88)
they got into, nowadays it is purely a
include the PH mob’s prices - resulting in
matter of price. The question of safety,
us literally giving them the work that we
What’s the answer?
drivers that can be trusted and who
used to have.
Dear Alan
know their way round come second -
Just think, lads and lassies, you don't
When will the Board of Management realise
even to institutions that should know
need a run-in on the island, you’re usually
that they must challenge the opposition by
better. Anthony Newley once exclaimed:
already there. In the City, if you’re there
going the same way and do away with tips,
Stop the world, I want to get off.” I think
you don't have far to run normally. You will
waiting time and run-ins! No doubt some
I now know what he meant. The ques-
probably ask about all the traffic. Well if you
drivers will be up in arms, but I bet most of
tion is whether LTPH understand and
think you’re too far away then just don't
those drivers had been on Hailo! But if it
Call Sign July 2014
Page 31
means we retain our work and in all probability get even more
from these accounts, then maybe we wouldn’t have lost those two
big E14 accounts. If the Board don’t take the bull by the horns and
do something drastic quickly, then we won’t have a business to sell
Uber and Hailo
I would appreciate it if our subscribers would just take a few
Dear Alan
minutes to think about it; no run-in work is better than just sitting
My dad was at D-Day (Caen) so it now irritates me at this particular
around waiting for some jobs that may come out.
time when many remember the 70th anniversary of the landings that
Ivor Belkin (C97)
some geek from San Francisco can try to make our industry obso-
lete. Uber don’t even have a landline. As for Hailo, it was set up for
What’s the answer?
black cabs and became a success, so what do they do? They pass it
What can we do? Well there’s service, smartness and we should take
over to minicabs! It takes a huge amount of believing and I’d go as
on no new drivers unless they have full aircon. If they don’t like it
far as to say that it stinks...
then they can join GetTaxi. Seriously, I have no real idea but what
David Heath (Ex-W27
we are doing now obviously ain't working. We may have healthy
Hi Alan
cash float now, but it’s not a bottomless pit. Perhaps we should set
I guess some of you saw Hailo’s open letter to the trade. My per-
up a stately smaller office or something. It’s not just the big E14
sonal comment is that the three London drivers who have played an
accounts; it’s the ones in the city. Addy Lee is not cheap yet it has
immense part in getting Hailo accepted by London drivers and pub-
no problems, so it has to be us.
lic must be feeling very shame-faced at the moment. Well and truly
AL has most of DB and MS, their drivers pay £250 per week plus
shafted! They may well put a brave front up and just think of their
insurance, plus they have to give a deposit on the car. They are
personal positions and long term prospects, but deep down I'm
- after administration
- more expensive than us.
sure they are horrified at this turn of events. I don't know the other
Lastly Citibank was taken by Brunel, our Concierge partner, dis-
two drivers, but have always found Russell Hall to be very passion-
ate about the cab trade and willing to put his hand in his pocket to
Stephen Field (F99)
help support ideas that benefit the trade. I am not and never have
I have had many similar emails and phone calls to the above,
been on Hailo, but if I was I'm sure I would have deleted the app as
but who didn’t want to go into the magazine. I understand all
soon as I finished reading the open letter.
the points and I’m sure that no gratuities, no run-ins and no
Passengers / customers of Hailo in my personal opinion used their
waiting time could help regain some work. Some have also
app for one reason and one reason only - to book a London taxi. If
added that the driver shouldn’t put the meter on until the pas-
they just wanted transport from A to B then there are any number
senger comes down. In other words ranks outside the build-
of minicab companies they could phone or use the ever expanding
ings! If you are outside the door then it’s fine, but if it gets
number of PH apps on the market.
busier in the streets as it seems to be doing, who will bother
Eddie Lambert (V37)
running to do the jobs? I run to cover quite a lot of account
See Editorial on page three ...Ed
trips, but I can tell you that I wouldn’t run from E1 to cover an
E14 trip with no run-in, waiting time or gratuity and not
The future
putting my meter on until the passenger comes out!
This is my first ever letter to Call Sign but with the work situation
If we did give up all those ‘extras’ to encourage accounts,
that we now all find ourselves in with the recent loss of the two lead-
then before long they would want discounted fares as well.
ing accounts, I think we are in need of an EGM to put the views of
How do I know? Well Keith Cain showed me a list of prices
that a prospective new account had sent him to ask if he could
the membership directly to the Chairman and the BoM so that they
can tell us just what we are facing as an organisation. My own view
match them. He compared them to previously ‘cleared’ trips,
removed run-in costs and gratuities and still couldn’t compete!
is that there is now no way back to our previous position and before
our cash assets are eaten up, we should call it a day and divide the
There is an answer out there and we have to find it some-
how - perhaps via our IT dept, which is by far the best in the
assets among the members or be told if there is still any chance of a
business - but working for nothing isn’t it, although I suspect
sale. We must be told what is happening before it is too late.
that fixed prices may become one answer. Then we’ll see how
Chris Caselton (O24)
genuine some of the comments to Call Sign have been,
Because of a confidentiality agreement, the BoM can’t com-
because as the hot weather hit and it got busier, coverage did-
ment on your letter, Chris, but yes I believe that prior to the
n’t exactly go through the roof. We are all businessmen and
time of writing one of the companies involved had their audi-
often use that as an excuse as to why we won’t cover radio
tors at DaC for in excess of two weeks. As that is a somewhat
work. But sadly we can’t have it both ways. You can’t just give
expensive procedure, then you would have to assume that
passenger the above ‘perks’ when it’s quiet but then not cover
progress is being made. No meeting would be allowed to tell
the work when it gets busier on the streets.
you more than that. I believe that Brian Rice also sent out a let-
As for Stephen’s comment on Concierge itself, DaC has no
ter to drivers giving an update on what appears to be the main
partners. It is our system. Citi elected to have Brunel as their
sticking point. As for what we are facing, I think we all know
PH company on it. Ten years ago, when DaC built and intro-
what’s out there. Competition by the bucket load! Chris, if you
duced its platform, there would have been no question that Citi
read all the letters above, you’ll see that everyone has their own
and co would have stayed with us because Concierge was a bril-
views on what is the best way forward. Sadly, it isn’t that easy
liant concept that gained us a huge amount of taxi work, even
because the real bottom line is that PH drivers are happy to
though it meant dealing with those clients’ preferred PH com-
work for far less than us and pay their bosses whatever they
panies. In fact the only people arguing against it were taxi dri-
ask for. No doubt if we doubled our subs, we’d get more work
vers, led by internet non-members who refused to understand
because we could then charge customers less. In other words
the reasoning behind the concept. Ten years on and Concierge
subsidise ourselves! I don’t think so!
is still as good as any platform out there, but sadly is no longer
I have a personal view that I can’t put onto paper at this time,
the only one, so customers can again look at price - and we
but it certainly isn’t anywhere near as dark as yours and I have
know the rest. As Concierge proved, DaC has the finest IT
spoken about it to any driver that asked me. I have no doubt
department in taxiland by far... so watcha got boys??? ...Ed
that DaC has a future ...Ed