Reflections Of The Chairman
Christmas again!
It’s a sure sign of getting older when Christmas comes around so quickly, and boy has this year just flown by! However, upon reflection, I can understand how it appears to have gone so quickly - from my perspective anyway - and that was probably due to the massive project I had to deal with in order to move your business from one location to another, which of course was over and above the normal running of your business.
   Even today, I am not convinced that members appreciate the enormity of the task that was undertaken – we could have lost our whole business in one operation. I can confess now that I did have many sleepless nights in the months leading up to the move, because I was extremely aware of the consequences that we could have experienced had I failed to prepare correctly for the impending move. However, our IT department were absolutely magnificent with the attitude and commitment they directed toward the project.
   Of course, other departments deserve their appreciation as well, but I am sure they would agree with me that in a company such as ours, if the IT doesn’t work, then nothing does! The old motto comes to mind: “If you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail!” However, I did prepare and the rest is history.
   I believe that in the future, 2007 will go down in this Society’s history as a momentous occasion, not just for the move, but also as the time when Dial-a-Cab were at the pinnacle of the radio taxi industry. I’m not so sure about our future under the present structure, however, I am also extremely proud of the fact that I will be known as the Chairman that presided over Dial-a-Cab when we were the best!
   Talking of buildings, I have exchanged contracts on our old premises, Brunswick House, and the purchasers have paid a 10% deposit so I am hopeful the process will be finalised by the agreed date of 12 December. I waited until after we had moved and settled in before deciding to sell and I was delighted that we were offered £300k more than I anticipated. Then, like many of these sales, the purchaser ‘cooled’ before contracts were exchanged so another buyer had to be found. In addition and as you are all aware, the market also slowed down. But in our favour, there is undoubtedly a shortage of freehold commercial property, as

Brian Rice

I discovered from my own
experience when looking at properties whilst endeavouring to purchase Dial-a-Cab House. So I was optimistic a buyer could be found – and indeed a buyer was found, one who was also willing to pay £250k more than the original purchaser! So, yes, I was absolutely delighted. I agreed terms and exchanged contracts and a 10% deposit was paid - all in less than a week – and I’m optimistic that the sale will go through this time…

Christmas driver incentive…
I hope the sale of Brunswick House does go through in December, as I believe I will need the money in January to pay for the Christmas incentive – and I will be delighted to pay it!
The feedback I have had from members regarding this year’s Christmas incentive has been extremely positive, you all seem to like it and most of you are really doing your bit in covering more work. That is not only good for your Society, it is also good for you.
   I listened to what you’ve had to say in the past regarding last year’s three Peugeots and the TX4 Gold prize from the previous year and decided to devise a simpler scheme where everyone, should they so desire, be able to benefit.
   However, I have to confess that I altered the 100 trips threshold several times as I kept recalculating how much the scheme was going to cost! Obviously, when you give away three cars, you know exactly how much the incentive is going to cost before the scheme gets underway, but with this latest scheme I can only estimate the final cost to the Society – a cost that I already know will be substantial. But if means we cover the work easier and quicker - and with less complaints - then it would have been worth it. By the time you read this, there will be approximately three weeks to Christmas, so just keep the great coverage going.

Parking fines and the taxi trade…

I know there must be very few of you who have not had unpleasant
experiences regarding parking tickets. It is an absolute disgrace the way in which licensed taxi drivers are being persecuted - yes persecuted - by the authorities
when it comes to them going about their normal business of transporting members of the public around London. Councils and boroughs are using CCTV cameras as a means of raising extra revenue from the taxi industry because, as always, we are seen as an easy touch. I know how obscene the whole scenario is becoming just by the number of tickets we are receiving from drivers.
   What you must bear in mind is that we only pay for bona fide radio trips, so it is obvious our drivers are doing their day-to-day work when they receive these notices, otherwise we would not pay them. Goodness only knows how much it’s costing taxi drivers whilst they are doing cash work – I don’t suppose I will ever know that figure. I have spoken to everyone I can think of regarding this issue councils, TfL, PCO, the press, CBI and politicians to name just a few!
   The situation is getting worse because the authorities just don’t seem to care. Is there no one that can do something about this persecution? If vehicles are illegally parked, then they deserve everything they get, but not in the case of a taxi driver on an account ride whose only crime is to be waiting for a member of the public so they might transport them to their destination.
   I still believe the Mayor can do something about it – I know I would! However, all we get from Mr Livingstone is that he doesn’t have any jurisdiction or control over all the various councils – right Ken! Just last week, Dial-a-Cab spent £3000 on parking tickets - which equates to £150k per annum! I know for a fact that the other radio circuits are receiving tickets at the same rate as we are. Consequently, a minimum sum approaching £500k and rising is being raised in extra taxes from our industry. Enough is surely enough – someone has to stop this madness – the question is who?

Christmas greetings…
Finally, I would like to wish all members / journeymen and their families a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, Happy New Year!

Brian Rice

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