August 2012
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Why is DaC driver and Wembley FC
goalkeeper, Lee Pearce, posing with
ex-Arsenal legend David Seaman?
Another batch of DaC staff
receive long service awards
Call Sign August 2012
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
New valid Eurostar arrivals timetable to December 2012, plus the ‘Special Olympics’ arrivals time table. For more info, see
bottom of this page…
Never has there been a better time to try Whilst it’s best to register and personalise your own best home page using the
unlock code of ‘taxi’ you can also just go there and click the ‘Locked’ tab and then type ‘taxi’ in the ‘unlock’ field. You will find loads of
‘Taxi’ related and useful iconic links.
Call Sign August 2012
Page 3
from the editor’s desk
Olympics and demos…
whose sad death we reported on in the July issue at
By the time you read this, seven years of waiting,
the age of 100, we are republishing an article about
excitement and no little cursing will have gone and
her husband Lou from the March 2003 issue. In it,
the 2012 London Olympic Games will be upon us.
Lou told us about his work with the Radio Owner
But what about the taxi trade and - just as impor-
Drivers Association (RODA), the group that with-
tantly - the regular passengers that rely on us? The
in months led to the formation of ODRTS and Dial-
question is how we can even make going to work
a-Cab. Lou died in June 2003, just months after
worthwhile, because we have been well and truly
telling his story as the only person who was still left
to do so. Those of you who just assumed that this
Call Sign has been writing about these games
trade exists because it’s here, well believe me it
since 2003 when we were told that London would
owes much to people such as Lou Dunn and his
be bidding against Paris, New York and Moscow to
story is well worth reading.
hold the 2012 Olympics. We have been for them
Last month, Peter Begley (K98) gave his views
and against them, depending on the next piece of
on what the best buy was between the Vito and the
information we received.
TX4. He also went on to look at the E7 - which
I really believe that LTPH Director, John Mason,
could come to London if the Conditions of Fitness
did his best in trying to get London’s licensed
are changed. It would be fair to say that he wasn’t
taxis the best deal under almost impossible cir-
French and we are British. And the British are gen-
impressed with the Peugeot taxi and within 24
cumstances. I doubt there was a chance for us
tlemen - aren’t we???
hours of the magazine being published, we received
getting into the Olympic Route Network and per-
If a DaC account user phones from a Games exit,
a response from Donald Pow of the E7 suppliers
haps if trade groups had read our 2003 issue
please try to cover it. The Games may possibly kill
Cab Direct. He has also offered Peter the opportu-
when we explained what had happened in those
us for a month, but lets try to keep something for
nity to test drive the E7 and hopefully the DaC dri-
Sydney 2000 Games, their initial response may
afterwards - mainly our reputation.
ver will take up the offer. The response is also inside
have been different.
this issue.
I share the UCG frustration and they are right in
DAC Credit Union
What else? Well John Addis (K97), whilst enquir-
saying that London is too important to just stop, but
Can I thank all those Dial-a-Cab members who do
ing about roadworks causing early closing at the
demos are never going to get more than just some
not belong to the Credit Union as their absence
Limehouse Link and huge disruptions to our
publicity. The time for warnings for what we would
means there is more money available for those of us
Canary Wharf service, has made an astounding dis-
do was before winning the bid in 2005 when the
wishing to partake of the excellent rates!
covery about the contractors who undertake those
UCG weren’t even born! Even as an in-house mag
There are now over 1000 members of what
repairs. Read Now that’s what we call a contract
Call Sign had already known about the ORNs for
Appleby and Wood accountant Terry
to see if you agree with us that it is just mind blow-
two years and if we weren’t given some sort of
MacPherson calls one of, if not THE best credit
assurances then, that’s when we should have issued
union in the country! That is somewhat better
As you’d expect, Nash’s Numbers is keeping
threats of disruption which in turn would have
than being the best in the cab trade or even the
you updated with all the Eurostar train times in
affected our ability to win the bid.
best in north London - the best in the country?
what will undoubtedly be the busiest ever time
If in 2005 LOCOG had been POCOG - in other
That’s like wow!
for the train. Alan Nash (A95) is amazing in that
words had Paris won the bid - things would have
Recently Linda and I decided that our 15 year +
he has been with us for the whole of my 15 or so
been different for our French equivalents. They may
old boiler should be replaced before it packs up on
years as editor and he keeps coming up with stuff
well have had a few drive-ins, but their trump card
Christmas Day in minus 5 degrees! British Gas gave
that taxi drivers find extremely useful. His web-
would have been the threat to stop the Games.
us details of an excellent repayment scheme which
site is also a boon and details of how to access it
How? Well, I was recently speaking to a Parisian dri-
they were proud of and quite rightly so, because it
is at the bottom of his page.
ver on French radio circuit G7 about the London
gave the borrower the option of paying back the
Last for a mention - although there is much more
Olympics. This was before I saw the sudden emer-
loan as quickly as you wanted with no penalty
inside the issue - is the story that made the nation-
gence of banned right and left turns in thorough-
attached. They told us how much extra we would
al press, radio and TV! Lee Pearce (J71) is the goal-
fares such as Baker Street and Kingsway and the clo-
have to pay and it seemed fair. But I thought I’d give
keeper for Combined Counties football team
sure of Great Cumberland Place. But there was the
our credit union a call just to see what they were
Wembley FC. Call Sign revealed a few months back
sop of being allowed to pick up passengers going
offering. The phone was answered by DACCU
that their sponsors, Budweiser, had bought in no
down Park Lane southbound, however, should they
Treasurer Brian Flanagan (T79) and I told him
less that former Spurs and Barcelona manager
dare to want to go north we do not have access to
how much I wanted. Even the nice British Gas sales-
Terry Venables as technical advisor! But that wasn’t
Achilles Way where we could have swung back up
man said that they couldn’t compete with the
the end because they have now brought in for their
towards Marble Arch. Buses can, but we are obvi-
DACCU rates and asked if he could join! Sadly the
FA Cup matches some former players that every
ously just honorary members of London’s transport
answer was no as you have to have a link to DaC.
football fan will know. David Seaman is Lee’s per-
system! The G7 driver’s view is that we are too soft
I had the forms by the next day - this was no com-
sonal goalkeeping coach, whilst actually playing for
and that even though the ORNs were untouchable,
plicated HP agreement form, just a straightforward
them will be Ray Parlour, Martin Keown, Graeme
we should have insisted on access to everywhere
few details and a signature. Absolutely brilliant!
Le Saux, Brian McBride and Argentinian superstar
that buses can go!
So for those of you who aren’t members
Claudio Caniggia! His closest friend is Diego
I told him about the three planned drive-ins of
because you haven’t seen the ad in every issue of
Maradona - say no more!
which at the time the second at Tower Bridge had
Call Sign, please don’t look for it now in case we
There is also a programme on ESPN called The
just completed and he laughed! He said that other
1000 members want to borrow more at DACCU’s
Wembley Dream beginning on August 2 at 10pm
than three days of inconvenience, the authorities
cheap rates...!
and it will follow the team’s progress in the Cup.
would just bite their lips and put up with it. I asked
what the French drivers would do? I saw his eyes in
This issue...
And finally...
my rear view mirror and could see that he was seri-
I hope you enjoy this issue of Call Sign. Last month
To all of you who are now on your holidays, have a
ous, but his answer still made me shudder.
we were snowed under with stories - so much so
great time. To those who are sitting at home watch-
“We would threaten to block the Olympic
that I had to shove an extra four pages on! But at the
ing the Games - a six pack close by with driving a
Lanes by parking our taxis there, taking out the
time of writing, things have slowed down - no doubt
taxi the last thing on your mind, enjoy. And to those
ignition keys and walking away so that the lanes
because many drivers are beginning their summer
braving the unknown and working through the
became unusable. We would not be afraid if we
holidays without a single thought for poor old Alan
London 2012 Olympic Games, I hope you strike
thought they were taking away our living!”
struggling to entertain those of you who are left!
gold. And dare I say something I never say, try and
Generally speaking, drive-ins just cause a few hours
Besides Addison Lee’s Judicial Review result, one
give priority to DaC’s account clients if they too are
inconvenience and rarely achieve much. That G7
interesting piece that could cause some controversy
brave enough to open up and need our help! With
driver’s view of what his fellow drivers would do
is Richard Potter’s (T51) article in which he sug-
much talk of legacies, one of being the most reliable
would probably have given us a chance of gaining a
gests splitting LTPH in half with us and PH going
isn’t a bad one!
bit more access - at least to be allowed to go every-
our separate ways and our half becoming privatised!
where that buses could. But of course it would
There is also a fascinating piece of radio taxi his-
Alan Fisher
never happen over here, mainly because they are
tory inside this issue. In memory of Millie Dunn,
Call Sign August 2012
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
for us, not just because of what is being suggested
I suppose my report would seem strange had I not
for taxis, but what is also on the agenda for the
mentioned the Olympics, even though by the time
Private Hire industry.
you read this we will be almost a week into the
I cannot emphasise enough how important it is
Games. However, as I write this, the Games are still
to put our view across to the Law Commission
a week away.
before they publish their findings, that is why the
I just hope you are all doing well and the traffic
three radio circuits are taking this so very seriously.
is not too bad, but at the moment we do not know
Not only are we submitting our view to the
what to expect. The plans of many commuters
Commission, but I am also extremely hopeful that
seem to be either to work from home or go away
there will be a united trade response from all inter-
on holiday. Will it be really quiet so far as work is
ested parties within our industry. I am totally confi-
concerned but with gridlocked traffic, or will it be
dent that all parties within our trade will have iden-
very busy and the traffic quiet? I hope it’s the latter
tical opinions regarding the document that has
but it could be a combination of both. No doubt as
been published.
you read this, you’ll have a pretty good idea what to
expect for the remainder of the Games.
You will also know whether we have been
Our IT department has now produced and built
allowed into the Zil lanes, something I very much
our own App, which is superior to anything cur-
doubt regardless of how much protesting was done
for 9th August.
rently on the market. The customer will be able to
prior to the Games. As I have stated on numerous
They have issued a 240 page document and
book ASAP taxis and also pre-book a taxi, some-
occasions, part of the deal for us to hold the Games
asked 73 questions; responses to the consultation
thing I understand is not available with other Apps
depended on the fact that officials and delegates
have now been extended to 10 September. What
at the moment.
could reach all the Olympic sites in a pre-deter-
they are aiming for is the same standard across the
Initially, we will trial the App with Credit Card
mined time. For this to be achieved, the roads have
to be clear of other users, hence the ZiL lanes.
country so that drivers and vehicles will be the same
customers and the current charges will apply, in
Prior to the Games, there has been so much neg-
in Plymouth as they are in Carlisle or Manchester or
other words the customer will pay for the service
ative publicity regarding this sporting occasion;
indeed any city in the country.
and not the driver. However, we will not launch it
what with the lack of security and coaches full of
The London Radio Circuits have also employed
until after the Olympics although some of us here
athletes getting lost etc so I must say that as I sit
the services of a lobbyist to further enforce our view
will be trialling the system.
here writing this, I am not particularly looking for-
to the Law Commission.
My biggest concern is that the App will work
ward to the period when the Games are being held.
Obviously I cannot pre-empt their findings,
well, but that drivers do not cover the work.
However, LOCOG and the ODA have had a logisti-
but I believe there is an overwhelmingly strong
Although the App might be a good product, if it is
cal nightmare on their hands and I will be interest-
case for London taxis to be ‘ring fenced’ and the
used by the public and a taxi does not arrive, then
ed to see how the event progresses. I just hope it all
status quo to remain.
the whole App will be castigated in the media.
goes well and there are not any unforeseen cir-
However, with Private Hire it is a different story.
Consequently, the success or failure of the DaC App
The Law Commission are considering allowing
will be in your hands!
them to use the word ‘taxi’ and ‘cab’, so that they
Law Commission
could quite legitimately use the phrase Pre booked
The Island
I have written in the past regarding ‘Reforming the
Taxi. As you can imagine, so far as I am concerned
Last month I informed you that a Dial-a-Cab client
Law of Taxi and Private Hire Services’ being con-
that is totally out of the question.
was in the process of moving their operation to the
ducted by the Law Commission.
They are also suggesting PH could have meters
Island and that they wanted a rolling rank similar to
This could have far reaching consequences for
with the individual operator setting their own tariff.
the one their new Canada Square neighbours had.
the Licensed Taxi industry, as the Law Commission
In addition, when a minicab driver is licensed by a
I wrote that implementation could be as early as
wish for a national standard for both taxis and pri-
particular local authority, he will then be free to
1st July, but I’ve now heard that the commence-
vate hire. They are currently going through a con-
work anywhere in the country! For instance, a mini-
ment date looks like being in September. You will
sultation process to see if it is feasible to introduce
cab driver could be licensed in Liverpool and then
of course be given details as soon as we know any-
a standard that would apply to the whole country.
come to London to work.
thing for certain.
I have had two meetings with solicitors from the
As you can see, the Law Commission’s sugges-
Brian Rice
Law Commission with a further meeting planned
tions could have some very serious consequences
Chairman, Dial-a-Cab
Spare DaC taxis
Drivers often ask about taxi garages where Dial-
a-Cab taxis are available for use while your cab
is off the road, so if you need a DaC-fitted termi-
nal try phoning one of the following garages for
For any non-fault accidents try either:
Chief Taxis: -------------------0800 055 6221
Cab Aid: -----------------------0800 028 3253
Overhauls or accident repairs:
Cricklewood Carriers: -----
0208 452 5461
KPM: --------------------------
0207 375 1179
Justcabs (formerly L&P):-- 0207 739 0210
Howard Kott of Justcabs is also happy to rent out a
DaC taxi if not being used as a loan cab
Call Sign August 2012
Page 5
Gay cabs hit London!
Call Sign doesn’t know how many gay drivers
spoiled by poor weather and a low turnout at
there are on Dial-a-Cab, although almost
the Soho parade. The event was said to have
undoubtedly there will be a proportionate num-
been poorly attended and just eight days before
ber. The reason this Society doesn’t know the
the big day, the organisers were told that
number is because nobody really cares nowa-
Westminster Council declined the permits
days. So we don’t suppose anyone will care
needed for the parade. Floats and vehicles were
no longer permitted and the parade was down-
much that London now has gay taxis as well -
graded to a march of about 15,000 rather than
but we bet they’ll make tourists look twice!
the 40,000 originally expected. Official celebra-
Canadian organisation Pride Toronto recent-
tions in Old Compton Street and Golden
ly unveiled a new London taxi advertising cam-
Square were cancelled with the main celebra-
paign to promote Toronto to gay Londoners as
tion venue at Trafalgar Square having its cele-
host city of WorldPride 2014. London recently
bratory events severely reduced. It was instruct-
handed over the mantle after Toronto beat
three adverts to run on the capital’s taxi fleet. It
ed to end at 6pm sharp or face a fine.
Stockholm to host the next WorldPride, having
includes the rainbow flag colours of Pride in a
Hopefully Toronto has a local council that
won the majority vote from leaders of gay and
glitter effect, a black studded cab mimicking
doesn’t compare to the meanies at Westminster,
lesbian organisations around the globe.
leather fetish wear and a bright pink cab with a
who were probably worried that closing streets
Advertising agency Crispin Porter &
fur effect, while the inside seat ads will say: If
to traffic would cost them in lost PCNs!
Bogusky, who in addition to Boulder, Miami,
you think this cab is gay, wait until you see
Los Angeles, Toronto and Gothenburg, also
Toronto in 2014!
Ron Yarborough
have an office in London’s York Way, designed
Sadly London’s finale as WorldPride host was
Call Sign Online
Loz’s keep fit classes
Dial-a-Cab’s Paul Taylor (M01) has reminded us about Phil Hewson - more commonly known in the cab
trade as Loz. Phil has been running keep tit classes for taxi drivers for over 30 years - the last fifteen of
them at the John Orwell Sports Centre in Tench Street, Wapping. Paul said:
If you are thinking of trying to shed a few pounds and need to get fit after all those years stuck behind the
wheel, or even if you are already fit but need to find a new class, then this will be the one for you. Phil’s classes
are suitable for all ages and all levels of fitness abilities, regardless of your current fitness status. From the very fit
to the very fat, you can feel rest assured that you will get a thorough but safe workout, because you are able to
work at the pace that suits your level of fitness.
The workout starts from a free standing position (there are no apparatus), consisting of exercises ranging from aerobics, muscular strength and stamina, reach-
ing every body part including those all-important lungs!
If you are a bit overweight and feel a bit shy or embarrassed about joining this type of class, then don’t be. There are no targets and there is
definitely no ‘peer pressure’. In fact it is a very warm and friendly atmosphere.
Loz’s classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, all starting at l.15. The added bonus is the price at just £5 per session. You can attend as many or
few times as you like to suit your work patterns and fitness levels, so if you are a beginner and you only fancy once a week, then that’s fine. You only have to
pay for the sessions you attend, so if you don’t attend, then you don’t pay. Just pay as you go. There are no membership fees and no contracts, but importantly
there is ample free parking so you don’t have to watch out for wardens!
I think £5 represents excellent value for money. If you are thinking of joining, come along and enjoy a week’s free trial from the Loz...
Paul Taylor (M01
The Loz’s keep fit classes are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday beginning at l.15 at the John Orwell Sports Centre, Tench Street, Wapping...
available at DaC
May’s Call Sign contained a small article on th
launch of new magazine, CallOver, aimed at
those on the Knowledge. But when a mes-
sage went out via driver’s terminals to say
that there were some copies in the Dial-a-
Cab driver’s reception and that if they knew
anyone on the Knowledge, this magazine wou
You are welcome to visit
be a useful tool for them, all the copies were snapped
our showroom at:
up before you could say leave on the left Northumberland Avenue!
Unit 8 Tripes Farm,
The magazine is now left at DaC every month, so if you have a son, daugh-
Chelsfield Lane,
ter or even a neighbour who is doing the KoL then keep a look out for
Orpington, Kent BR6 7RS
CallOver in Driver Reception and pass a copy along to them. CallOver is a
Instant Kitchen and
welcome addition to all the stuff Knowledge students accumulate...
Bedroom & Blinds UK
Baghwat Singh
Call Ian (R50) on 01689 897111…
Call Sign Online
Call Sign August 2012
Page 6
Jerry's         World
“Yeah, Boris said there would be lots of people looking for cabs, he must ‘ave just forgotten to tell us how to reach them!”
If there is one question we get asked more than any other, it’s whatever
If you would like to order the
happened to the amazing Alpha Power Pills. These pills are among the
amazing Alpha Pill, just go to and click on the
most amazing things we have ever tested with numerous readers hav-
‘Order Page’. Or you can phone your
ing used them and telling Call Sign how happy they were with them.
order to Stephen Vale at Only Cabs
We began testing in 2005 and by 2007 it seemed that half the fleet were using them.
on 020 3239 6101.
The pills worked then just as they work now. The biggest problem is getting hold of them!
Just for August, Steve has held the
However, Call Sign has traced another supplier in Steve Vale and the first person to
price for DaC drivers at £14.95 -
order some was Dial-a-Cab Chairman Brian Rice, who uses them in his diesel car. He
incredibly the same price as it was all
ordered some via the website and received the pills two days later.
those years ago. However, it will then
For those who have never used the pills, they help to clear carbon that builds up in the
go up to £16.95 - still a bargain for
engine, with the result of better mpg. But far more importantly, they help to cut emis-
what you get.
sions and users of the pill can see the results in their wing mirror as the smoke from the
exhaust begins to clear. These were some of the comments from drivers the last time we
See the ad in this issue...
tested the Alpha Pill. Not all the drivers are still on DaC and we have just picked their
comments out at random.
“Better Emissions and Fuel Economy.” (J Bailey D47); “The Pill definitely works.”
Call Sign
(M.Barker G06); “I would definitely recommend Power Pill because of the smooth run-
August 2012
ning and the lack of visible smoke emissions from the very smoky TXII.” (J.Burt (E59);
Editor: Alan Fisher
“My cab definitely runs better since I’ve used Power Pill.” (G.Cluer (E66); “I am still wait-
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
ing for the black smoke to reappear - I can’t quite believe it’s gone!” (T.Davidson J31); “I
Tel: 0207 251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
am very pleased with the performance since using Power Pill. I shall continue using it and
buying it from JVBright.” (R.Francis L92); “Cab feels sharper and now has far less emis-
Printers: Premier Print Group
sions. On my last two smoke tests, the cab has struggled through, but since using Power
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
Pill it fast-passed the test with a 1.45 reading.” (M.Harvey (E87); “Lower emissions and
Design: Aldan Publications
better mileage.” (B.Irving (N42); “The engine feels much more willing, with less noise
Tel: 07958 300 428
and in all aspects performs much better. I would recommend Power Pill to anyone
because of the results I have experienced for myself first hand. It is a good product that
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
delivers what it says, which is quite unusual these days.” (K Jackman B29); “Does every-
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
thing it claims!” (Divyesh Ruparelia V59)
either manually or electronically without the express
permission of the Editor.
Call Sign August 2012
Page 7
TfL measures to help taxis during the Games
Following months
of the Olympic Route Network and its
Private Hire said: “The Games Lanes were a
of extensive dia-
impact on taxis and taxi passengers.
stipulated requirement of the host city con-
logue with taxi
Following the constructive dialogue, TfL has
tract with the International Olympic
now enabled taxis to make important turns
Committee and we have been working with
tions, Transport
along the network, which other road users are
the LTDA, LCDC and Unite to review the
for London has
not permitted to make; reviewed all planned
restrictions that prevent taxis entering
announced that
restrictions on the nearside (kerbside) Games
Games Lanes and to make changes where
London’s licensed
Lanes and agreed to allow taxis to access a
possible and appropriate.
taxis will be able
number of these. These measures are in addi-
“We know that some drivers feel very
to access the ded-
tion to the opening of the dedicated lanes to
strongly that they should have full access
all traffic when possible, using 150 electronic
to all Games Lanes but this simply isn’t
John Mason: “We
Lanes at the fol-
variable message signs. They are reducing to
possible. We have worked hard to secure
have worked hard to
lowing key loca-
an absolute minimum the times the dedicated
as many concessions as possible and have
secure as many con-
Games Lanes will be in operation.
done everything we can to ensure that
cessions as possible.”
Park Lane
TfL has also taken on board the concerns
Games Lanes, which will be vital in getting
raised by taxi drivers with regards to
athletes and officials to venues on time,
from Culcross Street and South Street.
accessing nearside Games Lane in Park
are operating only when they have to. I
* Grosvenor Place (northbound) between
Lane, which, under the original proposals
would like to thank the taxi driver associ-
Wilton Street and Hyde Park Corner.
could have prevented drivers from picking
ations for their understanding and
* Vauxhall Bridge Road
up or setting down passengers along a part
patience and would ask drivers to now
between Bloomberg Street and Causton
of the network where there is likely to be
join all Londoners’ in getting behind the
significant demand for taxis.
games and making the most of opportuni-
* Vauxhall Bridge Road
John Mason, Director of London Taxi and
ties we are confident they will provide.”
between Drummond Gate and Rampayne
CX forecourt shut during Games?
* Gloucester Place (northbound) between
Dorset Square and Rossmore Road.
At the time of writing, it looks as though Network Rail will be closing the forecourt of
* Use of the M4 Olympic lane.
Charing Cross Station and the taxi rank during the Games. Also shut during the tenure
Through monthly Olympic liaison meet-
of the Olympics is platform 10 at Liverpool Street. The McDonalds rank remains open.
ings between TfL, the Olympic Delivery
St Pancras International will not just be open, but should be heaving with spectators
Authority and taxi driver associations, a
using the high-speed Olympic Javelin train to and from Stratford International and the
huge effort has been put into addressing
Olympic Park. This will have up to 12 trains per hour, transporting up to 12,000 spec-
the concerns of the taxi trade regarding
tators per hour.
the Games and in particular, the operation
Martin Cordell & Co.
Does your accountant supply you with the following?
Over forty years of experience with the Licensed London Taxi Trade.
Processing of self-assessment returns.
Advice on trading as a Limited Company with its tax advantages and potential pitfalls.
Preparation of accounts.
Initial consultation dealing with loss of earnings claims (due to accidents on the road etc.)
Letters to banks, building societies
and other lenders.
Specialist in-house facilities to deal with Inland Revenue enquiry cases.
(This is expensive and time consuming. Ask your accountant how much he will charge should this
unpredictable event occur).
A three hundred and sixty five days a year service.
A ‘nightshift’
Offices in North and East London.
First consultation free of charge.
Martin Cordell & Co . . . Do!
All for one yearly fee
The London Taxi Trades Premier Accountants
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
020 8980 7161
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
1-5 Alfred Street, Bow, London E3 2BE also at
Front Office, First Floor, 9 Church Road, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4AS
Call Sign August 2012
Page 8
Perhaps the world-wide reputa-
tion for professionalism and inti-
mate knowledge of our city trav-
dac drivers
els ahead of us, because the
depth of trust - or even expectan-
cy - that the general public place
in London’s licensed taxi drivers
sometimes amazes … well, even
London taxi drivers!
Every driver has a story to tell
and judging by the experiences
suggested perhaps the Toyota MPV that was
Call Sign:
parked nearby, but it was the wrong colour, so
“A number of
related to Call Sign recently, Dial-
I asked him if he recalled any landmarks that
passengers had
a-Cab drivers get their fair share!
could give me a clue as to the location, but that
drifted out of the
idea also drew a blank.”
station to join
Jonathan Radcliffe (G09) was sitting in Pepys
With a giggle in his voice, Jonathan contin-
the queue for
St EC3 early one
ued with his tale. “The man then asked me how
non-radio taxis
morning, when
much it would cost to drive him around the
waiting on the
an Orthodox
streets looking for his car? Yes, I’m sure he was
rank, when a
woman who was
serious! However, I politely explained the
calmly walked
part of a group
impracticality of that exercise! Eventually he
over to him and
of people moving toward the taxi rank sud-
politely asked
walked across the road to ask another taxi for
denly pointed in my direction. She then came
Jonathan where
the answer to finding his elusive motor car…”
over to me and in a strong European accent
he might have
Jonathan was still laughing at the recollec-
asked: ‘Do you only go to Bromley?’
parked his car?
tion of this person’s faith in the London taxi
“I explained to her that I was already booked
Apparently the
system as Call Sign walked off and came
and thought to myself ‘I know where you’re
Chasid had been late for a meeting and in the
across Adrian Landau (T14). He was waiting
going’ and that unwittingly, she knew my pas-
rush to make up time had not taken note of the
for his account passenger at the old Waterloo
sengers name! It’s lucky my passenger’s name
location where he had parked.
Eurostar terminal, with the passenger’s name
“I must have had a blank look on my face,
clearly written on the DaC nameboard and
wasn’t Paris or my laughter may well have
because this total stranger repeated the ques-
prominently displayed in the cab window. Like
frightened them back onto the train they had
tion as if I absolutely knew where he had left
Jonathan before him, Adrian was also laughing
alighted from!
his car,” a bemused Jonathan told Call Sign.
as he recounted his story of man’s inhumanity
“Assuming it to be a Volvo or people carrier, I
to man’s nervous system! He explained to
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
KPM and Cabvision
dispute settled
Eco City Vehicles / KPM have settled a legal dispute over Cabvision,
who are the suppliers of television services in the back of licensed
taxis. Cabvision had been a former subsidiary of KPM and the dis-
pute went back to the period of the reverse takeover by Pannal PLC
- who later became Eco City Vehicles. Court cases had been ongoing
since June 2006 before the settlement was announced. Eco said that
the settlement, which was not revealed, involved no cost to the
group. They did warn though that their cash position remained very
tight “following challenging conditions in 2011.”
The company’s revenue dropped by 10% in 2011 and it made a
loss of £2.2 million. Drivers were said to have been holding off buy-
ing a new cab before the newer model was launched.
The company added that it still has the “full support of its pension
scheme and its bank” but added that it continues to look at “other
funding options.”
Call Sign August 2012
Page 9
Call Sign August 2012
Page 10
Within Dial-a-Cab House we have invested
With Keith Cain
into a zone in the future, please take into
a considerable amount of time and effort
consideration what I have said and try
to strengthen the experience, profession-
booking into the zones you are close to
alism and the customer service skills of
rather than the ones you are furthest
our Managers, Team Leaders, Customer
Service Representatives and Controllers.
Over recent months, we have started to see
This year especially, we are seeing that
a small minority of drivers trying to get out of
investment working to its full potential
doing local rides by offering silly delay times.
and have received far more compliments
I hasten to add it is a very small number, but
from clients and drivers than I have ever
nevertheless it is a process that makes our ser-
seen before. But those that work within
vice look ridiculous. You all know that being
DaC House are only but a few of the total
offered an as directed trip means one of the
workforce of the Society. You, the drivers,
following; it is a wait & return, it is going to a
are the main workforce and the service
destination within the same zone, it is going
you provide to our client is not only of
to the airport or it is a genuine as directed trip
great significance, but it forms a huge part
and we have no idea where the passenger
of the wheel that turns and makes this
wants to go. Within the contact centre, we
Society what it has become today.
fully understand why drivers do this, I hope
now have procedures in place to deal with
I have written many times about the service
you can all understand the knock-on effect it
drivers offering excessive delay arrival times.
drivers give our clients and recently I wrote
has within the contact centre and how ridicu-
When this happens, the controller is
about drivers booking into zones incorrectly.
lous it makes staff sound to customers when
notified and the driver is monitored by his
Drivers are choosing to book in when their
we are not telling them the facts as we see
GPS position. Controllers will contact the
actual position is nowhere near where they
driver to explain his actions and if the dri-
are supposed to be. We all know why this is
This is also causing far more trips to be
ver has a record of doing this, a complaint
being done; it's because drivers think that if
rejected because the actual position the driver
is issued. Drivers doing this are only
they book in early by the time it takes to trav-
is in, with the best will in the world, means
thinking of their own circumstances and
el to get to the right location they will not
he/she cannot reach the pick-up address with-
giving absolutely no consideration to the
have to wait too long for a trip. When work
in the correct time. It also gives the rest of the
was in abundance and the fleet size had not
fleet false information. When a driver is look-
When service is paramount, as it is to this
reduced by 35%, this way of working had no
ing to drop off into a zone or is looking for a
organisation, a drop in the service levels -
detriment whatsoever. Unfortunately, times
zone to book into, if they see a high number
albeit from a very few - does have a bigger
have changed and it is having very serious
of cabs booked in they look elsewhere or
impact to the rest of the Society. If we don’t all
issues with service. Our telephonists are pre-
head off in a different direction.
pull together in the future, then I dread to
sented on their screens with the number of
The biggest complaint we receive from
think what the outcome could be...
vehicles booked into a zone when they enter
clients, especially when we have difficulty
a booking into the system. They are all trained
in allocating a vehicle, is why there are no
Keith Cain
to view this time and unless the controllers
taxis within their area yet they can see
Contact Centre Manager
have instructed differently, they use this facili-
many of our fleet going past their office
ty as a tool to give the caller an estimated time
with ‘for hire’ lights on? When booking
Driver’s Operations Manager
of how long it will take a driver to arrive. This
works very well when drivers’ work the sys-
tem correctly. It is also used when passengers
call back to ask the status of their cab. While I
376 Strand, WC2
We Invite Dial-a-Cab drivers and their guests to our
restaurant where you can partake of the finest food and wine
refuelling station
And as a thank-you for helping our clients come
and go over the years, we are happy to be able to
Five Hydrogen TX4 taxis carrying VIPs to
offer you a genuine 25% discount on your bill
the London Olympics will be able to fill
up at Heathrow with the launch of a
We are certain that you will be delighted
refuelling station to cater for the hydro-
gen fuel-cell black taxis. The cabs are on
a two-year trial and their first official job
is to transport dignitaries across London
to the Olympic Games.
The company behind the refuelling
station, Air Products, has won funding
from the Technology Strategy Board
(TSB) to upgrade the Heathrow site and
Please bring along your badge or Bill as ID
an additional planned site in central
London to meet car industry standards
Salieri Restaurant
for hydrogen refuelling.
376 Strand, WC2
The cabs are said to be around two
years away from production...
Reservations: 020 7836 1318
Call Sign August 2012
Page 11
The London Taxidrivers’ Fund for
Underprivileged Children in their 84th
anniversary year treated 250 deserving
children to a fun-filled day on another of
their legendary outings to Southend. As
always, Dial-a-Cab drivers were well rep-
resented and just as they always do, the
children had a wonderful time. The Fund
has carried thousands of needy children
on this trip over the years with each trip
A police outrider
seemingly better than the last!
explains how his
The drivers began arriving at Victoria
motorbike works to
Park at 7am, the sun was shining and the
two excited children
camaraderie was brilliant as they set
about decorating their Jubilee-themed
taxis whilst waiting for their special little
passengers. On hand to entertain the
children was the wonderful Miss
Ballooniverse, the Furry Tail Folk,
Crest Bear and Clown Jolly Jack, who
all did a marvellous job keeping them
amused. Also there to meet the children
and wave them on their way was the Lady
Mayoress of the City of London,
Elizabeth Wootton, the Lay Sheriff of the
City of London, Wendy Mead,
Four of the many
Councillor Mizan Chaudhury, office of
DaC drivers on the
the Chair of Council of Tower Hamlets
trip: L-R Ivan Sobell
and Michael Henderson-Begg CC, Clerk
(P69, Alan Yuchetel
to the Worshipful Company of Tin Plate
(L44), Adrian
Workers. As Mr Henderson-Begg was due
Landau (T14) and
to retire, the fund’s Hon Chair Susan
Angel presented him with a miniature
John Radcliffe (G09)
mounted model taxi and certificate mak-
ing him an Honorary member of the
Breakfast was then provided by the
Victoria Park Café and at 10am the 110
taxi convoy set off with horns blowing!
The cabs looked wonderful being
adorned with red, white and blue
bunting and balloons as the children
waved their Union Jack flags! The many
donated by Chris Smalley of Amscan
spectators lining the route waved and
(Snow White), Ruth and her two Pat-a-
International Ltd.
cheered the cabs on their way using hand
Dogs and the two face painters, Joanne
Radiocoms Systems Ltd kindly loaned
waving flags kindly donated by John and
and Sarah of Mr Crafty’s Kid’s parties
communication equipment and the
Mark of the House of Logos. Once again
for keeping the children amused while
Essex Police outriders then escorted
the City of London Police outriders
DJ, Dave Davies, was on hand to provide
the group of taxis out of Southend.
escorted the cabs along with the RAC and
his usual brilliant disco. In addition, Alan
Special thanks also goes to the anony-
St. John’s Ambulance.
and Sheila Jones of the Southend
mous donor for providing £25 to each
However, there was a sad delay at
Carnival Court brought along the
driver for their fuel and to ex-committee
Redbridge on the way to Southend fol-
Queen and two Princesses to meet the
member Larry Abrahams for coming
lowing a road traffic incident.
out of retirement to give us his help.
Everyone at the LTFUC sends their sin-
The Fund were delighted to have the
To all the wonderful sponsors
cere condolences to the family
Mayor of Southend, Councillor Sally
whose donations help the Fund to
involved and best wishes for a speedy
Carr presenting prizes to the best deco-
make the outing possible and also to
recovery to the police outrider.
rated taxi, Steve Pulham, who in addi-
the many radio stations for their cov-
On arrival at sunny Southend, the
tion to holding the Terry Stapleton Rose
erage in the morning, the LTFUC have
group were given lunch at the Cliffs
Bowl for a year, also won and a voucher
asked Call Sign to send their sincere
Pavilion before the children were ferried
down to Adventure Island in minibuses
from Vince White Taxis of Waltham
Abbey for a full engine service and front
Last, but not least, the Hon President,
provided by Brian Houssart MBE, Hon.
Hon Chair and Committee would like to
President of the Southend Taxi Charity
brake pads or a choice of £150 in cash!
The runner up was Marvin Houstin. He
give very special thanks to all the won-
Fund for Children. Walking around
derful drivers and helpers. They just
Adventure Island, you couldn’t miss the
gets the Peter Lucas Shield for a year and
could not make the outings happen with-
children’s laughing faces and hearing
a bottle of Champagne. The raffle prize
out them and the children, who have
their screams of delight as they went
winner was Dial-a-Cab’s Salvatore
such a memorable day, all know that.
from ride to ride whilst demolishing can-
Trupia (S89J) who grabbed an overnight
Many images of the day can be seen
dyfloss, donuts and ice creams at the
stay with breakfast for two at the
on the Fund website
same time!
Connaught Hotel in Mayfair! Remember, none
4.45pm it was back to the Cliffs
At 6pm the weary but happy children
walks so tall as he who stoops to help
Pavilion for a tea and disco and we thank
were each handed a stick of Southend
a child...
Rob and Tom of the Furry Tail Folk,
rock - donated by Southend’s Paul Van
Clown Jolly Jack, balloonist Tony
Looey - as they left. Foil ‘Taxi’ balloons
Our thanks to Raymond Levy for the
Hanscombe, Miss Ballooniverse,
on sticks were also given to each child
Call Sign August 2012
Page 12
The case involves the arrest of a minicab dri-
Louie Christian (A48) has a legal background and an Honours
ver for touting. He claimed he had a booked
degree. He has sent Call Sign details of an article from Criminal
job for “Jenny.” He was then approached by
Law Weekly. It makes strange reading and also...
two licensing investigators who enquired if
he was a cab. The driver’s claim was that as
the two “passengers” were going to the same
place as “Jenny” therefore he assumed one of
them was Jenny. But the judge’s slant turned
the case upside down. The case was brought
under the Town Police Clauses Act 1847. It
A legal expert commented after the case:
The justices had apparently found as fact
Private hire vehicles - Whilst the offence
that at just after midnight, a booking had
under section 45 of the Town Police Clauses
been made for a person giving the name
Act 1847 ("If the proprietor of any car-
‘Jenny’ who wanted to be picked up outside
riage permits the same to be used as a
a particular cinema and to be taken to a par-
Hackney Carriage plying for hire within
ticular place, and that when the defendant
the prescribed distance without having
turned up outside the cinema at the appoint-
obtained a licence as aforesaid for such
ed time, he was approached by two females
carriage, or if any person standing, or
(the investigators) who just happened to
plying for hire with any carriage within
approached at the specified location by two
want to go to the exact same place.
the prescribed distance for which such
females (licensing investigators) who asked
Counsel for the local authority submitted
licence as aforesaid has not been previ-
him to take them to the same destination.
that this was a finding of fact that no reason-
ously obtained, every such person so
And where he did so without asking their
able bench could have reached. It seems
offending shall be liable to a penalty ...") is
name, it had been open to the magistrates to
abundantly plain that either the investigators
a strict liability offence, whether a particular
find that he had not been plying for hire:
had made the booking in order to test the dri-
vehicle is plying for hire is a matter of degree
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council v. Arif
ver who turned up, or the entry of the book-
- the essence of "plying for hire" being solicit-
[2012] R.T.R. 261(20), Q.B.D. (Beatson J)
ing in the car hire company’s records had
ing or waiting to secure passengers without
been made ex post facto. However, none of
any prior contract with them; where, there-
The matter was considered by the court of
this appears to have been investigated and his
fore, the driver of a private hire vehicle
appeal, but the appeal from the local author-
Lordship was not prepared to go behind the
attended a particular location to pick up a
ity was dismissed. Louie considered that the
findings of the magistrates.
booking in the name of "Jenny" and to take
case was probably best regarded as a decision
As we said at the beginning, a strange
her to a particular destination, where he was
on its own.
case indeed..
Is it security or just cashing in on the Olympics?
CCTV enforcement vehicles and Civil
Dial-a-Cab’s PCN expert, Barrie Segal,
Enforcement Officers around Stratford
added that while licensed taxis are permitted
to stop on a bus stop to pick up a passenger,
Is it security or just cashing in on the
drivers should not wait there if on a DaC
Olympics? Call Sign readers will have their
booked trip or if asked to wait while passen-
own views.
gers go to an ATM etc...
Treatment for pain & discomfort doesn’t have to be expensive
One way or another they are going
to get you!
The Centre offers fully qualified therapists in Physiotherapy,
The London Borough of Newham has
Osteopathy, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Remedial
said that camera enforcement in the area
Massage, Indian Head Massage, Hydrotherm, Massage Therapy,
around Stratford Station, including
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
Meridian Square and Great Eastern
Road, is being conducted and Penalty
Charge Notices (PCNs) will be issued by
Call us on 020 8507 8169
the borough to vehicles that are illegally
or mobile 07973 639 473 for an early appointment
stopped or waiting in areas where this is not
Email: or fax: 020 8507 9650
permitted. This includes taxis (and private
Out of hours enquiries welcome
hire vehicles) parked in the bus lane or
parked in the kiss and ride spaces and PHVs
(or other vehicles but not licensed taxis)
Barking Physical Therapy Centre
parked on the taxi rank.
90 Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 8SF
In addition to camera enforcement,
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am till 8pm and Saturday 9am till 2pm
Newham will also be deploying mobile
Call Sign August 2012
Page 13
...or the advantage of your grandfather being Editor!
When Shelby, granddaughter of Call Sign
get them into the mag? Sorry Baggi, I will not
Editor Alan Fisher called to say that she was
be held to ransom and the answer is no!”
going to her School prom in Chigwell’s posh
So I told Shelby and she took it very well.
Woolston Manor and wondered “whether the
“Tell Poppa that I still love him and that he is
press would be there,” we knew what she
the best grandfather in the world and not to
meant - could Poppa get her photo into the
worry that this will probably be my first and
magazine. I called Alan immediately and told
last prom and that this dress cost a fortune and
him of the request...
that even if all my friends laugh at me, I
“Nope,” he replied immediately, “this is a seri-
respect his decision and that when I open my
ous magazine aimed at the drivers of Dial-a-
first patisserie, he can still have the first cake!”
Cab. No one but no one gets in just because
Gorgeous dress Shelby! And was that a tear I
they are related to the Editor, otherwise
saw in the Editor’s - sorry, I mean in Poppa’s
before you look round I’ll have a queue of
- eye...!
100 prim and proper young ladies telling me
Shelby and “Poppa” before she left for
that their father’s best friend knows someone
Baghwat Singh
who used to work with a taxi driver and can I
her prom
Call Sign Online
Just call me Zac!
Dear Mr Editor
Who says electric taxis are new!
I’m Zachary Raphael, but you can call me Zac... if
I can call you Al! And who is this Paul Simon I
have to apologise to!
I was born to Nicole and Spencer Landau on 26
June 2012 at Watford General Hospital, weighing
in at a respectable 7lbs 4oz. My big sister Hannah,
who’s three and a half, fusses over me but it’s my
Grandparents Benita and Adrian Landau (T14)
and Mum’s mother, Grandma Valerie (and the late
David) Fishman who hardly allow me any peace at
all with a regular flow of cuddles and kisses.
Needless to say, my entire family is delighted at my
The Bersey
safe arrival. But hey, I had no doubts and was
A new exhibition at the Science Museum in
looking forward to seeing those people who kept patting me
Exhibition Road, SW7 shows that whilst we
when I wasn’t quite ready to make my first appearance!
in the London taxi trade may await with
Grandpa Ade has shown me how to ‘Sign On’ to the Dial-a-Cab terminal and promised I can
baited breath the introduction of the electric
taxi, the concept certainly isn’t new. In 1897,
work his cab as soon as my feet can reach the pedals! I’m off now to get some sleep…
Walter Bersey changed the concept of taxi
driving when he introduced 12 wood-built
You may not need us now, but cut us out for when you do!
Bersey taxis. These were not just electrically
propelled, but also the first taxis that no
longer required horses to pull them along.
Exhibition's curator Selina Hurley told
Call Sign: "We think of electric cars as
something really futuristic, but they actually
go back much further than we think!”
All types of locks, opened, repaired and replaced
Around 75 of the Bersey cabs were even-
tually made and on one day's charge, which
10% discount on keys and locks for DaC drivers
they could get at a Lambeth charging station,
Transponders / chipped keys
they were able to cover around 30 miles. As
the top speed was 12mph, that was enough
On site key cutting services including taxis
for a shift and many would say the average
Locks replaced / fitted to insurance specifications (BS3621
speed in 2012 isn’t much more than that!
Walter Bersey's company went bust two
Burglary repairs / boarding up
years later after the cabbies still driving
Additional security / security upgrades
horse-driven vehicles began to worry and
demonstrate about their futures, claiming
Safes opened, repaired and serviced
that if the new electric taxis were too suc-
Grilles and security gates
cessful, who would want to get into their
Specialists in UPVC doors and windows / patio doors
old Hansom Cabs?
The Bersey cab features alongside sto-
Free estimates / no call out charge
ries about wind turbines and the now-
24hr service
rare incandescent light bulb at the
Climate Changing Stories exhibition,
which runs to 2014.
You can find us at:
For more information on the Climate
Changing Stories exhibition, visit:
8-10 The Arcade, Farnham Road, Harold Hill
Tel: 01708 371115
Call Sign August 2012
Page 14
Those Dial-a-Cab drivers whose working shift
covers the early evening until midnight will
know what hassle is and has been caused by the
closure of the Limehouse Link at 10pm on
some evenings for what is usually described as
maintenance work. Those drivers will probably
agree that on other occasions when the Link
Limehouse Link company there for 30 years!
has closed two hours later at midnight, then the
inconvenience - whilst still considerable - is
that mean they can do as they like until 2030?
usually much more bearable.
Sounds like it!
But have you wondered why then, if the com-
This all began by me wondering why they
pany carrying out the maintenance can success-
went back to closing at 10 instead of midnight
fully do it from midnight, why they have to ever
when the later closing was so much better as
close it at ten? After all, the maintenance prob-
regards hold-ups. Perhaps, I also wondered,
ably takes the same time.
they didn’t actually need the two extra hours
Well one DaC driver asked Transport for
but took them anyway - justifying their work-
London under the Freedom of Information Act
load - whilst at the same time causing problems
to give him an answer and also queried who the
to all our Dockland account clients, including
company carrying out the maintenance was and
JPM and MS.
for how long was the contact they had been
I came to the conclusion that they were using
a smaller workforce at the expense of everyone
John Addis (K97), the driver concerned,
else who lives and works in the surrounding
told Call Sign: I was flabbergasted with the
areas. This regular extreme disruption does not
reply I received. They said that the Design Build
reflect well on the professional image of Canary
Finance Operate contract was awarded to Road
Wharf, TfL and ultimately, London. It does seem
Management Services (A13) plc by the
Company that maintains tunnel has
the contractors have the upper hand over the
Secretary of State on 12 April 2000 and that in
contract for 30 years
customers. But the final word must be to won-
March 2001, the contract had been extended to
der how on earth a building company can pos-
include Docklands roads, of which the
years up until April 2030. That means that RMS
sibly win a thirty year contract?
Limehouse Link Tunnel forms a part. The part
have the responsibility to operate and maintain
Call Sign asked the Mayor’s office what they
that shocked me came at the end when they
the contract facilities - including Limehouse
thought of the contract, but they declined to
added that the period of the contract was for 30
Link Tunnel - throughout those 30 years! Does
Part of 35 miles of Pericoli’s
Thames walk showing the Gherkin
Matteo Pericoli’s first UK exhibition
Matteo Pericoli was born in Milan, but moved to New York in 1995 where he worked as an architect. He found
fame with his 22ft fold-out drawing of Manhattan's skyline and in 2007 completed his amazing Skyline of the
World, a 397-foot-long panoramic mural for American Airlines' international terminal at New York’s JFK Airport.
Now he has a London exhibition showing till 2 Sept...
A 35-mile walk along the north and south banks of the Thames at the PM Gallery & House, Walpole
Park, Mattock Lane, Ealing.
Over two weeks in September 2009, Matteo Pericoli walked from Hammersmith Bridge to the O2
Arena and back again, examining the scene beside the Thames, taking 6,100 photographs and seeing off a pair
of shoes in the process! London Unfurled is the result of that walk and this is the first time that Pericoli’s origi-
nal London Unfurled drawings have been shown anywhere in the UK. The two resulting 11.5 metre drawings,
showing the city as seen from the north and south banks will each be unfurled around PM Gallery.
Filling the gallery with the architectural complexity of the riverside, the exhibition presents a
• Roadside repair
compelling profile of the city. Matteo Pericoli’s drawings are packed with buildings that will be
very familiar to Dial-a-Cab drivers. Contained within the pen-and-ink drawings are some 1,343 individual build-
• Roadside assistance
ings, 41 bridges, over 27,000 window panes and some 3,000 waves on the river
• Running repair recovery
The hardback book in concertina form, London Unfurled by Matteo Pericoli, with essays by Will Self
• Accident recovery
and Iain Sinclair, is published by Picador and priced £25. A new adapted version, London for Children,
has full colour illustrations and funny (if gruesome) facts about London and the river. That is published
• Pay as you go to membership
by Macmillan and priced at £14.99.
• Credit card taken at roadside
A digital companion to the print edition, the London Unfurled App for iPad enables people to scroll
seamlessly through the entire drawing, flipping from north to south, jumping from place to place,
zooming in on its extraordinary detail and sending favourite views to friends. An audio voiceover
from Matteo Pericoli also gives an insight into the creation of the drawings. The exhibition will
0845 094 5307
feature new material from both the London for Children book and the London Unfurled App for iPad.
The exhibition is open until 2 September and has free admission. Tues - Fri and Sun 1 - 5pm. Late
We make wheels turn
openings until 8pm on 3, 17 and 31 August. A free gallery tour led by Matteo Pericoli takes place on
so you can earn.
Sat Sept 1 at 2pm. Booking not necessary. More info on 020 8567 1227...
Call Sign August 2012
Page 15
Those nice people at Dial-a-Cab’s
Roman Way depot have passed
over a few words of wisdom -
Using your
well a few hundred wise words
finger to
actually - to Call Sign that could
close the
map facility
save drivers their time, some
could cause
stress and perhaps an unneces-
sary journey to N7.
Unnecessary use of your index finger!
Now before this magazine gets inundated with
Then, when
emails questioning our sanity, let us explain
further. It seems that some of you prefer to use
an index finger to operate the MDT keyboard
meter has been
and to ‘close’ the map facility. Yup, we’ve all
installed, do the
done it, but Roman Way’s technical staff have
same thing.
suggested it is better to use the black plastic
‘pointer’ to select items on the keyboard and
especially so when closing down the map
simple meter change from the same supplier,
meter stopped.
or a complete change of meter brand - for
If the printer shows a £2.40 receipt, then
We realise that some Call Sign readers have
example were you to change from Cygnus to
you’re up and running and can go back to
particularly nimble fingers and are able to
Viking or vice-versa or for any other meters
work. But if the printout shows a blank space
squeeze their digit finger into the top right-
that are available. But this tip is relevant if you
where the meter reading should be, it means
hand corner of the terminal screen, but the
are tempted to take advantage of the special
there is incompatibility with the new meter
MDT screen is calibrated with pin-point accu-
deals regularly offered by fare meter compa-
and you should ask the meter supplier to sort
racy to match the sharp end of the pointer and
it out because your first receipt shows it was
using your finger not only defeats the object of
Before you actually arrive at the meter
working with the old meter.
a ‘clean’ operation, it blows the calibrations
site, power up your MDT but do not sign in.
Roman Way has said that some drivers are
clean out of the window, leading to opera-
being fobbed off with excuses and being sent
tional problems with the terminal - including
Put the meter in the hired position and
move it to stopped. The MDT will automat-
to them, whereas they in turn have had to sug-
freezing. The pointers are readily available
gest that the drivers should return to the
from Roman Way or DaC’s driver reception.
ically print out a £2.40 receipt with the
meter company. This easy procedure could
time and date clearly showing. Leave the
save you a lot of time and stress…
Changing your meter
receipt sticking out as this shows your
The other piece of advice from our Roman
meter is ‘talking’ to the MDT. It’s an
Jamie Corum
Way technicians concerns the meter and any
exchange of information and means you
changes you may make. It may be by way of a
do not lose account trip meter readings.
Call Sign Online
To celebrate the successful Dial-a-Cab testing of the Viking Taxi-Meter, Cricklewood Carriers Cab Co. Ltd as
the sole and exclusive agents of the new Viking Taxi Meter are delighted to announce a totally unique and
exclusive package to all of the Dial-a-Cab Drivers.
HIGH 5 ~
*5 Years Meter Hire*
*5 Years Full Maintenance Including All Tariff Changes*
*One Off Payment Of £500.00*
*Peace Of Mind Non Increasing Rental Price For 5 Years*
*Professional Installation Service With Extended Opening Hours Including Saturdays & 24/7 Website Back Up*
0 208 208 3600
Call Sign August 2012
Page 16
Call Sign readers interested in football will
know that Dial-a-Cab driver Lee Pearce (J71)
is not just a driver on this circuit, but also the
goalkeeper for Combined Counties Premier
Lee’s Wembley bring
league team Wembley - who play eight divi-
sions below the top flight English Premier
Recent issues of this magazine revealed that
in the big guns!
thanks to sponsorship from Budweiser, for-
mer Barcelona, Tottenham and QPR manager
Terry Venables had been appointed as
Technical Director at the club. That in itself
was a pretty big shock but nothing compared
to the news Wembley Chairman Brian Gumm
later revealed - that Budweiser had tempted
six ex-international soccer legends to the club!
The six are former Arsenal and England
goalkeeper, David Seaman, ex-Arsenal and
England midfielder Ray Parlour, former
Arsenal and England defender Martin
Keown, ex-Chelsea, Blackburn, Southampton
and England defender/midfield player
Graeme Le Saux, USA and Fulham’s prolific
goalscorer Brian McBride and possibly the
biggest shock with the amazing signing of
Claudio Caniggia! For those that don’t know
of him, Caniggia - now aged 45 but still fit for
someone who used to run 100metres in
11seconds - played up front no less than 50
times for Argentina, including an amazing
Some of the legends: (L-R Graeme Le Saux, David Seaman, Terry Venables, Ray
three World Cup campaigns! He was a regular
Parlour and Claudio Caniggia...
for top Argentinian teams River Plate and Boca
Wembley in this season’s FA Cup - which
domestic cup tournament in a new ESPN TV
Juniors and also played for Dundee and
Glasgow Rangers in Scotland. One of his clos-
of course is sponsored by Budweiser. Their
programme, Dream On: The Journey of
first match is an extra preliminary round
Wembley FC. It begins at 10pm on August 2nd.
est friends is no less than Diego Maradona -
although in all honesty, we can’t see the Hand
tie on August 11.
Ray Parlour told Call Sign: “I've always
of God playing for Wembley!
Jason Warner, Global VP Budweiser, told
believed grassroots football is essential to the
The six players have been coaching
Call Sign: “As a long-standing supporter of
lifeblood of the game, so when I got the call
Wembley’s 34-player strong squad for
football at all levels, Budweiser is committed
asking if I would like to come out of retire-
some time now, with David Seaman specif-
to championing the magic of The FA Cup and
ment to help raise Wembley’s profile, I
ically coaching Lee Pearce (see cover pic).
its ability to create unique memories that play-
jumped at the chance. I'm also looking for-
“He has been absolutely brilliant,” Lee told
ers and communities will never forget. We are
ward to working with Terry Venables again
Call Sign. “Just when you think you know it
pleased to continue to support Wembley FC as
and helping a group of talented footballers
all, the supreme professional comes along and
they strive to achieve their dreams and we
achieve their dreams of playing in The FA Cup
shows that in reality you know very little. He
think their story will appeal to - and inspire -
and seeing how far they can go in the tourna-
has made an amazing difference to my ability
football fans around the world.”
and my confidence and I now know far more
Budweiser has also joined up with Evan
Wembley’s FA Cup dream starts on 11
about goalkeeping than I did and ever
Weinstein, Co-Executive Producer of The
August when they are at home to Spartan
thought that I would know!”
Amazing Race and seven-time Emmy Award
South Midlands League Division
The legends have been brought in by
winner, to document Wembley FC's prepara-
Langford in the extra preliminary round with
Budweiser to see how far they can get
tion and progress through the world's oldest
the winners away to Uxbridge.
Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers
The WCHCD recently took part in a driving skills competition at
Regent’s Park Barracks. The taxi charity has an affiliation with 20th
Transport Squadron and this challenge day sees WCHCD members
pit their skills against those of the Squadron. This is the third annual
event, although this year the weather presented a bit more of a chal
lenge. Once again the Squadron had devised various tests, both
indoor and out. Eight teams took part, with one of the WCHCD
teams coming a close second to the Squadron. Events testing skills
included a streets navigation course, trailer reversing and taxi
manoeuvring, amongst several others.
Everyone enjoyed their day at the barracks and all the teams
learned some new skills and entered into the spirit of the day -
which included wearing Royal masks during a wheel changing
task! It was a very surreal experience to watch the Queen chang-
ing the wheel on a 4 x 4 vehicle!
The WCHC was delighted the event was able to go ahead as
the Squadron had been extremely busy with preparations for the
Olympics. A barbeque ended the enjoyable day in a sizzling way!
Call Sign August 2012
Page 17
Call Sign doesn’t usually comment on cur-
rent adverts in the magazine, but the one
from the London Taxi Company on this
Amazing deal on
issue’s back cover just seems so good at a time
when a number of Dial-a-Cab drivers will be
compulsorily looking to replace their 15-year
old taxi. The LTC four year deal could well be
the TX4 Euro!
the answer to many of those problems, while
at the same time giving drivers a brand new
At a time when many drivers have to give up their 15-year old taxis...
taxi at an affordable price - which appears to
us to make this deal cheaper than renting.
The answer to your
The deal is available on both TX4 Euro 5
problems? The new
models - Style and Elegance and is of
TX4 Euro 5
course available in both automatic and
The calculations below have been formulat-
ed based on the TX4 Euro 5 Elegance auto-
interested in what looks
to be a cracking deal at a
matic - which is the highest spec, so the cost
per week for the other three variants would, if
time when many need
some help, should contact
anything, be lower.
The very affordable weekly cost would
Company dealership at
be £135. That allows for a deposit of £2000
and guarantees a £13,982 residual value
Brewery Road on 0207
700 0888 to either speak
after 4 years.
The price includes a FREE FOUR YEAR
or just hand it back and walk away! That deal
to their sales team or to
manufacturer's warranty with an option to
sounds as though it could be the answer to a
make an appointment. And also see insert
buy a FOUR YEAR Service Plan which
few drivers’ problems.
inside this issue for an extra special offer.
would work you out at just 99p a day!
The ad describes the offer as the deal the
Calculations are based on annual mileage
Then at the end of the term you can either
trade has been waiting for and it could be
of 30,000 mile per annum - 120,000 miles over
buy the cab, part-exchange it using any equity
that they are right! Any Dial-a-Cab driver
the four year agreement period.
Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers
Mayor at WCHCD Founder’s Day
London’s Mayor Boris Johnson, together with Deputy Mayor for Transport, Isabel Dedring, were special
guests at the recent WCHCD Founder’s Day lunch at the Fishmongers’ Hall, London Bridge.
WCHCD Master Eddie Crossley, together with his wife Maureen and his Wardens greeted guests to this
superb hall, where they enjoyed a champagne reception overlooking the river.
The Prime Warden of the Fishmongers Company, The Lord Phillimore, together with his Clerk, Nigel Cox,
greeted Mr Johnson on his arrival - and as is often the case, Boris arrived on his bike! He then joined other
guests for the lunch.
The WCHCD has a diverse membership, many of whom are working taxi drivers. All Liverymen
and Freemen of the Company earn their living through the taxi trade.
Eddie Crossley opened his speech by saying: “We celebrate Founder’s Day to commemorate our original
Fellowship set up in 1654 and then disbanded by Oliver Cromwell three years later. However, by an act of
Parliament in 1694, the first Hackney Carriages were licensed and we now as a trade celebrate 318 years of
continuous licensing. Over the past few years we have combined this celebration with the opportunity to
raise funds for our Charitable Trust. This fund enables us to support those drivers who face financial difficul-
ties due to long term illness or their families at a time of bereavement.
“The fund also allows us to support a number of the other trade charities such as The Fund for
Underprivileged Children and the annual outing to Worthing for the War Disabled. I am always amazed at the number of drivers who willingly
give so much of their time to participate in these and similar events. It demonstrates to me the pride and generosity of so many in our Trade.”
As part of his entertaining speech, the Mayor told guests: "Travelling by black cab is one of the great pleasures of London, both for residents and vis-
itors alike. They are as iconic as the red buses, Big Ben and Beefeaters. This is an historic year for London as we stage a summer like no other and I am
certain that, as always, cabbies will be ambassadors for this great city and help showcase the very best that we have to offer."
Event sponsors were Proximo Ltd and ComCab.
Call Sign has been literally inundated to the point where we were thinking of throwing the mag’s
phone into the Thames! The reason was the hugely successful open evening put on by Merlin
Events to celebrate the amazing achievement of 250 years of Madam Tussauds! Of that time,
Madam T has been welcoming visitors to London for over one hundred of those years.
So as part of the celebrations, Madam Tussauds decided they would like to thank London’s
taxi drivers for the many passengers we deliver safely to their Marylebone Road premises, whilst
showing us together with up to four of family members and friends, why that is one of London's
top tourist attractions.
Madam Tussauds is filled with 14 exciting, interactive zones and the amazing Marvel Super
Heroes 4D movie experience, where not only do you see the action in 3D but you also feel it!
Madam T’s combines glitz and glamour with incredible history with over 300 wax figures -
including David Beckham, Lady Gaga, The Queen and many more.
So on behalf of all those drivers that took advantage of the offer, we thank Merlin Events and
Guess who Call Sign’s Danny Fresco met at
Madam Tussauds. That just leaves one question... So, who do you want to meet?
Madam T’s!
Call Sign August 2012
Page 18
On July 1st 1950, I applied for a taxi driver's
The last issue of Call Sign wrote of the sad death of Millie Dunn at
licence. I did the Knowledge by car, calling
the age of 100. As a tribute to both Millie and late husband Lou -
over with Harry Slowman, Monty
Corman, Maxie Green and my cousin
the founder of the Radio Owner Drivers Association and forerun-
Charlie Davis. I passed out on February
ner to Dial-a-Cab, we are reprinting a story from 10 years ago
20th 1951 when the flag fall was one shilling
which detailed the beginnings of RODA. What follows is a slice of
(5p). I worked for an owner-driver for 11
months before buying my first taxi, a Morris
radio taxi history...
Oxford (reg. JXD 828) from an old friend of
my wife’s.
It was towards the end of 1952 and I was
having a tea break in Wilton Road, Victoria
with a few other drivers. We were discussing
the possibility of starting a radio taxi service
for owner-drivers to compete with Lou Levy
of York Way Motors and The London
However, Pye had initiated bankruptcy pro-
General of Brixton. Both companies had
ceedings against us with Charlie Watson and
their own radio circuits, primarily for their
myself - the only directors left after the oth-
own fleets of cabs.
ers had resigned - having to swear affidavits
We later spoke to a large number of
as to the cause of the closure of the compa-
owner-drivers who seemed enthusiastic
ny. The end of RODA Taxis was complete…
about the idea. The prominent members
After RODA closed, there were still
of our organising committee consisted of
some drivers who wanted to continue
myself, George White, Mr Frewin, Charlie
with radio but not necessarily with the
Watson and a Mr Woods. Cyril Lumley
fledgling ODRTS, who were by now in
was appointed Secretary and it was
business. So Joe Stern and others called a
agreed to call the company RODA Taxis.
meeting at the ‘Rifle Range’ in Harewood
That stood for Radio Owner Drivers
Avenue behind Marylebone Station. It
was decided to set up an opposing cir-
cuit to ODRTS and to call it Radio Taxis
The Beginning of RODA Taxis…
(Southern) Ltd.
A meeting was called at The Barley Mow in
They leased a basement flat at ‘Highpoint
Horseferry Road. The same pub would
in North Hill, Highgate and the new circuit
later be used several months later to house a
was soon to compete with ODRTS, becom-
meeting in connection with the setting up of
Lou Dunn on his visit to Dial-a-Cab in
ing known in the trade as Mountview. It
the formative ODRTS - later to become Dial-
March 2003
took its name from the phone number that
a-Cab. Around 120 drivers attended our
RODA had originally used and which they
meeting, of whom 98 agreed to come onto
We started operating at the beginning of
were now using - Mountview 3232. I joined
the circuit. Cab drivers being what they are,
Mountview as Baker 28, but only stayed for
1953 in preparation for the
only 39 turned up and they were fitted. A
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Within
six weeks. I came off because I was disillu-
retired Public Carriage Officer, who was the
sioned with the attitude of the other drivers.
three months, unfounded rumours were
principal of the British Legion Taxi Drivers
spreading around the trade that work was
I continued as a non-radio driver until retir-
School in Harleyford Road, Kennington,
not being allocated fairly. This was untrue,
ing at the age of 88.
introduced us to his brother who was a
but because some members had now
My recent visit to Dial-a-Cab and the
director of Pye Telecom in Cambridge. They
refused to pay their subs, we were asked to
wonderful tour given to me by Brian Rice
agreed to install a radio transmitting station
attend a meeting with the directors of Pye to
increased the pride I feel at having been
at a site that we had obtained in Townsend
explain our difficulties and why we had not
in at the beginning and to see the amaz-
Yard, Highgate. Not to put too fine a point
paid them. They agreed to hold off for a lit-
ing progress made since then. But there
on the matter, it was an old Nissan hut! The
tle while longer...
will always be a part of me that is forev-
radio equipment was to be installed by
At this time, a number of other drivers
er RODA…
Imhoff Ltd of New Oxford St and fitted in
were collaborating to start their own cir-
Mildmay Grove.
cuit. One of those drivers was Bonnie
Lou Dunn
I became the first owner-driver to be fitted
Martyn, soon to be the Founder
Founder RODA Taxis
with the equipment. It was placed beneath
Chairman of ODRTS. They had appar-
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
the driver's seat. I had to take it up to the
ently approached Pye to negotiate the
PCO passing station in Lambeth Road, they
formation of a rival circuit…
passed the equipment and it was subse-
RODA called a meeting at the Bonnington
quently fitted to the other cabs. RODA was
Hotel in Southampton Row, where we tried
ready to roll.
to thrash out our difficulties. This was unsuc-
Our telephone number was Mountview
cessful. Meanwhile, Bonnie Martyn and his
3232 and the first call sign to be allocated
associates had called a meeting at Denison
was Baker 1, which was allocated to Mr
House in Vauxhall Bridge Road to launch
White. I was Baker 7. One of our members
the idea of their new circuit. This was attend-
• All makes and models serviced
was Joe Stem, who later became the
ed by a large number of drivers including
and repaired
Founder-Chairman of Radio Taxis
me. I offered the assets of RODA to form an
(Southern) Ltd and later still, their Life
amalgamation with ODRTS, but the offer
• Mobile service - we come to you!
was turned down. Pye then decided to close
We operated under great difficulties
RODA down and removed our equipment.
because some of the members refused to
Call Mick Wheeler
pay their weekly subscriptions. These
…And the End
amounted to 15 shillings per week (75p). We
RODA attempted to continue and
on 020 8715 0079
had rented a small one-room office at 9
approached Hudson Electronics of Brixton
Torrington Place, where the drivers paid
Water Lane to provide us with the necessary
Covering London and the Home Counties
their subs and where we held our meetings.
equipment with which we could carry on.
Call Sign August 2012
Page 19
I would like to thank the meter companies
choosing to stop must only do so on an official
who have provided us with the test meters
rank of their choice. For a driver to stop on a
and we do not at this late stage in develop-
rank correctly he/she must have their meter in
ment envisage adding to the above list.
the For Hire mode and be available for hire at
all times as stipulated by Canary Wharf
Booking in
Management (CWM). Throughout the night
As you know, apart from early morning (7am
time period (9pm to 6am, each day including
until 10am) trips with an As Directed destina-
weekends) you must at all times be in the E14
tion can be local, wait and return, genuine as
postal zone before booking in to E14. Please
directed or apply to an airport trip. Please also
be aware that it is constantly monitored
remember that all ranks in the City, when in
operation, are physical and that you must be
on them before booking in to obtain a queue
By the time you read this article, the Olympic
Games will be well and truly underway. I hope
Over the past few weeks, I have received
the traffic congestion is not as bad as some of
Hello ladies & gents,
a small number of grumbles from some
us fear and that the workload during what is
members complaining of wrongful book-
generally the quietest month of the year is
Following on from my last article, I would like
ing-in at Canary Wharf, so I’d like to just
financially rewarding for you all.
to confirm that after final testing there are
remind you of the relevant procedure rules
seven taximeters that are now fully compatible
The Mayor is constantly reminding us that a
for booking-in that are in place for us all to
with the new Dial-a-Cab driver terminal. They
million visitors a day are coming to the capital,
follow and adhere to.
are listed below in alphabetical order.
so it’s just a shame that our job will be made so
* Cygnus
much harder. After all, we are looked upon
Canary Wharf
* Digitax
worldwide as a London Icon!
When a driver books into E14C between the
* Hale
hours of 6am and 9pm (Monday to Friday),
Be very lucky and don’t get too stressed!
* Mattig
he/she must be inside the four security entry
* Sheriff Ultima
points. Once inside, a driver will be permitted
Allan Evans
* Taxsim (Lucastronic)
to drive around the Canary Wharf area, but if
* Viking
DaC Compliance Officer
Sticking sliding doors on the Vito?
Tony Sam-Yorke (W95) recently asked Call Sign if any other MB Vito owners
on Dial-a-Cab were having or had previously had a problem with the vehicle’s
sliding doors. If so, he would like to hear from them. Tony’s mobile number is at
the end of this piece. Tony told the mag about his problem...
“It’s the offside passenger door; it frequently sticks in the ‘closed’ position
making it difficult to open from the inside. It is an intermittent fault, which
means I have to get out of the cab and open the door from the outside and
when I do that it works perfectly every time, yet trying to open the door from
the inside is nigh on impossible.
“I’ve been to several MB dealerships and left the cab with them all day for
testing, but no one has as yet been able to resolve this potentially dangerous
issue. The door lock might release perhaps twice in every ten attempts to
open it from the inside - something which I find to be embarrassing, danger-
ous for the passengers - and even myself - and it really doesn’t promote the
professional image I imagined when purchasing a Mercedes vehicle. I really
am at my wits end!”
If there are any Vito owners or operators out there who are experi-
encing similar grief, or even better, if you managed to resolve the
issue, please give Tony a call on 07939 098255.
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
Keith Reading
Professional Toastmaster
Master of Ceremonies
Tele: 01279 465 938
Mobile: 07774 860 374
10% discount for DaC drivers and staff
Fellow of the Guild of
Professional Toastmasters
Call Sign August 2012
Page 20
Last month’s article fol-
In last month’s Call Sign, we posed a question.
lowed on from a shock
This month we ask it again...
report by Lancaster and
Royal Holloway Universities.
The results inferred that use
of a satnav while driving
can impair the user’s driving
An experiment using volunteers
showed drivers' performances being
affected when listening to satnav direc-
tions. When the volunteers were follow-
ing complicated satnav routes, they tend-
ed to drive faster with more steering vari-
ations as well as being less likely to
notice pedestrians who might step out.
Although the tests showed that following
one simple instruction had no significant
impact on their driving, as soon as they
had to remember a compound instruc-
tion consisting of two sequential direc-
tions - a fairly common occurrence on
satnavs - a difference in driving ability
became very noticeable.
Although Dial-a-Cab drivers will
soon have a satnav incorporated into
their new terminals, it will only be
needed occasionally thanks to our
Knowledge of London. But in common
with most other private hire compa-
nies, Addison Lee drivers rely almost
entirely on satnavs. So again we must
ask how safe they are when it comes to
transporting passengers, because the
picture of an Addy Lee car from Twitter
doing a three point turn in Blackwall
Tunnel should send shivers through
any of their prospective passengers.
As we said at the beginning, it isn’t just
the Addy crew who are affected by satnavs.
The photo in this article taken by Steve
Sloane (C86) shows what can happen
when a PH vehicle turns sharp left from
Duke Street Hill into the part of Tooley
Street where the London Bridge Hospital
Watching his Satnav while turning left into Tooley St!
is. Watching his satnav stopped the driver
noticing that
concrete post
sticking up! All
we can say is
that passengers
will occasional-
ly save money
using private
hire, but they
stand to lose
much more if
these two...
Call Sign
In case anyone had doubts about which company this
Addy Lee does a U-turn in Blackwall Tunnel
lunatic drives for!
after losing Satnav Signal
Call Sign August 2012
Page 21
Rob Budden (ex-T87) had to leave Dial-a-
DVLA say Rob is fit to drive a minivan full of kids, but LTPH say...
Cab after being forced to hand in his taxi dri-
ver’s licence when suffering with a rapid heart-
beat whilst on holiday in New Zealand. He was
diagnosed as suffering from cardiac arrhyth-
to his licence. That allows him to drive, among
mia and eventually underwent a procedure to
other things, a minibus filled with passengers -
have an implantable cardioverter-defibrilla-
be they adults or children!
tor - known as an ICD - fitted.
So he went back to TfL who then told Rob
This is a small battery-powered electrical
that each case was treated on its merits and that
impulse generator that detects abnormal heart-
they would look at his case and get back to
beats and corrects them by automatically deliv-
him. That was some time ago and at the time of
ering a jolt of electricity. The actual procedure
publication, Rob had just heard that TfL had
is similar to that of fitting a heart pacemaker -
refused to re-licence him and told him that in
although some pacemakers are fitted on a tem-
any case it had expired and it was now too late.
porary basis, whereas an ICD is generally per-
Call Sign had written to TfL on two occasions
manent. It is fitted just below skin level and
to ask about Rob’s case, but we got no
considered by most in the medical world to be
a very successful device that reverts any abnor-
He can drive a minibus filled with kids
Before his ICD, Rob only drove on a part-
mal beating back to normality.
but not drive his taxi
time basis and that was all he wanted to go
Rob told Call Sign that at the time of his
back to as it would have been enough to sup-
rapid heartbeat, he suddenly felt woozy as
So well, in fact, that Rob now visits the gym
plement his pension. Both he and we can’t
though he had overdone it with a bottle of
three times each week!
understand why, with both DVLA and St Barts
plonk! He also had a dull ache in a tricep, but
After St Barts hospital told him that in their
saying they have no problems anymore regard-
there was no heart attack.
view he was fit to drive a taxi again, Rob
ing his safe driving, TfL refuse to return his
He was told by London Taxis and Private
applied to LTPH. They told him that the DVLA
Hire that he had to hand his licence in - which
would not allow him to get his licence back, so
he did. In the meantime, he underwent an ICD
he asked Swansea why that was? They sur-
Dennis Latchett
procedure and ever since then has had no fur-
prised Rob by saying the opposite and that
ther problems and told us that he felt very well.
there was no reason why he couldn’t go back
Call Sign Online
Mayor Boris to US and Aussie athletes whose drivers got lost on their way to the Olympic village
On Monday 16 July, with Olympic athletes
during a deployment to Afghanistan - drops
from around the world heading to London
the flame into the Olympic tower, everyone
for this city’s first Olympic Games in 64
who needed to be there will definitely have
years, Heathrow airport handled an amaz-
arrived. If they’re not, then Call Sign’s texters
ing 236,955 passengers to make it the
and tweeters will keep a sharp look out!
busiest day in the airport’s history and
The Mayor added that London and the UK’s
more than double the number that an
transport network was ready to welcome the
average ‘flyers’ day would normally have to
world during a visit to the London 2012
cope with.
Transport Coordination Centre (TCC).
All went well until Call Sign’s phone
started bleeping with text after text regard-
ing two coaches of US and Australian ath-
letes who had apparently got lost in an
attempt to negotiate their way to the
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
Olympic village in downtown Stratford.
By the time the third message came in,
Ever needed money quickly but were anxious about
the two coaches had been going in circles
variable bank interest rates?
for over three hours until Barry Spear’s
(Y16) text upped the ante and raised the
Well wonder no more! If you are a subscriber, journeyman or
time to four hours of wondering through
member of staff at Dial-a-Cab, then you qualify to join the
the London desert. Then Alex
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union. Any member of your family residing
Constantinou (N05) topped them all by
at your address also qualifies for membership!
telling Call Sign that the athletes had gone
missing seven hours after getting into the
Then if you are over 18, have been a member of the Credit Union for
coaches and that police had been called!
over 3 months and have established regular savings, you can borrow
It seems that the four hour texts were
up to 3 times your total savings…
pretty much on the ball, which left Mayor
Boris Johnson telling Call Sign: “There
The cost?
have been an awful lot of the world’s top
Just 1% per month on the outstanding balance (or APR of 12.7%).
athletes arriving at Heathrow and if just a
Loans can be paid back early AND there can be an annual dividend on your shares.
few got lost, then that’s not too bad and it
The question is: Can you afford NOT to be in it…?
will have given them more of an opportu-
Call us on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
nity to see even more of the city than they
might otherwise have done. Everyone
Members of the Financial Ombudsman Service
should chill out!”
Member’s funds protected up to limit set by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
We have been assured that when Royal
DaC Credit Union Ltd, Peterley Business Centre, 472 Hackney Rd E2 9EQ
Marine Martyn Williams - who was
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
severely wounded in a road mine attack
Registration number 213263
Call Sign August 2012
Page 22
Keith Reading (W76) joined Dial-a-Cab in
1996 although he had been driving since 1979.
Then around six years ago his life changed
DaC toastmaster does
when he was about to get a toastmaster to offi-
ciate at his son’s wedding, but he wanted his
dad to do it! He enjoyed the experience so
first gay wedding
much that he decided to become a toastmas-
He completed the Guild of Professional
Followed by a mystery event at the Iraqi Embassy!
Toastmasters comprehensive training at its
academy, passed two written exams and satis-
fied observers whilst carrying out his duties at
numerous functions. He was then recom-
mended to the Guild for membership. As a
result he was invested as a Fellow of the pres-
tigious Guild of Toastmasters. Now Keith is
always in demand, but still offers DaC drivers
and staff a 10% discount if they use his ser-
He has officiated at many different types
of functions, but recently carried out his
first gay wedding and told Call Sign about it
- with the full permission of the happy
A Toastmaster is asked
attend many different types
functions, which can be
diverse as attending a day-lon
Asian wedding, corporate di
ner and dance, retirement part
and of course wedding recep
tions. Within the scope of
eith with happy couple Brian and Steve
wedding reception, a civil cere
set pic: Keith outside Iraqi embassy
mony is also the norm.
Many hotels and other such
astmaster, I welcomed the guests
announced Singhs, Patels and Mucherghees
venues are licensed to hold
the occasion, introduced the head
etc, but announcing the Ali al Kabarhi and
weddings and generally the happy couple will
waiter and handed over to him.
Abdul Ahmed Al Mansouris of this world was a
continue their celebrations and wedding
There were a few subtle differences when
completely different kettle of fish! There were
breakfast within the same venue. With this in
the speeches were made, obviously there
also a fair share of His Royal Highness the
mind, I was not surprised to be asked to offici-
being no father of the bride speech. Instead
Prince of this and the Rt.Hon Lord of that etc.
ate at a civil partnership ceremony and recep-
Brian and Steve made a joint speech of wel-
I even had an Archbishop and Baroness. I’d
tion at The Pendley Manor Hotel in
come and thanks. They presented gifts to their
never heard of any of them, but hey, I’m only a
two female supporters - best girls instead of
poor old taxi driver!
I met Brian and Steve a few weeks prior to
men. I then called on the best girls to propose
I then invited the guests outside so they
their special day and we had a chat about their
the toast to the happy couple and we conclud-
could witness the embassy’s name plaque
reception, their hopes and aspirations on how
ed that section with the cake cutting ceremony.
being unveiled and the ribbon cut. I then
the day was to go. As it was two guys getting
Before the dancing began, the best girls
requested the guests make their way to the
“married,” there were a few subtle changes to
unleashed a surprise 20-minute PowerPoint
first floor reception room for the opening
be made, but otherwise we decide to keep
slide show that saw the boys in their youth,
and ceremonial speeches.
close to standard procedures.
misspent youth and early adulthood right up
By now I’d given up trying to complete the
On the day, I was there bright and early to
to the present time. I have to say it was very
preparation of my preambles, so all the years
check arrangements with the banqueting man-
funny. This led nicely into their first dance, not
of giving the old flannel as a cab driver and the
ager and also to allow myself plenty of time to
a full blown waltz but more like a couple of
formal training I’d had as a Toastmaster came
dads dancing. Then everyone joined in for
in very handy! I had to stand in front of 200
Guests began arriving and various introduc-
party time and the conclusion of my duties...
guests and I don’t know how many photogra-
tions made. Once the registrars arrived, I sum-
Off to the Iraqi Embassy - but for what?
phers and completely wing it!
moned the happy couple into the ceremony
Just a few weeks later, I was scheduled to
Speeches done, I invited the guests to return
room to complete the pre-partnership formal-
attend a function at the Iraqi Embassy in
to the ground floor dining room where a
ities. The ceremony progressed much the
Queensgate, but due to security I was told that
splendid buffet luncheon was served, after
same as you would expect, but instead of the
there would be a briefing on the day. I wasn’t
which the guests gradually departed. I was
vows, declarations and promises were made.
even allowed to see the guest list! So there I
invited to lunch and was served a plate with
Readings from friends were made and we were
was in the Embassy at 10.45 on the morning
copious quantities of rice, kebabs, various
even entertained by three young ladies who
and still completely blind. Once dressed, I was
meats and other delicacies of which I did not
sang a favourite song to the happy couple.
given a ten minute briefing of the running
have a clue what I was eating. Notwithstanding
Much to my surprise, one of the guys stood up
order and managed to grab another ten min-
that, it was absolutely delicious.
and joined in, singing to his partner! As luck
utes to prepare my preambles to the guest
Two very different events, but both very
would have it, they all had good voices and
speakers who turned out to be the Embassy
enjoyable. So with the job done, it was back
indeed it was very enjoyable.
Charge d’affaires, the Iraqi Foreign Minister
to the cab and few more hours behind the
After signing the register they preceded into
and our own Alistair Burt MP, Undersecretary
wheel - mainly because if I go home too
the gardens for a pre-breakfast drinks recep-
of State for the Middle East and North Africa.
early, the misses will only send me out
tion and of course the obligatory photographs
Before I could complete my preparations, I
after which I invited guests to take their places
was asked to take my place within the entrance
Keith Reading’s ad is in every issue of Call
in the dining room and formally announced
to announce the guests as they arrived. I’ve
Sign including his 10% off offer to DaC drivers
the entrance of the happy couple. As
attended many Asian weddings and
and staff.
Call Sign August 2012
Page 23
I read with interest Peter Begley’s article
DaC driver Peter Begley laid into the Peugeot E7 taxi in the July
regarding the Peugeot E7 taxi, which is pop-
issue, now Cab Direct Marketing Manager Donald Gow has asked
ular across 97% of the UK but not yet licensed
in London. As the supplier of this particular
for the right to reply...
vehicle, it may not surprise you that we dis-
agree with some of Peter’s first impressions.
That said, everyone is entitled to their
opinion and clearly Peter is very good at
expressing his. Whatever your point of view,
his piece is witty and amusing and it was nice
for a change to be at work reading something
that made me smile. So why not leave it at
Well, precisely in fact because everyone is
entitled to their point of view - except in
London that is. If Peter doesn’t fancy an E7,
he doesn’t have to buy one. Yet already more
than 1,000 London cabbies - yes, active,
working London taxi drivers - have come for-
ward to say they would consider buying an
Now whatever your own views, who is
Peter at Call Sign or for that matter John at
TfL to tell other drivers (and fleet owners)
what to do with their hard earned dough? As
London’s largest trade organisation has con-
sistently argued: “If the driver who does the job
doesn’t think it can do the job, he won’t buy it;
if he does, then that should be his decision.”
So yes, the right to come to your own opin-
ion and make your own choice is the bottom
line. And don’t be fooled into thinking this
only matters to the growing swell of people
who already would like to buy an E7.
Competition is what drives quality up and
of having to compete with it?
Now that makes sense how?
prices down - and lord knows, the London
7. Numerous other major cities once had the
cab market needs competition.
Finally, seven E7 facts to leave you with:
‘turning circle’ rule. In each case, LTI / LTC said if
Actually, I sense that Peter’s point of view
1. In markets where cab drivers have the
this was changed, there would be accidents and
may not be so different from mine here after
(that’s virtually everywhere except
cab drivers would not be able to work as normal.
all (though greatly more amusing is conced-
London), more choose the E7 than the TX4.
Nowhere has this proved to be true. It’s scare-
ed). If there were one or at best two bakers in
You’d think they have good reason for mak-
mongering, plain and simple, designed to pro-
the capital, my guess is bread would be less
ing that choice about their investment.
tect LTC’s key market - and it’s costing London
tasty and cost a heck of a lot more than it
2. The E7 auto is in fact available at
cab drivers millions of pounds every year.
already does. The London cabbie, however,
£27,495 on the road, compared with £33,995
has suffered just that for the last half century
for a TX4 and an auto E7 uses 22% less fuel
Perhaps you’d prefer to stay with the ‘icon’
and more. I’ve spoken to literally hundreds
in urban driving than a TX4.
- or maybe you like the prospect of an alter-
of London drivers over recent weeks and am
3. The E7 base vehicle, including body,
native that’s more modern, thousands of
yet to find anyone that reveres London Taxis
engine and gearbox, was designed and tested
pounds less expensive and saves you a small
China (LTC) as a shining example of manu-
as part of a dedicated,
600 million Euro
fortune on fuel. Either way, the nub of the
facturing and service excellence.
development programme. The TX4 marries
matter is that everyone will be better off if
Doubtless neither Cab Direct nor Peugeot
bodies from China with engines from Italy
we respect drivers’ right to choice, embrace
are perfect either, but at least free and open
and bits and bobs from elsewhere (someone
competition and let the market decide.
competition makes us survive on our own two
Donald Pow
might consider the offset foot peddles quaint,
feet, constantly striving to innovate with our
Marketing Manager, Cab Direct
but I’ve yet to find them!).
vehicles and keep prices affordable. More
PS To Peter - you’re more than welcome
4. E7 servicing is £100 - £150 at 12,000 mile
meaningful competition is the only thing that
to drive our vehicle anytime; like reading
service intervals (bit more for a major service).
will really make LTC do the same. By meaning-
Call Sign, the more people do it, the more
We can offer up-front service packages for
ful competition, I don’t mean rear-wheel Vitos.
they like it!
London drivers if that’s what the market
For years London groaned at the over-priced
TX; then, when a turning circle-adapted alter-
For a great deal in taxi tyres
5. With or without the E7, there is no sug-
native finally arrived, you got - a £42,000 vehi-
gestion of abandoning the Conditions of
Fitness. All of the key provisions relating to con-
Now the Vito is a nice base vehicle (we
struction and safety will remain. Only one par-
offer one too - price from £35,595). Most dri-
ticular feature - created at the beginning of the
vers, however, prefer the E7, both for func-
last century for the earliest motorised cabs - is
tionality and price (from £25,495 manual and
in question. After all, rank handles are a thing
£27,495 auto). That, I think you will find, is
of the past but power-steering is here to stay!
something that will make LTC sit up and
6. Of 180 Vito drivers asked in a survey, no-
think. Why else would they follow us around
one uses the rear-wheel steer device fre-
the UK, begging local Councillors not to tryst
quently. If you could grant them one wish, it
with the evil E7 - just in case a local working
cab driver should happen to decide that’s
would be to have Mercedes’ axle put back the
way it was originally intended to be. So we
Tiger Tyres
actually how he’d like to spend his money?
Does anything tell you that if the E7 was as
have hundreds of cabbies driving around
472 Hackney Road, E2
bad as LTC employ people to say it is, they
London with thousands of pounds worth of
0207 729 5237
wouldn’t be half as scared as they clearly are
steering device they neither want not need.
Call Sign August 2012
Page 24
Former fireman Richard Potter and life behind the
List of priorities?
If you asked your next 25 passengers what the
biggest annoyance about their taxi experience
was, I bet all 25 would say it was the traffic. If
you asked the next 25 taxi drivers you met what
was the biggest annoyance about their job at the
is really a business disguised as a public service.
moment, I bet they’d say the same!
Network Rail runs a national train service with
So the punters aren’t happy about the traffic
a large number of franchises as a business.
and nor are we! And what’s being done about
Would it not be better for us if LTPH was
it? Well from what I see, very little and I am far
split in two, separating us from PH and
from being a defeatist. But even I am beginning
taken over by a private company that would
to think that TfL simply don’t care. If you want
fight our corner and make us a priority
any evidence of how we have become so unim-
again, whilst answering to TfL in regard to
portant to TfL, take a look at London Bridge
complaints, lack of service etc. The compa-
station rank and how we have been shunted to
ny taking over LTPH would be entitled to
one side with the queue for ranking halved.
charge an annual licensing fee from each
And never mind about the passengers who
driver / garage or anyone else who makes a
now have to cross three lanes of moving buses
profit from the taxi trade and these funds
just to get to the rank, then take 15 minutes
would be recycled back to the trade to pay
just to get out of London Bridge Street! Yet 20
for admin and advertising etc. An authority
years ago we were given priority and the best
embrace and share the public’s enthusiasm? I
such as LTPH is good at compliance but
places to ply for hire, ranks were high profile
told her that if she had a couple of days free, I
what the trade lacks is direction. LTPH`s
and we were looked upon as being an impor-
might just be able to give her an answer!
neutrality is holding us back and we are los-
tant part of the transport network in London.
ing ground on big business.
Recently Unite called for a bus strike in
When is a business not
After all, LTPH do outsource much of their
support of bus workers getting an Olympic
services these days, so would things change
bonus. All the London radio stations reas-
a business?
very much? All I know is that we are losing an
sured the travelling public via their broad-
If using a bit of commonsense could be turned
enormous amount of work from punters who
casts that there was - albeit limited - a bus
into hard cash, Transport for London would
want a taxi but who won’t pay to sit in end-
service, the underground was running well
have gone broke by now! But it beggars the
less queues of traffic. And who can really
along with DLR and the riverboat services.
question: When does a licensing authority like
blame them.
And Boris bikes were for hire if you needed
LTPH become so small that the taxi trade in
one. No mention of taxis!
London would be better served by turning it
Richard Potter (T51)
Personally, I think TfL use us as a fall-back
into a business? TfL run London buses, which
so when all else fails, the taxi trade will get
people home. A good example of this was at
the time of the 7/7 bombings in 2005 when
Are electronic printers needed?
LU totally shut down and the streets were all
clear by 7pm.
But on a day-to-day basis, the wheels have
Call Sign has been told unofficially that LTPH are querying
really come off. The recently refurbished
whether taxis actually need to have a mandatory receipt printer
Canon Street station looks great, but what hap-
pened to the rank in Dowgate Hill? Are we
becoming just an after-thought? Well one thing
Drivers say they rarely use them and that there are a myriad of receipt pads available -
that came out of the bus strike was that we
including, of course, Dial-a-Cab’s own pads - even though we have built-in printers fit-
learned there are 22 bus companies involved
ted to the terminal.
with London Buses. That’s 22 bus company
LTPH are now said to have sought legal advice after writing to meter suppliers, propri-
owners all trying to get their buses on the most
etors and printer manufacturers informing them that they are looking to make the printers
lucrative routes with their bus stops closest to
non-compulsory. There is also the possibility of a legal challenge from the manufacturers.
the exit from the stations. Ring a bell with
The result matters little to DaC drivers but could be of importance to non-radio drivers...
London Bridge? I can hear it now: “Don’t worry
about the taxi drivers, just stick them in the cor-
Jamie Corum
ner; they’ve had their day.” So along with John
Call Sign Online
Griffin donating £250k to Boris, what chance
do we have?
TfL’s “enthusiasm” for
One morning recently, I was travelling over
Now even better!
London Bridge southbound towards London
Helps cut the cost of diesel - and reduce Emissions!
Bridge Station and was hailed by a business
lady on the corner of Duke Street Hill. She was are pleased to supply
complaining about the rank in general. She
Dial-a-Cab drivers with the amazing Alpha Pill
had walked down to the road because the exit
was so full with taxis and the waiting time
Order Today to take advantage of the special
unacceptable.. She went on to ask me why TfL
Dial-A-Cab August price of £14.95
had allowed this to happen as she thought we
still had an important part to play in surface
Go to
transport? She explained that she worked for a
market research company who had been can-
Or telephone your order to:
vassing people coming to London for the
Stephen Vale at Only Cabs 020 3239 6101
Olympics and on their list of priorities was to
take a ride in a London Taxi. So why didn’t TfL
Call Sign August 2012
Page 25
At a Champagne reception held
at Dial-a-Cab’s fourth floor
Boardroom on Friday 6 July, the
DaC long
latest staff inductees to DaC’s
long service register came along
to collect their certificates and
partake in some refreshment -
service awards
both liquid and solid!
These awards are held twice yearly and it
is a strange but true fact that the Society
tends to keep staff for a much longer peri-
od than most organisations of this nature.
If you ask many DaC employees why that
is, they’ll tell you that whilst they may have
the odd moan, generally speaking DaC is a
very good employer...
Forty years
The longest serving member was dispatch-
er and driver, Ivor Belkin (C97), whose
certificate read 40 years with a start date of
November 1971. There are no prizes for
unofficially dispatching, but Call Sign’s
files show Ivor first putting the head-
phones on in September 1961! However,
in those early days when voice dispatchers
were thin on the ground, Ivor was often
asked when out driving his cab if he could
cover as an emergency dispatcher. He
rarely said no and before being officially
employed by DaC, he had already been
coming in for 10 years!
Ivor also holds a place in DaC’s histo-
ry when on Saturday 29 April 1989, Ivor
(together with the late Lou Gitlin) was
dispatching on the day DaC went over
to data dispatch.
Sadly, due to an illness that he has since
recovered from, Ivor was unable to per-
sonally collect his certificate.
Fifteen years
There were four staff members celebrating
15 years with DaC. Pam Campbell joined
on 1 September 1997 and so in a few
weeks will have achieved 15 years’ contin-
uous service. Pam had been a Trainee
Account Manager but is now a fully-
fledged Account Manager with DaC’s
ground floor Administration department.
Also on fifteen years was David Seal,
who joined DaC in June
1997 as a
Customer Services Representative in what
was then called the Control Room. It later
became the Call Centre and is now the
Contact Centre! David was at the presenta-
tion to collect his certificate although he
has been very seriously ill. Happily David is
much better now and Call Sign hopes to
be able to tell the story of his battle against
Dana has been in Call Sign several times
Ten years
illness in our next issue.
over the years giving updates as to the plight
There were two DaC staff members celebrat-
Bernadene Barthley couldn’t attend to
of his friends and family at the hands of the
ing 10 years. Antoinette Gardner began her
collect her fifteen year certificate. She first
Sri Lankan government after many years of
time here on 8 October 2001 arriving as an
stepped into Brunswick House in June
bitter fighting for a Tamil homeland. At one
Accounts Manager and that is a position she
1997 as a Call Taker and is now a
point, both his mother and grandmother had
still holds within the Society’s Administration
Customer Services Representative on the
been posted as missing - often leading to bad
evening shift.
news at that time. Then in our August 2009
Last, but certainly not least, is the person
Last of the fifteen year inductees was Les
issue, a jubilant Dana told us they had been
most drivers will be familiar with - Depot
found in a government internment camp
Hazelden who also arrived in June 1997.
Manager at DaC’s Roman Way fitting bay,
after he had lost contact for many months. An
Like David, Les has been an evening shift
Dana Thananjeyan. Dana started on 17
emotional Dana told us at the time: “Some
Customer Services Representative in the
September 2001 as Assistant Manager at our
might describe the conditions there as a form
Contact Centre for the whole period he
terminal fitting and software testing depot,
of concentration camp, but they are safe and
has been here. Les was also unable to
but is now in charge there.
that, for the time being, is paramount.”
Call Sign August 2012
Page 26
Electric taxi soon???
Two of the Metrocab E prototypes captured by Stan James (courtesy of TAXI)
When the Metrocab TTT finally
take eight hours, but the new vehicle is said to
said to drive just like a normal cab, but unlike
also take commercial charging when you can
the traditional engine is powered by a hydro-
bowed out of existence, many
find the point, and this would be a while-you-
gen fuel cell system that only emits water
Dial-a-Cab drivers felt sad claim-
wait job of around 40 minutes. However, also
vapour. The claim is that the taxi is capable of
ing it had been an excellent vehi-
built into the REEV is a petrol generator which
80mph with a 250-mile range. This cab is the
will not only drive the motors, but also
result of a partnership between Intelligent
cle to drive. The vehicle died on 3
recharge the battery at the end of its working
Energy, LTI, TRW Conekt and Lotus
March 2006 when bailiffs walked
into Metrocab’s premises in
The Metrocab E is said to use two 35KW elec-
So it looks as though the biggest choice for
tric motors to power the front wheels, which in
drivers in the forthcoming years will be
Tamworth and took anything of
turn will produce
220NM of torque.
whether to go for electric or hydrogen.
value on behalf of the landlord.
Supporting as a range extending generator will
However, neither version are said to be ready
It was April 2004 amidst a fanfare that the
be a 400cc petrol powered Wankel rotary
yet and in all probability, two years seems a
new Metrocab company handed over their first
engine producing 50hp. The batteries will be
strong likelihood - and of course the Vito elec-
TTT since reforming, following Metrocab’s pre-
lithium polymer.
tric cab will be waiting!
vious administration in 2002 with the loss of
The new taxi, which has been developed by
Go to /wwwhttp://www.amsterdaminc.
100 jobs. The restructured company told Call
Frazer Nash and Lotus Cars, is said to be in line
tv/2009/04/01/tca-gaat-groen/ to see the TCA
Sign at the time that they were looking to build
with the Euro 5 TX4 so far as price is con-
electric cab...
five taxis a week as against the 100 vehicles a
cerned and already compliant with the London
month they had built at their peak, but even
Conditions of Fitness with tight front wheel
Alan Fisher
that number never materialised.
DaC driver and avowed Metrocab user,
The cab is still in its prototype stage, but
Keith White (A16), told Call Sign at the time
six of those are said to be virtually ready for
that he was very disappointed to hear the news
licensing by TfL and if successful will take
and said that in his view, the TTT was the best
to London’s streets under real life working
taxi ever produced for the London market and
conditions. If successful, the new Metrocab
that he would just have to keep his taxi for
E will undoubtedly be unaffected by any 15
year rule.
Now, in 2012, Keith still has that cab.
Back to Keith White who is also the proud
Circumstances have changed and forever now
owner of the first Metrocab prototype, Call
means 15 years - giving him another 4 years to
Sign asked him whether he fancied buying one
go. But when Call Sign told Keith that a new
of the electric prototypes when and if the new
electric taxi under the Metrocab banner had
E model takes off?
been spotted going out on test, he sounded
Keith just shrugged his shoulders and said
very interested and looked forward to hearing
that he liked the shape but thought it might be
a tad more expensive than his original Metro!
The electric taxi was spotted by photog-
In Call Sign’s May 2009 issue, we ran an arti-
rapher Stan James on behalf of TAXI
cle under the heading New Electric Taxi is a
Newspaper, who were the first to hear that
Metrocab! In it we revealed that an electric cab
the long-touted vehicle was actually under-
had been unveiled in Amsterdam by Dutch taxi
going trials and Call Sign thanks LTDA
organisation TCA. The only difference between
General Secretary Steve McNamara, who
this one and the TCA model appears to be that
kindly gave us access to the photos.
the back-up motor was touted as being diesel,
The new Metrocab E is officially known as a
whilst the Metrocab E is a far more sensible
Range Extended Electric Vehicle (REEV) and
petrol. However, the cabs bear a remarkable
said to have a range of between 70 and 100
miles before the battery, which powers the
Also touted to be at a similar stage is the
vehicles electric motors, needs recharging.
London Taxi Company’s TX4H, a new emis-
Plugged into a home electric socket it would
sions-free version of the TX4. This vehicle is
Call Sign August 2012
Page 27
Addison Lee lose Judicial Review
Addison Lee has failed in its Judicial Review
in deciding how to manage the bus lanes to
against TfL to gain access to London's bus
mitigate congestion and that it had acted rea-
lanes. The court ordered John Griffin’s mini-
sonably in discriminating against minicabs.
cab firm to meet TfL's costs in defending the
In April, John Griffin ordered his drivers to
claim. Addy Lee had sought the judicial review
defy the law that banned them from using the
of the policy that allows licensed taxis, but not
bus lanes saying that he would pay the fines.
minicabs, to use London's bus lanes.
According to BikeBiz, the thought of minicabs
Mr Justice Burton described the reasoning
using bus and taxi lanes horrifies London's
behind TfL's policy as
“obvious and com-
attempt to mount a challenge to a London traf-
cyclists and they were delighted with the ver-
pelling.” He said:
fic regulation by turning it into a Euro-point.”
“There is to my mind a clear distinction
John Griffin said after the Review was
Dial-a-Cab Chairman Brian Rice told Call
between the need of black cabs (and their pas-
thrown out: “We are extremely disappointed
Sign that he was delighted by the result and
sengers and the public) for them to be in the
with the judgement. The current bus lane leg-
felt that putting any prejudices aside, it was
bus lanes by way of visibility and availability,
islation is anti-competitive and unfairly dis-
the only logical verdict.
and access to black cabs for those hailing a
criminates against millions of Londoners who
cruising taxi. I consider it makes entire good
use private hire vehicles every day. There is no
sense for black cabs to be travelling in bus
reason for black taxis to have a monopoly on
Views on life as seen through the
lanes. Minicabs just do not have the need to
bus lanes. We should either all be in or all be
eyes of David Kupler (Y74) at...
use the bus lane and black cabs do.”
out. We still believe that the current legislation
The Judge added that he was “wholly unper-
is a breach of the EU and UK law. You can't dis-
suaded” by Addison Lee's claim that TfL's bus
criminate between two types of taxis and we
lane policy affected the freedom of EU nation-
will continue to fight this injustice.”
als to establish themselves as minicab drivers
TfL argued that the regulations did not
and concluded that “...this has simply been the
engage EU law, that TfL had a broad discretion
With Tom Quigley (Y33)
The key to stress...
It is often stated that the key to a longer and healthier life is to
be stress-free. I try to the live this philosophy, but generally the
cause of stress is the Key itself.
Like most of us, keys have become a cause of instant stress.
Simple tasks such leaving the house brings apprehension; feel-
ing in pockets, searching the house for the key I had in my
hand all the time! There are keys for everything - front door,
Olympics and taxis
back door, car, taxi, wife’s car, garage or the bike lock - and
The first athlete arrivals made confusion
there are the keys we hold to our mums, the mother-in-law,
sisters, brothers and neighbours. Then there are the keys I
some games lanes activated and alive.
have to my allotment, the football club and even the keys to
TfL has no solution,
doors and locks I no longer have - but of which I’m too
as to how the cab trade will survive.
stressed to throw away!
Each and every one of them brings on a frantic search, with circa around £5 for
They've banned us from so many highways
a simple key, to telephone numbers for a specially cut one. Losing them just brings on more stress.
they've banned us from the bus lanes.
We have numeric keys to access our bank accounts, ATMs and credit cards, getting one of
No set down where the athletes will play,
these wrong can bring a whole avalanche of stress with access denied and ending up with new
or for those who visit the Games.
cards where we have to key in a new number to use the new cards. We even log on to our Dial-
a-Cab terminals at the start of our shift.
The task of working on a motor will generally come to a halt with cries of expletive anger when
No provision for handicapped punters
you don’t have the specialist star key spanner; in just putting together a piece of Swedish furni-
to get close to their chosen event.
ture, we are met with the dreaded Allen key (the one supplied snapping or burring at the edges).
Moved on by uniformed shunters,
That results in more stress with shouting and swearing as we search the garage (when we find
paid with money misspent.
that key) toolboxes and shelves for the right size Allen key.
Who invented the Allen key? Was there a kid in School called Allen Key who had some perverse
No thought for Taxi commuters
weird obsession of drawing up and designing a key in a sort of Masonic shape? Whoever he /she
nothing to do with these Games.
was they definitely added to my stress levels.
And the unavoidable ‘fare disputers’,
Even in writing this article, I don’t know how many keypads I used - but I at least felt unusually
with less than half a brain.
relaxed getting this stress of my chest!
Good service
No concern for a drop in our wages
A recent question was sent out on our Dial-a-Cab terminals asking what sort of service does
our frustration, our problems, our stress.
George the Electrician give.
No worry it will take for ages,
Regular Saturday drivers will often get a message about George being at the Warwick Avenue rank.
for London to pay for the mess!
George is now my first choice for all things electrical; over recent years he has sorted and fixed
problems with my meter fusing, speedo cable, alternator renewal and recently even made a call-
I fear for our future and prospects
out to my home to sort out an immobiliser! He goes about his work in a calm and friendly man-
for I care for the state of our trade.
ner, only using quality parts and his rates are reasonable. Based in Winchmore Hill and mobile, you
I have contempt for those who neglect...
can give him a call on 07950 750 882.
You won’t be disappointed and on a good day he will be supported by fellow DaC driver Reno,
and deny the mistakes they have made!
whose recycled jokes would give Frank Carson RIP a run for his money!
Kopyrlght Kupkake 2012
Call Sign August 2012
Page 28
And should we licence cyclists?
So here’s the thing; some time ago I was dri-
other seen a pedestrian knocked over by
ving along Brixton Road at 2am. It was fairly
some uncaring cyclist, especially when the
quiet, not much in the way of traffic or peo-
two-wheelers often take no regard at pedes-
ple around when suddenly in the distance I
trians crossings or at traffic lights.
noticed a guy dragging what I thought was a
One incident I saw was a young mother
sack across the road.
who was pushing her baby in a pushchair
As I got closer, I could see the sack was
across a pedestrian crossing, when a crazy
actually a woman and this fella was pulling
cyclist who was talking on his mobile, drove
her by her hair. She was screaming and shout-
straight into the pushchair. The mother fell to
ing out a few choice obscenities and to me it
the ground and the pushchair freewheeled
looked quite serious.
along the road. I managed to get out of the
As licensed London taxi drivers, we have
cab and stopped the pushchair. A passer-by
did chase the cyclist - who was trying to flee
sometimes been known as Knights of the
Road, so I got out of my cab and tried to lend
the incident - and caught him. He got a bit of
a pasting from the passer- by, who turned out
assistance to the ‘lady’.
to be an off duty Community Police Officer.
“Unhand that woman,” I shouted or
Reading in the papers and seeing televi-
To protect other road users and pedestri-
maybe something else, but much to my sur-
sion news items about those individuals
ans, there is a need for the licencing of cycles
prise the woman kicked her assailant, knock-
who have been mugged or injured in one
and legislation enforcing all cyclists to obey
ing him to the ground and then turned to me
way or another and bystanders who
the law.
and in a voice probably heard in neighbour-
either walked on or didn’t have the
Should we mind our own business? I don’t
ing Streatham, told me to “pi** off and mind
knowledge or the capacity to help, does
think so...
your own business!.” They then both
give me cause for concern about what
walked off into the Brixton Road moonlight
kind of selfish society we have become.
Mike Son
hand in hand. I walked back to my cab feel-
I’m sure that most Dial-a-Cab - and indeed
ing such an idiot. But was I?
non-radio - drivers have at some time or
DaC Special Projects
You spend years on the Knowledge to become a London taxi driver. So is it...
A Job for Life???
“Yes, I think it’s a pretty good job by and large,” Barry Mehrtens (Y81) told Call Sign referring to taxi-driving as
a regular form of employment. “There are few career opportunities nowadays that offer the prospect of a ‘job for
life’, the ability to get an income and the flexibility to choose your own hours. I have been able to see my children
grow up and if I wanted to attend their school events or whatever, I could do so and work around that particular
activity as the need dictated.
“Mind you, in 1977 when I started on Dial-a-Cab in the days of Peter Fennymore’s chairmanship, the pound
in your pocket went a lot further than it does today and it was busier work-wise than it is now. Yet however tough
it is, especially in this present economic climate, if you keep your head down, your nose clean and you pass the
regular medicals, there’s no fear of being laid-off, losing your job or have the spectre of being made redundant
hanging over you. And in these tough times, a job for life with the freedom to work as you please has got to be
something to be grateful for and I personally have never lost sight of that fact. I would hope that other drivers
feel the same way.”
Ending, Barry said: “I know it’s very hard when you have many commitments such as a mortgage, a young family to feed
and clothe and all the other things that can lead to the stresses we hear of, but I still think that given the nature of our job, being a licensed taxi driver in
London is something to treasure.”
With that, a broad smile spread across Barry’s face as he went out to look for his first fare of the day...
Former Dial-a-Cab driver, Bob Woodford, writes a regular column for Call Sign from his home in
Languedoc, France and his taxi somewhere in London…
The message on my
SatNavs, this place is in Sussex nestled
hop into their minicabs to work the graveyard
voicemail from a panic
between the North and South Downs.
shift. No problem with these guys staying alert
stricken Call Sign
Gearing up for the Olympics is next on the
- just keep popping the pills boys!
Editor suggested that I
agenda and by the time you read this, you will
Hoping you all have a lucrative Olympics
needed to get my arti-
have received your TfL Drivers Handbook! It
period despite the potential traffic melt-
cle over by Monday
should be a best seller after a 7-year 'work in
down - I firmly believe that the best pick-
morning if I wanted to
ings will be during those rate 2 and rate 3
be included - it was
Talking of the Olympics, while I was at the
periods - but hasn't it always been like
Sunday evening in a
tennis I heard that LOCOG will be marshalling
village on the edge of Ashdown Forest - a
all of the ranks - be they Stratford, Wembley,
By the way - check out the typo in the
pie, a pint and a brief flicker of a phone sig-
Wimbledon or Weymouth! I wonder how
Drivers Handbook! Rate 2 starts at 8am?
nal after 3 days of relative obscurity!
much their staff is being paid? I did hear that
Wouldn’t that be worth coming back from the
Therapy after the long hours at Wimbledon
the LTDA marshals at £25 an hour were far too
beach for!
fortnight was a cottage on a Farm in High
expensive! Best to get people who know what
A bientot…
Hurtswood - just 35 miles from Marble Arch
they are doing then! Some security firm are
- but this could have been the Scottish
providing Wimbledon tennis marshals by all
Bob Woodford (Ex-P49)
Borders for the scenery, peace and tranquillity
accounts! Nightclub bouncers? Why not? They
Saint Genies de Fontedit,
on offer! To save you rushing for your
can marshal the ranks during the daytime then
Languedoc, France
Call Sign August 2012
Page 29
Bryan Fuller (G38) almost had an encounter
from the other side! He told Call Sign, his
voice still trembling as he recalled the eerie
noise: “There was a screeching sound like the
scream from a ghost! The high pitched whine
rose and fell with the engine speed,” he con-
tinued, not quite sweating with fear but hardly
laughing either! “As I accelerated, the scream-
ing reached fever pitch, but when I slowed
down, the noise subsided!
“I’d heard a faint whine during the previous
evening shift, but it seemed to fade as the night
wore on. So I intended getting it all checked
out when time permitted, especially in view of
my upcoming overhaul. Then, the following
night, the noise returned with a vengeance and
that’s when I started investigating in earnest.
“I checked the problem out with colleagues
who seemed certain it was a slack drive/fan belt
that was slipping as the engine revved up.
Someone suggested a silicone spray sold by
Halfords and it really did the trick. The tin of
spray fluid is made by lubricant specialist ‘3
in1’ and has good reviews on the internet. I’m
John Connor helped Bryan with his ghostly scream!
told that WD40 lube is also effective for loose
drive/fan belts that can sound like a scalded cat
“I asked my service dealer to change the
provides power for the steering and braking
as you rev up the engine.”
worn belt rather than simply adjust the old
systems, which would become less responsive.
Beginning to calm down, Bryan said: “I’m
one, as a matter of course, because it’s obvi-
He also pointed out that other engine units
also really grateful to DaC evening dispatcher
ously better to be safe than sorry and break
could produce similarly noisy symptoms.
John Connor (Y11) from the Call Centre, who
down in the middle of the night somewhere,
“A seized water pump or alternator or worn
took the time to check I was ok and advised me
so John Connor’s advice rang true,” he con-
bearings in those units might also give out
not to ignore the problem, generally making
quite a shriek, so it is wise to have the problem
sure that I was safe and sorted. That was a real-
Call Sign then spoke to Sheldon Posner of
looked at by your regular service agent as soon
ly nice gesture which probably would not have
Cricklewood Carriers in NW2. He confirmed
as possible to avoid further damage.”.
happened at my previous circuit. I’ve been on
that a worn or loose drive belt would indeed
Cricklewood Carriers can be contacted
DaC nearly 7 years and it really is great like
squeal noisily adding that if the belt was to
on 020 8452 5461
break it could have serious consequences as it
Florence Nightingale anniversary
But the WRONG CBE!
This unusual sight (see pic) was spotted by one of Call Sign’s roving reporters
and is significant because Florence Nightingale, for all the many accolades s
was awarded during her lifetime, was never granted a CBE!
Florence was named after the Italian city of her birth on May 12 1820. She
developed an interest in nursing, a profession of which her wealthy parents dis
approved because they felt it was below her status. Eventually they relented an
she went to Germany to train as a nurse.
At the outbreak of the Crimea War in 1854, reports of the desperate lack o
medical facilities for wounded soldiers, many of whom were dying from infec-
tions rather than from war wounds, led then War Minister, Sidney Herbert, t
ask Florence to oversee the care of those wounded in the war.
With a team of 38 nurses, she arrived at Scutari (Turkey) in November 1854
and immediately set about improving the conditions of the soldiers and sub-
stantially reduced their death rate by attention to hygiene conditions and gen-
eral cleanliness.
In 1860 she founded the Nightingale Training School of Nursing at St
Thomas’s Hospital, London and sent qualified nurses all over the U.K.
to introduce new ideas of care based on her nursing model.
Her many publications, including the influential ‘Notes on Nursing’ in 1860,
greatly increased people’s concerns and awareness of military health, hospital
planning and sanitation, many of which are relevant to this day.
In recognition of her many worthy achievements, Queen Victoria
bestowed on her the honour of the Order of Merit, but not a CBE as seen
in the photo.
Eventually bed-ridded, blind and in need of constant care herself, she
died at her South Street, Mayfair home on August 13th 1910.
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
Call Sign August 2012
Page 30
Either write to Call Sign at
cosy desk. What another load of drivel and
under-researched nonsense he managed to
Dial-a-Cab House
write about the Olympics in the July Call
or email us at
Sign. I would firstly like to remind him that
as a nation we compete at the Olympics as
Great Britain and not England. That is the
same for all the wars we fight in, or does he
London. I keep hearing from Boris Johnson
Vito steering
believe that that is just England as well. It is
and Seb Coe that the Olympic lanes will
Dear Alan
only our sub-standard football team that
only use about 12% (?) of London main
I’d like to pass on this message to Peter
competes as England!
roads. My question is what percentage of
Begley (K98), author of TX4 or Vito: What
Secondly Tom, please take a look at the
main roads in East London will they use?
should I buy from the July Call Sign and
final medal table from the Beijing
What these people have not told residents
also to DaC drivers who may have been
Olympics. Who came fourth Tom? Correct,
is that around the Olympic site, nearly all
affected by the problem.
Great Britain and not England We finished
roads will be used for Olympic lanes! To get
I had exactly the same thing with the rear
in front of Australia with only the USA,
from the City and West End, where most of
steering on my Vito 113. I was fobbed off on
Russia and China finishing in front of us.
the officials will be staying, there are only a
seven or eight visits to the garage with dif-
Tom, why don't you call one of our medal
few roads which can be used: Aspen Way,
ferent excuses until I made an angry phone
winners from the Beijing Olympics and tell
East India Dock Road and Bow Road/fly-
call to Mercedes head office Complaints
them that you thought that they only won a
over. The reason for this is that the
Department. Then and as if by magic - liter-
minuscule number of medals! Try James
Blackwall Tunnel northern approach forms
ally within a few hours - I had a call from
DeGale, now that would be interesting. A
a barrier and the three roads mentioned are
KPM who put me on the exclusive waiting
minuscule amount of research may have
the only roads which cross this highway.
list for me to be fitted with a new compo-
done you some good, Tom.
Obviously, the Blackwall Tunnel northern
nent that is apparently connected to the
Tom's attack on Seb Coe is also unjust.
approach can also take you east, but having
cut-out switch and that fixed the problem
When the Olympics has been and gone, ask
to pass the Olympic site I would not rec-
immediately. However, I had to wait a
the young kids of East London what do they
ommend it. I suppose the Eastway and
month for the mysterious part to arrive in
think of the fantastic sports venue that has
Homerton Road could be used, but once
stock and it is obviously an expensive fix,
been left behind? Of course traffic will be
again these go past the Olympic site.
but my problems are now over.
bad during the Olympics, but I think the
Perhaps I should also mention Lea Bridge
A happy DaC Vito driver
cab trade is getting very close to winning a
Road as a way out of East London, but if the
Because of the nature of the signed let-
gold medal for moaning. The traffic is
Lea Valley centre is used for the Olympics
ter, we allowed the writer to keep his
always bad; we just have to get on with it.
together with all the other roads I have
identity hidden. We know who he is and
Let me remind you that we have had a deep
mentioned, then I do not think this road is
sadly for him, within 24 hours of having
recession and a credit crunch for the last 5
going to help. The next road to go east is
the work done and writing to Call Sign,
years. August is always quiet and this is an
Tottenham Hale and Forest Road.
the same steering problem returned to
opportunity to earn some good money and
Therefore, I would like to repeat my orig-
his Vito.
to showcase our trade as the best in the
inal question: What percentage of the roads
In the lengthy article, Peter Begley
world. I would rather be stuck in traffic
in East London will be affected by the
wrote of the Vito steering: “Then there is
with a fare than sat on a rank without one
Olympic lanes, particularly the roads men-
the Rear Wheel Steering that the Vito
in August. If the roads are busy going to the
tioned? I know it’s too late to do anything
uses to ensure it complies and passes
Olympic venues, advise your passengers to
about these lanes, but I feel that the
the conditions of fitness test. It plays up
use public transport and just drop them at
Olympic organisers should have been more
on a regular basis - on some days it can
the nearest station. You will still be earning
honest with the residents of East London as
go off 10 or more times. The real let
we are probably the people who are going
down is that no one in the servicing
Please gents, we really need to make the
to be most affected……
department of the east-end selling deal-
most of this opportunity to showcase our
Russell Bamber (N27)
ership seems to know why and they still
country, our city and our trade. And finally
I asked the Mayor’s office, but other
find it acceptable to leave uninformed
gents, if you see someone stuck coming out
than trying to find an answer and that
customers sitting for hours in their
of Asda in Leytonstone on a Thursday night,
inconvenience would be kept to a mini-
waiting room. This is NOT the Mercedes
quaffing his brown ale and steak and kid-
mum, no real answer came and as you
way. It is, in my view, shockingly bad
ney pie while struggling to stop his dog try-
say Russell, I doubt it would have made
considering the money the Vito costs.”
ing to grab it, please give him a toot and tell
one iota of difference! ...Ed
Peter now adds: The mysterious
him to cheer up.
Mercedes Vito part the DaC driver
Colin Vincent (V62)
ID at Olympics
asked about to rectify the RWS is a soft-
Colin, thanks for the email but you have
Dear Alan
ware update to the Engine Control Unit
forgotten one thing; when Tom leaves
I see from page 6 of the Olympic Handbook
(part number 02729901). It is a warran-
ASDA, he runs back to Dalston in under
that we will have to carry our DVLA licence
ty item, but requires ordering, I can't
five minutes - a UK all-comers record!
to undertake Olympic work’
find out why as it seems no one will hold
My thanks to Tom as well - drivers may
Steve Thomas (N10)
their hands up. My understanding of
have a go at him, but his columns are
The security will be tight and any driver
ECU upgrades is that they are "plug and
never less than controversial while his
approaching an Olympic site for a pre-
play" so to speak, but not in this case.
skin has gotten even thicker in his older
ordered pick-up will have to be wearing
Call Sign thought it had the answer
their badge, as well as carrying with
when our mystery driver had his part fit-
them a copy of their taxi driver and
ted by KPM, now we’re not so sure ...Ed
More Olympics...
DVLA licence. Your front and back iden-
Dear Editor
tifiers must be clearly displayed and you
Tom and the Olympics
With the Games now upon us, I wonder if
must also be able to prove (I assume
Dear Alan,
anybody involved with it would like to
from via your terminal) that you have a
Tom Whitbread must have plenty of time on
explain about the Olympic lanes and how
pre-booked trip from one of the desig-
his hands at the moment, sat behind his
they will affect the residents of East
nated pick-up points ...Ed
Call Sign August 2012
Page 31
Continued from page 30
Call Sign and E3
Hi Alan
Olympic cars
Thank you for your reply to my letter (May
Hi Alan
Call Sign). You were of course right that
I recently had a chat with an Olympic BMW
DaC was not a circuit that promoted cash
driver who told me that they are allowed to
work. I noticed that when I joined. When I
well. As you point out, it is the DaC
ferry guests around in the evening so long
said historically, I really meant all the cir-
Board that has allowed me the freedom
as the car is back at the Village by 11pm!
cuits. However, I do still think that the extra
to put out a magazine like Call Sign. I
She said she was a volunteer but got free
charges and the licensing of PH, with the
consider myself to be very lucky ...Ed
food. I’d have been more jealous except
reluctance to cover the cash work, was a
that I hate McDonald’s anyway!
major factor in the shift from us to them in
David Heath (Ex-W27)
the public’s choice of transport. Whether
How much???
I bet it comes in handy for a quick
the likes of Hailo will be able to redress the
Hi Alan
evening out with the wife in the west
balance is debatable.
Can I just ask; we now know that all RTG
end! ...Ed
What you are absolutely right in saying is
drivers are to receive £350 to have the chip
that RGT would never have printed such a
& pin or £500 if the screen goes in the back
letter as mine or in fact much of what you
too. I understand that Ascott Cab Co have
Joe Skeggs
publish. Your Editorship is one of the main
had most of their cabs fitted as they are
Dear Editor
reasons my partner (in the taxi sense) and I
being paid by Visa. So the question must
On behalf of myself and my family, I would
joined DaC. About eight years ago we
be... are we going to get anything?
like to thank Call Sign for the kind words
opened a garage (E3 Taxis). I often used to
Otherwise I’ll have to stop looking on eBay
of tribute from Brian Rice, Allan Evans and
read your magazine that had been left there
for stuff I can’t afford.
Tom Whitbread about my dad. He was a
special man and I know he will be missed
by DaC drivers using the garage. I was sur-
Mike Appleby (L73)
greatly by all who knew him.
prised and totally hooked on how you
Hi Mike, I hope you are well. It's the dif-
I am hoping you will be able to help me
allowed drivers to say exactly how they felt
ference between taking a system that
by sending three copies of the magazine for
about DaC - whether that was good or bad
many don’t want as against taking one
myself and my two sisters to keep.
- and you, the Chairman or another Board
that is. I've seen both and given the
Mrs Kristy Larkin
member would answer them. When we
choice, I'd rather not be in a position
Wickford, Essex
moved to bigger premises, we needed to
where if the passenger says it doesn't
No problem Kristy. The three Board
increase our customer base. Even though
work then I have to get into the back of
members’ sentiments were also
we were on RTG, we thought we would try
the cab with them. You don't do that
expressed on behalf of the many drivers
and advertise in your magazine. I phoned
with our system. That's worth £1000
that knew your dad - especially those
you and said we wanted to offer half price
over the years - never mind £500. I've
who regularly worked on EC5 ...Ed
servicing to DaC drivers on a promotional
also spoken to several of their drivers
basis. You offered us a free half page advert
who are already receiving requests
provided we offered a special deal to DaC
about how they can switch the TV off. I
drivers. We never offered any promotion to
suppose the other option is to either
Dear Alan
join RTG or give up eBay! ...Ed
any other circuit - even RTG - which we
Nearly missed your article about my retire-
were still on. For the next year or so, we
ment after looking at the top of page 10 but
enjoyed free advertising and offered the
Korean editor?
not the bottom
(July Call Sign)!
half priced service. That is until we sold out
Dear Sir
Remarkably it wasn’t even the letters page
to the mechanic who promptly ended the
I have been reading your excellent maga-
but an article to myself! I am flattered.
zine online for several years, but I wonder
Many, many thanks and I will still keep in
At that same time, we decided to trade up
whether you can help me. I would like to
touch by reading Call Sign. Nevertheless,
from our twelve year old Fairway after
edit a similar magazine for taxi drivers here
this is still a poignant time for me. Thank
you once again for the article and DaC for
600,000 miles on the same gearbox and
in Seoul. Our special city has a population
engine and buy a new cab. Much as I liked
of 10 million inhabitants, many of whom
the last 57 years.
Leon Singer (ex-D92)
the GPS on RTG, I considered that any cir-
use taxis - in fact a large proportion of
Retirement should be something to look
cuit which allowed an Editor to publish
South Koreans actually live in the capital. I
forward to, so enjoy it Leon ...Ed
such a great democratic trade magazine had
know many who have never been here
just got to be the one to join. So when you
think that we are a small backward country,
said in your answer that you don't stop me
but in fact we were the world's first city to
Feeling better...
saying whatever I want, but neither do you
introduce a mobile television service as
I am writing to thank the weekend staff and
stop Tom, believe me I wouldn't have it any
well as the first wireless broadband. It also
all the drivers who made enquiries as to
other way. Incidentally I’m not sure if you
has the world's fastest 100Mbit/s broadband
how I was after my recent operation. I
know, but E3 Taxis went bankrupt a few
network, while our Incheon Airport has
would like to thank them all...
weeks back. Two fortunate moves on our
been rated as the world’s best airport by
Ivor Belkin (C97)
part getting out of E3 and joining DaC...
Airports Council International. But we
Ivor has been the Saturday day shift dis-
Ian S Connelly (T21)
don’t have anything like Call Sign and I
patcher for forty years officially - and
Thanks for the letter Ian. I do remember
would like to change that. So when I come
unofficially since September 1961 when
your call and agreeing to your freebie ad
to London in September, is it possible that
he joined the young Lou Gitlin (who had
because it would help you set up the
I could meet up with you to discuss how I
arrived three years earlier in 1958). In
business in addition to helping out DaC
can begin the process?
those early days Ivor was “called in”
drivers - quite a number of whom asked
Kim So Choon
while driving his cab as an emergency
me about E3 at the time. Even though it
Seoul, Korea
dispatcher and is the reason his record
isn’t you any more, it was still sad to
No problem and I’m sure I can get some-
only shows 40 years rather than fifty!
hear that the garage had folded. Thanks
one to give you a tour of Dial-a-Cab at
Pleased you’re feeling better Ivor ...Ed
for your comments about Call Sign as
the same time ...Ed
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