Bus lanes and spilling the beans!
Call Sign
came in for some criticism last month following an article headed "the mystery of the taxi bus lanes."
   The article wrote of the mystery surrounding the sudden and totally unexpected opening to licensed taxis of two bus lanes that we had always been banned from – Bishopsgate north bound and the southernmost part of the Islington (Angel) bus lane. Messages from drivers were flying across DaC terminals telling other drivers they were ok to use both lanes.
   After making a few phone calls – to TfL, the PCO and the LTDA – I came to the conclusion that the signs had been altered in error, with my mind going back several years to the ludicrous goings-on at Hammersmith Bridge Road where the southbound bus lane was divided into four sections. According to the signs, we were allowed to use the first and third sections! That was obviously incorrect (it should have been the first three sections, but the painters had missed out the second sign). Even after Call Sign complained that we could not be expected to pull in and out of the lanes, nothing was done for several months. I suspected that similar errors had taken place with Bishopsgate and the Angel.
   The problem was that had I not said anything, my previous dealings with Transport for London tells me that PCNs would still have been issued and although they would certainly have been quashed on appeal, it would have been a hassle. The PCO confirmed to me that the PCNs would probably have been issued, although the grounds for appeal were such that the tickets would have been cancelled.
   The result of Call Sign informing TfL / PCO was that cabs using the two bus lanes weren’t sent PCNs with the hassle that involves. Some may say that had I kept quiet, they would have been happy to appeal any tickets in return for an extra few weeks of lane usage. However, once the first appeals went through, the errors would have been spotted and the lanes would have reverted to their previous usage.
   Perhaps more pertinent was the fact that so far as I could see from spending 20 or so minutes on the Duncan Street taxi rank just watching, was that taxis using the last piece of the Angel bus lane before the 7pm free-for-all, was that we made no difference whatsoever. It is so wide that buses loading or unloading at their stops were not inconvenienced at all by our presence. I can understand Bishopsgate because of its narrowness and the number of bus stops along there, but the Angel should become 24 hours because mistake or not, it has now been tested and our use of it during the daytime has been shown to make no difference.
   It would also help cut down traffic queues along Islington High Street / Upper Street with taxis being taken out of the equation at the Liverpool Road main lights junction. Over to you TfL / PCO…
Alan Fisher

Credit Union "bank"
There is a fascinating article in this issue from John Riley (K38), Vice-Prez of the DaC Credit Union. I have often said that I’ve been a member since day one and can’t understand why every driver and their families are not queuing up to join. John has written of a new savings plan, which sounds very interesting in these days of ultra-low interest rates. He says that if you have money sitting in a current account or interest account and are getting around 4%, the Credit Union are offering a 7%! You would have to keep the money in for 1 year before touching it, but unlike banks and building societies our DACCU have a heart and if you were to fall on genuine hard times, they would return your savings plus any interest when you needed it. John’s article is worth reading…

DaC lady "mugs!"
Call Sign
has been very lucky over the years in that our female drivers and staff members have always been available to have their photos put into the magazine if there is a story involving them. Ok, they sometimes require notice so that they can go out to buy a new wardrobe and have their hair done, but the end result is always worth the wait! I’m sure you’d be interested in knowing that when I ask a male driver or member of staff if I can take their photo to accompany an article, they all say the same thing – where should they stand!
   I digress. So far as our females are concerned, there have been several in this mag whose photos have been picked up by various press outlets. The first female was many years ago and she worked in the call centre. I can’t remember her name, but the photo (which I sadly did not take) saw her in leather on a motorbike. Before you could say she looks nice, the Sunday Mirror asked us for her contact details. We asked her if she was interested and she naturally asked how much they were paying because working in a call centre, she was hardly awash with loot? The answer was nothing! They just wanted an article on call centre women. She declined the offer.
   Several years on we had calltaker shooter Donna Merry and her Mirkou MK30 shotgun; she was not only the British and UK champion, but she also captained the England team. As a by-product, she was blonde and looked great – but naturally that was secondary to us! Call Sign sponsored her shooting adventures, giving us the ‘rights’ to her photos – of which many were published over the years. We were again approached several times by magazines that wanted to reproduce our stories and pix of Donna. We had no problem and weren’t asking for any royalties, but we felt that Donna should receive something. Again they said

no - and so did Donna.
   Of late, we’ve had several enquiries regarding DaC driver Natalia Shalom (A34). Like the others, Natalia is very photogenic and again, following publication in Call Sign, there have been enquiries about reproducing her photo along with articles about her. Natalia once told us that while she dresses up to the nines when going out, she would never dress in any way provocatively when working. Her main interests as a cab driver are how to eliminate touting and female drivers’ safety when in their cabs. As a result, she accepted two offers to speak to organisations that had read about her in Call Sign at her own expense because they involved safety in the cab.
   I do not consider myself to be mercenary and will often give comments to papers if asked. One long-term client has asked if I can assist with a history they are doing of their company so far as taxi usage in the 70s and early 80s with DaC was concerned. No problem. But when I occasionally speak on radio (usually BBC Radio Scotland) I don’t have to ask for a fee, I know they will send me one. Too many people expect something for nothing or want articles the easy way! I don’t mind the trade press using Call Sign articles, but think it’s a liberty when outside organisations want to use them - but don’t want to compensate the person the article was about. DaC ladies are not mugs and won’t be treated as such…

Ed’s lucky day!
Being a Tottenham supporter has its advantages – I can always tell anyone interested how well we did in 1961, or how we would have beaten Burnley in the Carling Cup second leg had they not scored more goals than us!
   But you know your luck is changing when you receive a cheque from Tottenham Hotspur PLC giving you your share dividend. With a nice first class stamp, my long-awaited cheque arrived containing my end-of-year dividend of 4p. That may not be much to you, but it comes off the huge amounts I spent on season tickets down at White Hart Lane. The only thing that bothers me is that my 4p comes on an RBS cheque! On the other hand, perhaps I could exchange it for one of their shares!

Yep, it’s AGM time again and I really hope that I’m wrong in expecting yet another empty hall. All members should take an interest in their Society and a Sunday morning once a year isn’t that much to ask. Hopefully I’ll see you all there?

Westminster Demo
At the time of writing, I believe there is to be a demo against Westminster City Council on February 5 in protest against their treatment of Licensed taxi drivers, including the distribution of PCNs like confetti. And about time! 2pm at Trafalgar Square

Alan Fisher

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