Hello Ladies and Gents…
Having spoken to a number of you over the past few weeks, it seems as though there are still a few drivers who are booking into certain physical and non-physical ranks and zones incorrectly. As you know, this is a violation of a Society procedure rule and is quite likely to lead to a complaint. There have been many terminal messages and Call Sign articles over the last few months relating to this issue and there really is no excuse and offenders will be treated with this in mind.
   There are certain ranks that are continually monitored and everything will be done to ensure that the system is fair and equal for everyone. I would strongly suggest that if you are on a physical rank and your queue position is incorrect, you should inform the Call Centre who can easily check the loggers and GPS of drivers on a real time basis. If you feel further aggrieved, than I would please ask you to contact me and again, it is not difficult to prove when and where a driver was at the time of booking in or accepting a trip through the system.

W101 rank - Stratton Street
You will have no doubt noticed that as from Monday 15th September, this rank has been permanently disabled. It appearsthat since re-opening under a new name, the hotel - which is adjacent

Allan Evans

to the rank - no longer feel the need to run a fair allocation of work and many of our own members have complained that they will no longer use the rank for this reason alone. The Board of Management would never force any of our drivers to use a rank that is not knowingly 100% straight. All account work in this area can be easily dispatched into W1SW and its back up zones and so long as service levels are up to their normal high standards, there will be no need to relocate this rank. In the end, the hotel will be the loser and perhaps they should do their own internal investigations. As a driver myself, I am happy to take the rough with the smooth, but I will not be taken for a fool.

Credit card hirings
I can’t stress highly enough how vital it is that you are able to provide proof of a particular journey when you travel to areas where you are unable to print out receipts at the end of the trip due to the loss of signal. Even though you’ve had the trip authorised,

without a signed receipt and the card number / expiry details imprinted, the payment is not guaranteed by the credit card company. Unfortunately, giving a receipt to the passenger without asking them to sign a copy receipt for you can result in a substantial fare being declined by the credit card company. It is hard to accept that a journey done in good faith can be paid and then be taken away a month later - but it can if you do not follow the correct procedure.
   There are manual credit card receipt pads available both at this office and Roman Way and I would strongly recommend that you always have a book in the cab for these types of journeys. Please remember the following points that will prevent non-payment…
   * If you are unable to swipe the card through the terminal, do not agree to undertake the trip. * If you cannot print out a receipt through the terminal at the end of the journey, you must obtain a signed manual receipt that clearly shows the card details and expiry date.
   I have mentioned on numerous occasions that I am always available to help any driver who may have a query that could prevent a pending complaint and follow up on a genuine grievance. Please remember that if you don’t make us aware of it, it may go unnoticed…

Allan Evans
DaC Compliance Officer


And how you can protect yourself...

A new Bill received Royal Assent on July 22nd 2008, which will result in any contravention of the 1934 London Cab Order or Hackney Carriage offences carrying a Fixed Penalty Notice. The outcome could also result in penalty points being incurred and added to your licence.
   If you do not belong to a trade organisation, you run the risk of suspension or revocation of your cab driver’s licence, or those penalty points could even take you closer to losing your DVLA licence and your livelihood.
   Now Dial-a-Cab drivers have an opportunity to join a scheme that will cover the above and in addition, any motoring offences incurred while working as a licensed taxi driver. This does not include Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) for parking offences.
   The cost of the scheme will be around £6 per month and every member joining will have cover for up to £25,000 legal expenses. Membership also includes a 24/7 help and advice line.
   If you would like this invaluable legal protection for your licence, contact either Ian Lewis or Dee Scott at Lewis Hymanson Small LLP and they will send you all the relevant information. You can telephone them on 0161 827 1808 or write to them at:
   Lewis Hymanson Small LLP
   South Central
   11 Peter Street
   Manchester M2 5QR
Lewis Hymanson Small LLP also have offices in London’s Royal Exchange Avenue, but the Manchester office has all the details relating to the scheme. LHS have a wealth of experience in Hackney Carriage and motoring legislation and will be on hand to advise you and to protect your interests.
   Ask any cab driver who has lost his licence how difficult life can become. This is an opportunity to gain complete peace of mind for approximately 20p a day.

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