Tom Whitbread’s department has been renamed Compliance rather than Complaints…

Forty job rule
Once again we have had a complaints meeting where among those drivers appearing were those who had not fulfilled their commitment to the Society - to complete 40 data despatched jobs in every month throughout the year. We have drivers who go on holiday for 2 weeks coming back and still completing 80 jobs before the end of that month! So drivers who say they are going away for a week and will not be able to complete 40 jobs are really taking the pee out of the hard-working drivers who are constantly helping us hold onto our work.
   To be off the road for a week in overhaul still enables you to fulfil your duty to help us retain the work we have fought so hard to obtain from other taxi circuits. We have also gained accounts from private hire, but do drivers who complain about PH taking our work, help us out? Not on your life! They just stand outside the watering holes belittling the drivers and management who have put in such a lot of sweat into gaining these accounts and covering their work.
   As you will see from the Complaints meeting results (shown elsewhere in this issue), drivers have been expelled for not complying with the rule appertaining to the 40 jobs coverage, which in the official rulebook that is registered with the Industrial and Provident Societies.
   I don’t know of any other industry of self employed men and women who have to be coaxed, bribed or threatened to do their own work that helps pay for their families to have food on the table. In a time when there are people crying out to find work, we are giving our clients the opportunity to go to another supplier because our service level is lower than they have come to expect from Dial-a-Cab.

Credit Cards

We still have drivers who, for whatever reason, are not going through the correct procedure when accepting a credit card street hiring or one obtained via the system. If you are unsure on the procedure, give Daren, the trainer, a call to arrange a quick 10-minute refresher course.
   Do not forget to make sure you have charged the administration cost and always carry a pad of spare credit card receipts, just in case you have a problem with the terminal. If you do have a problem, always put the clients credit card under the third copy of the receipt pad and rub a penny or other blunt object over the card to get an imprint. This proves that you had the card in your possession, then when the client signs the receipt - check the signature!
You will then have a receipt for the client, one for yourself and if there is any query, you will have one for us to forward to the bank.

Which drivers are sick?Once again could I ask that if you know of any driver who is off work with a serious illness, please let us know - assuming the driver in question is unable to do so him or herself.
   If you are a regular reader of Call Sign, you will have noticed that some drivers have castigated me for not sending them a get well card when they were off work. I know that our technology is the most advanced in the taxi trade, but up until now Brian has not been able to get me a crystal ball to see into the future! So I have to stick with the old tried and tested method - the taxi driver’s bush

Tom Whitbread

telegraph. When you are laid up in hospital, it’s nice to get a card to remind you that the staff and drivers are thinking of you.
   It is so sad when I hear of a driver - or someone in his / her immediate family - who is dying. These may have been friends that I have built up during the 30+ years I have been on Dial-a-Cab. It is at these sad times that a simple card can mean so much.

Destinations in Outer Zones

If you are given an AD destination that turns out to be an outer zone (eg NN99, E50S or W50S), please contact the Call Centre before the end of your journey and inform them of the destination. They can then change the destination from a zone code to a place name that the client will understand when it appears on their invoice.

Taking advantage of Code 21
We have some drivers who are trying to take advantage of the system when running to a pickup. They are pressing their arrival (code 21) button when the meter reaches £4.20, even if they have not reached the pickup point. Do they not realise that our GPS picks up their position and the amount on the meter when they press the code 21 button? This being the case, you are breaking the Society rules and stealing from the client. If any driver is caught committing this offence, they will be dealt with at a Complaints committee level and that has the power to suspend or expel any driver.

Party political broadcast of behalf of the Compliance Officer!
Once again Tony Blair and his National Criminal Party have excelled themselves with prisoners walking out of open prisons on a weekly, if not daily basis. Then we have Geoff Hoon saying that we should not put any restrictions on all the immigrants who may be flooding in after next year. This Government are also allowing immigrants to claim for children they say they have left in their home country. So not only do I go out to work to support my family, I am now supporting non-existent sons and daughters of illegal immigrants.
   Mr Blair and his party have done far more harm to the British Isles than Hitler ever did. They have demoralised the British people to the point that hundreds - if not thousands - are leaving to live abroad. Now we hear they are going to reduce prisoner’s sentences by 10 days to keep the prison population down. Soon it will be prisoners going for a quick shower and haircut - then out!       Why do we bother with Judges and Magistrates? If they ever do use their power and give a realistic sentence, it will only be reduced on Appeal and the killers and rapists will be back on the streets within the year. When a foreigner commits a murder, they plead mentally unstable and get sent to a cushy hospital or let off a custodial sentence. If they are that mad, how did they negotiate getting getting from their country to the land of milk and honey… the British Isles? Why do we not follow the example set by the French many years ago and use an island to which you could send

all of your most serious offenders and then send all the murderers and rapists there with just the basics to survive and let them fend for themselves. Make sure the island is too far away from any other land, so as not to allow them to swim and escape. Anyway, as many of these criminals have taken away - or ruined - a life, why should they have any luxuries? Do not allow them TVs, video games, computers or gymnasiums.
   To all the woolly sock brigade of do-gooders who preach that you should not treat them with anything but kindness, you have failed. So let’s go back to the tried and tested method of punishment for the crime they have committed.
   To the imbeciles who want habitual criminals let out of prison early, perhaps if we put them on their own in a dark alley with one of these criminals, they would then see how stupid they are. If the do-gooders were put into that position, the adrenaline rushes at 100 mph, your backbone turns to ice, sweat begins to pore from your forehead and seep from under your armpits and you realise there is no escape. Then you know you’re facing real life. Until then, they have only read of the torture and mutilation, but now they are facing it. And after being in that position, would they still back Tony Blair and his idiots? I don’t think so…
   I have spoken to numerous people on this subject and as soon as I say that I never voted for Tony Blair, they immediately respond that they never either. I have yet to find anyone who did vote for Mr Blair! Someone must have, otherwise the vote counters were corrupt!

Fighting at a cashpoint…
I recently had a fight with a young black man at an HSBC cashpoint in Mare Street, Hackney.
   Unbeknown to me, as I started to tap in my PIN number to withdraw some cash, he was standing behind holding up his mobile phone and videoing me inputting my number. He then came up to me, leaned onto the machine with an envelope in his hand and I heard a button being pressed. I grabbed his wrist and smashed his hand on the side of the machine. That made him drop the bankcard that he had extracted from the machine.
   Then like a typical Englishman, I became more interested in retrieving my card from the floor instead of belting him again. In the time it took me to bend down, he and the partner he had with him ran to the door and escaped.
   What annoyed me as much as anything were the crowd in the bank who witnessed what had occurred and then parted to give the criminals a clear run to the door. Bank officials said it was pointless calling the police, as I had got my card back. This was after their CCTV had recorded the whole incident!
   The police are not interested in chasing a criminal, even if you have given them all the evidence they need. It would mean them going out and looking for someone, which could end up with them having to do some work or maybe getting a whack.

Emailing information
I am trying to build up a file of DaC driver’s email addresses so that important DaC info needing to be sent quickly can go on same day. This could apply to anything and is not linked to complaints. If interested, send an email headed ‘Driver emails’ to and I’ll put your address onto the file…

                         Tom Whitbread
          DaC Compliance Officer

Tom’s views do not necessarily 
reflect those of anyone from Dial-a-Cab but are his own…

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