Either write to Call Sign at Dial-a-Cab House or email us at

iPhone Applications
Dear Callsign
I was using my iPhone today and noticed that Addison Lee are a step ahead of the Licensed London Taxi trade. I felt disappointed when noticing they now have a booking application, which is free to download in the iPhone Application Store. At the moment it looks like the Application is available for account customers only, but it’s a big step in the right direction for Addison Lee. The Application takes you to their website in order for you to create an account there and then. The Add Loo App is using GPS for customer’s location.
   I'm writing to Call Sign to ask if DaC would be able to have an Application available, so users of the iPhone can send in booking requests for account / credit card and cash jobs. To survive, I feel we need to move forward with technology. We work hard to re-claim our work night after night, but in other ways we let ourselves down. So DaC, I'm asking if you would look into this.
   I am proud to be a member of Dial-a-Cab, especially after all the work the despatch team have done in the re-claim our work campaign. Lets do something else productive...

Dawn Cooper (C80)
Brian Rice responds: Dawn, it's nice to see you are aware of the latest applications!  However, I have met Apple representatives to look at this one in great detail and at the moment it is not good enough for DaC. The application is only for the iPhone and ideally we need an application for all phones, especially the Blackberry. When the client calls up the application and presses the button denoting they require a vehicle, the co-ordinates are passed to the vendor. That tells them roughly - and I repeat roughly - where the customer is and the driver will then have to ring the client and ask for their exact location. So as you can see, it is not a precise science and at the moment, just not good enough for our clients and members. After all, I’m not sure our members would want to cruise up and down the road looking for the customer, or indeed have to ring the client to find out exactly where they are. I believe one big difference is that Addison Lee often cater to a different type of audience than us and that their drivers are prepared to search for the customer, whereas our members have a choice - they can work the street. 
   Finally Dawn, I am not dismissing this application, but it is still very experimental and I would not be prepared to offer it to our clients and members until it was perfected; that is probably the reason why we are different from the rest!

BBC racism?
   I was recently left feeling very disturbed by an item on the BBC’s local London news (25 Nov) regarding what they referred to as a Taxi / minicab ‘turf war’ in Mayfair. The item was centred on the rank outside Nobu in Berkeley Street and several taxi drivers gave brief comments. However, what irritated me was the comment of a minicab driver who alleged that taxi drivers uttered racist comments against him. It irritated me because although several taxi drivers were asked about the ‘turf war’, none were asked to respond to the racist accusation. Having met many taxi drivers over the years through my connection with the Dial-a-Cab Credit Union, I’d be surprised if the minicab driver’s accusation had much truth to it and my belief is that it was the BBC who came out of that particular section as being the racist party.

Barry Epstein
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
Thanks for that observation, Barry. I saw the piece you refer to and I doubt whether many viewers believed the minicab driver. But you are right, they didn’t allow a response on the driver’s quote and that was bad – if not surprising - journalism.

The real pity was that the Beeb picked a rainy night in Mayfair to shoot the item and as such, the rank was empty. That must have thrilled those "guarding" the front door to Nobu more that the item itself, knowing how much of a fight they put up NOT to get the rank in the first place ...Ed

Olympic Route Network
Dear Alan,
As we approach Olympic year, I start to think what a wonderful advert for London and indeed the country it will be, although I would have preferred it to be somewhere else so that we wouldn’t have to foot the bill for the next ten years! At first it was a walnut whip a week for every Londoner, now it seems more like a box of Fortnum’s best chocolates a week!
   However, now that we are approaching the big date, wouldn’t it be the right thing for the authorities to allow the iconic London ‘black cab’ to be allowed to use the special Olympic Route Networks out to the Olympic Park and back into the City of London for all the visitors that will be coming here, not only to see the Games, but to sightsee around our magnificent city with surely the envy of the world, the London black cab and their knowledgeable drivers.
   Gathering opinions from most of my cab driving friends, none of them will want to traipse out to the Olympic Park via the congested roads that we will have to use. A fare out there and a traipse back into town to look for another fare could end up costing the driver money. If the fare came to £25, took 90 minutes before you got back into town for another fare, that equals around £12.50 for 45 minutes less diesel and wear and tear. Not good economics!
   Don’t get me wrong, I don’t pick and choose my fares, I accept whoever hails me and go north south east or west, but just for once wouldn’t it be nice for the London Black cab trade to be recognised for the fast efficient, safe, reliable and utterly trustworthy service that we provide? The use of that ORN out to the Olympic Park would contribute to the success of the games and the visitor attraction to this city of ours...
Roy Martin (R42)
Brian Rice recently attended a meeting re the Olympics. You can read about it on page 4 ...Ed

Grandads and seat rests!
Hi Alan,
On behalf of my family, I thank you for the DaC welcome to the new member of the Lessman clan, and may I add my congratulations to Brenda and Brian Rice and Lorraine Carruthers and their families on their new arrivals. The pleasure, pride and joy of being a grandparent, especially for the first time, can only be understood by personal experience, but I should remind Brian that the 'I can give them back when they cry' bit doesn't always work!
   On a more serious note, I read with interest the report in the current issue of TAXI from The Mole in the Merc, but I have to pose the following thoughts. Is the removal of the rear centre headrest PCO approved and if it is, why are the owners of TX4s penalised by not only having
this fixed obstruction to a clear rear view in the first place, but also being unable to adjust it - even if only to clean the glass without breaking a wrist?
David Lessman (D19)
Call Sign
asked M&O General Manager, Peter Rigden, to comment in response to David’s letter. He told us:
   "This is the relevant extract from the current London Conditions of Fitness:
16.7: Head restraints must be fitted for all (forward and rear facing) seats.  The design of headrests should maximise rear sightlines for the driver when any of the passenger seats are not occupied.
   The centre division has been accepted by the PCO as the fully compliant head restraint for rear facing passengers in both models of vehicle. However, if my interpretation of the above is correct, then it will not be a PCO approved action to remove the centre-rear head restraint for the forward facing passenger seat position.

Furthermore, LTI have taken into account the full spirit of the above condition as we fit the TX4 with "hollowed-out" head restraints specifically designed to maximise visibility of the unoccupied seat areas.  I don't believe the same is true of the alternative vehicle."
Dear Alan
After reading the November issue of Call Sign, I came into Dial-a-Cab House to pick up a form for Eurostar tickets and was told at reception that this offer no longer existed. Can you confirm this for me?
Tony Oswald (L72)
   Call Sign has been offering these subsidised Eurostar trips since December 2003. Sadly it does appear that Eurostar are pulling the plug. It was great while it lasted and it had to end one day. Sad perhaps, but my thoughts are that we should just say thank you to Eurostar for giving us the cheap rides for almost 8 years. Incidentally, the decision (so I have been told) was nothing to do with the loss of Eurostar taxi account ...Ed

Are coaches the same as buses?

Hi Alan
You may remember my unsuccessful four-year campaign to allow taxis through the bus lane in Tunnel Avenue by Blackwall Tunnel? You printed the article in Call Sign last year.
   Since then, I regularly see private coaches drive through the no entry sign that says ‘except buses’. The limit for me was recently when I was in heavy traffic on the A102, just passing the exit from the bus lane and I saw three private coaches drive
through the ‘buses only’ no entry sign and get onto the A102 under the very nose of a police officer who was hidden at the exit to catch the likes of we taxi drivers, had we done the same as the coaches. The police just waved them through. Astonishing! I contacted the police and still await their response. What concerns me is the response I got from Greenwich council. It is outlined below:
   The traffic order defining the vehicles permitted to use the bus lane states that buses and coaches are permitted to use the bus lane. In the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002, buses are defined as vehicles constructed or adapted to carry more than 8 passengers exclusive of the driver. Therefore as coaches have more than 8 seats, they are permitted to use the bus lane.
   As with all traffic orders, restrictions contained in the orders shall not apply to anything done with the permission of or at the direction of a police constable in uniform.
You will understand my confusion. Limousines carry more than eight people. Are they allowed to use bus lanes? The police were not acting in extraordinary circumstances where there were roadworks or an accident, which could possibly require buses to go through. They were hidden to catch illegal vehicles driving through. So why did they allow coaches through? Any assistance or advice you can offer would be appreciated. I want to know if Greenwich council could be correct. I do remember at the site meeting with the PCO, police Greenwich council and TfL I was told only buses are allowed to go through. Any ideas on who I might contact for more confirmation?

Tom Reynolds (O85)
   Interesting scenario Tom. However, last year the PCO confirmed to Call Sign exactly what Greenwich Council told you - ie that buses or coaches with over 8 seats can use bus lanes. Taxis can only do so when it says taxis on the sign, however, I agree with you that if coaches are allowed, then so should taxis be able to go through.
   As for stretch limos, I was told some time ago that they weren't allowed to carry more than 8 passengers regardless of their capacity. However, I’m still not 100% certain about that.
   Who to write to? Try the Public Liaison Unit at and please let Call Sign know how you get on ...Ed

PCNs: Another DaC driver socks it to Camden!

   Dial-a-Cab driver Jim McClean (N08) is philosophical about Penalty Charge Notices. "If it’s down to me, I’ll hold my hands up and call it a fair cop. But I don’t like it when councils use me as a form of income – and that is exactly what Camden Council tried to do. As a result, I fought them all the way to the PATAS (Parking and Traffic appeals services) adjudication service – and I won!"
   Jim was travelling south down Bloomsbury Street towards Shaftesbury Avenue. Close to the area where the Shaftesbury Theatre is, you have to cross three yellow box junctions and that’s where Jim may have been caught. We say may have been reservedly...
   "I received a PCN soon after," said Jim, "showing a photo of my cab in a box junction and giving the position as Shaftesbury
Avenue, Shaftesbury Avenue. I remember reading in Call Sign about the Dial-a-Cab driver whose PCN was cancelled – also in Shaftesbury Avenue - because they didn’t specify exactly where the box was. After all, there are quite a few there."
   Jim appealed to Camden on those grounds and they threw it back at him saying that he had been caught on camera and that was good enough - £60 please! But Jim wasn’t having that.
   "I really am peed off with these councils who treat us as saving accounts for them. They knew they were wrong, yet still refused to back down and forced me to go to the adjudication service at the Angel. I explained the situation - that the council hadn’t told me which box I’d been in. After all, if they had told me, I might have remembered and there may have been a reason,

giving me grounds to plead special circumstances. In addition, I also told the adjudicator that one of the three boxes at the northern end of Shaftesbury Avenue was the wrong size – that was also in Call Sign regarding the yellow box at the Olympic Park. As a result, the adjudicator found in my favour. My only wish is that Camden are made to suffer when they send out PCNs where the person is obviously not guilty. But I know they have probably just moved on to another poor taxi driver. That’s why we can’t give up the battle..."

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