July 2012
< Go Back
Why is John Barry
holding up an
obviously fake
£50 note?
DaC Marshal
takes wife
and grandson
on job!!!
Call Sign July 2012
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
With the Olympics here in a few days and hopefully a lot of work, many trips will be to hotels. I have listed a few newish
chains and allowed you to sort out the Premier Inns from the Travelodges. This list is only from 10 Chains and 85 hotels.
The on-line version covers 34 chains and over 400 hotels. See bottom of page.
London Hotels
For the comprehensive on-line list of 34 Chains and over 400 hotels, go to www.myfav.co.uk click the blue “LOCKED” button. When the
new page appears, type ‘taxi' in the “Unlock Code” box and then click “Submit”. The page will reload with not only an iconic link to the
hotels list, but many other useful taxi related icons.
Call Sign July 2012
Page 3
from the editor's desk
Things to come?
they want to go to the stadium, let them go to St
Yes, it's nice to be back after having June off
Pancras like ordinary people and take the world's
press with them. Of course they could let taxis
and yes, I did miss the buzz I still get from
putting out each issue of Call Sign.
use the ORNs and we'll get them there in double-
But now it's July and I'm sure I don't need to
quick time. Or they could join the flying pigs...
say what it is that starts at the end of this month!
Buses? What a load of boxes...
In days of yore when picking up passengers from
Liverpool Street or Stratford who asked to be
Mike Leo (Z09) recently wrote to Call Sign to
taken to Hackney Wick dog track, could anyone
tell us that an appeal against a PCN for him stop-
ping in a yellow box junction in East India Dock
in their wildest dreams have envisaged that where
the dog track stood in its moulding glory, one day
Road for
52 seconds had been overruled.
would stand the 2012 Olympic Stadium! Well,
However, he took a note from the April Call Sign
where Dean Mussett (M40) asked Westminster
there's no need to use your imagination because
it's now here and our only concern should be
Council via a Freedom of Information request,
about how it affects the taxi trade.
how many PCNs they had given to London buses
We know about the Olympic Route Network and
for stopping in the boxes? After all, hardly a day
goes by when you aren't stuck at a junction
how that will cause London to snarl up as
Olympic athletes and executives make their way
thanks to a bus plonked right in the middle of a
to Stratford. What we haven't yet been told offi-
yellow box. Westminster's answer was that from
December 2010 to December 2011, they had
cially is whether those same executives will have
any priority access on the way back to their Park
that after reading this, Transport for London will
issued just one ticket to a bus! We don't know
Lane / Knightsbridge hotels in the evening in case
explain to the security just who we are and what we
whether it was embossed and framed!
they should be late for din-dins at Le Gavroche or
do. Perhaps a drawing? My 7 year old granddaugh-
So Mike Leo wrote to Tower Hamlets asking the
maybe Joel Robuchon's L'Atelier gaff in West Street!
ter, Imogen, could probably help them out with
same question under a FOI request. The east end
We also know that there will be facilities for set-
that! Or Call Sign has lots of photos...
council didn't just send Mike an answer for one
ting down and picking up at the Olympics, but
Oh yes... how did Hannah do? Well, no thanks
year, they sent him a total for the last FIVE years!
will the security - that is being hired provided
to the stadium security, she became the first ath-
And the answer? 120 PCNs were issued to buses
applicants can stand up for 20 seconds without
lete to break a world record at the track after fly-
in that period - or if you prefer, 24 buses per
falling over - actually know what a taxi is?
ing round in 18.56 seconds! Hopefully that's a
year! Hmmm? That works out at almost half a bus
We will soon also have the Paralympic Games
sign of things to come over the next two months
per week, so keep an eye out the next time a bus
and without meaning to sound condescending in
- our athletes winning medals and not security
blocks you in at a box junction and we can run a
even the slightest way, that will probably involve
being pillocks...!
survey as to which end of the bus gets the most
tickets - front or back! If you miss it, then they'll
passengers with disabilities going to watch, per-
haps some even in wheelchairs. After all, we are
Accessible transport?
be another chance next week!
the only 100% wheelchair accessible form of
Ok, there's a lot about the Olympics here and
transport. And of course we should remind our-
let's be honest, I have an ultra- low threshold
And in a packed programme...
selves that as taxi drivers, our vehicles come
when it comes to having a moan. We tried when
Hopefully there's something for everyone inside
under the auspices of the Equality Act 2010.
it came to the ORN and got a few crumbs thrown
this issue of Call Sign. Besides around five pages
Most of that is commonsense and stuff that we
at us regarding right turns together with the usual
of reader's letters in Mailshot, there is also an
would do without needing to know exactly what
compliments from the Mayor's office (wonderful,
advert from DaC driver Steve Denison (W65)
it entails. So will the Olympics and Paralympics
excellent, nice chaps etc), but when it comes to it,
that some may want to print off and possibly give
security know what a taxi is?
it has always been us against authority. The
copies to their passengers. It shows the difference
Let's go back to a story that would have
world's passengers consistently vote us as the
between us and minicabs. Congratulations to
appeared in the June issue - except that we don't
best and I honestly believe that LTPH agree with
Steve for not being prepared to just sit down and
have one of those! So better late than never, let's
that, but are afraid to say anything that might
do nothing!
talk about
19 year old Hannah Cockroft.
upset the applecart - for applecart read private
Also, with the 15 year limit beginning to bite,
Beautiful and talented, Hannah is one of the
hire. The problem is that as soon as one matter is
we have an update from former DaC driver
favourites for the 100metres wheelchair race at
pushed away, another appears. For example, the
Stanley Roth who is pushing to get a TX1 and
the Para Games. Yorkshire born Hannah has cere-
world can now get information about the Games,
TX2 converted to run on gas - while at the same
bral palsy, but has never allowed that to slow
including travel hotspots etc at www.getahead-
time getting an extra five years on the cab's life for
down her ambition of being one of the world's
ofthegames.com. Everything you'd want to
anyone who has the same operation!
top wheelchair athletes. She has even been
know about transport during the Games is there:
In addition, Peter Begley (K98), who knows
referred to as the new Tanni Grey-Thompson.
Underground, DLR, Overground, Buses, River
far more than us about how taxis work, tries to
But despite holding two World
services, Dial-a-Ride and National Rail. I guess
help those looking to buy a new cab as to
Championships, Hannah has to do what every
that covers all London's transport? Whaddya
whether a TX4 or a Vito would be best for them.
athlete does before an event - the basic task of
mean there's one form of transport missing? And
He also looks at the Peugeot E7, which is hoping
getting to the stadium!
a 100% wheelchair accessible form as well? Ah
to be licensed for London should the Conditions
On May 8, the Olympic Stadium had a “test”
well, it couldn't have been that important!
of Fitness ever be dropped.
Paralympic event. Hannah was due to travel in a
In the meantime, if yours or your cab's licence
Oh, and one last thing! Most issues of the maga-
coach, but it broke down. So what did she do? She
zine carry a Flashback article reprinting old articles
expires shortly, make sure you allow that bit more
called a licensed taxi to take her to the stadium. The
from Dial-a-Cab magazines going right back
extra time to book a trip to SGS or to get your
driver seemed delighted at this test of how to get
licence renewal application in.
through ODRTS Newsletter in the 1950s to
into the Olympics and Hannah was relaxed as she
ODRTS Monthly in the 1960s, News ‘n Views in
explained to the driver about the coach.
Olympic rehearsal?
the 1970s and Call Sign ever since the 1980s. This
They reached the security barriers and the driver
Yes, it peed down and viewers around the world
issue's Flashback has one of the newest ones we
told them he had one of the athletes in his cab, but
watching the Queen's Jubilee celebrations must
have ever used - from 2003, which to Flashback is
they wouldn't allow him in. Hannah told them she
have thought June was mid-winter in the UK. I
like yesterday! It was written specially in 2003 for
was scheduled to be in the 100 metres and that she
was more interested in how crowds left the
Call Sign by an Australia cab driver who had been
had already missed her warm-up time, but nope!
Embankment viewing areas after the event fin-
around during the 2000 Sydney Olympics and
“No taxis in here mate!” So Hannah had to get out
ished. The answer was that it was total chaos; but
issued a warning as to what we should expect.
and find her own way to the track.
that was nothing compared to how the Olympics
Reading it now could make us wonder why we
After the race, Hannah said that it had been the
will be for the best part of seven weeks. I know
never took more notice at the time.
worst preparation she'd ever had before a race. She
it's a total waste of time, but it isn't too late to
See you next month...
missed the warm-up and had to just get her num-
overturn the Tsars of the International Olympic
bers on and go straight onto the track for the race.
Committee whose main interest appears to be the
Alan Fisher
Is that what is going to happen to us? Let's hope
athletes - great - but also their own interests. If
Call Sign July 2012
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
The Island
However, that situation has led to some coverage
At the time of writing, I have been informed by one
problems at certain times and anything you can do
to alleviate the situation would be very welcome.
of our clients that is in the process of moving their
You don't need me to tell you that our business
operation to the Island, that they will require a
rolling rank operating very similar to one of their
could turn into a downward spiral; we lose mem-
bers due to the economic climate, consequently our
neighbours that we also service at Canada Square.
coverage suffers, when the coverage suffers we lose
This scenario came about because a new senior
Banker is now employed by the Bank that is cur-
clients, and when we lose clients, we then lose
rently in the process of moving, but who originally
more drivers ad infinitum.
The only people than can halt a downward spiral
came from the Bank situated in Canada Square!
No, I am not writing the above in code and I apol-
are you, the Dial-a-Cab members. So if you can put
ogise if it is a little hard to follow, but everyone
yourself out occasionally, it could make all the dif-
seems to be a little sensitive these days when it
ference. I know business has been quiet, but at cer-
comes to actually mentioning names.
tain times of the day we need better coverage
The new Banker that has recently been employed
because we are still spending several thousands of
by the Bank in the process of moving, was so
pounds every couple of months on premiums to
impressed with what we delivered at his previous
cover the work.
establishment, that one of his first tasks was to start
the process of negotiation for installing a rolling
are with us for 52 weeks of the year and not just
At the moment, everything appears to be on track
rank at his new Bank.
once in a lifetime. My hope is that we can still sup-
regarding your new terminals and as you are proba-
At the time of writing, it seems fairly certain the
ply a reasonable service otherwise there could well
bly aware we have some on test at the moment. But
rolling rank will be implemented, however I cannot
be a high price to pay following the conclusion of
we have decided not to fit any to the fleet before the
be certain of the date at this stage, but it looks as
the Games.
commencement of the Olympic Games and instead
though it could be 1st July - which is around the
same time you will receive this issue of Call Sign.
Whilst on the subject of the Games, LTPH inform
will wait until the close of the Paralympics before we
me that any members who receive their ‘pack' from
consider installing any new terminals.
We have put forward our proposal for the rank
and all we need at the moment is for the Bank to rat-
them regarding renewal of their licenses, should
Joe Skeggs
ify the situation, which at the time of writing has not
deal with the renewal immediately because as you
I was very sad to hear that Joe Skeggs (V34) had
yet been forthcoming. As soon as the situation
can imagine, there will be heightened security dur-
ing the Games and your life will be made a little eas-
passed away. DaC drivers will remember Joe from
becomes clear, you will of course be notified - prob-
ably via your terminal as we may well receive very
ier if everything is up to date.
the many times he got up at AGMs to have a pop at
something or other - often my name got men-
short notice that they wish the rolling rank to be
You may also be aware that the contract SGS had
tioned! But there was always that wink of the eye
with LTPH is coming to an end next year and the
afterwards that showed a mutual respect.
new contract has been awarded to NSL. I believe
that is the same company that operates the system
Joe may well have been upset at something that
This is the last Call Sign before the Olympics com-
at Heathrow. NSL will actually take over the opera-
happened, but once the AGM was over he was back
telling you a funny story or a joke. The word ‘char-
mence and even at this stage, we are unsure of the
tion on 28th February and the SGS contract will ter-
acter' is often bandied around, but in Joe's case it
situation and no-one has any real idea of the traffic
minate in April.
represented an accurate picture of a lovely man. My
conditions that might ensue. I, like most of you, was
under the impression that a booklet was being pro-
sincere sympathies to his family...
duced to inform all interested parties the details of
Due to the current economic situation, we have lost
Finally, I hope you have a very busy Games period
the Games, regarding venues, times etc. Hopefully
some members over the past few months. They, like
and that the traffic is not too horrendous. But please
by the time you read this, you will have received it.
any other businesses, look at their overheads and if
give a special thought to your Account Clients that will
However, at the time of writing we have not
they believe they can save money then they will
hopefully still be ours long after the Games have gone.
received anything and there are only six weeks to
make that economy.
go. I am really getting an uneasy feeling about the
Personally, I believe that to be a very short sight-
Brian Rice
situation and I'm also very concerned regarding the
ed view, but you would probably expect me to say
service we supply to your customers, the ones that
that anyway.
Spare DaC taxis
Drivers often ask about taxi garages where Dial-
a-Cab taxis are available for use while your cab
is off the road, so if you need a DaC-fitted termi-
nal try phoning one of the following garages for
For any non-fault accidents try either:
Chief Taxis: -------------------0800 055 6221
Cab Aid: -----------------------0800 028 3253
Overhauls or accident repairs:
Cricklewood Carriers: -----
0208 452 5461
KPM: --------------------------
0207 375 1179
Justcabs (formerly L&P):-- 0207 739 0210
Howard Kott of Justcabs is also happy to rent out a
DaC taxi if not being used as a loan cab
Call Sign July 2012
Page 5
What would the Mayor think of this taxi?
102 year old taxi for £20,000...!
Never mind the 15-year limit, a 102 year old black London taxi has
been discovered in an old barn in Gloucestershire. This rare cab
of a bygone era has now been restored and put up for sale where
it is expected to fetch over £20,000. It still retains its original taxi
meter and switches in the back so that passengers could indicate
to the driver the direction they wished to go.
It has a top speed of 40mph and is the only one left of its type
as most of this particular taxi were destroyed or have just faded
The cab is in excellent condition with most of its original
leather interior intact. It possesses a 16 hp engine with a three-
speed gearbox. It has wooden wheels with pneumatic tyres and
paraffin lamps both in the front and rear. The auction was held at
The Castle Combe race circuit in Chippenham on 30th June.
87 years past the 15-year limit!
Legalise London Brothels for Olympics!
Nevada brothel owner, Dennis Hof, says he
With a projected 900,000 visi-
wants to start a new and fully legal brothel in
tors expected to visit our capital
London during next month's summer Olympics.
during the Olympics, Hof esti-
Mr Hof claims that it “would stop human traf-
mates he would make much more
ficking by international criminal gangs.”
than he could during a similar
Mr Hof, 65-year-old owner of the Moonlite
period at the Nevada brothel
Bunny Ranch in Nevada, promoted legal pros-
where he employs 500 girls.
titution during a debate at the Oxford Union
While prostitution isn't illegal in
and told Call Sign that he is on a mission to
the UK, operating a brothel, pimp-
convince Mayor Boris Johnson that legal
ing or streetwalking is, as is paying
brothels could be just what London needs dur-
for sexual services from someone
ing the Games..
who has been coerced into prosti-
“Illegal brothels are disgusting,” said Hof,
tution. Mr Hof believes that estab-
“the girls are not tested for diseases and
lishing legal brothels around met-
they're trafficked and forced into it. I'm saying
ropolitan London for the duration
Mr Hof, who says he only dates prostitutes, came to
that it doesn't have to be like that. We can
of the games would provide safe sex for
London with Carni Parker who he claims is his number
provide the client with a clean, safe and fun
tourists and Prostitutes - as well as pro-
one girl at the Moonlight ranch.
viding much-needed tax revenue!
376 Strand, WC2
We Invite Dial-a-Cab drivers and their guests to our
restaurant where you can partake of the finest food and wine
Taxi drivers are reminded that by
And as a thank-you for helping our clients come
logging on to
and go over the years, we are happy to be able to
offer you a genuine 25% discount on your bill
and clicking on Report illegal
activity, you can report suspected
We are certain that you will be delighted
touting activity directly to TfL
Information and intelligence gathered
through this online reporting tool
enables the TfL Taxi and Private Hire
Compliance team to strategically manage
deployment and target those areas that
are of the greatest risk to public safety.
The Metropolitan and City of London
Police deployment also takes into
Please bring along your badge or Bill as ID
account reports received through this
tool to conduct intelligence-led opera-
Salieri Restaurant
tions. Over seven thousand arrests have
376 Strand, WC2
been made in the last eight years for
touting and cab offences in London.
Reservations: 020 7836 1318
Call Sign July 2012
Page 6
Jery's          World
Thanks for voting me back in chaps, but I didn't really mean I would get rid of roadworks! I thought you guys had a sense of humour!
A university experiment into satnavs leads Call Sign to ask
Are Addison Lee passengers at risk?
began to notice a difference in their
driving ability. A lot of effort has gone
into designing visually-friendly satnav
devices, but our research highlights
the importance of the way in which
the auditory instructions are given.”
Every Dial-a-Cab driver will soon have
a satnav incorporated into their new ter-
minal, but it will rarely be needed
because of our Knowledge of London.
With drivers from the UK's largest private
hire company, Addison Lee, relying
almost entirely on satnavs, we must ask
how safe they are when it comes to
transporting passengers?
Call Sign
Concentrating on satnav directions?
July 2012
Satnav systems aren't infallible and can send drivers the wrong way, but a shock report
Editor: Alan Fisher
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
from both Lancaster and Royal Holloway Universities show that they can also impair
Tel: 0207 251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
the user's driving ability.
Email: callsignmag@aol.com
An experiment showed that drivers' performances were affected when listening to sat-
nav directions when volunteers were set tasks by a computer which mimicked instruc-
Printers: Premier Print Group
tions given by a satnav. The results showed that when people were following complicat-
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
ed satnav routes, they tended to drive faster with more steering variations, as well as
Design: Aldan Publications
being less likely to notice pedestrians who might step out.
Tel: 07958 300 428
Dr Polly Dalton from the Department of Psychology at Royal Holloway said:
Email: dfdannyfresco@gmail.com
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
“What's interesting is that people were able to follow one simple instruction
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
without any significant impact on their driving, but as soon as they had to
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
remember a compound instruction consisting of two sequential directions, we
either manually or electronically without the express
permission of the Editor.
Call Sign July 2012
Page 7
Or the trip to a strict adjudicator...
were in dispute” and reminded me that the
signs had been there since 1987 (as if I ever
DaC driver Marc Turner (R97) has
knew). She was tearing my defence to shreds
been in Call Sign many times with
and began to dominate me (yes, I know I
should be so lucky)!
incidents varying from chasing Luton
With the proven successful combination
taxi drivers away from picking up
of clutching at straws and praying for
trips on a busy London Saturday
divine intervention, I retorted that perhaps
night, right through to annoying an
as it was in the early hours and there were
no signs on the images and footage, the
Addison Lee driver by telling him to
bulbs had probably gone on the signs?
get off the taxi rank at South
Madam looked at me with seemingly incred-
tos of the junction with the straight ahead sig-
Kensington's Marriott Hotel. Mr
ulous disbelief, before exclaiming with the
nage taken on the sunniest, cloud-free day in
Addyman then tried to run Marc
mildest hint of boredom that she would write
history. So I decided to go to adjudication and
over! Now Marc tells of his latest
play for high stakes - or £130 to be exact!
to Camden's Department of Works and check
on the maintenance of the signs over the peri-
Barry H was very helpful in constructing my
battle with authority...
defence. In the past on DaC PCNs I`ve been
od. Then it was the briefest of acknowledge-
Our ‘friends' at Camden Borough have
“Case adjourned for
28 days,
successfully represented by Barrie Segal. This
never been beyond sending out dubious PCNs
Goodbye!” I left feeling somewhat disappoint-
time I decided to represent myself, as I thought
with rather dodgy evidence to we licensed taxi
ed; I knew I was on a sticky wicket and that Her
it might be a good and useful experience!
drivers. On this occasion they alleged that I
I came face to face with the adjudicator at
Ladyship was probably just postponing the
had turned left into Shaftsbury Avenue from
09.15 on Saturday 14th April. She, an imposing
Bloomsbury Street, ignoring the straight ahead
middle aged lady possibly reminiscent of a St
But then on May 4th, I received the judge-
signs at 02.37 on the morning of 8th October
Trinians headmistress, while I, just woken from
ment in the post. Camden had not responded
2011. I phoned the LTDA's Barry Hooper and
a kip in the cab on a very cold morning after
to the adjudicator's request for more info,
he viewed the images. He said I had a decent
the mother of all nightshifts and then having
therefore the contravention did not occur and
case for an appeal. Camden had used the cam-
walked from the city to Angel. It wouldn`t be
as a result the PCN was cancelled! Happy Days!
era that makes them a fortune nabbing
too unfair to say that I more resembled Peter
Guys and girls, we have to stand up to
motorists in the yellow box.
Falk's detective, Columbo!
these modern day highway robbers. Even
Even though the images showed my unfor-
The Lady was strict and obviously not pre-
the adjudicators are aware that the bor-
tunate left turn, the straight ahead signs were
pared to suffer fools gladly. Although I
oughs are a bunch of chancers. If you don't
not in view in any of the available pictures.
remained calm, she was undoubtedly pulling
take it all the way, then the boroughs will
When I denied the charge, the best Camden
ahead on points. She proclaimed that “neither
win. Appeal, appeal, appeal...!”
could do was to send me some beautiful pho-
my misdemeanour nor the straight ahead signs
Marc Turner (R97)
Martin Cordell & Co.
Does your accountant supply you with the following?
Over forty years of experience with the Licensed London Taxi Trade.
Processing of self-assessment returns.
Advice on trading as a Limited Company with its tax advantages and potential pitfalls.
Preparation of accounts.
Initial consultation dealing with loss of earnings claims (due to accidents on the road etc.)
Letters to banks, building societies
and other lenders.
Specialist in-house facilities to deal with Inland Revenue enquiry cases.
(This is expensive and time consuming. Ask your accountant how much he will charge should this
unpredictable event occur).
A three hundred and sixty five days a year service.
Offices in North and East London.
First consultation free of charge.
Martin Cordell & Co . . . Do!
All for one yearly fee
The London Taxi Trades Premier Accountants
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
020 8980 7161
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
1-5 Alfred Street, Bow, London E3 2BE also at
Front Office, First Floor, 9 Church Road, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4AS
Call Sign July 2012
Page 8
Unlike the photo that admits to not being real, John's £50 note was nothing but a...
“I'm annoyed with myself more than anything else,” John
ok to him - especially
Barry (O51) admitted to Call Sign, “because usually I am
when you are being
very careful, but these blokes were very convincing and knew
hooted to get a move
what they were doing.”
John's tale took place in the evening just as the light was
“No doubt they
fading. He stopped after being hailed on Holloway Road by
will try that scam
three smartly dressed men who although they had obviously
again,” said John
had a drink, certainly didn't look at all inebriated.
before leaving Call
“They asked for Columbia Road E1 and offered to show me
Sign's reporter, “so
the way - something that has never bothered me although I
I hope my experi-
know some drivers take offence. Throughout the journey
ence will be a warn-
they were full of chat and general banter and I responded
ing to others. I
only when appropriate. They directed me to the one-way
often work late
Shipton Street. Two of them got out of one door while the
into the night and
third came around to my side. They each made with their
early morning and
hands to feel their pockets and one kept saying that they
do not usually have
should not forget to get a receipt. Then one of them ‘found'
problems. I'm care-
a new style £50 note and apologised for not having anything
ful but I am also pre
smaller. By now there was a van behind beeping me to hurry
people a chance. Perhaps I shouldn't be quite so tolerant...”
me up, so I quickly held the note up to the light and the
Call Sign checked on the Bank of England website where
watermark looked decent, so I speedily gave them the change
great play is made of the additional security features embed-
and they hurried off towards the nearby pub.”
ded in the new-style £50 note. It has only been in circulation
John then drove off, stuffing the note into his shirt pocket
since November 2011, but such is the speed and sophistica-
as he went and made for the Texaco garage on Shoreditch
tion of modern day forgers that even recently introduced
High Street. But when he handed the £50 note the cashier,
Tender with supposedly improved and advanced security
he was told that the note was a dud and politely asked if he
measures, can apparently be forged. That must surely be a
could pay with real money!
wake-up call for anyone handling high denomination notes…
“I was astonished,” said John, “and rather hacked off as you
might imagine! I raced back to the pub thinking and hoping
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
that they might still be there, but the bar-tender said he saw
three men running down an alleyway across the road after
they got out of my cab. It was a very polished performance,
which they had apparently practiced numerous times. I
realise now that all their searching through pockets for
money was an act when all they wanted to do was palm me
off with that fake £50. In better circumstances, it would have
been an act worthy of an Oscar nomination! But at the end of
the day, I'm still mad with myself for being so easily caught
out like that."
In daylight, the green strip that runs down the note from
top to bottom was not quite right, but given a quick glance as
John had done the night before, the new-style note looked
DaC Credit Union
"best in the country!”
Although the Dial-a-Cab Credit Union AGM took place over two
months ago and would have been reported on in the June issue had
there been one, Call Sign can't let go the fact that in his report at the
meeting - held at DACCU's Hackney Road office - the representative of
their Auditors Appleby and Wood, Terry MacPherson, told members
present that they should be proud of themselves for probably now
being accepted as one of - if not THE - best run credit union in the
With membership now close to 1000, those in DACCU who in addi-
tion to being able to take much larger loans than ever dreamed of in its
early days, also have access to possibly the best savers rate in the coun-
DACCU President Terry Dodd (W15) and Treasurer Brian Flanagan
(T79) told Call Sign after the meeting that they were proud of the
credit union's success and the Auditor's words. They emphasised that
they were always happy to welcome new members. Their ad is in every
issue of the mag...
Call Sign July 2012
Page 9
Call Sign July 2012
Page 10
"I like to keep fit,” Micky Doyle (ex-A47)
told Call Sign as we chatted at Dial-a-
Cab's Roman Way depot, "it keeps me
DaC's sporty
looking and feeling younger than my 74
years. But my faithful old Fairway is com-
ing off the road very soon, so I'm going to
take a 6 month sabbatical to allow me
more time to pursue my hobbies - which
are an expensive indulgence - but I enjoy
the lifestyle of athletics, golfing and scuba
diving. I can always come back to cabbing,
although after 50+ years, a change of rou-
tine will be welcome!”
Micky's time on DaC goes back to
Affleck Street and historic ODRTS charac-
ters such as Jack Taylor and Jack Russell
or voice dispatcher Johnny Thwaites still
sprung readily to his mind.
“Jack Russell and I were in the same
army regiment, the Royal Inniskilling
Fusiliers, although I joined sometime
after him. When I left the army, I
promised myself I would never polish
another piece of brass, so from the day I
got my taxi badge back in 1960 to this
very day, I have not cleaned it - even
though I still take great pride in what it
Micky continued by telling us that his
Now: Mickey is taking 6 months off
National Service time in the army includ-
ed a stint at Spandau Prison in Berlin,
the place where Hitler's deputy, Rudolf
Hess, was held prisoner.
“I have enjoyed my years on Dial-a-Cab
but now it's time to take a breather from
the cab and focus even more on my sport-
ing interests. I attend the gym five days a
week, play golf at every opportunity and
am passionate about scuba-diving, which
I took up when I reached 70 - diving usu-
ally in exotic places around the world!”
Micky is a British Sub-Aqua Club quali-
fied diver to 35 metres depth and has also
completed several 100 mile annual walks
as a member of the Long Distance
Walking Association, which he added on
as though it was akin to a stroll down to
the corner shop.
Before driving off, Micky mentioned
Then: Fifty years ago, Mickey and friends wangling
that in addition to the occasional celebri-
ties we all pick up, he has picked up three
although they weren't serving as PMs at
big fan,”
he called out
his Fairway
Prime Ministers in Ted Heath, Jim
the time. But none were as important to
pulled away...
Callaghan and Alec Douglas-Hume,
him as picking up Petula Clark - “I'm a
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
Leon off to retirement!
Brian Rice once claimed that there are far more over-fifties in the taxi business than under-fifties. Well
another long time Dial-a-Cab driver has now retired with Leon Singer (D92) being the latest to decide
that relaxing is a better way of passing his time than driving a London taxi!
Leon told Call Sign: “I am taking this opportunity to thank Dial-a-Cab for the support they have given
me over the past 57 years. It has been a great experience working with the team. The years have passed
so quickly and I can't believe I am signing off for the last time. I will miss the comradeship of the dis-
patchers and through the magazine I would like to wish you and everybody at DaC including staff and
drivers all the best of luck for the future. But I don't know how you will cover the work without me!”
Enjoy your retirement, Leon...
Call Sign July 2012
Page 11
Allen Togwell's Looks at Motivation
your life. I know a number of drivers who
Driver motivation
when stuck with nothing to do in their free
During the 40 odd years I've held a Bill, I have
time, would go and do a few hours on the
heard a lot of whinging in the cab trade about
everything on earth, including of course the
When you are in company and especially in
proverbial ‘the cab trade is finished' that I, and
the company of other cab drivers, the conversa-
probably every one of you heard when we did
tion soon steers to cab trade issues, events and
the Knowledge. Yet if any of these whingers were
experiences. I personally can't think of any
to stand back and take stock of their lot and
other profession that dictates conversation as
then compare it to the many thousands of peo-
much as the cab trade does. The freedom of hav-
ple they see trotting out of stations or standing
ing a badge allows the driver to indulge in a
at bus stops every morning in all weathers like
huge number of activities outside of the cab
zombies on their way to a job that many do not
trade that apart from making the person an
do by choice but simply to earn a living, they
interesting individual, also release boredom,
would realise exactly how well off they really
increase motivation, increase self-esteem and
are. Admittedly driving a cab can be a solitary
above all put a smile on your face, which is what
life in as much as having no interaction with fel-
prised by the response from both male and
your passengers, your family and our clients
low workers, but this is often compensated by
female staff, it was fun, it was an opportunity to
would like to see.
the many interesting people you carry. Being
show off baking skills and it was for a good
self-employed, there is also the freedom to work
cause with £350 raised and donated to Sport
as and when it suits you, the manner in which
relief. But equally important is the relaxing
In the recent past, I've mentioned the issue of
you dress, the hours you wish to work and of
atmosphere it creates in the workplace, which
reading and that apart from being an excellent
course having nobody to answer to.
in turn helps to increase motivation.
source of entertainment and relieving boredom
However there is one common factor that
This same philosophy can apply to self-
particularly when sitting on a rank or waiting for
affects both the employed and self-
employed people who work alone, such as cab
a client, books are also a good talking point
employed, no matter what that work
drivers. There are for example, many cab drivers
when meeting other readers. In recent months,
involves. Be it a cab driver, office worker or
that start work exactly at the same time every
there has been talk about paper books becom-
a premier league footballer - and that com-
day and stick to that religiously as though they
ing a thing of the past now that e-readers are
mon factor is motivation.
were clocking in at a factory, which is what I did
taking over the market. Most avid readers such
We often hear that money is the biggest moti-
when I first got my badge. But after a year, I
as I will say they prefer the feel and smell of a
vator. Yet talking of footballers, Andre Villas-
paper book and the enjoyment from visiting
decided to do the opposite. One day I would
Boas just before he was sacked as Chelsea man-
bookstores and libraries, plus books can also be
start at 7am, the next day 5am and another day
ager said that Chelsea were losing matches
shared. And it was for that reason that I had no
6am and so on. The same with the times I fin-
because the players who earned £millions each
interest whatsoever in e-books such as Kindle
ished and the routine when stopping for lunch.
year were not motivated enough, which dispels
or Kobo's etc. But that was before I was given
Unlike several of my close cab driver friends,
the theory that earning big bucks is a motivator.
one recently as a birthday gift. And I have to
who no matter how slow the work was would
admit it is a fascinating piece of technology. The
Being unmotivated is akin to being bored and
always meet for lunch at the same café every day,
ability to download books in a matter of sec-
the definition of boredom is impaired physical
which meant there would be occasions when
onds is very convenient, especially on the occa-
and mental efficiency, fatigue, commonly
certain work would be ignored just so they
sions that book stores or libraries are closed. It
caused by monotonous routines, which is one
could get to the café at the allotted time.
is easy to carry, the font size can be adjusted and
reason I'd guess why so many cab drivers in
I could never see the logic in this and only
the battery lasts a month before recharging.
repose look so miserable!
joined them if I happened to be in the area. Also
Initially, when Kindles came on the market in
Most people suffer boredom at some time in
in an effort to break the habit of a regular rou-
the UK in 2009, they were quite costly com-
their lives and when bored, there comes a feel-
tine, particularly in the summer, I would buy a
pared to the latest slim line version that can
ing of everything being an effort, no enthusi-
hold up to 1400 books and be bought for little
takeaway meal and sit in a park or if I could find
asm, no motivation, they become passive and
more than the cost of a trip to the flyers. I men-
a parking space, eat lunch in a museum or art
blame everything and everyone for all their ills,
tion the above because I honestly believe e-
gallery or somewhere similar, which are also
while forever coming up with excuses why they
books are an ideal companion for people on the
ideal places to meet other people. That particu-
shouldn't or cannot do this or that - including,
go - especially cab drivers.
larly applies to the Tate Gallery which used to
I might add, giving much attention to their
have two long tables in the cafeteria where on
appearance; they just can't be bothered. A fair
finding a space and asking if it was free, within
description I would say for many within our
In my last article when I mentioned the London
minutes of sitting down you would have a com-
own cab trade.
2012 Olympics, I forgot to end with the strange
mon interest with the person on either side and
it was easy to strike up a conversation. I also
tale concerning the 1912 Summer Olympics in
Staff motivation
made it a habit to break the time spent sitting
Stockholm. It involved Shizo Kanakuri who
At Dial-a-Cab, like many companies, motivating
behind the wheel. I would park up for 15 min-
disappeared while running the Marathon and
staff is an important part of running a business,
utes, take a break, go for a walk or even some-
was listed as a missing person in Sweden for 50
because apart from increasing productivity, rais-
times go into a church and listen to an organ
years, until a journalist found him living quietly
ing morale, improving customer service and
recital. I was never an airport face, in fact I prob-
in southern Japan. Overcome with heat during
staff loyalty etc, it costs more to replace staff
ably never ranked up at the flyers on more than
the race, he stopped at a garden party to drink
than to keep them. It's important to keep staff
a dozen times in 40 years. And if I worked late,
orange juice, stayed for an hour, took a train to
happy and this can be achieved, not necessarily
I only went on the Finz on the odd occasion.
his hotel and sailed home the next day feeling
with financial incentives, but by organising
The beauty of driving a cab is how varied you
too ashamed to tell anyone he was leaving.
schemes that involve the staff having fun; break-
can make your day and how easy it is to avoid
Then in 1966, Kanakuri accepted an invitation
ing a repetitive and what at times can be a bor-
making the job repetitive and getting bored. I
to return to Stockholm and complete his run.
ing job by doing something different. An exam-
also found getting out of the cab, being active
His final time was 54 years, 8 months, 6 days, 8
ple of this you would have seen in the May edi-
and coming into contact with people had a pos-
hours, 32 minutes and 20.3 seconds. A record
tion of Call Sign and the Great Dial-a-Cab
itive effect on my appearance.
that will surely last forever…
bake-off, organised by Christina Simms and
One of the most common negatives about
her Human Resource colleagues.
being a cab driver is that it can become so
Allen Togwell
Being one of the judges, I was genuinely sur-
self-consuming, if allowed it can take over
DaC Marketing
Call Sign July 2012
Page 12
Areti Mastrodouka, who is trained by Dial-a-
Cab driver Alec Wilkey (W83), put on an
emphatic display in only her second profes-
sional bout with a resounding stoppage win
Win number two
against Julija Cvetkova at Bethnal Green's
York Hall recently. Areti was looking to build
on her successful debut back in March and did
so in style with referee Marcus McDonnell hav-
for Areti!
ing to step in to call a halt to the fight late in
the second round as Cvetkova was in no posi-
tion to continue.
The ref lifts Areti's
The 36-year old female fighter made the trip
hand in another
from Athens to London in order to train for
victory! Trainer Alec
the fight against the experienced Latvian. Areti
Wilkey looks on..
- nicknamed The Master - recently joined the
setup at the TKO Gym in Canning Town after
deciding to turn professional. After a flourish-
European fighters. She
ing amateur career that included a silver
fought a great fight and
medal at the World Championships,
finished it well.”
Mastrodouka decided to make the transition
Also performing on the
into the pro game under the tutelage of coach
day were other boxers
Alec Wilkey and manager Johnny Eames.
from the TKO Gym camp
She won her first bout against Kristine
Shergold with a points victory and was confi-
‘Cassius' Connor who
dent coming in against Cvetkova, who had
to gain some rhythm towards the end of the
fought for the vacant
previously been in the ring with some experi-
round and it was evident it was going to be a
British Masters Welterweight Title against
enced fighters and taken many the distance.
one-sided contest after that.
Tyler ‘Tornado' Goodjohn. Connor, who is
Despite being only 20 years of age, Cvetkova
‘The Master' came out firing in the second
also trained by Alec Wilkey, displayed some
had already fought in 13 professional contests
hoping to build on her first round perfor-
good boxing skills and used his jab to good
prior to her match with Mastrodouka.
mance, aiming some sharp hooks to the body
effect to come out on top over the 10 rounds
The female match-up in the feather-
of Cvetkova which looked to be taking their
in a thrilling main event getting the judge's
weight division was scheduled for
toll on the smaller Latvian. Southpaw
decision by a point (96-95) and taking the title.
minute rounds and was to be the second
Mastrodouka was
keeping her opponent on
Menay Edwards recorded another win
bout of the afternoon. A packed crowd -
the back foot and landing some scoring left
against opponent Remigijus Ziausys, taking
including some DaC drivers - took to their
hands and then after a barrage of punches,
his tally to
8 wins and 1 loss, while Eric
seats for the 8 fight card featuring some
Cvetkova eventually went down. She beat the
Mokonzo was unlucky on his debut, getting
good match ups and different styles.
ref 's first count but after another slip and
stopped in the second round by Darren
Areti got off to a slow start as both fighters
more pressure from the Greek fighter, the ref-
McKenna but not before he had floored
fathomed the style of their opponent. But
eree had no other option but to stop the fight
McKenna in the first.
Mastrodouka then took the initiative, finding
towards the end of round two.
Areti is currently seeking a sponsor in
her range with the jab. The first incident of sig-
Areti told Call Sign after the bout, “My
order to take her career to the next level
nificance came late in the first when Cvetkova
opponent was experienced but I thought I
and chase her dream of becoming world
hit the canvas. Although Mastrodouka threw a
dealt with her well. Hopefully I can now
champion. If you are interested contact
punch, it appeared to be more of a slip from
get a few more wins and in the future, a
Alec on: 07944791360...
Cvetkova, but the referee scored it as a knock-
shot at a world title.” Trainer Alec added,
down and gave the Latvian an 8-count. This
“Areti showed her class against a decent
David Wilkey
gave Mastrodouka confidence and enabled her
opponent who has fought some good
Mike and the Peacock
“I could hardly believe my eyes” Mike McGlynn (F60)
told Call Sign, paraphrasing actor Richard Wilson
from the TV series One Foot in the Grave.
“I was going along Abbotsbury Road when suddenly a
peacock appeared in the road just ahead of me. It
ambled unhurriedly towards the centre of the road,
stopped momentarily, turned in my direction and fanned
his tail feathers. I don't know if he was trying to impress
me before giving me a real snooty look from his pene-
trating eyes as if to say you're in my way, before casual-
ly strutting off as quickly as he had appeared!”
Mike, still laughing at the vision, continued with
his tale. “I narrowly missed hitting him, or at least
crushing some of those colourful tail feathers with the
wheels of my cab. But he seemed quite unfazed as I bore down on him,
You are welcome to visit
although my own blood-pressure shot up because I'm not used to seeing jay-walkers of the animal
our showroom at:
variety wander in front of the cab! He must have escaped from Holland Park aviary, but goodness
knows how he did it. The way he was flashing those fancy feathers at me, I reckon he might have
Unit 8 Tripes Farm,
had a peahen girlfriend on his mind somewhere on the other side of the road! Had I been going
Chelsfield Lane,
any faster, he would never have made it to see her but would have ended his days hanging upside
Orpington, Kent BR6 7RS
down in a posh game and butcher shop somewhere in W8!”
Mike, still giggling at the unusual street walker, suddenly had a final thought.
Instant Kitchen and
“Perhaps he was just looking for a cab! I bet that's another ride I've lost...”
Bedroom & Blinds UK
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
Call Ian (R50) on 01689 897111…
Call Sign July 2012
Page 13
When it comes to sheer guts and determination
to see the job through to the end, DaC driver
Del Oldfield (D32) probably ranks up there
Del's Marathon
with the best of them, having struggled to com-
plete the 26+ miles of the 2012 Virgin London
Marathon after going seriously lame early on in
the run.
“No, it wasn't too easy,” Del admitted to Call
pain for Whizz-Kidz
Sign, “but there were a lot of people relying on
me to finish the race, not to mention quite a lot
of money at stake that my chosen charity,
Whizz-Kidz, desperately needs to continue its
excellent work. So I closed my mind to the
pain, focussed on the task in hand, and carried
on regardless!”
Wincing once again as he was reminded of
that pain through talking to Call Sign, Del con-
tinued: “This was my first London Marathon,
having applied in my own right and getting
through to the ballot stage. But then Whizz-
Kidz offered me one of their slots, which meant
I didn't need the ballot. I jumped at the chance
to raise funds for such a good cause! In fact, I
had only been training since November 2011,
although I have been playing football regularly
throughout the season.
“I was among 562 Whizz-Kidz entrants who
all met up at Greenwich Park prior to the run
Del proudly holds his Marathon medal after running most of it in severe pain...
for a photo shoot; then during the run itself,
members of the Whizz-Kids organising com-
advice for a few seconds and then thought
At this point, we gave Del a few seconds as we
mittee cheer you on at several points along the
about the Charity, the fund-raising and the huge
could see that the memory was becoming
route. That really does help you.
support from my family and friends. I disre-
“At around the five mile mark my left knee
garded the advice however well meant it was,
“It took me 6 hours and 31 minutes to com-
began giving me increasing discomfort from a
but there was just so much riding on my com-
plete the 2012 London Marathon and I raised
previous injury, then both my leg calves started
pleting the course.
around £2000 for Whizz-Kids in the process. I
to cramp up so I was in real trouble by the thir-
“I have to admit being close to tears with the
would like to publicly say a very big ‘thank you'
teenth mile and needed a twenty minute pit-
pain, and I did wonder what damage I might be
to all the family and friends who supported me
stop for the St John Ambulance people to
doing, but I walked and even hobbled the rest
both emotionally and financially throughout
this challenge.”
help sort me out. There wasn't a huge amount
of the course with my family literally walking
And finally Del began to smile broadly.
they could do about my knee and when an offi-
alongside me for the last 600 yards to the finish
cer took a look at it - by then heavily swollen -
line. They were on the spectator side of the
Whizz-Kidz (www.whizz-kidz.org.uk) is
he advised me not to continue to run for fear of
crowd barrier, while I pounded the tarmac of
a charity for disabled children with limited
causing lasting damage. I thought about the
the competition course!”
0207 474 6592
MAJOR £112.50
MAJOR £112.50
Prices are exclusive of VAT
No hidden extras!
Rental cab available by arrangement
Some of our services include:-
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MOT testing on Class 4 vehicles Smoke test
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To book: Ring Chris on 0207 474 6592
E3 Taxis
Unit 3D Standard Industrial Estate, Henley Road, E16 2ES
Open Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.30pm, Saturday 9am-1pm
Call Sign July 2012
Page 14
From this to that!
...or from Hackney Wick to the Olympic stadium!
A trip to Hackney Wick Stadium used to mean either an evening at the
animal repellent or animal killer! Sharp pointed instruments are
dog or speedway track. It also used to provide taxi work from Liverpool
banned, as are axes, hatchets, cleavers, swords and sabres. Naturally, no
Street Station and all parts of east London. As you approached the nar-
crowbars or portable power drills / saws and blowtorches are allowed.
row pre-East Cross Route roads around Eastway, signs to the dog track
Just as obvious, bolt and nail guns are also on the prohibited list as are
advertised parking for 2/6 (12p) with track admittance for 1/6 (8p).
baseball and softball bats... but you knew that already!
If you go to where the track was today, you won't find any sign of the
No explosives or detonators - private or military and including mines
old traffic but instead will see the amazing Olympic stadium. In the old
and grenades - can be taken into the Olympic stadium and of course, no
days, the only things you couldn't take in were... well you could take
alcohol or food specifically designed to save you money can accompany
anything you wanted in provided it fitted through the turnstiles. In the
you. Everyone entering the stadium will be searched.
Olympic stadium, you can't take devices capable of discharging a pro-
Mind you, the old stadium had some rules too - if you could provide
jectile, firearms, bows and arrows, harpoons, spear guns or devices
the right money it would be appreciated. Oh yes - you could take your
designed specifically to stun such as lasers or stun batons. Neither can
kids together with their bags of sweets and drinks in free of charge, but
you take any kind of chemical spray - such as mace or pepper spray - or
would they mind putting their rubbish in the bins provided...
Every issue of Call Sign takes a look back at ODRTS history through the pages of the magazines of
the time with a flashback
This month's Flashback returns
asked him about the Sydney
closed. Even those that
Olympic Games and whether
remained open had
to 2003 and an article by Call
their cab trade benefited...
what they laughingly
Sign's Australian correspondent
"They were a total disaster
at the time, David Gawthorn.
for Sydney cabbies, the whole
city shut down for the period
He wrote about the Sydney
that the Games were on and just concen-
banned cars and taxis. They
Olympics just 3 years earlier
trated on the big event. Even Sydney's pub-
were the final nail in our coffin
and issued a warning to Dial-a-
lic transport, which is notoriously bad, ran
because we were just stuck in never-ending
properly for the duration of the Games! In
traffic hold-ups and who is going to pay to
Cab drivers...!
addition, all transport was free on produc-
do that?
tion of an Olympic ticket - and very often if
And it wasn't just we cabbies who com-
you didn't have a ticket! The system strong-
plained; many retailers, restaurants, bars,
From Call Sign, July 2003
ly favoured public mass transport rather
cafes and pubs that weren't in the immedi-
The disaster that was
than the inferred 'expensive' cabs. In fact
ate area of the events and the city saw their
the Taxi rank was about a kilometre from
takings drop as non-sporty tourists just
the Sydney Olympics...
the main stadium and many people who
stayed away, with those that did come pay-
With London now officially in the race
might have considered taking a cab, took
ing horrifically high hotel prices."
the free train instead. Who could blame
So what about London? As Transport for
against Paris, New York, Moscow and others
for the 2012 Olympic Games, drivers may
London will obviously be looking to Sydney to
My wife, youngest daughter and I
see how they planned the event, it looks like
well be thinking that nine years from now
could be a real boom-time for the taxi indus-
made the pilgrimage to Sydney and
London's taxi drivers may have a battle on
stayed about 80 kilometres out. Even
their hands rather than a windfall! Perhaps
But is that how it worked for other
though we had no intention of going to
we shouldn't wait until 2012 to make our
any of the events, we got to travel free
point? If London is confirmed as getting the
Olympic cities? Taxi Driver David
Gawthorn was born in the UK but
on the trains to get into the city! Not
2012 Games - and admittedly that is still a
much use to cab drivers!
year or so away - then the time to start
resides and works in Melbourne,
Australia. He is also the author of a book
Apart from bits and pieces of Olympic
putting our case will be as soon as we hear if
work, there was also less of the regular cab
we have won and not the day before the
on his Australian taxi experiences and
has his own weekly radio show. Call Sign
driving work as so many streets were
Games commence
Call Sign July 2012
Page 15
I, like many other drivers, must have been shocked and saddened to receive the news of Jo
Skeggs death - a DaC driver who was a great character in my eyes.
I knew Joe from the time he joined Dial-a-Cab in 1987 and seeing it was the month of April,
could have expected a fool. But Joe, in his flat hat, dark rimmed glasses and quite often brow
leather jacket, was far from being a fool.
He could stand up at an AGM and gain the drivers' attention with his humour and then hit them
between the eyes with the real point of his verbal assault. He had no fear of the Board, if he had a
point of view he would make it known. But he would always be polite and courteous.
Many a time when I was your Complaints/Compliance Officer, I was on the receiving end of a
tongue lashing, but we would always end up staying the best of friends and there was never any
grudge held.
He even told my wife one day that he thought she must have been a Saint to have put up with
me for so many years!
The taxi trade, Dial-a-Cab and myself, will have lost an ally, a fighter for justice and to
me, a very good honourable friend. Everyone, including my wife Anne and myself, would
like to send our condolences to his family on their sad loss.
Tom Whitbread
KPM Vito Verifone warning
PM have issued a warning to drivers purchasing a Vito on their latest Agility lease scheme through KPM with
Mercedes Benz Finance, where a guaranteed repurchase by the company after three years is involved. The warning fol-
lows an article in trade newspapers allegedly from Verifone who claimed their card payment system had been
approved by Mercedes.
KPM are now saying that is incorrect and no such approval has been given and that the fitting of the Verifone system can
damage interior trim panels. The company said that Verifone “making good” may still not suffice. They added that the Vito's
warrantee may be affected and could involve what the company describe as an “unexpected charge” at the end of the Agility
Call Sign July 2012
Page 16
Where do we
Thinking of buying a new taxi but undecided between the euro 5
start? These two
Vito and TX4 versions? Peter Begley (K98) has a few of both and
vehicles are vastly
different to each
gives his unbiased view below...
other in almost
every way but yet
are designed to
perform exactly
the same task
TX4 or Vito:
that being to con-
vey the public to
an array of desti-
nations, generally
around London. So if you are fed up with the
What should I buy?
everyday routine of driving around our streets
and would like a change, what options are open
to you as a London taxi driver?
any taxi licensed to ply for hire in London to date.
Vito to retrieve it!
Well, we could change our shift from days to
We as a drivers need to decide what job of work
The diesel filler cap is not only on the wrong
nights or vice versa. We could start working the
do we want to do, as both these taxis excel - but
side - which leaves you vulnerable when filling - it
airport instead of trawling the streets. We could
in very different ways.
is also far too low down. The boot is accessed via
choose to do radio work or perhaps take advan-
a huge slab of metal and glass clad in plastic that
tage of technology and use one of the increasing
ought to be automated as it's so big. The space is
numbers of app-based companies competing for
useful but vastly reduced as it houses both the
a share of the London taxi market. Any of these
spare wheel and prehistoric folding ramp - a mas-
could be considered as change... but are they?
sive step backwards not to mention a pain in the
As our job is tied to London, any move of
arse to use. It also has some very sharp edges.
location is affected by the need to work in the
Forward vision is superb and the wipers do a
capital. So what can we really do? The answer
great job - and very quietly. The climate control is
is not much really - we're stuck with our lot.
very easy to use and what's even better, passen-
So what about changing the place we actually
gers have no control over it! I haven't bothered to
work, because we now have the option of an
discover how the cab does it, but the heater blows
additional office in which to perform our
hot air in the morning even though the vehicle
work duties.
hasn't been used for hours, a genius idea for early
I am of course referring to the latest version
Mercedes Vito 113 cdi which is euro five com-
The Mercedes Vito
The engine is a joy; it's very quiet, yet powerful,
pliant. So does it offer anything to us that the TX4
As an over-all package from purchase to driving
responsive and pulls well in any gear. The brakes
from the London Taxi Company doesn't? Well,
and servicing, the Mercedes experience takes
are simply brilliant and if pressed aggressively,
the answer is a resounding yes! It offers a host of
some beating. It is an indulgent luxury to have a
they will lift you off the seat! The meter is mount-
things that would help us perform our duties as
man from a Mercedes dealership turn up at your
ed in an awkward place but you get used to that.
taxi drivers to the more than ever demanding
door in the morning, take your Vito away and
The rear doors are not as big an issue as they're
public of London. But hold your horses before we
then return it later that day serviced and cleaned
made out to be; generally speaking, the public
get carried away too much; the long established
at no extra charge!
who use cabs regularly are used to them now and
market leaders, LTI, have also recently introduced
TX4 drivers did read the last sentence correctly
a newer updated version of their TX4, which is
most users now know it's a taxi. However, I still
- Mercedes come to you!
also euro five compliant. So do these two very dif-
see hands go up after passing a punter - who then
The Mercedes Vito is everything you would
ferent taxis offer us an opportunity to update or
raise their hands as the 'iconic' shape of a TX4
rightly expect it to be for a former van that has
change our ‘real' place of work - our office so to
comes into view. This happens even more when
been 'customised' into a luxury taxi. It is quite
the passenger approaches from the rear.
modern in comparison. Once sat behind the
Quite some time ago I jumped ship from
Then there is the Rear Wheel Steering that
wheel of the enormous Vito, the dashboard is
LTI and purchased a euro 4 Vito, which I
the Vito uses to ensure it complies and passes
both impressive and huge. It has modern gadgets
enjoyed both driving and owning. When it ini-
the conditions of fitness test. It plays up on a
such as cruise control - however, I have never
tially hit the streets, I resisted for a while but
regular basis - on some days it can go off ten
even turned that on! I see no point of having it in
eventually purchased one - I like shiny things!
or more times. The real let down is that no
a taxi designed to work in London. It might pos-
But I really didn't expect the jump from euro 4
one in the servicing department of the east-
sibly get used by drivers that work the airport.
to euro 5 to be quite as dramatic as it was. The
end selling dealership seems to know why
It also has a speed limiter, which I found
euro 5 Vito is a pleasure to drive. So any compar-
and they still find it acceptable to leave unin-
extremely useful and easy to use. The steering
ison I make of the euro 5 Vito to the TX4 would,
formed customers sitting for hours in their
wheel houses buttons that control the stereo -
of course, be biased in favour of the euro 5 Vito?
waiting room. This is NOT the Mercedes way.
which isn't DAB but really should be considering
It is, in my view, shockingly bad considering
I always approach any judgement I make or
the high cost of the vehicle. It also controls the
the money the Vito costs.
consider with an open mind. A fair and honest
telephone Bluetooth, which is really impressive.
But in summary, I have enjoyed driving my
appraisal has to be free of bias, or any purchase
You can turn the sound of the call up and down
Vito's. They really excel on roaders and I achieved
from judgement could be an extremely costly mis-
via the stereo buttons. The name or number of
44.1 mpg on a recent run up the motorway. In
take because both of these vehicles are in my hon-
the caller is displayed on the stereo, which can
est opinion, vastly overpriced in a market that his-
also be set to dim automatically at night fall.
town, my euro 5 Vito was getting around 30mpg.
torically is monopolised. Having said that, it's
The power steering is incredibly light for such
I also often get asked if I can be pre-booked as it
where we find ourselves.
a big vehicle and makes driving around London
is so spacious and comfortable.
I'm now currently test driving an early euro
almost joyful! I also found the standard parking
5 TX4 Elegance courtesy of LTI. I mention it as
sensors very handy, as are the folding door mir-
The London Taxi Company TX4
‘early' as I'm informed that LTI are pursuing a
rors around the small busy streets. There is plen-
Now onto my experience of the newly updated
policy of asking owners and drivers for their
ty of storage with a glove box that could almost
version of LTI's euro 5 TX4. The TX4 itself has
feedback so they can update and improve this
house a family of four; but much of the storage is
been in service since 1995 - albeit with three dif-
current model of TX4 as they produce it.
useless when driving unless you possess the arms
ferent engines. The engine changes have been the
So which of the two vastly different vehicles is
of an orangutan as most of it is out of reach. And
only real differences up to now as it's basically the
better suited to the rigours and demands of life as
God forbid you drop anything in the footwell,
same vehicle as it was when first launched. This is
a London taxi? The answer is not that one is bet-
you have to stop, get out and take what feels like
probably because of the huge costs involved in
ter than the other, as they are both far superior to
a Wainwright walk around the vast width of the
Continued on page 17
Call Sign July 2012
Page 17
Almost halfway through her 101st year, Call Sign now has to say...
May 9 was a sad day for the London taxi trade, even though many outside of Call Sign's band of readers may
not even know why. But it marked the day that Millie, the beloved mum of Gerry Dunn (S84), bade farewell
to this life and joined husband Lou somewhere out there.
Millie Dunn was a cabdriver's wife in the true sense because Lou was always out trying to do something or
other that would benefit the taxi business, always having a meeting lined up with someone. Millie never com-
plained at the number of burnt dinners she had to throw away!
But so far as the early history of Dial-a-Cab was concerned, it was when Lou and several other dri
vers formed the Radio Owner Drivers Association that this Society became more than just a
In 1952, in order to get “onto the radio”, you had to be a fleet driver with either York Way Motors or the
London General Cab Company, both of whom ran their own radio circuits. There was no such thing as an
owner-driver's circuit. It was then that Lou and those few friends decided that a circuit for owner drivers was
important for the progression of the trade.
History tells us that soon after that time, Bonnie Martyn joined RODA before realising its potential and
together with a handful of other stalwarts, founded the Owner Drivers Radio Taxi Service - which later
become Dial-a-Cab.
It was in January 2003 that Lou was shown around DaC by Brian Rice and then just a few months later,
both Millie and Lou were special guests at the celebrations built around this Society's 50th year. It was that
night that Lou told Call Sign about his life before surprising us by saying that he could never have done it
without the 100% backing he always had from Millie.
Before the year was out, Lou had passed away at the age of 93 leaving Millie to cope for herself. And she
did! She had a large family to help, but made it clear to Gerry that whilst she loved seeing them, she was
only 91 and more than capable of looking after herself and living comfortably on her own!
Millie Dunn made her final “public appearance” at this year's London Taxidrivers' Fund for Underprivileged
Children's Mad Hatter's party in January at the Grosvenor House. She had reached the magical age of 100, but wouldn't allow that to stop her going
out. She asked Call Sign to pass on her thanks to DaC for the bouquet they sent her, while we joked about where she would be going to celebrate
her 101st birthday. She died peacefully four months later.
True that Millie was in the background when compared to the work Lou had done, but as Lou said, he couldn't have achieved a fraction of it with-
out her! So whilst our sympathies go to Gerry, his two sisters Pamela and Bernice and to all Millie's family, we also celebrate an amazing life...
Ron Yarborough
Call Sign Online
TX4 or Vito Continued from page 16
ter than before. And it didn't rattle - apart
ing is still very poor. The new TX4 euro 5 still runs
from one little rattle in the partition, which
hot, maybe hotter than before. This in part is due
weirdly is the same one as my Vito euro5 pos-
to the location of the particulate filter, which is
sessed near the money tray!
just below the driver's right foot and can reach
This new TX4 is by far the smoothest and sure
temperatures of up to 800 degrees.
footed TX4 I have ever driven and I never thought
In conclusion, the latest offering from LTI must
I'd be saying that in a million years! So well done
be viewed as a work in progress. It's been really
to LTI. I was really enjoying the drive until I
quite a pleasant place to work but is drastically let
pushed it a bit harder. It wallows from side to side
down by a usually harsh engine note when in low
gear and especially when under strain.
when pushed hard on corners and doesn't seem
But the story isn't quite over because I was
to like being on motorways as the buffeting winds
then given the very latest TX4 euro5 to try. I have
make it feel somewhat unstable.
now been driving it for four days and I'm very
changing and testing any new vehicle. Now how-
The key fob that up to now has been made
impressed! The harsh engine note remains and
ever, LTI along with its new partner Geely has had
from what seemed like a cheap bit of recycled
sounds worse when cruising at 60-70mph on the
to change. But why? Well there are two reasons -
plastic, is now quite nice and works very well in
motorway. Talking to your passenger can become
emissions and the Mercedes Vito taking the fight
its operation. The key on the other hand,
a bit of a shouting match. But I am still very much
to them. So really they've had change forced on
although also changed, is no better than the old
of the opinion that the TX4 is a far better taxi for
them. But have the changes produced a vehicle
one it is replacing.
working in town. That's not to say that it isn't
able to stand its own against the new entrant in
But I do have a big issue with the interior and that
capable of undertaking motorway journeys,
the London taxi market? So let's have a look at the
is that although it's made of superior materials
because it is. It's just that the Vito with its superi-
latest offering from LTI aka The London Taxi
than before and screwed together far better, it is
or and more refined engine, which sips diesel as
really dated and missing many standard and mod-
if it were a fine wine returning in excess of
The first thing I noticed even before I got into
ern fittings and gadgets that could prevent me
40mpg, takes motorways in its stride.
the new TX4 is that the shut lines (gaps between
from purchasing a car if it didn't have them as
So the time has come to nail my colours to
the bodywork panels) have been vastly improved.
the mast. Am I going to purchase a new TX4
It makes we wonder why we were so accepting of
Here is a quick list of things that LTI still
euro5? Yes, it's certainly its father's son, but
the previous TX4s enormous gaps between the
have to replace for the TX4 to take that last
it's also an extremely good cab and much eas-
external panels.
step to be able to compete much more close-
ier to work in town, which is my main hunting
I sat in the driver's seat - which I found to
ly with the Vito.
ground. Anyone who says the Conditions of
my surprise was really, really comfortable and
Air conditioning should by now have been
Fitness are obsolete is kidding themselves
supportive. In fact I found the driver's seat
updated to climate control. There should be an
and I for one am surprised to realise the
more comfortable than that of the Vito! The
airbag in the steering wheel - which should be
extent to which I have missed the rear steer-
single added feature of a proper armrest to
replaced as it is of poor quality and feels really
ing. So with that in mind, I have placed an
help the driver's posture whilst working gets
dated to hold. The front and rear fans are still very
order for two new TX4 euro5 Elegances with
top marks here for LTI. The interior panels,
noisy. Both front windows would benefit from a
LTI at Brewery Road, one of which I shall
dashboard and partition look the same but
one-touch up switch. There is very little storage in
pushing around the streets of London myself.
not only are they made from better quality
the driver's compartment. Legroom is still poor
materials, they are fitted together much bet-
for the driver while the internal and external light-
Peter Begley (K98)
Call Sign July 2012
Page 18
The longer I am a London taxi driver the more
Those who believe the Conditions of Fitness are on the way out...
I question why we collectively accept such
poor quality service from those who come to
us in the guise of trade saviours - be that deal-
ership garages, small garages, bodyshops,
spare part and meter suppliers, many of whom
offer their services for just eight hours a day,
five days a week in support of a trade that
functions 24 x 7 - year in year out.
tainly looks to have been
As a trade we have suffered enough. But
made on the cheap.
now they say that the wait is over! Well, God
The salesman I spoke
help us if the answer to our prayers is the
with said the E7 would
Peugeot-based E7
from Cab Direct!
be offered in London as
Let me say I had a good look round the E7
an automatic at extra
but did not actually drive it. Also, this is my
cost. He also confirmed
personal opinion and I have no foundation
it did not comply with
on which to base my opinion other than
the COF required in
instinctive gut feeling.
London (I admit to being
This cab has enjoyed success in most other
in favour of the COF as it
UK cities, however London is not like any
helps to maintain a stan-
other city and the taxis required to work here
dard) and that the E7
must be in a league of their own. Some sectors
requires servicing every
don't like or agree with this and they are enti-
12k miles with no service
tled to their opinion. This one, though, is
unused E7! The rear seating is made up from
package offered. The cost of this 'cheap alter-
mine. And let me assure you that is the way it
separate seats that can be moved into varying
native' is £35,995. Add in the servicing costs of
is... end of!
combinations, which in a family situation
approximately £2500 - £3000 and it's likely to
could be of benefit. However, in a London taxi
be almost as expensive as both of the taxis cur-
There is a great need for all London to
it would cause all sorts of grief in use with
rently on offer in London, which in my opin-
see for themselves the Peugeot based E7
hinges and clips breaking - not to mention the
ion are over-priced anyway but without the
being offered. You know that expression:
number of times that punters would keep ask-
cost to the vehicle producer of developing and
“Surely it can't get any worse, can it?” So
ing the driver to retrieve items from the
testing plus production costs of the coveted
let's make a start...
boot/rear. As for the seats being flexible, in
turning circle.
Although the driver's seat feels comfortable,
London we drive taxis and not minicabs - it is
I don't smoke and I never have, as I
the driver's cabin itself feels very cramped
just not required in a London taxi. Full stop.
know I won't like it. It's the same for the
compared to the space in the latest LTI TX4 or
Myself and two close friends found ourselves
Peugeot E7. I didn't test drive it as I know
even worse when compared to the cavernous
even closer than we thought possible when sat
I won't like it and will not purchase it, it is
Mercedes Vito! As you look around, you're sur-
together in the three rear seats. My head was
that horrible. So my message to Cab Direct
rounded by oceans of poor quality plastic, the
wedged against the roof lining at a very
is stay away from London with that pile of
likes of which I have not seen since I toured a
uncomfortable angle. Everything about this
rubbish. We're not as stupid or desperate
Ford plant in the 1980s, Billy Ocean was riding
vehicle feels cheap and nasty - I mean really
as you obviously think we are...
high in the charts and I had a rummage
nasty. On the bonus side, the switch that came
With all its design issues and very poor quality
around in the Escort spares bin!
off in my hand was quiet easy to put back - well
interior fit and trim, I've also had feedback
The manually operated sliding rear doors
it was the first time. Even if the poorly finished
from drivers I've spoken with who have one in
open to reveal a rear cabin that has an enor-
E7 had the coveted turning circle which it
other parts of the country and who tell me that
mously high entry step coupled with an
does not, it would still not make it into my
they experience severe warranty disputes with
extremely low headroom height, which is very
garage. It just feels too poorly assembled. If
Peugeot, who for various reasons do not want
worrying indeed. I can see these two com-
the Rear Wheel Steering offered by Mercedes
to cover varying parts on a vehicle bought as
bined causing severe difficultly for a large
accounts for as much as 12k of its price, the E7
one type of vehicle and converted into a taxi
number of passengers whether young, old,
be should be offered at about £22-24k maxi-
by an outside party.
disabled or just slightly intoxicated.
As a footnote; I'm not sure why, but the E7
The pull out sliding ramp seems like a good
But it isn't all bad news, I did find two things
on show at Southbank had the window sticker
idea, but in practice produces a ramp that is at
I liked a lot in the Peugeot E7 - those being the
of £35,995, yet in TAXI Newspaper it is adver-
such an incredible incline, I thought it must be
rear spoiler and the alloy wheels. But the thing
tised with an on the road price for a manual of
a preproduction mule. The use of poor quali-
I find remarkable is that the E7 might be
£25,495 or an automatic with an OTR price of
ty plastics continues inside the rear cabin. The
offered to us as a cheaper alternative to both
flip seats felt ready to break - this in a new
the LTI TX4 and Mercedes Vito. Well, it cer-
Peter Begley (K98)
Karen motorcycling to Germany to help MS
Time's running out
Beginning on 2nd August, Dial-a-Cab driver Karen Menpes (E01) will be riding her motorbike to
to take the TX4 test drive!
Germany and then onto Scotland in aid of the Multiple Sclerosis Society.
The total distance facing Karen before arriving at the finishing post is around 1600 miles, but she is
So far The London Taxi Company has
absolutely determined to finish the ride and help raise some much-needed funds for the MS Society.
given away almost £3,000 to drivers
Karen's brother, John Tadman, has been badly affected by MS and the MS Society has been an invalu-
who have taken the TX4 (Euro 5) Test
able source of help to both her brother and many other sufferers.
Drive, but time is running out to get
Multiple Sclerosis is a condition of the central nervous system where the coating around nerve fibres is
your hands on £100 in Tesco vouchers.
damaged, causing a range of symptoms. Around 100,000 people in the UK have MS. It's normally diag-
The campaign will end on Thursday 12
nosed in people between the ages of 20 and 40 but once diagnosed, stays with you for life. However,
July when there will be a final grand
modern day treatments and specialists can help to manage the symptoms. No cure has yet been found, but
prize draw and three lucky winners will
research is progressing fast, so any donations would help towards that aim and be greatly appreciated.
be selected to win either £500, £1,000
Just go to www.facebook.com/motorcyclecharityuk and follow the link.
or £2,500 in their choice of travel
Anyone who would like to ask questions can call the MS Society helpline between 9am and
vouchers. See the ad on the back cover
9pm on Monday to Fridays. Tel 0808 800 8000 or email helpline@mssociety.org,uk.
for details of how YOU could win...
Call Sign July 2012
Page 19
You can sometimes
After 55,573 deaths, Dial-a-Cab's Gary Cox says..
just sit looking at
four walls; how
often have you
Finally Bomber Command
heard that? Well, as a
Dial-a-Cab taxi dri-
ver driver it's three
gets its memorial!
glass walls that just
“Make use of all the local ingredients
Those words were spoken to me during tea by
and talk to all the locals about recipes,
the great director, producer and screenwriter,
because if you're ever inclined to do a din-
Sir David Lean.
ner party its always handy if you're enter-
I have put it in my locker of life and kept it
taining international gentlemen and their
in my minds' eye, alongside that poster of a
spouses,” came the immediate response.
girl scratching her bum whilst holding a ten-
Then she sprung up and out of the cab, paid
nis racket and whose house I never went to
the fare, while at the same time giving me the
for afternoon tea - her loss not mine!
recipe for quick fire lemon curd!
I would love to say at this point that I pulled
All those years later, that lady had got a
down the window and just said where to guv!
real present from her country - a memori-
Alas those days have long gone. You know the
al to her daddy as she still called him.
type, 98 in the shade, ramrod back and shoes
Oh yes, don't forget Help for Heroes because
At last Bomber Command gets a
to match. Oh... and a tie that says I'll kill for
we're still making them out there somewhere
your freedom and democracy and I'll defend
in the world. Don't you feel a little green with
who gave her a man sized Scottie paper hanky
your right to say whatever you like - even if I
envy for our hero who's done her bit for her
out of my man sized box. The old girl went on
bloody well disagree with you. Then a calm
nation as she would surely refer to us. Then
to explain her career - as she called it - being
and measured voice arrives:
again, you could be a hero for all I know!
“Would you be so kind as to drop me off
married to an RAF chap. Once we had
It's never easy not opening your mouth in
touched base about the kids, dogs and life on
at Piccadilly and take my good wife to
what can be one of the loneliest jobs in the
Cheyne Walk please.”
and off bases around the world, we moved
world at times; but the rewards can be great if
So off we go, dropped the chap off along
onto the hellholes around the planet. And I
you can get the passenger to impart their
Piccadilly with his Telegraph under his arm. At
found out that hubby was not allowed to take
knowledge. Me? I got a lemon curd recipe and
this point, any cab driver will know where
the stock, as she referred to the family!
a job to LAP the following week - a result all
he's off to, marching up the stairs and into the
I looked in the mirror as an old girl suddenly
round, methinks.
turned into a lady who, had she been stuck in
Thank you David Lean - shame you never
As we pulled away, I snatched a glimpse of
Singapore when the Japs arrived in WW2, well
made me a hero in one of your films. We
the new Bomber Command memorial. Bang
I don't think I'd have fancied their chances! I
could have done a remake of Reach for the
on cue the lady, who has not said a word, says
rather sheepishly asked what advice she
Skies. I would have looked good in that uni-
to me: “Oh look, that's for men like my
would give to someone going to live abroad?
daddy.” For a moment in time I was as proud
Other than my winning the lotto, there was
Roger and Out! Roger...
as punch, as the tears flowed down her face.
little chance of it happening but still worth
James Bond was out of the way so it was me
keeping in the locker just in case!
Gary Cox (046)
Credit card usage on the up
Red Tuition
According to credit card payment specialist
CardSave, taxi drivers have seen a marked increase
in card takings with turnover almost doubling in the
A plea from Knowledge Point
first quarter of this year compared with the same
period last year. This is according to an analysis of
card payments at over 540 taxi companies around
the UK. CardSave CEO, Clive Khan, told Call Sign:
“With more consumers preferring to use cards,
taxi companies such as Dial-a-Cab that accept debit
and credit cards are seeing the effects on their rev-
enue. Card payments are increasingly important for
licensed firms and we expect more taxis to adopt
As the debate rambles on in Call Sign
card payment solutions over the next year.”
about Green and Yellow badge identi-
A recent YouGov poll found that 62% of the
fiers, Knowledge Point would like to
UK public tend to carry £20 or less in cash on
make a plea for some consideration to be
them, while 93% carry at least one card.
given to knowledge trainees. Whilst it is
Mr Khan continued: “The public feel increasingly comfortable using their cards for lower
true that you don't have to display an
value spends and on things which they would previously pay for with cash - like taxi jour-
identifier if you are not working, knowl-
neys. For drivers, the case for accepting cards is strong and removes the need to stop at
edge trainees when under tuition or on a
ATMs and the PCN problems that entail, or just having to put up with punters caught short
taxi driving test will have either a tutor or
on cash.
an examiner in the back that could easily
“In recent years, the option to pay by card was a luxury, but Britain is swiftly moving
be perceived as a passenger. So
towards becoming a cashless society and there is now strong customer demand for card
Knowledge Point taxis will be carrying
payment technologies. Our Small Business Payments Index indicates that business owners
red identifiers when being used for
with card payment facilities can significantly increase their total business revenue.”
tuition or taxi driving tests in the hope
The survey reveals the prevailing public sentiment towards cash as a soon-to-be outmod-
that drivers who spot them will give due
ed form of currency. A majority of the public (57%) believe that cash will become extinct at
consideration to their trainees - after all
we have all been there at some time in
some point in the future - with 50% predicting that this will be by 2035!
the past!
Call Sign July 2012
Page 20
on page 39, a hearing took place on Thursday
deferred payment holiday! This will be on
17th May with a subsequent Appeals meeting
agreements signed up before the 31st August
on Friday 1st June for two of the members. It
and subject to status and business users only.
was interesting that two members due to
The offer is for taxi purchases only. This will
attend the hearing decided to cease their
give buyers a chance to upgrade now and not
membership rather than face their fellow
pay a single penny for 3 months!
peers to fight their case, something which
If interested, contact Ian Butcher, the
probably speaks for itself. All other findings
Development Manager of Taxi Finance at
by the committee on the day were accepted
Singers Corporate Asset on 0870 600 1218
or upheld at the Appeals meeting.
or 07584 346179.
You can read about Singer Asset
Finance at www.singersaf.co.uk
New terminals
I'm sure you are all aware that we are soon to
be fitting a new terminal into your taxis and
Hello ladies & gents,
many of you have enquired as to which
meters are fully compatible with the new sys-
tem. At this moment in time, the following
I'm sure that by now many of
meters have been successfully tested by our
you will have been or are just
IT department. They are still waiting to fully
about to go on a well-deserved
test additional meters providing that the soft-
ware in the meter is successfully upgraded by
summer break. I hope that if it is
the relevant manufacturers. The four meters
in the UK, then the weather
so far listed are shown in alphabetical order,
improves for you!
but I am sure you will be looking for the best
available deal. The four are Cygnus,
Digitax, Global and Viking.
Claire and Kevin
Joe Skeggs
Some of the older meters will be super-
Finally, I'd like to finish on a happy note. One
I must first start on a very sad note; I am sure
seded by later models, but as I have men-
of our regular Marshals, Chris Grote (C66)
many of you would have known Joe Skeggs
tioned, DaC's IT department is working hard
and his wife Ann celebrated the marriage of
(V34). Apart from being a long standing
with other meter companies and the list will
their daughter Claire to Kevin on 20th April.
member of our Society, he was one of the real
gradually grow as additional meters meet the
My wife and I were lucky enough to be invit-
characters. Joe sadly passed away after a
Dial-a-Cab protocol.
ed to the wedding. Our families have been
lengthy illness on Saturday 2nd June and on
friends for many years and I can only say that
behalf of the Board of Management and
they did their daughter and new son-in-law -
everyone who knew him at Dial-a-Cab, I
Buy a taxi now and
also a London taxi driver - proud with no
would like to pass on sincere condolences to
expense spared! It was a fantastic day and as
his family and friends. Joe was never afraid to
pay later!
you can see from the photo, Chris was flying
air his views and he will be greatly missed.
Singers Asset Finance are offering any Dial-
the Dial-a-Cab flag (see cover... Ed).
a-Cab member that wishes to buy a new or
used vehicle from either a taxi dealer or
Allan Evans
As you can see from the Complaints Results
direct from another driver, a
3 months
DaC Compliance Officer
Another true story from Geoff Levene…
We all want a good start to the day. On Sundays I only do a few taxi hours in the morning, so it‘s really essential for me.
And I wasn't complaining the other week when in Hendon at 6am I trapped a young Irishman. The combination of a few
drinks and the broadest brogue I've ever heard - and I was brought up in Cricklewood - meant it took a while to decipher
that he wanted to go to Ealing. As we went round the North Circular, he told me firstly that he was actually English (yeah right) but ‘Daddy' had decided to move
to Ireland. Secondly he said how much he hated foreigners. I think there was a moral there somewhere but I'm not too sure what it was! Then after a vigorous
debate over the fare, he finally paid and I headed east.
As I hit Acton, four young Italians asked the price to Gatwick! We agreed on a sum (very favourable to them) and off we went. They soon all fell asleep and
I eventually dropped them off safe and sound after a nice quiet journey. So by the time I drove back down Brixton Hill, I had that feeling that it was going to
be a good day, especially when two men in their forties and a younger girl suddenly put their hands out. They looked as if they were going to a station for a
day out. One man leaned in and speaking fluent Scouse said: “Awright pal? We wanna go to West Norwood!” I gave a silent gulp, “...and then Railton
Road.” My gulp became a silent screech! But there was more: “And then onto Camberwell. Is that OK,” the scouser asked with the knowing wink that I
wouldn't say no! I squeaked an ‘ok' that got stuck somewhere in my gullet as my thoughts of that good day slowly went into reverse.
From some dark and dusty comer of my hippocampus, I dredged up the way to West Norwood and was directed to a block of flats. Scouse Number One
went in and whilst waiting, I picked up the conversation between Scouse Number Two and the Girl Who Was Probably a Prostitute.
It appeared that Scouse Number One was getting some money so they could buy ‘the stuff' in Brixton. What, I wondered, could ‘the stuff' be? I know what I
like to buy on a Sunday morning - beigels and smoked salmon! Was there a place on the front line where alongside the curried goat, rice and peas and
Jamaica patties where they did egg and onion, chopped liver and maybe some lokshen pudding?
In Brixton, the Girl Who Was Probably a Prostitute took the money, walked up the road and disappeared round the corner. We waited. Scouse Number One
got out and smoked nervously, while Number Two twitched and sweated. And then, just like a mirage shimmering on the horizon, she was back with a grin
not as wide as Buckingham Palace. Sighs and a sense of relief filled the passenger compartment and on we went to Camberwell.
As we drove along Coldharbour Lane, Scouse Number One leaned forward. “Eh pal, wouldya settle for thirty quid?”
I looked at the meter showing thirty two already. I made a decision. “OK,” I said, “but I want the money now.”
It appeared over my left shoulder. Now the Girl Who Was Probably a Prostitute spoke saying that it wasn't very nice of me to ask for the money up front. It was
only with the greatest effort that I didn't respond to her by inferring that I thought that was normal business practice in her line of work! But the words never
materialised as I heard myself say that her friend didn't seem to mind.
And that was it. In Camberwell we went our separate ways. I suppose night men are used to that kind of thing. As for me, I'll stick to days...
Geoff Levene (W32)
Call Sign July 2012
Page 21
Camden, Westminster and City of London ask Mayor Johnson…
Ban 10-year-old taxis!
Councils at Camden, Westminster and
black cabs account for a significant concentra-
converted vehicles could be serviced! As a
City of London have written jointly to
tion of dangerous particles from vehicle
result, most had problems that couldn't be
Mayor Boris Johnson calling on him to take
sources in the air in Camden. If the Mayor and
sorted out.
more action over London's poor air quality
TfL are serious about improving air quality,
As the Mayor has only just brought in the
and have included in that a desire to review
they should be offering incentives and assis-
15-year limit, it would seem unlikely that he
the new 15 year age limit for taxis and
tance to London cab drivers to help them
will accede to this new request. Perhaps one
reduce it down to 10 years! The letter calls
reduce pollution while keeping the capital
answer would be to reduce traffic flow and if
for funding or grants to be offered to taxi
the three councils aren't sure how they can
drivers to help them upgrade their cabs in
Camden have now offered to help taxis,
do that, Call Sign is sure that we can help
addition to new technology being brought
however, the last time they offered assistance
them out by providing representatives of this
in to help reduce pollution.
was via Call Sign when the council paid for 15
trade with some common sense - something
The letter states: “We need to focus on the
Dial-a-Cab taxis to be converted to gas. What
that often seems to be lacking in the three
worst polluters and our evidence suggests that
they failed to provide were garages where the
A refurbished studio apartment in
Putney Vale, just moments away
from the A3 and bus routes into
both Putney and Kingston, has been
put up for sale by a Dial-a-Cab dri-
apartment in
ver. The property comprises a large
studio area kitchen and luxury show-
er room. It has its own parking
Putney Vale
Price £159,950. Contact Tony (R09) on
07811 474 516 for more details...
for sale
And looking to work with the taxi trade...
Very few of us choose to become London taxi drivers when we leave school, but the Knowledge seems to be something we just fall into.
Before driving his taxi, Alex Constantinou (N05) had a career as a croupier, working in many London clubs - and even on the QE2! Now
combining the two, Alex has visited the Playboy Casino in Old Park Lane for Call Sign...
I eventually went on the Knowledge, but one of my good friends, Adam, stayed in the industry and has now become the Gaming
Director of the newly opened Playboy Casino on the site of the old Rendezvous Casino in Old Park Lane. The name Playboy was at its
peak in the seventies and early eighties when along with the draw of the tables and Bunny Girls, Hugh Heffner made the club one of
the best and most famous nights out on the town in London - even our editor was a member! (Ed's note: I told you not to say anything!)
So it was great to get a call from Adam to come and look around the club and have a meal. He has always supported the taxi
trade and hopes to get a rank put outside the Playboy as well as organising a driver incentive for dropping off well-groomed passengers who are look-
ing for a great night out with the option of eating, drinking, gaming or even dancing in the Cottontail club. At the moment it is a member's only club,
but that is all going to change in August when Salvatore's Bar and the Cottontail will be open to the public and you will only need to be a member
to go into the casino.
For the meal, I was accompanied by fellow ex-croupier and Dial-a-Cab driver Andy Gorman (B76) who didn't have to think for too long
when I asked him to join me for the outing!
After welcoming us to the Playboy Adam gave us a tour before we'd sit down to eat. Downstairs accommodates Salvatore's Bar - where the amazing
Salvatore Calabrese is said to be one of the world's greatest cocktail mixers! Also on that floor is the Cottontail club, a venue for acts such as Rizzle Kicks
and the Rat Pack. Then we went upstairs to the Player's bar and gaming floor with its private rooms and of course, the Dining Room restaurant...
As we sat down amidst some amazing lighting, we knew we were in for a treat as we instantly recognised Executive Chef Judy Joo as one of the
Channel 4 Iron Chefs. Judy was trained by Gordon Ramsey and looking at the menu, you could see his influences - but with the undoubted Judy Joo
stamp on some of her American-Korean dishes!
I started with the American Shrimp Cocktail while Andy went for the Baked Oysters Rockefeller. We agreed that both dishes were presented immaculately,
but of more importance were packed full of exquisite flavours. All the main courses sounded just amazing, but we were probably only allowed one each so
we had to pick wisely! I opted for the rack of lamb with an Asian marinade, miso aubergine and bok choy. Andy, who thought he was still dreaming until
realising he might wake up too soon, decided to go for it and had the grilled whole lobster with garlic butter and steamed vegetables. There is ‘really nice'
and then there was this! Both plates contained food from heaven, absolutely cooked to perfection with each mouthful tasting like the mythical manna that
heaven emits.
I won't bother describing the desserts other than to say that if you have the room, then it is well worth a dip with a Snicker! All the while, we could also
taste the atmosphere of our surroundings and both Andy and I agreed that it made the dining experience even better - if that were possible!
No one can pretend that an evening at the Playboy is cheap, but it is an experience that you'd be hard pushed not to enjoy. Even so, there
are appetisers ranging from £10 to £40, whilst main courses begin at £12 and go up to £100 for the Wagyu New York Strip, a loin steak that
is aged a minimum of 35 days before being hand cut! It sounded amazing, but we might have been seen as pushing our luck a bit had we
selected it! There are also the ultra-British fish and chips or the US equivalent of a cheeseburger, which probably has as much in common
with a Big Mac as DaC has with Addison Lee!
We left the Playboy feeling that we had not just had an unforgettable meal at one of London's premier and iconic nightspots, but had been part of an
Our thanks to Adam and it's nice to hear of a top London venue wanting to support the taxi trade while we help put such an iconic club back onto the
map. And yes, the Bunny Girls still look great!
The Playboy Club London, 14 Old Park Lane. Tel: 0207 491 8586…
Alex Constantinou (N05)
Call Sign July 2012
Page 22
Well, perhaps that heading is somewhat mis-
leading because it gives the impression that
The DaC and GetTaxi
Dial-a-Cab and GetTaxi are buddies - and they
aren't. GetTaxi isn't like the plethora of taxi
apps fighting for position in our tiny market; it
involves fitting hardware into your taxi and as
such not only does it classify as direct competi-
tion to DaC, but any driver caught with GetTaxi
equipment in their cab could face a meeting
with Allan Evans and possibly even a date with
the Complaints Committee!
So Call Sign took a trawl back through its
files to find out when - or indeed if - any prece-
dent has been set. And indeed it was a trawl -
back to when the majority of current sub-
scribers were small children or more probably
not even yet born! Back, no less, than 58 years
to the year 1954!
Can you remember a time when there was
just one TV channel with the birth of ITV still
12 months away and the BBC about to broad-
cast the UK's first-ever “soap.” That came when
The Grove Family hit the black and white 11-
inch screens of those that could afford a set!
Microsoft's Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were
both still a year away from being born into a
world where the only computers took up a
complete room and even then were less pow-
What does BBC's 1950's soap The Grove Family have to do with GetTaxi?
erful than any of today's modest laptops.
David Fiertag, who had previously been the
ODRTS and Dog 21 on Radio Cabs. Fellow
Microsoft was a meaningless name.
Society's Treasurer. He was spotted by a fellow
CoM member Alec Cobden put down a
The charts - then known as the Hit Parade -
driver as not only having ODRTS Pye radio
proposition that David Fiertag should be
showed Eddie Calvert's Oh Mein Papa as
equipment fitted in his taxi, but also that of
expelled and the rest of the CoM carried it. As
being at number one, with Frankie Laine and
Lew Levy's York Way Radio Cabs, who also
yet there was no Complaints department.
Answer Me holding down second from
used Pye radios. Lew had been taken to New
David had his £1 loan returned and as a gen-
Winifred Attwell's Let's Have a Party at three.
York in 1950 by Pye to see how radio could
tleman, went immediately to Marylebone
Bill Haley and his Comets were still 9-
change the way taxis operated. One year later
Mews where Pye's engineers removed an
months away from their UK debut single,
and York Way Radio Cabs on TERminus 8800
ODRTS driver's radio equipment for the first
Shake, Rattle and Roll and almost 18-months
were launched to London with a swish do at
time. His place on the CoM was taken by
away from the record that changed music for-
Mayfair's Empress Club. Lew copyrighted the
Charlie Young (A24).
ever, Rock Around the Clock.
name Radio Cabs and so far as Call Sign
So yes, there is a precedent set for anyone
Wolverhampton Wanderers have been rel-
knows, the name cannot be used by any taxi or
found with another company's equipment fit-
egated this year, but in 1954 the club won the
Football League First Division title - that year's
private hire company as part of their name.
ted. It may not be the disgrace it was then, but
Premier League - for the first time in the club's
On 2 April 1954, an emergency meeting was
it won't be classified as much of an honour if
history. Also that year, Roger Bannister
held at the Pentonville Road office to discuss
Allan Evans finds out!
became the first person to break the four-
David Fiertag having two sets of equipment fit-
Jamie Corum
minute mile, the rationing that had been intro-
ted to taxicab registration KGT 797. He alleged-
duced at the onset of WW2 came to an end and
ly also had two callsigns - he was Dan 5 on
Call Sign Online
Winston Churchill became the first - and still
the only - British Prime Minister to reach his
80th birthday while still in office.
So what happened at Dial-a-Cab - then
known as The Owner Drivers Radio Taxi
Service - in 1954 that brings Call Sign back
to GetTaxi?
It was in March 1955 that the famous blind
MP of the time, Sir Ian Fraser, came to 172
Pentonville Road for the official ODRTS open-
ing, but we're travelling back even further to
just after the time on 26 January 1954, when
our first job was dispatched. No MPs were
available at the time, so Chairman Bonnie
Martyn arranged a delayed official opening
through a friend at the BBC - which much later
was to become the Society's first account cus-
tomer. In the meantime, it was all unofficial.
Within weeks of that first job going out,
an incident occurred that was considered
to be so serious that it involved Bonnie
Martyn receiving a letter from George
Steadman, head of the London Carriage
Office, informing him that ODRTS faced
closure because of it!
The “incident” involved popular Council of
Management member - they hadn't yet
referred to themselves as Board members -
Call Sign July 2012
Page 23
The latest in an ongoing Call Sign series about DaC driver's strange
customers and jobs!
BE LONG... hic!
and fed up with his antics. I offered to let him
would shake it out of him!”
out of the cab there and then!”
“He can then sleep it off in one of our cells
“I laugh about it now,” Melvin Green
Continuing his tale of woe to Call Sign,
overnight,” one of the coppers said as they
(E55) told Call Sign while relating a story
Melvin said: “He had fallen onto the cab floor
each grabbed an arm of the fare, frog-march-
from the past, “yet at the time it was anything
from the force of my stopping so abruptly
ing him unsteadily towards the nick and his
but funny.” He smiled broadly, his mind
and it was from the carpet that he proffered
overnight accommodation!”
going back to the incident from his nocturnal
sufficient money to tempt me to carry on
cabbing career of some years ago.
Then came the drunk`s final request that
with the journey, so off we went again as I
turned the whole incident into one that the
“l stopped for a street hail on Edgware
stuffed the notes into my shirt pocket.
Dial-a-Cab driver can`t forget for a combina-
Road near George Street. The fare requested
“However, a few minutes later he began
tion of irritation and laughing! The drunk, his
Rickmansworthand I agreed to take him. He
complaining again by which time I had really
legs struggling to keep him upright turned
said to take the A40 / M25 and he would
had enough, so I made my way to finding
towards Melvin and said:
direct me from there when I asked if he had
Uxbridge police station. That was an achieve-
a preferred route.
“I won't be long; you can wait and take me
ment in itself because with him still sounding
home!” Melvin started giggling to our
What I didn't see in the dark was the half
off in the back, my blood-pressure was going
reporter at the optimistic comment!
empty bottle of wine he was hiding under his
up very quickly!” Melvin`s voice was
jacket! Anyway, off we went and of course he
“With the drunk safely out of sight and in
now quivering as he re-lived the trauma.
soon fell asleep in the back. As we
the care of the boys in blue, I slid the cab into
“I breathed a sigh of relief as the familiar
approached Hillingdon roundabout, he woke
gear and drove away, still unsure how I was
blue lamp on the front of the building beck-
up rather confused and began hitting the
feeling - but grateful that I had got paid!”
oned out of the gloom. Two policemen came
central partition with the wine bottle
out to me and tried remonstrating with the
If you have a favourite story about a job you
shouting off about me going the wrong way
passenger, whose attitude towards them was
have done, let Call Sign know...
and where were we etc. He said he didn't
also less than friendly. One of the policemen
recognise the area. So I pulled into the kerb-
turned to me and asked if I had been paid,
side, stopping sharply as l did so because by
otherwise he smiled and suggested that they
© Call Sign Magazine MMXI
now I too was feeling somewhat flustered
DaC's Lee fails in world record attempt!
Regular Call Sign readers will know that Wembley FC goa
keeper and Dial-a-cab driver Lee Pearce (J71) are one and
the same! Wembley are now sponsored by Budweiser and
play under the watchful eye of the team's Technical Advisor
no less than former Spurs manager and star midfielder,
and much later, Barcelona manager, Terry Venables.
At this year's FA cup final at Wembley Stadium,
Lee was involved in a world record attempt that
took place during the match in which Chelsea beat
Liverpool. During half-time, three separate chal-
lengers took part in an attempt the break the world
record for the most goals punted from midfield in
60 seconds. The current record of 11 was by Real
Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas in Beijing, China
last year.
Organised by Budweiser, the three goalkeepers
selected for the record attempt were Lee Pearce,
Richard Alford, who won the slot in a competition
and former Everton FA Cup winning star Neville
So at half time, the three goalies stood on the halfway line in front
of 90,000 fans attempting to punt the ball into an empty net and to beat Casillas record of 11
goals from his hands to his boot and into the net in 60 seconds! Sadly all three failed to get any-
where close with Neville Southall on 6, getting closest!
Earlier, Lee was involved in another Budweiser competition at the Power League pitch
just outside the main stadium. This one involved fans queuing up to take penalties against
him with signed footballs by the cup finalists going up for grabs.
The funniest part of the day was when Lee saved the penalties of three friends - but then delib-
erately allowed their wives to score! Luckily the men had a sense of humour!
Call Sign July 2012
Page 24
Call Sign ran a report in our February issue
when Dial-a-Cab driver Martin Hizer (M47)
had the catalytic converter stolen from his
TX2. That was just one of a spate of taxi cat-
cons being stolen at the time from vehicles
while they were left unattended, usually
It seems the thieves have now returned to
this lucrative source of supply, especially in the
Essex borough of Havering where, other than
northwest London, taxis are in their most
plentiful supply.
This time round it was Robert Webb (A03J)
“These items are around £1000 a time to
who told Call Sign that, rather amazingly, he
replace and can be removed in less than a
had driven his MB Vito taxi for several days
minute, so if thieves are stealing around 50
without realising the taxi was short of its cat-
units a night, that can be a good result for the
alytic converter and even then, he was only
villains,” Robert added. “If the items are then
alerted to the loss when a fellow taxi driver
sold to less scrupulous scrap metal dealers
and near neighbour knocked on his door to
who don't ask too many questions, the market
warn him about the thefts! Alas, it was too late
for these stolen emission controlling ‘Cats'
for Robert, even though he had parked his cab
will surely flourish.”
just yards from his own front door!
Robert walked off looking like a man who
“The cab was running fine,” said Robert with
had just spent £1000 for no reason. Police are
a puzzled look, “but when I checked the
tending to agree with Robert's synopsis that
underside, there it wasn't! When I phoned to
the thieves aren't doing it to resell the catcons,
enquire about the price and stock of the item,
but purely to sell on as scrap metal. They also
I was given to understand that these thefts are
added that theft numbers have more than
rife in the area and reaching almost epidemic
quadrupled in less than two years.
proportions! If correct, that makes it a very
Unlike personal radios, a catalytic converter
worrying situation.”
can't practically be removed from your taxi
Robert is now investigating ways to protect
Robert's Catalytic Converter was stolen
every night. But there may be an answer. See
his vehicle. Although cars are also being tar-
from his vito
geted, it's not quite as easy to remove them as
they sit lower on the road, but a taxi has that
the ‘Cat' with bolt-croppers can be achieved in
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
much more ground clearance and removal of
about 30 seconds.
Protecting your
Catalytic Converter
Call Sign has published several articles about
verify details of registered items, owner-
drivers who have had the catalytic converter
ship, status (reported stolen or lost)
stolen from underneath their taxi. Another
quickly and efficiently under strict securi-
appears inside this issue. But now there is an
ty protocols - all for just the price of a phone
It does appear that the reason for the thefts
Call Sign was told that the device can be
is due to the increasing price of metal rather
fitted with just the use of a 13mm spanner.
than any shortage of the cats. The converters
We have also been informed that the device
contain rare metals including Palladium,
has been approved by LTPH for use by the
Platinum and Rhodium and represent a fairly
Vito only.
easy target for thieves. The reason more van-
More details from Protectavan, Orsett
ish from Vitos rather than from LTI is because
Fruit Farm, Orsett, Essex RM16 3BH
they are easier to reach on those vehicles with
Phone 01375 891 646 or email
a higher gap underneath.
But a new product called Protectavan
CATLOC has come onto the market and
encompasses the catalytic converter in a
strong stainless-steel wrap which is then
• Roadside repair
secured to the chassis with an equally strong
• Roadside assistance
stainless-steel cable. The device uses high
security shear-nuts, making thieves tools inef-
• Running repair recovery
fective. ISR Marking is included as standard
• All makes and models serviced
• Accident recovery
with the CATLOC device, it engraves the
and repaired
• Pay as you go to membership
Catalytic Converter with a unique identifica-
• Mobile service - we come to you!
tion code that can be used to trace the owner
• Credit card taken at roadside
of the catalytic converter should it be stolen
and for increased protection and added deter-
rent, the CATLOC comes with the
Call Mick Wheeler
International Security Register marking and
0845 094 5307
registering system as standard. Calls to 07000
on 020 8715 0079
We make wheels turn
111333 at any time of day or night will be
answered by highly trained operators who will
Covering London and the Home Counties
so you can earn.
Call Sign July 2012
Page 25
Another batch of views from Tom that do not necessarily reflect the views of DaC...
At the beginning of every other month I get an
should act. As many of you know, I hold great
Email from the Editor informing me that he
respect for the Royal Family having worked for
needs an article for the next month's magazine.
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother for 17 years
So by the time that you get to read the article, it
on a part-time basis and holding a Royal Warrant
is at least one month old so you may think that
for her.
I've plagiarised articles from other magazines or
If you would like to read more of my life
newspapers. (Thomas, I think we should bear in
working for Her Majesty, then you can by get-
mind that you don't actually send it until around
ting hold of that very fine magazine CallOver,
2 weeks after I ask for it...Ed). But you'd be wrong
which is aimed at future taxi drivers who are
as my views are often on paper before the ones
on the Knowledge. You can usually pick up a
you see in other reading matter. So with that in
copy in the Dial-a-Cab Drivers Reception. It
mind, carry on reading in the knowledge that it
even has bundles of information which will
was my views first!
assist you in your daily work routine.
Olympics and Europe
And the fault lies with...?
I thought that it was just me who was getting a bit
We have the spectacular array of troops and uni-
roads leading to the Olympic site. We must
fed up with the entire Olympics PR, which claims
forms, with the backdrop of our historical build-
not forget that we still have long standing
it is going to be the best thing for England since
ings. Who could hold a better pageant; remem-
prestigious clients who will be trying to keep
sliced bread. So seeing that I am on the wrong
ber the Royal Tournament that used to be at Earls
their business afloat, which includes needing
side of 21 by a few years, I thought it was me that
Court and the work we got from it? This pageant
our help.
was just being a misery. So I went about deliber-
probably made the European Union jealous. But
But what did give me a good feeling was the
ately asking family, friends and people I met how
all that could soon come to an end due to BBC
spectacular display over the four days of the
they felt about the Olympics? This is going to be
(Blair, Brown & Cameron). They have cut back
Queen's Diamond Jubilee; my one mistake was
a shortened version, as I will have to leave out
on everything to do with the armed forces so
to watch the river pageant on the BBC. To say it
the profanities due to children and religious per-
they can send your money abroad or use it to
was amateurish is an understatement; they used
sons who read this magazine. But I may give you
keep all the politicians, civil servants, mandarins,
young ladies as presenters who didn't have a
a taste by replacing letters with the symbol
consultants and legal aid lawyers in the manner
clue, even down to remembering the names of
that they now expect to live in.
the people they were interviewing. It was inter-
It was apparent that I am not in the minority
I can imagine Winston Churchill and the mil-
mingled with silly bits about cooking, painting
on finding how many others are sick of hearing
lions of soldiers who died in two World Wars
and what was supposed to be a comedy sketch
about every little detail and how much money is
spinning in their graves. They died fighting a dic-
on history - a waste of licence payer's money and
being wasted at a time when the country is in
tatorship so we could have freedom in our lives.
that's assuming the cameras showing the items
dire straits. But to my amazement and without
But these three weak Prime Ministers have con-
continued to work as many didn't. I just wish I
any prompting, many stated that they were sick
tinually been dictated to by Brussels and a tubby
could have wrestled the remote from my wife's
and tired of the smarmy B*****d Lord
German woman called Angela Merkel. They
hand and switched over to Sky!
Sebastian Coe, a man who spends more time
then roll over and accept it.
But you have to admit that when it comes to
promoting himself and informing you how many
If ever another war was to erupt over the
putting on a pageant, we still come out on top;
well-known friends he has.
Falklands or somewhere else that was under our
the precision and colour was spectacular. Then
We also have traffic problems that will cause so
protection, we would have a re-enactment of an
you had the Queen herself, a lady of 86 who has
many firms to lose money and good will from
episode of Dads Army as our soldiers run for-
the energy of a much younger person. She could
their clients. This is including we Licensed
ward with substitute wooden model guns shout-
only have been surpassed by Queen Elizabeth,
London Taxi Drivers. Already we have posts with
ing out Bang!
the Queen Mother who was still active and com-
pennants informing us that Lea Bridge Road and
So how long will it be before Brussels runs
pleting her Royal duties at 100 years of age.
thousands of other roads are in the Event Zone.
every aspect of our taxi trade, dictating how
Of all the other Kings and Queens throughout
So bang goes my Thursday shopping trip to
much we can charge foreign tourists and which
the world, our Queen has kept the respect and
ASDA at Leytonstone, while Lord Coe swans
German or French car we must drive?
dignity of all sensible people worldwide. We do
along an empty Olympic lane to the Stadium to
not read of any indiscretions committed by her,
quaff his Champagne and pâté de foie gras whilst
maybe by her children or grandchildren, but she
Tom Whitbread
watching the sport.
has remained a Head of State to be held up as an
DaC Board Member
Like every true Englishman, I would love to
example of the way other countries leaders
see England win gold medals, but with our his-
tory of never having a government that supports
the training and encouragement needed for our
athletes, that seem a little unlikely. Other coun-
Cable car service opens!
tries including the USA, Australia, Russia and
China get behind their athletes and supply them
The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has fulfilled
with the facilities they need to excel at their
his pledge to build and open the UK's first urban
sport. This does not happen in England; our ath-
cable car service when the Emirates Air Line
letes have to rely on charity. Then if we get low
opened to the public on 28 June, providing a
standards and a miniscule number of medals,
vital new river crossing for east London.
Lord Coe will disappear and all the BBC pundits
The five minute 1km river crossing, which links
will give you the biggest load of hogwash having
the Greenwich O2 and Royal Docks Excel, will
wasted your licence money on it first.
have capacity to carry up to 2,500 people per
The BBC plan well ahead and they knew they
hour in each direction. The ‘Gondolas' will travel
had two great events in London this year - the
160 feet above the Thames and run every 30
Queens Jubilee and the Olympics. So last year they
seconds. Initially the cable car will operate 7
relocated most of the cameramen, technicians
days a week, from 0700 to 2100 Mondays to
and presenters up to Salford. Why didn't they leave
Fridays, 0800 to 2100 on Saturdays and 0900 to 2100 on Sundays.
it for another year and save the expense of accom-
The fare is £4.30 (£3.20 on Oyster).
modation and travel for these people coming back
Those who want the experience of an extended journey to enjoy the fantastic views of the City
to London?
including Canary Wharf, Thames Barrier and Olympic Park will have the option to take a non-stop
So I hope in the coming month you do not
return journey. It will also provide more work for taxi drivers as tourists go to try it out...
lose interest and concentration due to the
terrible traffic congestion surrounding the
Call Sign July 2012
Page 26
Classic FM... and me!
The advert you see on this page was dreamt up by Dial-a-Cab driver
“I have a philosophy,”
Steve Denison (W65). While we cannot suggest you put it up in a place
Cliff Giffin (C55) told
where tourists to the capital can see it during the tenure of the London
Call Sign “and that is
2012 Olympics as it hasn't been shown to LTPH, with so many drivers
that when things get
having their own PCs and printers nowadays, you could always copy it
a bit stressful on the
and give one to any passengers who look like they may not understand
rear seat, I stay calm
how taxis operate.
and professional
If you'd rather get it emailed to you, just send your email address to
while doing the best
callsignmag@aol.com and ask for the taxi for hire ad. And yes, well done
I can for my passen-
gers - particularly
account clients.
“So when passen-
gers approach me
looking obviously
harassed, for what-
We will be hosting visitors from all parts of the world to the UK in
ever reason, I make
the next few months.
sure they're sitting comfortably and
then whack up my music radio on Classic FM or sometimes BBC
Please alert them that a Taxi is only a Taxi if it has a
Radio 3 and you can virtually see the stress drain away from
‘For Hire' light and a meter to display the fare.
them as they soak up the atmosphere of a symphony or sonata
wafting through the speakers. Generally, they leave the cab in a
All licensed London taxi drivers (Hackney Carriage)
have the Knowledge of London and are regulated by
much better frame of mind than when they got in and quite
TfL (Transport for London) and they will be wearing a badge:
likely it could set them up for the rest of the day!
“There is nothing I can do about traffic conditions - and they
Their badge numbers will also be displayed on the front and rear
really have been bad these last few weeks - or any other unex-
screens of the vehicle.
pected road problems that can delay our progress towards the
intended destination. So when things start to get a bit heated in
There are 4 models of Taxi on the streets of London
the back, I assure them I'm doing the best I can, that their anxi-
ety is not helping get them there any quicker and then I gently
turn the radio volume control up a couple of notches, and
bingo! That often works a treat.” Cliff smiled at the thought.
All other makes and models are not taxis
“There is one account client who frequently gets into the cab
long after the booked time and then expects to whizz along the
streets, often getting agitated at the slightest delay. This doesn't
wash with me at all, so on goes the radio, up comes Classic or
Radio 3 as the mood befits and voila, peace in the rear carriage
Translated in any language:
means peace in the front for me as well!
“Staying calm when you're under pressure is all part of the
Taxis are Taxis only if they have a For Hire light
job and gentle music wafting around inside the cab is a great
Always use a LONDON TAXI
way to stay cool and reduce any tension.”
Cliff walked back to his taxi with a knowing smile while
whistling Mozart's symphony number 40 - in G minor of course!
Have a great time in our country
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
Former Dial-a-Cab driver, Bob Woodford, writes a regular column for Call Sign from his home in
Languedoc, France and his taxi somewhere in London…
I raised my gaze one
no surprise really; pubs (landmarks to cabbies) are
Should Addison Lee taxis be able to use
wet evening (it was
closing down in all corners of London as they are
Bus Lanes?
raining in London - just
in the rest of the country! We built an Empire on
What chance indeed, when the whole single
for a change!) after
the strength of loyal drunken men, but now the
reason they can't use bus lanes is because they
setting down a fare in
punters need milky coffee at £3 a mug (mugs
aren't taxis! Madness! Griffin said in an Evening
Webber Street, to look
Standard article that he 'was ready to rock' - he
towards the 'Bell' pub-
As I looked at the building site that used to be
got that line from Alan Alda in The Tower Heist
lic house - a watering
my local, a guy in a car pulled alongside me to
- and in another article stated that he would
hole I have to admit
ask directions to 'South Work' road - I didn't
instruct his drivers not to use the bus lanes 'in
was one of many I frequented in the hostelries
realise he was a minicab driver till he pulled away
the spirit of co-operation!' Are you sure John?
of Lambeth and Southwark in my distant past.
in the opposite direction to my instructions!
Co-operation because you now agree to obey
But it wasn't there! Only the facade was hang-
Talking of minicabs, this guy John Griffin has
the law? What a tosser this guy is!
ing onto dear life awaiting the wrecking ball -
got some neck over this bus lane issue, hasn't
A bientot...
probably the next day!
he? I know a lot has been said in the cab trade
Sadness really, that was the emotion I could
press - long before my thoughts - but what
not hide as I realised that I could never (not that
chance have we got when lazy journalists such
Bob Woodford (Ex-P49)
I would ever want to) have another pint of
as Joshua Rozenberg in the Guardian (26th
Saint Genies de Fontedit
Guinness in the 'Bell' again! But it was probably
April) writes:
Languedoc, France
Call Sign July 2012
Page 27
In the April issue of Call Sign, Dial-a-Cab dri-
ver Terry Catherall
(Y90) told how he
planned to cycle to Paris beginning on 30th
August to raise money for the Royal British
Legion. The Legion has long been tied into the
London taxi business, especially following the
cessation of hostilities at the end of WW2. The
Legion helped many of those who had fought
for their country but who, on discharge, came
back to Civvy Street with no job to return to, by
offering financial support as well as assistance
As he prepares to cycle to Paris in aid of the British Legion!
in getting them onto the Knowledge.
Terry's red and black bike - nicknamed
Poppy - was made especially for the event
Terry cycling to Paris to raise
by Russell Coe of Vandome Cycles. On the
funds for the Royal British
trip, Terry will be cycling via the war
memorial at Calais, where he will pay
respect to the fallen heroes with a second
paid by me, which is only fair as it's
stop at the war memorial in Beauvais.
me who's having all the fun! If any
Terry's cycle ride ends on day four at L'Arc
DaC driver or their families can help
de Triomphe with a poignant wreath-laying
me raise funds for the Legion, it
ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown
would be so appreciated.”
Terry originally set his target at
Terry has been in training since February in
£1000 but has already passed that!
preparation for the event. Now he has told Call
You can help Terry reach his new tar-
get of
£2012 via Virgin Money
“Training is going well, I'm doing longer
Giving. Donations are quickly
rides, faster times and the hills are getting easi-
processed and passed onto the chari-
er. But the weather is getting in the way a bit
ty. Virgin Money Giving is a not-for-
and I find myself at the local gym doing spin-
profit organisation and claims gift aid
ning classes more than I really wanted to. But
on a charity's behalf where the donor
it is good for stamina building.
is eligible.
“Fund raising is coming along nicely, though,
You can donate at:
with some very generous people out there.
However, even the small donations mean a lot
to the Royal British Legion. All expenses are
In aid of Children with Cancer UK...
I completed the course in 6 hours 42 minutes 41 seconds. So if any of
my friends and colleagues would now like to donate, they are more than
welcome - preferably by using the Virgin ‘money giving' link which you
can find at: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/johnthetaxi. If you
donate this way, you claim 25% tax via gift aid from the government
making it by far the best way to donate.
ue to there being
As for next year, I hope to get a place and run in my own right
o Call Sign in
raising money for our very own cab trade charities, mainly being
une, we are a bit
the London Taxi Drivers Fund for Underprivileged Children and
ate reporting on
one of the Dial-a-
So everybody watch this space in 2013 in memory of Jack Pitcher, who
Cab drivers who
benefited so much from these two charities before he sadly died a few
ran in the Virgin
years ago.
Finally many thanks to Call Sign for its sponsorship...
Marathon and
who this maga-
John Davis (V41J)
zine sponsored.
John Davis
(V41J) isn't
new to doing
Keith Reading
Professional Toastmaster
for a good cause
Master of Ceremonies
and several years ago jumped out of a plane in aid
of a young disabled boy, Jack Pitcher. This year he decided that the
charity Children with Cancer was a worthy enough cause for him to
Tele: 01279 465 938
run over 26 miles.
Mobile: 07774 860 374
John told Call Sign: “I have always wanted to do the Marathon but
Email: kgr.2@virgin.net
just never got around to it! In order to get a place, our very own cab
trade character 'Roger the Rabbit' pointed me in the right direction to
10% discount for DaC drivers and staff
the charity of Children with Cancer. I started training 24 weeks prior to
the event.
Fellow of the Guild of
April 22nd had come round far too quickly. I didn't tell anybody or
collect any money prior to the Marathon as I thought it'd be unfair if I
Professional Toastmasters
didn't finish; Admittedly I wasn't the best trainee, but I did it!
Call Sign July 2012
Page 28
Former fireman Richard Potter and life behind the
Green v yellow badges
The ID scheme has been working for a
few months now, with green badge hold-
ers happy to put the cards in their front
and back windows. However, there have
been a number of sightings of yellow
thought was a bit strange. In fact I could-
badge drivers not complying at all or
n't find anywhere else that sold the TSP
putting yellow IDs in the front window
2004, yet the TSP 2005 was available in
but not the back. Putney High Street out-
most places. I checked the Hoover web-
site to find a page displaying the TSP
side the station, the old Arndale,
range with the TSP 2004 and TSP 2005
Stratford and Lewisham Stations, City
models next to each other and with
Airport and Clapham Common ranks
exactly the same specification. So I
have been the problem areas. Personally
phoned up Hoover and spoke to their
I think that LTPH are going to have their
sales department. They informed me that
work cut out trying to check IDs against
the TSP 2004 and TSP 2005 were indeed
driver's badges and bills and the problem
exactly the same; however the TSP 2004
of yellow badge holders working out of
was exclusively produced for Currys!
the sector only occurred in the first place
Now bearing in mind that the price guar-
because there were very few checks.
antee only applies to some model prod-
why can't green badges cover the other
My suggestion is for LTPH to make a
ucts, I thought this was pretty poor prac-
island ranks?
request for both green and yellow badge
tise and by having their own model prod-
drivers to volunteer to be accreditation
ucts, it simply allows Currys to charge
Currys price promise?
checkers. The marshalling system admin-
you £70 more, thus making the price
istered by taxi drivers at Heathrow has
I have always been an internet buyer sim-
promise worthless. I'm astonished a com-
worked well for years, so if funds are
ply because items are cheaper and being
pany like Currys will go to these lengths
an online buyer has brought down the
to avoid having to refund a price promise
tight at LTPH they could train people to
price of High Street goods. Recently I was
and what is in theory, to mislead their
help assist them. I think it would be good
shopping around for a new Hoover in
customers. I made an official complaint
for the trade if we could show some self-
Currys, as my old one had finally packed
to Currys but have not yet received an
governance and give LTPH a help to clean
up. Currys do a price promise and say
answer. So next time I will go back to
up our act. I am all for the identifiers, but
they won't be beaten on it, so I felt pret-
doing what I used to do, have a look in
feel that if we could be trusted to keep an
ty confident I was buying something I
Currys and then go home and but it
eye on this issue then it would leave
would not find cheaper online. But when
cheaper online!
LTPH time to deal with issues of a bigger
is a price promise a price promise? I
nature ie PH touting.
brought a Hoover TSP 2004 for £119.99
Richard Potter (T51)
The ID scheme has brought a new
and when browsing, put in a price check
Ed's note: Soon after Richard com-
focus on where yellow and green badge
on Amazon. It came up with a result that
plained to Currys, they reduced the
sectors are and most of the problems
Macro in Croydon was selling a Hoover
Hoover TSP 2004 from £119.99 down to
occur where yellow badge ranks are close
TSP 2005 for £48 and there were no
£54.99. However, they never saw fit to
to green sectors or island ranks, which
other matches for the TSP 2004, which I
are yellow ranks actually situated inside
green badge sectors.
From what I've seen, these ranks
were initially meant to be for yellow
badge holders to service street hir-
ings, but it has become apparent that
these island ranks are being used by
suburban drivers on other radio cir-
cuits as leapfrog ranks where it gives
them a greater chance of getting radio
Treatment for pain & discomfort doesn't have to be expensive
work in a GB area rather than that
work going to green badge holders.
The Centre offers fully qualified therapists in Physiotherapy,
Even though they are entitled to do
Osteopathy, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Remedial
this, I would question whether the
Massage, Indian Head Massage, Hydrotherm, Massage
Island ranks system is working effec-
Therapy, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
tively and if not, they should be with-
Call us on 020 8507 8169
With the lack of work, GB holders can
or mobile 07973 639 473 for an early appointment
easily cover these areas now, so why the
Email: andy@bptconline.co.uk or fax: 020 8507 9650
need for them? Clapham Junction, a
Out of hours enquiries welcome
green badge only rank, is a good example
of a rank that in the past was regularly, if
Barking Physical Therapy Centre
not illegally, serviced by yellow badge
90 Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 8SF
holders. It is now serviced successfully by
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am till 8pm and Saturday 9am till 2pm
green badge holders on their own. So
Call Sign July 2012
Page 29
Just before the Queen's Jubilee celebration in June, DaC Board
Views on life as seen through the
Member Mike Son was invited to a garden party as a representative
eyes of David Kupler (Y74) at...
of the LTFUC. He told Call Sign about it...
My wife Maxine and I, together with LTF
Chair Sue Angel and her husband Ger
were excited to have been nominated
attend HM Queen's Garden Party in la
May. We were extremely lucky with t
weather; in fact it was a bit too hot!
The Garden Party took place between
and 6pm, although the Palace gates ar
open from about 3pm onwards. Th
Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, accompa
nied by other members of the Roya
Family, entered the garden at 4pm on the
dot when the National Anthem struck up
from one of the two military bands play-
ing selections of music throughout the
Don't mention the Olympics!
Roll up and be attentive
It was a great day, especially for all the
listen to the spiel,
ladies that attended and I am sure the
make sure you're not retentive
fellows enjoyed it as well. I must say the
so you'll forget how good you feel.
Queen looked absolutely beaming and
the Duke really looked well. What was
You've been conned for several billion
surprising was that together with the
other members of the Royal Family,
and there is no place to run,
just how far they had to walk when
you're just one of 6 plus million
greeting the many dignitaries and we
paying for the "fun."
fairly ordinary folk!
It was also nice to see WCHCD Master Eddie Crossley together
With road closures like a war zone
with his lady at the garden party and being introduced to the Queen and Prince Philip. Although
and a city under siege,
Eddie and I had a chat, no, we didn't talk about the cab industry (well maybe a bit)!,
taking forever just to get home
Drinks (no alcohol), sandwiches and pastries were served in ornate marquees plus some VIPs
and delays beyond belief.
were invited to the Royal Pavilion to meet the Royal Family. I thought I would gain entrance if I
were to mention that I knew Brian Rice, but no luck. They said only Brian himself would have
They offered us more money
an open ticket!
we said "just let us do our job,”
The day ended far too quickly and the following day was back to reality - driving the cab!
don't restrict our working practise
Mike Son
we don't want the public robbed.
DaC Special Projects
I wish the French had won the bid
or anyone but us,
how about the details carefully hid
so we didn't make a fuss!
Sacre Bleu!
Twenty contracts sealed our fate
signed by smiley Ken,
only revealed when it was too late
to challenge or alter them.
C'est la Français...
He knew about the Olympic routes
he knew we would object,
Tooley Street's London Dungeon recently commissioned a thrill engineer in Professor
but he bowed and kissed their boots
Brendan Walker to see how different nationalities reacted to its gruesome shows. The
as our working lives he wrecked!
Professor conducted a series of tests into the ‘scare thresholds' of visitors and came up
with a top 10 of those that showed the most - and least - fear.
Challenged about the cost
The tests involved the use of live rats and maggot-infested meat and the results -
Ken said the price of a Walnut Whip,
taken from heart rate, sweat levels and facial expressions - were put together to get a
but that was before he lost
scaredy-cat top ten with research concluding that the French were easiest to frighten!
the Mayoral leadership.
They were followed by Italians, Brazilians, the English and Scots. Americans and
Germans proved to be the hardest to scare.
So prepare for the Olympic Games
London Dungeon general manager Ben Sweet said: “The results have enabled us to
prepare to lose your wage,
introduce an international rating system across our shows, so guests know what level
as you sit and roast on station ranks
of scare they are in for. It will also be useful for our team of actors, enabling them to
turning another page...
ramp up or tone down the experience for different groups.”
"Don't mention the Olympics in my cab!"
So next time a French passenger asks for the London Dungeon, enquire if they have
Kopyright Kupkake 2012
life insurance!
Call Sign July 2012
Page 30
Drivers who often do the Dial-a-Cab evening
run to take Contact Centre staff home will
know the name of Gerry Hansen. Gerry
lived in SE13, which he gradually renamed
Gerry Hansen
from Catford to Ladywell Village! But no one
ever had to worry about how to get there as
Gerry always liked to go the same way and
would give directions before drivers left - but
always in a way that couldn't possibly offend
anyone. And if they wanted to talk about
Millwall FC then he'd be your friend for life!
Now Gerry has decided to call it a day
and go into retirement after almost 15
Gerry at his leav-
years and the Board decided to make him
ing party with
a surprise leaving party.
Chairman Brian
“I had no idea,” Gerry told Call Sign, “I really
was amazed and very touched that they should
go to so much trouble for me. Having said that,
DaC have been so good to me over the years
that perhaps it shouldn't have surprised me.”
Gerry explained further: “In 2003 I had a
heart attack and DaC were very kind to me,
saying that my job was safe and that I could
return whenever I felt ready. Then when I
asked if I could go part time as I didn't think
I should push my health too hard, again
there was no problem. I can honestly say that
this has been a really wonderful company to
work for. Mind you, working with such love-
great help for a good working environment.”
with his sister in Wales. Our best wishes go to
ly people in the Contact Centre is always a
Gerry now intends spending more time
him for a long and happy retirement...
Granddad Christian!
Christian Barrett (L17) has been with Dial-a-Cab for around twenty years. His daughter,
Esther Barrett, works for DaC client Deutsche Bank and recently wrote to Call Sign:
“My dad, Christian Barrett, is a taxi driver on Dial-a-Cab. He recently became a
granddad for the first time after my sister Becky had a little boy, Joe! We recent-
ly took Joe on his first trip to the City and I wonder if he is now Dial-a-Cab's
youngest ever taxi driver!”
We don't know whether Christian knows about his grandson's photo being in this
issue, but we hope Joe is booked into the correct zone because just being gorgeous
won't be accepted as an excuse!
A place to remember
While Call Sign was enjoying its summer vacation, Dial-a-Cab dri-
vers were taking a complimentary breakfast and a sneak peek at
one of London's most prestigious new developments.
Launching in the autumn, Embassy Gardens will offer 2000 stunning riverside homes
planned by the UK's foremost Master planner, Sir Terry Farrell. Strongly influenced by
the architectural style of New York's meatpacking district and London's Victorian and
Edwardian mansion blocks, Embassy Gardens has a unique and distinctive style and will
be London's newest landmark destination. At its heart will be the new architecturally
stunning US Embassy.
With an enviable central location on the banks of the Thames and being close to
London's cultural Southbank, Embassy Gardens takes in spectacular views of
Westminster to the east, Chelsea and Pimlico to the north and the iconic Battersea
Power Station to the west.
Embassy Gardens comprises approximately 15 acres, transforming almost 200
hectares of central London real estate.
Call Sign July 2012
Page 31
with Tom Quigley (Y33)
the leading world travel consultants, who
played on Hackney Marshes, Wormwood
could not help him as they had never done spe-
Scrubs, Purley Way or any other large playing
cialist trips to such a rough area of the world as
field area generally turning out for a local pub
Whitechapel! Enjoy the games, but take
side that would sponsor the team for the price
ORN to the abyss!
of the kit and a bit of grub laid on back at the
Well it's finally upon us! Virtually every cus-
pub. The usual raffle would cover other costs.
tomer is asking if we are going to work or are
The pub recuperated the money in takings and
we ready for the Olympics? Well of course I'm
How to cause a fias-
prestige in winning a local Cup final.
going to work as like most of us I cannot afford
The serious effects on this lack of support
to have six weeks off! But I'll probably adjust
from landlords/ladies and governors have
With the fiasco on the Central line when a
my hours to suit the conditions. As for being
made the running costs of local grassroots foot-
water main burst leaving 1000s stranded at
ready, I've made some preparation works;
ball much more expensive. The general price
Stratford waiting to go to Leytonstone and
whilst the majority of visitors will be here for
for a pitch on an individual match basis, nor-
beyond, what would you have been prepared
the Olympics, there will also be plenty of
mally met by the home side, is now around £80
to bet your house on? Right in one - some
unscrupulous rogues visiting - be that pick-
alongside the cost of a referee (£30). Align that
idiots closing the Green Man Tunnel on the
pocket gangs, shoplifters, credit card fraudsters
with the price of match balls at £15 to £20,
A12 because it was scheduled and forcing
or the many other money making scammers.
training night (if you can afford it) for a flood-
those picking up stranded relatives into a huge
So I have my infrared torch, a note marker pen,
lit area runs out at £50 an hour and team kit is
traffic jam! What a predictable life it is...
a closer inspection of credit cards from street
£450. Most local teams now have a signing on
jobs - preferably backed up with another form
fee of £30 and £10 a week subs.
of ID (passport) etc. As usual, my doors are
Lack of alcohol
Along with the advent of health and fitness
permanently locked both before pick up and
clubs competing for the sports minded per-
during the journey (for the passenger's safety
destroying football!
son's money, the support of this money from
as well, as it's not unheard of for gangs to open
Allowing alcohol to be promoted in the form of
the pub trade has kept many a local playing
doors and snatch bags etc.
advertising and major sporting occasions are
field's running costs viable, staving off the
If you think I am going over the top or being
strange bedfellows, especially in the world of
threat of supermarkets and local developers
pessimistic, well the whole point of the ORN
football. We have Carling and Budweiser spon-
whilst ironically the remaining pubs seem to
was to make sure dignitaries get back to the
soring cups, Amstel promoting the Champions
thrive on showing live football on TV! Support
safe areas of London to wine and dine the
League and other major brands and brewers
to keep more public houses open should be in
evening away! It reminds me of Jack London's
who have been used in countless promotions.
the national interest, otherwise a non-support-
1903 book The People of the Abyss where the
There is a strong political and health cam-
ed grassroots football system will fold and if
American author in 1902 decided to live in the
paign to stop the use of alcohol in such a major
you put into the mix other hobbies and sports
East End of London, struggling to get a wary
mediums. Whilst I have no vested financial
such as darts, pool, quiz nights, Crib leagues
Hansom Cab to take him there. He had advice
incentive to write this in support of the alcohol
and what bowls or cricket club wouldn't fold if
from the police that it would be safer to spend
industry, there has for too long been a silent
it wasn't for bar takings? To me, working at the
the day there and come back to his Mayfair res-
slow kill of grassroots adult football with the
deep end of grassroots sports, the link between
idence at night, but not to worry because as he
demise of pubs. They are now closing at the
alcohol and sport is definitely not all bad...
had now visited them they would be able to
alarming rate of four a day. The effect is that
recognise his body should anything untoward
with the closures, there are fewer Sunday
Tom Quigley (Y33)
happen! He even went to Thomas Cook, then
morning football teams. Many of us have
Got oil, grease or diesel on your hands? Worry no more cos we've got the answer!
Grime Boss Heavy Duty Hand wipes
Nice-Pak International, Europe's leading manufacturer of wet wipes, has created the ultimate tool for tackling oil and grease
Grime Boss Heavy Duty Hand Wipes are specifically formulated with motor professionals in mind - and who can be mor
professional than a London taxi driver!
Designed for hard working hands, the tough and effective wipes work quickly and effortlessly to remove a number of tough
soil types including oil, grease, diesel/petrol - even adhesives and paints!
With a 2-in-1 ActionScrub™ formula, one side of the extra large and thick, citrus-scented wipe includes a tough scrub-
bing texture to remove stuck on dirt and residue, while the other is smooth and gentle enough for cleaning the hands,
face and arms. A Pro-Klean Moisturising Formula™ also helps to protect and moisturise hands with aloe vera and nour-
ishing vitamin E.
Easy to store and ideal for quick on-the-go cleaning, one convenient wipe will do even the toughest of jobs and the re-
sealable pack, which features on packs of 30 and 60 wipes, means that they won't dry out, resulting in a long lasting and
reliable product that is ready for use at any time.
Andrew Freeman, commercial manager at Nice-Pak International, told Call Sign:
“Grime Boss Heavy Duty Hand Wipes have been created especially for professionals. They work hard at get-
ting rid of tough dirt in environments where water for hand washing is scarce and time is also precious. It's
essential that motor professionals have the ability to keep their hands clean to avoid contamination of materi-
als while at work and the transfer of grime when arriving home at the end of the day. Dirt that traditionally has
very difficult to remove, such as oil and grease, can now be cleaned away without the need for harsh chemicals and the citrus scent also helps masks
any lingering smells. Nice-Pak International is the largest manufacturer of wet wipes in Europe and Grime Boss has been developed with expertise
and scientific know-how, guaranteeing a reliable and proper wipe that gets the job done.”
Call Sign did some quick tinkering under the bonnet, enough to get an uncomfortably greasy hand. We reached for a Grime Boss Heavy Duty Hand Wipes and
sure enough it all came off leaving a nice lemon fragrance!
Made in the UK, Grime Boss Heavy Duty Hand Wipes are available in packs of 10 (£2.99), 30 (£4.99) and 60 (£8.99) and are available to buy at lead-
ing stockists. For further information on Grime Boss Heavy Duty Hand Wipes, just visit www.grimeboss.co.uk.
Call Sign July 2012
Page 32
London taxicabs have a history of being recog-
Former Call Sign Editor Gerald Craig reviews the latest book from
nised the world over as an integral part of the
Bill Monroe
London's busy scene. Each taxicab ever pro-
duced has in its own way been an iconic vehi-
cle. So it was my pleasure to be asked to review
a new book about the iconic FX4 taxi. Written
by cab driving author, Bill Monroe, FX4 Black
Cab Enthusiasts' Manual (Haynes £21) is a
definitive guide to the taxi that was such a dis-
tinctive part of the late 50s through to 1997 as
Enthusiasts' Manual
part of the daily working lives of thousands of
London's cabdrivers - including me!
amongst its man
tions of London taxi drivers have earned their
initial faults was
living from and in my opinion, the name
Bill Monroe has certainly done his research
the corroding,
belong to London's taxi trade and should have
well, evidenced by the attention to meticulous
rusty seals on
never been part of anyone else's description.
detail and accuracy in his writing. He has man-
both sides of the
And as it says on page 18 of FX4 BLACK CAB,
aged to produce a work that is full of fascinat-
vehicle. But the
any FX3 taxi purchased in the 50s came in any
ing insights into the chequered history of a taxi
cab gradually
colour - provided it was black!
workhorse that includes both the Austin and
improved and
The obligatory dark colour that would come
Carbodies' versions, as well as the FX4R, FX4S,
Bill writes of the
back in the years to come and bite the trade in
both versions of the Fairway and the FL2 hire
its rear axle because it suited the emerging ille-
development of
gal minicab opposition to deliberately tag the
Bill's book is packed full of excellent photos
the FX4 and the
taxi trade's vehicles separately as black cabs,
and schematic mechanical illustrations that will
struggles that took place
even though the trade's fleet was rapidly chang-
please the FX4 aficionados amongst Call Sign's
behind the scenes before the new concept for
ing over to many multi- coloured cabs. This
readership. As an artist, I was fascinated by the
a modern taxi eventually emerged from the
was a ploy by the opposition, egged along by
original coloured sketches of the proposed
drawing board and rolled off the production
the media to add credence to their vehicles as
FX4 drawn by designer Eric Bailey. His remit
being a mock sort of cab - something the
then was to be sure to incorporate in a new
This book is a must read for all past and
gullible public fell for hook line and sinker in
modern taxi design, four doors and a fixed
present taxi drivers and I believe that Bill
the 60's. It was - and is - an erroneous termi-
windscreen. That innovation for a taxi would
has done a great service in recording for
nology that still lingers on the windows of
make it so different from its FX3 predecessor
posterity the story of the FX4 Black Cab.
many private hire offices today and apparently
with its draughty, open-spaced step where the
His book is a nostalgic, iconic, taxi trip
without anyone doing much about it.
passenger's luggage was tied on. Mind you, it
down memory lane.
As for FX4 Black Cab, I highly recommend
was a cab I enjoyed driving before I eventually
Excuse me if I digress a bit from my review to
Bill's well written and informative book. It is a
went on to experience the new FX4 that from
explain why I have deliberately put the words
really good read.
the driver's point of view, was so much more
taxi and cab together. I believe that historically
Any problems in obtaining the book then
luxurious to do our job in - even though the
they describe the type of vehicles that genera-
go to: www.haynes.co.uk
FX4 I purchased gave me nothing but trouble -
And an extra five years licensing...
Former Dial-a-Cab driver Stanley Roth (ex-Y53) has been pro-
moting the advantages of taxis running on Liquefied petroleum
gas (LPG) ever since he first came to the circuit in 1998. When
he left in 2009 to help promote the gas concept with GasTech,
his views hadn't changed. In fact, his love of gas cabs goes back
Maintain your TX4
many years - well beyond his arrival here.
for just 99p per day!
Now Stanley has a converted TX1 and TX2 currently
out on 10,000 mile working tests. The driver told Call
Everyone knows that proper maintenance of a
Sign it was a pleasure going to work and that he was
vehicle will save money and protect residual val-
also spending less on fuel.
ues in the long run. Now you can spread that
Stanley added: “The aim is to get cleaner and quieter cabs
cost over three years for as little as 99p per day
onto our streets. The NOx output of a GasTech LPG engine is
with The London Taxi Company Service Plan.
90% cleaner than both Euro 5 new diesel taxis and in addi-
Essential routine servicing, including the use of
tion, the owner of a converted gas cab can get an extra 5 years life on
genuine parts and the right grade of oil, prolongs
the life of any vehicle and given the gruelling
the cab. Once the test cabs have undergone and passed their 10,000 mile working road tests, we will
duty cycles experience by London taxis, this level
begin conversions to help make London a cleaner and quieter place.”
of maintenance becomes all the more important.
According to the Mayor's Clearing the Air, taxis cause 20% of the two worst pollutants. Firstly there
The costs of maintaining your vehicle can, howev-
is NOx and then there's the miniscule particulate matter PM10, which has the greatest chance of end-
er, seem expensive when you're presented with a
ing up in the lungs if breathed in. Diesels pump it out, but Stanley's cab has none at all.
lump sum two or three times a year.
Call Sign had a quick run out in Stanley's gas TX2. It took some getting used to seeing the wheel-
The new Service Plan represents fantastic
chair ramp extension sitting alongside the driver as there is no other room for it. The cab battery is hid-
value for money at less than £1 per day when
den away in the trunk somewhere and the cab also has a 15 litre emergency' petrol tank. There was
purchased with a new Euro 5 TX4 taxi and is
no spare wheel that we could see.
designed to help spread the cost and protect
On our short test run, the cab was very quiet although slightly less responsive than a diesel cab. Then
drivers from inflation.
again, we are comparing it to a TX4. Generally speaking, our experience was a very positive one and
A London Taxi Company Service Plan can be
had it meant getting an extra five years over and above the allocated fifteen, we might have been
utilised at any of the company's 60+ Approved
tempted at looking into a purchase. However, the test still has some way to go.
Service Dealer agents across the UK.
In 2001, Camden Council in conjunction with Call Sign, offered Dial-a-Cab drivers the opportunity
For more information or to purchase a
of having their taxis converted to LPG with the Council paying the cost and drivers just paying the VAT.
plan, contact any London Taxi Company
dealer. Visit www.london-taxis.co.uk to
Around 15 drivers actually had the conversion, but several had issues - mainly with the engine cutting
find your nearest retail outlet or nearest
out when going round corners. Those problems no longer exist and it could be a way out for those
Approved Service Dealer.
with older cabs.
Call Sign July 2012
Page 33
During the
2012 Games,
TfL have now said how the ORN/PRN will affect us. All text in bold
ndon will be turned into a
is from Call Sign...
assive sporting and cultural
enue. This will have a major
mpact on roads, so TfL will
Olympic and Paralympic route network
be putting in place the
Olympic Route Network
will face a £130 Penalty Charge Notice.
avoid delays. The work will not affect pedestri-
(ORN) and Paralympic Route
It will take between 10 and 14 days to create
an access, but may affect bus stops along the
Network (PRN). The ORN is
all the Games Lanes. There will be advanced
ORN and information will be provided on any
109-mile network of roads
warning signs along the route advising which
affected stops.
linking Games and accommodation venues. It
dates the works will take place.
From mid-July, motorists should avoid
is vital to ensure all athletes, officials and the
central London, roads around the ORN and
world's media get to their events on time and
Other key road changes
Games venues. Motorists should also avoid
keep London moving.
From Saturday 7 July: Traffic direction
areas around the road events on competi-
through the Kingsway Tunnel will be tem-
30 miles of the ORN includes Games Lanes
tion days, such as the Cycling Road Races
porarily reversed to flow southbound only.
(available only to vehicles carrying the
on 28 and 29 July.
This will be vital for assisting movement to
‘Games Family' - the athletes, officials,
Every day of the Games is different, so if you
and from the Media Hub in Bloomsbury.
media and some sponsors).
must drive, plan ahead and allow more time.
The road will return to normal in mid-
Go to getaheadofthegames.com to find out
August after the Olympic Games and the
When will the ORN/PRN operate?
how you can avoid the road hotspots during
change is not required for the Paralympic
The ORN and Games Lanes will begin operat-
the Games.
ing on Wednesday 25 July, and will end on
Tuesday 14 August. They will not be in force
From Monday 16 July: The M4 Games
Planning ahead
between the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
To ensure that everyone begins to plan their
Lane will come into operation owing to the
The smaller PRN will also begin operating two
Games time travel, please pass this information
arrival of the Games Family which include
days before the Paralympic Games on Monday
on to colleagues and regular contacts, and pro-
athletes, officials and the world's media.
27 August and will end on Tuesday 11
mote it through any available communication
From Tuesday 24 July: The designated
September. Once events are completed at a
channels you may have. All properties on or
particular venue, ORNs will be removed.
pedestrian crossings and parking/loading bays
within 400 metres of the ORN/PRN will receive
along the ORN will be suspended and blocked
letters outlining the works schedule and offer-
Creating the ORN/PRN
off overnight. TfL will remove each section of
ing advice for residents and businesses to help
A programme of temporary road changes
the ORN after it is no longer required. These
needs to take place ahead of the creation of the
them prepare ahead and during the operation
works will take place over a number of nights.
ORN/PRN. This includes installing tempo-
of the ORN/PRN. More info at getahead-
It will also be necessary to re-instate some of
rary traffic islands and barriers to simplify
ofthegames.com (see From the Editor).
the network for the Paralympic Games and
junctions and changing around 1,300 sets
Keeping London moving
works will take place overnight from 24
of traffic signals to prepare for the expect-
TfL is committed to keeping London moving
August to 26 August. The PRN will be fully
ed increase in traffic.
throughout the Games. To help achieve this,
operational and enforced from 06:00 on 27
To keep any impact to a minimum, work is
the Games Lanes will operate as flexibly as pos-
being carried out over a 4-day period begin-
sible and be open to traffic when demand from
ning on Friday 20 July and finishing on
There will be additional changes to roads
Games Family vehicles is low and capacity is
Tuesday 24 July. Most of the works will take
and local parking around Olympic venues.
available. Signs along the route will advise
place overnight but depending on weather
These are being put in place by the organisers
motorists when Games Lanes are open to reg-
conditions and restrictions in certain areas,
of London 2012 to ensure that resident and
some daytime working may be required.
ular traffic throughout the day.
business parking is protected and the venues
I apologise in advance for any inconve-
can operate safely.
Creating Games Lanes
nience that these essential works may cause.
Full details of changes and timings can be
From Sunday 1 July, road markings will be
You can find details of the planned changes
found at london2012.com/local-residents.
put down along the ORN to create the Games
on the ORN/PRN, the latest on the build pro-
Lanes. This work is weather dependent so it's
Advice for road users
gramme timetable and other Games-related
not possible to specify the exact dates but
During the implementation programme,
travel information at GetAheadofthe
works will take place overnight between 21:00
roads will remain open but there may be
Games.com. You can also follow @GAOTG
and 06:00. Games Lanes will not be opera-
rolling lane closures and local diversions,
on Twitter, sign up online for email bulletins
tional and enforced until Wednesday 25 July,
which will be signposted. Local access to prop-
or call 0843 222 1234.
so you will be able to use them until this date.
erties will be maintained but please do not
David McNeill
During the Games, vehicles that drive in
park along the ORN/PRN as cars may be
Director of Public Affairs &
the Games Lanes, load, park or stop illegal-
removed. If possible, do not travel on the route
ly on the ORN/PRN will be removed and
while the work is taking place. This will help
Stakeholder Engagement
CallOver now available at DaC
May's Call Sign contained a small article on the
st of places where the monthly mag is left. If you
launch of new magazine, CallOver, aimed at
have a son, daughter or even a neighbour who
those on the Knowledge. But when a message
is doing the KoL then keep a look out for
went out via driver's terminals to say that there
CallOver in Driver Reception and pass a copy
were some copies in the Dial-a-Cab driver's
along to them. You may also find it useful!
reception and that if they knew anyone on the
CallOver is a welcome addition to all the stuff
Knowledge, this magazine would be a useful too
owledge students accumulate...
for them, all the copies were snapped up before you
Baghwat Singh
could say leave on the left Northumberland Avenue!
We have spoken to Editor Frankie Peet and DaC is now on the
Call Sign Online
Call Sign July 2012
Page 34
Either write to Call Sign at
Dial-a-Cab House
or email us at
Tom and scruffy drivers
Dear Alan
For Tom to even suggest there is little dif-
quicker? No, because it's still fully zonal.
Board member Tom Whitbread may take
ference between me/us and a private hire
When every other provider is boasting of
pride in the fact he is not one to hold back
driver (who can get a licence in a few weeks
the latest GPS, Apps and what have you,
on his comments (April Call Sign). He also
and that because they wear a suit and have
how do we sell our service to a potential
believes that in time he will be vindicated
the use of a Satnav think they are equal to
client? “You may not get the nearest cab,
for his controversial view that scruffy and
me/us) is an Insult. I'd be interested to
but the one that's been waiting the longest
casually dressed DaC drivers are the main
know exactly how many accounts we have
in the zone because we think it's fair on the
reason we have lost so much work to PH.
lost solely due to scruffy drivers. I'd be sur-
driver!” Many times drivers have written in
No one can deny that a few of our drivers
prised if there was even one. I believe the
Call Sign of ways to secure work and win
could be considered scruffy and that many
reason for TW's verbal attack on driver's
lost work back. None to my knowledge
more choose to dress casual. But for TW to
choice of attire may be due to an inability to
have been tried. I conclude my long drawn
claim those drivers who choose to dress in
fathom out any viable reason for the loss of
out rant by saying that as TW opened the
a more casual way, such as a track suit,
work to PH. My opinion is that radio drivers
door to not holding back on comments, I
jeans, trainers, or polo shirt are solely
historically paid their subs for both account
would say that just maybe some of the
responsible for the loss of our work to me
and cash work, drivers preferred radio cash
Board are now past their sell buy date
sounds like someone void of any ideas
(as opposed to street cash) with a run-in
when the best they can come up with to
other than to criticise and blame the very
and normally a good tip. It was worth the
win work back is to have us all dress like
people whose efforts provide him with a
run. It also was a very good way to promote
Man from C&A! Maybe it's time they consid-
comfortable living. There may well come a
the circuit; customers were loyal and regu-
ered making room for some younger mem-
time when TfL implement a dress code for
lar users and many even opened accounts.
bers with new ideas and vision and actually
taxi drivers, but until such time, if TW (and
Then the £2 surcharge was implemented, a
encourage them onto the Board to redress
AT) wish to set themselves up as the style
great new source of income for the radio
the balance? Failing that, spend some of the
police, by all means let them be the ones to
circuit but not so good for the customer
money sitting in the bank doing nothing
face and challenge drivers on their attire.
and driver - who also lost out on the tip.
and headhunt people with a proven record
For TW to have the audacity to suggest
The customer was unhappy with £5 - £6 at
who can promote and sell the service we
that drivers who choose to dress in a more
start of the journey but the circuits didn't
know we can provide.
conservative way (I happen to be one), that
and wouldn't listen to the concerns of the
Ian S Connelly (T21)
we should make it known to our fellow and
drivers. So over time drivers found radio
Thanks for taking the time to write such
more casually dressed drivers that because
cash uneconomic and returned back to the
a long but interesting letter, Ian. I was
of their choice of attire, they are the ones
streets for cash. Consequently, the service
going to ask the Chairman to reply, but
destroying our work is in my opinion an
then changed my mind because when
deteriorated. This seems to have coincided
outrageous suggestion. Tom, in my view,
you use the word historically in regard
with the licensing of PH and so customers
should be promoting us. Instead he states
to DaC drivers, I think my 38 years here
now wishing to be picked up at their door
that because of the use of satnavs by PH,
- out of 41 since getting my bill - quali-
don't ring us, they ring PH.
this somehow eradicates the difference
fies me! So please don't think I was
As for accounts, how many times have I
between licensed taxi drivers and private
born as Call Sign editor, the majority of
read that tendered accounts were lost due
hire. The difference is that every day hun-
my time here has been as just another
to us not compromising on a deal such as
dreds of passenger's appointments, meet-
the recent UBS client who it seems did not
driver. However, my editorship does
ings and getting to work on time are only
allow me to see stuff I had no idea about
want to pay a driver's gratuity? So we pull
possible because of the skill and knowledge
prior to getting the job and in any case
out to allow other circuits to snap them up.
that we drivers have spent years learning in
the Chairman would like to add some-
I wonder how many drivers doing up to a
order to become a taxi driver. We are con-
thing at the end. Two for the price!
few hours on EC5 wouldn't mind a USB job
stantly thinking of quicker or alternative
So far as Tom Whitbread's article is
minus a £2 or so gratuity? And the reasons
routes as we encounter traffic jams. How
concerned, it says at the top of the page
given for our complacency? We want the
many times do passengers stuck in an unex-
that his views are his own and that they
rate for the job and if things do get better it
pected traffic jam ask if there is another
shouldn't be assumed as reflecting
will be difficult to raise our prices. Surely
route? The driver knows exactly whether to
simple economics dictates in a supply and
those of the BoM. I don't stop you say-
turn left, right or U-turn. The same request
demand market and when things eventual-
ing whatever you want and neither do I
to a PH driver would probably be answered
ly do get better, we do what everybody does
stop Tom. Re-reading it, I don't think for
with: “Sorry, but the Satnav says NO!”
and stick our prices up. How long can we
one second that he put driver's dress-
Besides the use of bus lanes, we also
go on taking this stance? We even had the
ware down as the only reason, but his
drive a purpose built vehicle which sepa-
London Underground account that we did-
article was about the way some dress
rates us from our passengers, so what we
n't bother putting a tender in for. And the
and how they let us down. I agree with
wear makes little difference and unless we
reason given? It's yellow badge work and
you that most passengers just see the
are on a meet and greet, most passengers
low fixed prices. So through this recession,
backs of our head, but I do know of
will only ever see the back of our heads.
RT drivers enjoy early jobs in and late ones
complaints received from account
This separation gives passengers the priva-
clients about the way some of our dri-
cy they would not enjoy in a PH car. Also,
For years the Board have dithered over a
vers look and of at least one corporate
just because a PH driver wears a suit does
new system, so when we do get our new
that asked if we could advise arrival
not make them immune from smelly feet
terminals, which seems to be just an
rather than have our drivers enter their
and any personal hygiene issues. We may be
upgrade with a Satnav and one we might be
reception! That is an insult to smart dri-
a bit more expensive, but when time is
able to see in the day, I'm sure it will be very
vers such as you, but nonetheless a fact
money we are by far the most cost effective.
nice but will the customer get a cab any
that shames us. But you're right in that
Call Sign July 2012
Page 35
Continued from page 34
wearing a suit doesn't mean your feet
and almost beg drivers to attend, after
don't smell!
all it's just once a year. But no, they
Satnavs? You may well remember my
voted for postal balloting years ago and
views on drivers with one stuck onto
obviously are happy with that. So it is
their screens as minicabs do, I believed
difficult to get on, but I see few even
Whitbread's Taxis versus PH and your
they would harm us and give the
bothering to try. On the other hand,
good self with should we just become mini-
impression that we needed them. That
most of DaC is now run by professionals
cabs said it all. All along the same lines and
has come true with many passengers
with the part played by the BoM getting
something that I believed would start to
getting into the cab and giving a post-
smaller. Sorry to go on Ian, but as you
happen as soon as PH became legalised -
code as though we are all minicabs.
know, I enjoy a chat! ...Ed
unless the trade fought back.
Hopefully our new integrated terminals
Brian Rice adds: Hi Ian, I notice that
Punters, in the main, are only interested
will make them far less conspicuous.
you seem to interpret Tom's personal
in getting from A to B as cheaply and as
Cash work? No, I don't like the £2
view on dress for all the ills of Dial-a-
quickly as possible. So long as they can
either but all the circuits have it and
Cab and our trade. You have been with
open a door to get in and sit on a seat, they
even Addison Lee have an £11 minimum
us for five years now, so you must have
don't care what the vehicle is or how - in
charge that now covers just the first two
an idea of how we work and perhaps
the main - the driver gets there. Account
miles - it was three miles until a few
some things do need changing. If you
clients hold a slightly different view; they
months back. That hardly represents a
feel as strongly as your letter suggests,
want the above but they also want a clean
cheap ride, but the difference is that
then perhaps you should consider
vehicle and a clean, smartly dressed and
their drivers will take anything. When it
standing for the BoM next year and
polite driver no matter how impolite some
comes to cash, we are fussier and cover-
endeavour to influence change. I also
of them can be! The licensed taxi trade is a
age of those rides is not good and to be
notice from your past correspondence
service industry and as such has to compete
honest, I don't remember it ever being
on the Call Sign website that you are a
with others in the same game. As a radio
popular on DaC except during the
strong advocate of As Directed and Non
circuit, DaC is in direct competition with
morning rush hours when drivers tried
Rejectable trips 24 hours a day except
PH and they will never be beaten by the
to guess whether it was an LAP or not.
for the last hour of a shift. It would also
trade using the old weapon - that we have
Pretending that it's just the £2 is hiding
appear from your current letter you are
done the Knowledge. Satnav has seen to
in favour of scrapping gratuities and
that, so they have to be beaten at their own
the fact that we have never been a cash
circuit. Suddenly it's quiet, yet cash
working more cheaply. I believe those
game starting with smartly dressed drivers
suggestions would go down like a lead
and clean cabs. The trade still has an advan-
trips still go round and round the sys-
tem. On the rare occasion I accept a
balloon with the majority of members,
tage over satnavs, via radio and the
but what do I know! Consequently,
Knowledge. Roadworks, demos and acci-
cash ride, I put the meter on when I get
endeavouring to manage Dial-a-Cab is
dents etc that occur around London at any
there to save the problems you write of.
Should we have tendered for LT? As
not just about coming up with ideas, it
time can be instantly dealt with by altering
is coming up with ideas the members
course, satnav does not have that capability.
the trips don't apply to the hours I
work, perhaps I'm not the right person
will embrace.
Also, as you so rightly pointed out in the
I have no doubt you mean well Ian and
article about AL, long journeys may be
to comment, but I have spoken to sev-
I know the Editor has answered your let-
cheaper via PH, but short journeys are
eral RTG drivers who say that when it's
quiet then it's just about better than
ter, but I would like to leave you with a
cheaper by cab and less time lost if the PH
thought as there wasn't a Call Sign in
driver is stuck in traffic that he knows no
nothing. Some fares give not much
more than 60% of the fare. If we were to
June and you will probably read this in
way of getting around! Unfortunately, the
the July issue although I'm writing this
trade is having to fight with one hand tied
tender we'd have to go in even lower, so
piece at the end of April. So I hope you
behind its back with regard long journeys
how much should we go in at? Half?
Where does it stop and what happens if
can understand and bear with me. I'm
because the meter is not regulated by the
just leaving home to watch QPR away at
trade, so longer journey fares will always be
it gets really busy and Olympic fever
hits? Coverage of cut price jobs will
Chelsea and whilst there, I am going to
a problem.
be you Ian! By that I mean that while I'm
Be proud of the fact that as a London
plummet and drivers will ask why we
sitting in the stand as a spectator, I am
licensed taxi driver, you are unique in the
tendered? And Ian, do you really believe
that if it suddenly gets busy that you can
going to be the best player on the pitch by
world. We all worked hard for that badge
a mile! Think about it Ian, if you can real-
and as Mr Wicks told us at our first PCO
just change the prices you tendered for
the account at? I don't think so. And
ly change things and have so many ideas
interview all those years ago, 6 out of 10
(which of course must be acceptable to
people in that room would never get a
whilst on the subject of RTG drivers and
the majority of the membership), stand
badge. Don't be somebody who can find
GPS, why do the largest number of dri-
vers joining DaC come from RTG if their
for the BoM next February.
their way around London - anybody can do
Ed's note: I reckon that even Postman
that! We trained to be people who know
system is so good? I believe that one day
we probably will go over to a GPS dis-
Pat could have been the best man on the
our way around London.
pitch as QPR went down by 6 - 1...!
Fight PH, win back the work and be lucky
patch system, but you won't see me
cheering from the rooftops. Then again
out there...
Call Sign is all about opinions, but you
Howard Sales (Ex-A11)
The opposite view
certainly wouldn't read a letter such as
Queensland, Australia
yours in the RTG mag.
from down-under...
In addition to being a driver on DaC,
As for getting younger Board mem-
Hi Alan
Howard was also a driver trainer when
bers, I agree with you. But I don't see
I have just finished reading the April Call
we first went from voice to data trans-
any queue of drivers with the talent
Sign Online and what an interesting read! I
mission before he finally emigrated to
needed to get onto the Board. Every
just wanted to say that I agree wholeheart-
Australia. Like many other former dri-
time there is an AGM - especially an
edly with Mike Pollington (K17) - why are
vers, he keeps up to date with our
electable one - I get on my high horse
you wasting time with ID stickers? Tom
online version ...Ed
Call Sign July 2012
Page 36
Continued from page 35
Hailo and DaC
Give me a sign!
Hi Al
Hi Alan
May, but was told by driver services that I
I picked up an account customer from EC5
Just thought I'd mention the subject of road
would have to wait eight days until 31 May.
the other night and he started a conversa-
sign theft and difficulties in finding loca-
I needed the bond urgently because my cab
tion about Hailo. He went on to say how
tions outside London. I would usually have
was in a garage after I lost all power to drive
good it was and asked why I wasn't on it. I
used my satnav; however I was reliably
it while on an account job. The AA got me
agreed it was a fantastic app as I had seen
informed by my passenger that I could pick
to my home address from Kensington and
both the driver and public app, but that I
up the Rainham junction from the A13. It
the next day I got it to my garage. This was
wasn't interested even though some of my
was late at night, I was not tired and my
three days before I went on a 3 week holi-
colleagues are on it and had boasted how
eyesight is very good. I saw no signs for
day. On returning home from holiday, I was
good it was. Getting to the point, he said
Rainham off the A13 and missed the junc-
faced with a repair bill of over £2,000. I did
that his company may go over to Hailo alto-
tion by about 4/5 miles, seeing as I was on
not have the full amount to pay for the
gether because it is a much simpler book-
a very fast road and do not live in Essex. I
repairs, so requested payment of my bond.
ing system as you don't get asked so many
had no idea why Rainham is not signposted
It was then I was told by Viv at Driver
questions such as the exact pick up,
off the A13 since it is literally north of the
Services that it would be an eight day wait.
address, name, account etc and that it is
A13 until I found some internet links
I explained to her the circumstances, but
cheaper. As this was a fairly small account, I
regarding metal thieves stealing road signs!
she said there was nothing she could do. I
thought that maybe it could possibly work.
I remember walking though Bethnal Green
then asked Viv if I could to speak to Allan
My questions are that when our new system
very recently and finding loads of missing
Evans. I explained it all to him but he said
is up and running, will the DaC app make it
drain grills at the side of the road!
he had no idea we had to wait eight days for
easier to book a cab, will there still be a
Just thought, I'd mention the road sign
the bond and he said he would look into it.
12% charge on credit cards, will we ever be
issue in case a driver tries to get someone
On Wednesday 25 May, I checked my bank
going full GPS so avoiding the need of hav-
home using the 'road sign' method. It's sat-
account again and still no bond. I then
ing to book into zones and will there be a
nav for me from now on!
phoned Driver Services again and spoke to
separate visit to get retrained to use the
Karen Menpes (E01)
Nuala. I asked to speak to Mr Evans but he
new system?
Thanks for the letter Karen. According
was off that day so I explained it all to Nuala
George Georgiou (L01)
to senior Essex detective DCI Mark
and she said to leave it with her and she
Brian Rice replies: The Hailo App looks
Wheeler, metal theft is a serious and
would get back to me later that day - and
good and I am sure customers will like
growing national problem and Essex has
she did! She informed me the bond would
it, as some of the expense when order-
been badly affected by incidents
be in my bank account on Friday, that was
ing a taxi will be transferred from them
increasing over the past few years with
the quickest it could be done. Thank God
with the cost borne by the driver. For
around 1,300 reports of metal theft
for Nuala, she always comes through!
instance there is not any run in, there is
reported across the county since the
However, that still did not help me. If I
no gratuity and the driver waits at the
start of 2011.
waited until Friday, it would be a week
pickup for five minutes before even
TfL also wrote to Karen and admitted
without work. I had already lost two days
putting on their meter. The driver then
that the junction of the A13 with Ferry
work so far that week and couldn't afford to
pays 10% of the fare and gratuity to
Lane was not signposted for Rainham
lose another three days. So why is it that
Hailo, plus another 4% if there is a
because its prime purpose is to serve
DaC has £1000 of my money in their
Credit Card transaction. Hailo does not
the industrial areas to the north and
account, paying no interest and I cannot
have to supply any equipment to the
south of the junction. TfL said they did-
get access to it in an emergency for eight
driver as the driver will supply the
n't want to encourage traffic to use
days? That cannot be right.
phone and air time. Yes, it is a fantastic
Ferry Lane as a distributor road to
My son has now loaned me the money
deal for the customer and for Hailo. The
Rainham and beyond. TfL also added
and I'm off to get my cab now, but if he had
only loser is the driver. The Hailo sys-
that since this section of the A13 had
not been able to loan it to me I would be
tem will work when it is quiet, but come
been opened to traffic in the late 1990's
sitting on my hands until Friday the earliest.
rain, heavy traffic or just busy and the
there had been no other recorded con-
I believe this rule should be changed.
service to the customer will fail, as I
cerns raised about the lack of signing to
Peter Rowe (O75)
believe the average taxi driver will not
Rainham and Upminster, presumably
DaC Financial Controller Warren Smith
work for nothing when there is a better
because most road users were familiar
replies: A driver can request their roller
alternative available - whether that be
with the local road network or because
bond when it reaches £1000. If it is
radio or the street.
they relied on satnavs. So TfL consid-
required and the roller bond is not at
You have probably realised, George,
ered there was no justifiable case to
the £1000, cash to the value of the dif-
that Hailo cannot accommodate pre-
allocate funding for amending the exist-
ference must be deposited at Driver
bookings as the app can only direct the
ing signing! Well, Call Sign has heard
Services and then we will release it. All
vehicle to where the customer is at the
some excuses in its time, but that must
(phone, email, fax, carrier
time they use the App. We have an App
jump straight into the top five! ...Ed
pigeon etc) have to be in by Friday mid-
which I have seen working and it has
day to be paid in the bank by Tuesday.
been built in-house at Dial-a-Cab.
Roller Bond
Exceptions are Bank Holidays, Easter
Initially we will only use it for Credit
Card bookings and it will probably be
Hi Alan
and Xmas. However, in cases of a gen-
Why is it that drivers have to wait so long
uine emergency, speak to Nuala (as you
available at the end June/July. Regarding
the cost of the transaction, as I have
for their roller bond? I requested mine be
did) and she will try to get an earlier
paid into my bank account on Monday 23
stated above Hailo charge the driver 4%
Call Sign July 2012
Page 37
Continued from page 36
plus 10% of the fare and gratuity. At the
moment, all radio circuits charge the
customer 12.5%. We will have to give
some thought to our transaction charge,
because if we charge too little it will
Thirty five years on
Yellow badge identifiers
deter customers from having a credit
account with us.
Hello Alan
We will be retaining our zonal system
I was fortunate enough to get a job to City
Dear Alan
and there will not be any need for re-
Airport on 2nd May and heard on the radio
I have now retired after being a taxi driver
training as the new system is a simple
that the DLR was not running due to a fault,
for 45 years, of which the last 35 were on
continuation of our old system, howev-
so thought I would try my luck and go onto
Dial-a-Cab. I would like to thank you for
er, we will have staff available for any-
the LCA rank - not something I have done
editing Call Sign; I have enjoyed so much
one that wants further advice regarding
many times before in my career. The rank,
reading yours, the drivers and Board mem-
the new system.
in my opinion, moved relatively quickly
ber's views. You do such a great job in mak-
We have a customer App, but would
from putting on to getting a job - around 60
ing Call Sign so informative.
you like a Driver App? The only purpose
minutes. But what an eye opener those 60
So as a farewell to my happy time with
that would serve is we could supply any
minutes were!
DaC, I would like to send my best wishes to
London Taxi driver with the App and he
Because of the way the rank is laid out,
everyone for good health and happiness for
would not receive credit work, but be
you can sit and watch every cab that heads
the future.
able to receive cash and credit card trips
down to the front of the rank and it didn't
Ellis Cohen (ex-L24)
for a fee. However, if the trip went to a
take me long to notice that many cabs do
Thank you for your kind words Ellis.
Dial-a-Cab member, then the service
not bother with identifiers. Yes, I know that
The best of luck to you for the future
would be free. If that were to be imple-
City Airport is serviced by both Green and
mented, it would be for members to
Yellow badge drivers and some may say that
decide if you wanted that situation. You
Arbitration appeal
my finding just 18 taxis in the space of 60
would have to vote on it as I believe it
Hi Alan
minutes at a busy airport is nothing, but
would call for a rule change, as drivers
Thanks for putting my ‘non-brush' with a
you stand at Hyde Park Corner in the morn-
that only had the App on their phones
Civil Enforcement Officer - ie traffic war-
ing, or watch taxi after taxi exiting the feed-
would not be members of Dial-a-Cab,
den - into the April Call Sign. I had popped
er park at Heathrow and see how many
neither would they have our equipment
into the opticians in George Lane, South
don't have identifiers on them. Very few! So
in the cab. You should not automatical-
Woodford, when I spotted a lurking warden
I can but wonder why as you go further out
ly believe the above is our future strate-
sniffing around fairly close by. So I went
towards Yellow Badge sectors, the number
gy, I am just relaying my thoughts on
straight back out and drove off. I later
of taxis without identifiers increases in fre-
how the situation could evolve in the
received a non-payment letter. I appealed
quency? Is it just purely by chance that
saying that the warden hadn't attached any
Yellow badge drivers are more forgetful
Finally George, we are beginning to
PCN to my vehicle and the optician also
about placing their identifiers on display, or
struggle in the mornings in some areas
gave me a note to confirm that nothing had
is it that they purposely don't wish to dis-
with coverage, is that because some
been put onto my windscreen. The council
play them in the belief that if they should
members are doing Hailo work instead
rejected my appeal saying that they took
be lucky enough to get a job going into
of ours? If so, how do they get them to
the word of the warden who said that he
town, that they will chance their arm and
do it with their no run in, free waiting,
handed the PCN to me. As it said in Call
their licence and continue working in an
no gratuity and then 10% of the fare and
Sign, what chance do you have when they
area that they should not be working in?
don't believe what an optician says he saw!
And are they fooling themselves in thinking
gratuity to Hailo, whereas Dial-a-Cab
offers £4.20 run in and 10% gratuity and
Anyway, I appealed to PATAS and
that because they have no identifiers on dis-
Adjudicator Edward Houghton. He accept-
play but working in a Green badge area,
the fare paid in full to the member? Yet,
as I have said, we still struggle!
ed my appeal and hopefully it might help
that the cabbie behind them will think that
another driver. The case number was
the poor bloke has forgotten to put his
2120134320 and PCN AF56057740. His
identifier on that morning when in actual
Some you Wynns...
Adjudicator's Reasons were:
fact the driver is actually taking down their
Hi Alan
“It is not in dispute that the vehicle was,
details to put onto the TfL tout website
A recent letter in Mailshot from Mickey
briefly, in contravention nor is it in dispute
later on!
Lappin (E46) caught my attention. He
that the Appellant left the opticians to
Name and details provided to Call Sign
mentions a Wynns cleaner but not specifi-
encounter the CEO by his vehicle. His case,
and LTPH/TfL
cally which one. I wonder if it was Diesel
as it has been from the outset, is simply that
The driver who wrote the above letter
Clean 3? I think his problem may be differ-
he then removed the vehicle before a PCN
is the same one who revealed the extent
ent from mine as he mentions black smoke,
could be issued. The CEO has recorded
to which taxis with either Yellow identi-
whereas my cab drives fine but the EOBD
handing the PCN to the driver. Having heard
fiers or none at all were picking up
light sometimes comes on. Did his light
the Appellant in person in some detail, I find
along Lower Richmond Road following
come on? Oddly, the light goes off after my
his evidence persuasive and it is supported
the end of the Boat Race. We gave him
meal break. Could you please ask Mickey...
by the evidence of the optician. On balance I
permission to keep his identity secret as
Alasdair Kay (C47)
am unable to be satisfied to a substantial
he may not have made himself too pop-
Mickey isn't sure of the exact name, but
degree that the impending PCN was handed
ular with some suburban drivers. We
it says diesel fuel injector and EGR valve
to the Appellant before he departed and the
know who he is and following his first
cleaner on the tin. And no, his light
Appeal is therefore allowed.”
report, TfL have now said they will be
never came on but his TX2 runs like a
Gerry Tobin (L32)
clamping down on those caught picking
dream. So Alasdair, why don't you eat
Well done Gerry, the answer to everyone
up out of their area - other than with a
before you start work, then the light
is that unless you are happy that it was
legitimate reason - or not displaying any
will go off straight away! ...Ed
a fair cop, then you must appeal ...Ed
identifiers on their cab ...Ed
Call Sign July 2012
Page 38
Continued from page 37
And more...
Just go to www.dac-callsign.co.uk and
you can read the latest issues - and the
Hi Al
Re the article in the last issue of Call Sign
old one too ...Ed
about Yellow badges in Putney plying for
Using GetTaxi?
hire along Lower Richmond Road, I was on
New drivers
Dear Sir,
the City Airport rank recently and spotted
A recent terminal message from Brian Rice
16 taxis with no identifiers...
Why when drivers are struggling to get a liv-
informed us that a customer in EC4 was try-
Jon Robinson (E88)
ing on Dial-a-Cab these days, has a full page
ing out the services of GetTaxi and compar-
Call Sign told TfL about both Putney and
glossy advert been placed in TAXI mag invit-
ing their service to us. It is extraordinary
LCA (and Twickenham in the last issue)
that there is a fleet of licensed taxi drivers
and we are pleased to note that they are
ing new members to join straightaway with
who provide us with competition and who
now going to take action. Hopefully just
the added carrot of a free radio fitting?
are prepared to pay a 10% fee on account
a word in those driver's ears will suffice
Whatever happened to the days of holding
rides with no run in. I have just compared
- if they don't do it again ...Ed
back on new members when it was quiet?
my latest two-weekly statement with the
Please don't insult the membership by say-
package offered by GetTaxi. After stripping
ing new members are needed or that it's for
From Metro's ‘Good
out the waiting times, fixed prices and DaC
the Olympics. Tell us it's just greed driven
street hails, I would be a staggering £360
Deed Feed'
to rake in more subs, never mind there's no
worse off as a proud GetTaxi driver! What
A huge thank you to Dan 52 at Dial-a-Cab
increase in work. You certainly won't admit
to make of the mindset of these people?
for returning my phone to the hospital, I
that it's slowly but surely dwindling on a
am just so grateful to you and the lost prop-
daily basis before our very eyes. So the bot-
The man in EC4 can decide on service lev-
erty girls at the taxi company...
tom line is no more new accounts, but
els of course, but the market has certainly
Julie, Northamptonshire
you're taking on all and sundry. So come on
changed. Is our Society too unwieldy to
Thanks to all the drivers who sent in the
Brian, let's hear it...
meet the challenge? Despite recent tinker-
above clip from the Metro newspaper's
John Stowers (K40)
ing around the edges, we are still operating
Good Deed Feed and well done to Steve
Brian Rice replies: Ok John, here it is!
as if the corporate client wants to use
Crisp (D52) for being the recipient of
Since the downturn in the economy
licensed taxis instead of an environment
such a nice mention ...Ed
from 2008 onwards, the size of our fleet
where we have to persuade them to use us.
has decreased by over 33% but we have
There are obvious changes to gratuities,
Shalom from Israel...
incentives, masking destinations and fixed
allowed the fleet to shrink as the Board
Hello Guys
prices that would increase our competitive-
is fully aware of how difficult things are.
I cannot call myself a regular reader of Call
ness. Unpopular? In the short term for sure,
However, there comes a point when a
Sign as I just receive the occasional copy
but growing volumes and market share in
level has to be maintained in order to
from my brother-in-law (ex G12). I retired
this market is not going to be easy.
maintain income and of course, our ser-
from the trade in 2008 and have lived in
Jeffrey Petit (L77)
vice levels. We lost even more members
Israel ever since. I drove a cab for 33 years
Jeffrey's letter was one of several similar
recently when the Westminster TaxiCard
and have worked on all three circuits. I was
ones received in response to Brian Rice
scheme joined the remainder of the bor-
a nightman to R34 for a number of years
sending out a terminal message about
oughs and of course the 15 year age
and W18 in the early days. I also shared a
coverage and using the example of one
limit for taxis is also having an effect on
cab with Harold Harris. Call Sign is a great
City account. Call Sign spoke to the
read and I still get worked up reading
DaC as older members are not replacing
Chairman afterwards and his raison d'e-
about the touts, the likes of Addison Lee
those vehicles when they come off the
tre was to point out that we were failing
and the appalling behaviour towards the
to cover enough work (we had spent
trade by traffic wardens. It is also interest-
What is also amazing during the last
£6000 on premiums) and that drivers
ing to read about yellow badges picking up
few months is that we have spent over
shouldn't be surprised if customers
in green badge zones, which has been
£6000 in premiums just to cover the
looked elsewhere. The only saving grace
going on for yonks but I think is a reflection
work! We have now reached a fleet level
(if that's any excuse) is that while cus-
on how tough it is out there. If I may just
that will have to be maintained, other-
tomers are looking to save money,
add re the Westminster account; when I
wise member's subscriptions will have
apparently the other company's record
was on ComCab we had the London
to rise even further and of course your
of coverage isn't very good and at the
Transport account and in many cases you
customers want more for less and there
time of writing, the client is still using
were paid 75% of the metered fare, it was a
DaC. Would masking destinations make
is tremendous pressure on the income
blinding account but we lost it to Radio
coverage better? Are you someone who
we receive from clients.
Taxis where the percentage was cut even
doesn't do fixed prices? Mailshot is
I am thankful that we were prudent
further. There is nothing you can do about
always happy to publish driver's letters
with the Society's income during the
it but just carry on.
good years, otherwise we could not pos-
I still regard myself as reasonably young
sibly have afforded to allow the fleet to
being in my late 60s. I'm glad to have had
The Eccleston Square
dwindle to its present size without a
the privilege of retiring, but it is also inter-
considerable increase in subscriptions.
esting to keep abreast of the trade by read-
Hotel and a lost jacket...
It is fortunate during this double dip
ing Call Sign.
Hi Alan
recession that your Society has consid-
Bernie Goodman.
I'd like to write about an incident at the
Israel (Ex-R34J)
erable reserves.
Eccleston Square Hotel. In April, my son
Nice to hear from you Bernie. As you
Incidentally, John, the adverts you are
and his girlfriend booked a night at this
emailed me, you obviously have access
alluding to led to ten enquires and of
hotel after going to a wedding reception
to the internet so no longer need to rely
those ten, five have been fitted. So there
nearby. As it was just for the night, they did
on your brother-in-law to read Call Sign.
you are John... you've heard it.
not unpack their bags but my son hung his
Call Sign July 2012
Page 39
Continued from page 38
jacket up in the wardrobe. The following
responsible after finding items left by
morning he forgot the jacket and only
guests. I have been back in touch with Ms
realised the following day. He called the
Byrne, who stands firm that she will not
hotel and was told that they had found it in
compensate. She has now said that the jack-
the room and had entered it into their left
et was never found despite my son, his girl-
property book. They advised him that they
friend and me all being told by different
held left items for 1 year. He explained that
members of staff at the hotel that it had
week. Good advice but apparently point-
his girlfriend would come to collect it with-
been found the day after my son checked
less as well as SGS won't book you in with-
in a couple of weeks. When she went there,
out. Apart from claiming legally, which I
out an official LTPH letter anyway...
she was told that they could not find it and
don't know if we can be bothered, I feel
Bernie Silver (G08)
that until a member of their household staff
frustrated to just let this go. So I would like
came in, they couldn't help her. The follow-
to ask drivers to pass on this story to any
ing morning I called in and got the same
customers who are thinking of staying at
Hello Alan
story. This went on for over a week with me
the Eccleston Square Hotel. Certainly if my
I'm having a slight problem finding out at
calling and being given the complete
son had read that this was the attitude of
what ages we need medicals. I've rung TfL
runaround. Finally I asked for the name of
care at this hotel, he would not have
who are rather vague. I'm 60 years old with
the manager and was told it was a lady
booked a room there!
no prior medical problems. I thought my next
called Olivia Byrne. As she was away for a
Debbie Hope (W18)
medical would be at 62, but I'm getting con-
few days, I emailed her explaining the situ-
For such a longstanding hotel, I find
flicting answers from fellow drivers. If you
ation. I got no reply so called on her return.
their attitude somewhat bemusing ...Ed
could answer my question, I would be oblig-
Again I was fobbed off but persisted and
finally spoke to her. She basically said that
Allowing extra time?
John Woodgates (T43)
even though the jacket had been found and
That was good advice from LTPH to allow
Call Sign asked LTPH/TfL Licensing
logged into their book, they could not find
extra time for anything that needs doing
Manager Michael Stack for the answers.
it and that no compensation would be
around the time of the Olympics. So I
They are 50, 56, 62, 65 and then annual-
given to my son.
applied for my overhaul date just over 6
ly. TfL apologised if John had received
I contacted Citizens Advice who told me
weeks prior to the date, but they told me I
vague answers and also for him being
that the hotel had a duty of care and was
couldn't do it and to try again the following
sent the wrong licensing pack ...Ed
A Complaints meeting was held on 17 May 2012. The results are below…
Name/call sign
Nature of Complaint
Paul Groome (T78)
Driver booked into EC5 when true location
2 weeks susp
was Redbridge roundabout & accepted a trip
Driver booked into EC5 when true location
was The Mall & accepted a trip
Rules 2, 11
Gary Beckett (W33J)
Driver booked into S50W when true location
1 week susp
was Hatton Cross & accepted a trip
Rules 2, 3, 11
Michael Appleby (L73)
Driver accepts fixed price trips & as soon as
2 weeks susp
he POBs, soon to clears into a favourable zone.
upheld on appeal
Then uses temp off to hold queue position
Rules 2, 3, 11
John Sawyer (T36)
Driver booked into E14 when true location
2 weeks susp
was SE16 & accepted a trip
Driver booked into E14 when true location
was Rainham (Essex) & accepted a trip
Rules 2, 3, 11
Keith Kew (J42)
Driver booked into S50C when true location
3 weeks susp
was St Johns Hill & accepted a trip in S99
upheld on appeal
Rules 2, 3, 11
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