AGM and a smear attack…
I must begin with a big thank you to the 1122 subscribers who voted for me at this year’s AGM. That still leaves about 1000 I apparently failed to convince I’ve done a good job as a Board Member over the past two years! Or does it mean that many of the drivers who fell foul of the complaints procedure over the past two years failed to vote for me? If that is the case, does it mean that I am very competent in the job as Compliance Officer, therefore if they can get me out of the job then they can get in a much weaker person? If you get a weaker person, then you also get more crooked subscribers taking an unfair advantage over the majority of our subscribers who are honest.
   There was also the most vicious smear attack I have ever witnessed in my 30+ years on ODRTS and it was no surprise that they directed it at me. One of the culprits admitted his involvement in supplying and distributing leaflets to another Board Member. I am used to this type of campaign against me, but they also involved the Treasurer of Dial-a-Dream, a children’s charity of which I was a founder many years ago.
   The sad outcome is that because of this ex-subscriber, the Treasurer has decided to relinquish his position on the charity – and who can blame him? So it is not just my colleagues on the charity and myself that will suffer, it will also be the children who are suffering with terminal illnesses. 
   These children look for us to make a last wish in their short lives become a reality, but now we will probably
 have to divert funds to pay for accountancy support that we used to get free. Thank you to that ex-subscriber – for nothing…
This same ex-subscriber also wrote to the PCO to get my bill revoked because he claimed I had under gone major heart surgery. But I hadn’t; I had preventative surgery to my arteries. I have now agreed with the PCO to undertake the Bruce Protocol (treadmill test).
   When I last wrote about my surgery, I had never seen any paperwork in the 30+ years that I have held a badge, telling me what the PCO expected me to do after treatment. But after I’d spoken to them, a printed sheet suddenly appeared in my post. Surely every badge holder should have already been sent this sheet of paper so they can know the rules they are supposed to adhere to when having any of this modern treatment?
   I cannot name this ex-subscriber at the moment as legal proceedings are in place against him at this time, but when the time is right I will allow you the information.
   One of the seconders of another candidate who failed to gain a position on the BoM this year also tried a smear campaign at a recent past AGM. At that AGM he went to the lectern and stated that I owned a minicab firm in opposition to Dial-a-Cab before scuttling off to the back of the hall.
   Yes, I do own a company that used to supply chauffeurs to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. I still hold the Royal Warrant for this prestigious position. I could have at any time joined with ODRTS and you would have been the only taxi company in the world able to carry the Royal Crest. But with these types of subscribers on Dial-a-Cab, I could not take the risk.
   So the persons who suffer are the children who are dying of incurable diseases and the honest subscribers who work with pride on Dial-a-Cab.
Over the years I have built up a reputation with our subscribers, other circuits and the PCO. They consider that we have the fairest – albeit the strictest - complaint’s system in the taxi trade. But there have been three occasions during my time as a Board Member when the Board has instructed another member to take over the
complaint’s department. During
Tom Whitbread

those times, the faith in the department dropped and when I
returned I had an uphill struggle to restore that faith and goodwill.
   New drivers I have spoken to when they have come in for their training, have told me that they are happy to get onto our circuit because we run the fairest system. Rumour has it that some drivers on other circuits constantly manage to get choice journeys, but on Dial-a-Cab we scrutinise patterns much more closely, so that cheats are wheedled out.

Sir and Madam?
I read with great interest David Kupler’s letter, which you can view in the Mailshot pages of this magazine. I have known David, his mother, father and sister since they worked for us in Shirland Road; sadly some have now passed on. He posed me a question in that letter that I should have guessed could not be an easily answered one! In the situation with your bladder full and a rude client, David wants to know how would I have handled the situation!
   Well David, after all the years you have spent driving a taxi, do not take anything for granted because sods law says it will go wrong and in your case, you could end up with wet pants! If the call of nature is there, answer it, do not take a chance. It could have been that the passenger came straight out saying: "I’m sorry, but I’ve missed my train - could you go straight to Chelmsford in a hurry." What would you have done then?
   David, I know you can be the most awkward person in the world, but I also know that you can be charming and diplomatic. So why lower your standards to the level of this ignorant and arrogant little person? Act like the intelligent person I know you are and don’t lower those standards to the gutter. Even if you want to insult them, still end it with Sir or Madam. You deflate their ego. Don’t tell me you have never used that option when being stopped by the constabulary for a misdemeanour?
   I remember a time many years back when Dave Kupler used to take his Old English sheepdog to work, sitting him in the luggage compartment. One night he was dropping off a cash ride at Shepherds Bush when the punter did a runner. Quick as a flash, David opened the luggage door and told Boris to get him! Off shot Boris into the alleyway by the side of the Shepherds Bush Theatre. Then three yards in he stopped, up went his back leg and he relieved himself as the bilker sped off. Seems like Dave and his dog both wait too long to go to toilet and it can cause problems!

Are we doing enough?
I am continually sending out complaint letters to drivers who are not completing the minimum number of 40 data-despatched credit trips per month. Street Credit Card pickups do not get included in the count, just trips that clients phone us for at Dial-a-Cab.
   I do not pick on a subscriber because he/she has not completed 40 jobs for one month; I have built up a record of all the subscribers’ jobs that count month-by-month since January 2005. That is, of course, if the subscriber was on the circuit in January 2005.
   That means that if a driver has been on since the beginning of my records and not completed the minimum amount of jobs, they could have a total of 25 complaints to answer. It is one complaint for each month, as the official rulebook states you have to complete the 40 every month. We get drivers who have a week off due to a holiday or overhaul during the month and they say due

to that, they could not reach the minimum. But on the other hand we have many drivers who complete the 40 jobs in one week, if it were not for these drivers we would have a lot more scrubs and accounts in jeopardy.

I Love our country…
Some months ago, I wrote an article about the lowering of standards in England due to the influx of persons being allowed in via the EU or illegally. There were just a few letters, mainly from people who do nothing to assist the Society or were on complaint and who wanted to class me as a racist. But I had many more letters and phone calls from subscribers, subscriber’s wives and other readers of Call Sign agreeing with my views. I have even met some of those who made comments either way about my views and I think they now know the real me. I do not want to carry on in that vein as it scares the life out of the Editor! I’ll just say that problems that have happened since the articles came out, have proved me correct.
   Even as I write this article (17 February), another person has just been shot and the street in Homerton ended up like the American mid-west. This was but 2 miles away from us! The Home Secretary has now announced more prisons are soon to be built.
   There is also an increase in the penalty for using a mobile phone whilst in charge of a motor vehicle - £60 and 3 points on your licence. This is still not enough, how many times have you seen mothers on the phone while driving - and with young children in the car! Not to mention drivers of 38-ton lorries also holding their phone…
   In the past month, we’ve had Judges who wanted to deport rapists and murderers, but couldn’t because their hands were legally tied. We had adults claiming to be minors to try to get lower sentences with authorities being unable to get proof either way of their age. There were also minors murdered in their own homes - they may have had a criminal record, but did they deserve to die?
   Do you think that politicians also read what I put into writing in Call Sign magazine, because they are now agreeing with me?
We also have a Chancellor of the Exchequer who wants to send £500million to Africa to combat malaria. Excuse me, but doesn’t that money belongs to the English taxpayer? Maybe he has forgotten that our young and old people are going into hospital for treatment and it is a lottery as to if they catch MRSA. Why? Because the English hospitals are filthy. Mr Brown, please sort out our country first. And then we have the Transport Minister who wants to charge you for every mile you drive, do you not both think that the English are already too highly taxed and the money needs to be used to improve the lives of the English? Oh, I am sorry, you are both from Scotland, which governs its own country!

Argos the final episode
Anyone who subscribes to Which magazine, may be surprised to see an article reporting on my successful tussle with Argos. It should be in the March issue and after you have read the article, you can use the photograph to keep the children away from the fire…

A subscriber’s humour
A subscriber sent me a text message on Valentine’s Day explaining his present to his wife. It read: "I bought my wife a lovely bag and belt for a Valentine’s Days gift and now the Hoover works great."
   Speaking of Valentines Day, I sent my wife three cards on Tuesday, 13 February, posted at the corner of City Road and Shepherdess Walk. This is 2 miles from my home. We are still waiting for any of them to arrive at my house! I must thank the Post Office for their abysmal service and the problems it caused in my household…

Tom Whitbread
DaC Compliance Officer

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