Mailshot is your chance to tell the subscribers of Dial-a-Cab exactly what you think. Complaints, compliments or just to write about Call Sign.   This is YOUR paper within your magazine....

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DaC Printers
Much mention has been made of the DaC printer being sufficient instead of having another printer fitted. However, have you heard of a DaC driver buying a cab since the new regulations started? As the purchase / passing comes before the fitting of DaC equipment, I wondered about the PCO reaction. When I rang them, they said it would be sufficient to tell KPM / PCO that the cab will be fitted with DaC equipment.  Am I just being pessimistic or cynical, but I am very doubtful that there would be no problems with the passing. It doesn’t
seem to have occurred to other drivers I have talked to and I wondered if you have heard of any problems?
Alasdair Kay (C47)
Brian Rice replies: I take your point Alasdair, I can only advise you on what I would do.
Although the PCO have advised you that everything would be OK - and I have
no reason to disbelieve them - I think if I was buying a new cab, I would get KPM or M&O to have the DaC equipment fitted before the vehicle went up for passing. It would also save you a job!

Dial-a-Cab AGM
I have just returned from the Dial-a-Cab Annual General Meeting and would like to pen a few comments about how it appeared to an ordinary member sitting in the middle of a few hundred other drivers who had taken the trouble to turn up.
   I was surprised at the level of hostility shown to the current Board and the Chairman in particular. The financial position of the Society is very sound and was praised by the accountant. The turnover increased by over 11% compared to last year and profits jumped from £105,000 to £605,000 with a large increase in cash at the bank ready for investing in new equipment. This should have been greeted by thanks and praise, but instead speaker after speaker got up to find fault and criticise every decision taken over the last year. It was even suggested that spending proposals be put to members before the Board could take action. I wondered if these referenda would take place each month or each week!
   Of course it is the right of any member to attend and have his or her say, but it would have been welcome to hear constructive suggestions rather than endless negative put downs. If this was the attitude after a good year, what would have been the reaction if our profits were down or we had lost clients? We even had members trying to get elected to the Board who did not realise that to change the constitution, a rule change was necessary and this needed to be supported by the membership. There were others who were brilliant at making promises, but very short on detail; a career in politics would be more appropriate than trying to run a large business! As for being part of a team and working with other Board members, this would have been impossible given the level of antagonism displayed in public. It is likely that the 1500 or so drivers who did not attend, stayed at home because they were pleased with the way our Society has been run over the last year. 
   I wish the Board well for the next year and look forward to continuing financial success all round.
Laurence Kelvin     W88
   Brian Rice replies: Thank you for your observations Laurence and I must say that I agree with you. I believe the vast majority of members stay away for probably two reasons:
   1/ They are happy with the way in which the Society is progressing.
   2/ They do not wish to attend meetings where they hear the same people saying the same things year after year. I also happen to believe that some members think that because we are a Mutual Trading Company, that for some reason we are immune from the pressures that face a 'normal' company - well, we aren’t! They also believe the Society can be 'handed around' until Board Members get tired of playing with it and then hand it on to the next Board to play with for a while and so on, but that we will still do well and be a force to be reckoned with. However, I am also aware of the fact that familiarity breeds contempt and people occasionally demand change for change sake. For instance, you may redecorate a room - not because there is anything wrong with it, but just because you get fed up looking at the same decoration! It’s probably the same with the Board, with some members tending to forget how well we have done in recent times and becoming complacent, believing that it will continue forever no matter who runs the Society.  Another major factor is pure 'green eye and envy' - something that we all have to endure in some way shape or form. Our Society is not immune from that either. 
   Finally Laurence, I would like to thank you for your letter. It is very difficult to actually stand up and be counted and praise something – it’s far easier to be 'one of the boys' and endeavour to tear down and destroy! But after saying the above, I must say that I really did enjoy myself at the AGM - but then again, I always do…!

AGM Suggestion
Following this year’s AGM at which 240 approx turned up, a couple of thoughts came to mind. Maybe next year the sitting Board could declare their intentions for the following year; if they intend to seek re-election, are going to retire or are undecided? This would give candidates for the Board time to inform the membership via Call Sign of their qualities to be a Board member. I for one would like to know more of the candidates skills at say Marketing / Sales / Accounts / PR etc so that I can vote the right person on. Are they prepared to go on courses, as Allen Togwell did, to gain those skills in order to run a £40m business for us? We do not need to hear candidates at AGMs just trying to score points off the Board with unnecessary questions.
   Additionally ladies and gents, let us do our bit by having a clean cab, being well dressed and displaying good manners and we will continue to go from strength

to strength.
Martin Freeborn (C67)
   It’s an idea Martin. Whether anyone knows their plans a year in advance is another matter, but the suggestion has merit …Ed

Thanks For Your Votes
I would just like to pass on my thanks to each and every one of the drivers that voted for me in the recent BoM election. It fills me with immense pride that with your support, I managed to get within touching distance of representing you as a Board member. With the support and encouragement that I have received from the drivers since, I would hope to stand again in two years time.
   Can I also congratulate the re-elected BoM. I hope they can keep up the good work under the watchful eye and stewardship of our Chairman, Brian Rice.
   Once again, a big thank you…
Russell Hall (G44)

And Thanks From Joe…
The Dial-a-Cab election has come and gone again, the consistency that the current Board desire has been maintained and I hope that bears the dividends that our circuit requires.
   The Dial-a-Cab AGM was well attended and I would personally like to thank all those members who took time away from their families and work for that day to be present and hear the alternate views of what was in many cases, a different generation of subscribers.

   The Dial-a-Cab election is an important time in the year for all DaC subscribers, the democracy of the Society its most important aspect and for everyone who voted for me, I would like to thank you all. I realise that it is impossible to attend because of commitments for many of you, so I regard it as a great privilege to have gained your confidence and vote.
   I am proud to be a London cab driver and will continue to be a member of our Society, the benefits of which are known to all of us. My congratulations to all the elected Board members and trust they will continue to support our Chairman Brian Rice in what I believe will be a most important time in our circuit’s history.
   I hope to stand for election again in two years time and God willing, will do so. Thank you all again for the privilege of your trust, I look forward to meeting many of you on the road, in what is after all the finest cab trade in the world and Dial-a-Cab its most important circuit.
Joe Brazil (K16)

A Letter to Ken!
I thought you might like to see a copy of the letter I have just sent to Ken and Transport for London. I'm not sure if it will get me anywhere with my parking ticket, but it highlights the plight that 24,000 Taxi drivers face every day.

Maggie O'Connor (M72J)
   Nice try Maggie and I wish you luck. However, Mayor Ken isn’t famous for responding directly and tends to pass correspondence on – in your case probably to the PCO for an answer. That may well involve only needing to go when near the frog-bog in Regency Place, SW1. If you only drink your water when in W8 and head south-east, you should reach Victoria by the time you need to go! I’m sure your passengers won’t mind waiting! …Ed

Dear Mr Livingstone,
I am a lady Licensed London Taxi Driver and since the beginning of 2005, I have received 3 fixed penalty notices whilst trying to do my job. I incurred my last fine when I briefly stopped to use the toilet.
   Most of my driving is done in central London and every few hours I have to address the call of nature and there begins my problem. Firstly I have to find a toilet that is open, I then have to find somewhere to park. If I cant do this I have to move on.  This was the position I was in when I received my latest ticket ie desperate! I parked alongside St Clement the Danes Church in the Strand, I took 2/3 minutes between leaving and returning to my vehicle only to find a ticket had been issued.
   Once again cab drivers are being targeted for money-making purposes, do you not think we should have short term parking spaces outside every public toilet in London? I would be interested to know how many have one and if you could suggest to me where I can use a toilet and park freely and legally? I would pay if need be, if I could find an empty meter! However, why should I pay? We are looking after the public in London, providing a safe unique service. Bus drivers have standing places for their buses and can usually walk to a toilet. Traffic wardens have no problem when they need to go. What can you suggest for us?
   A cab licence costs £146 yearly and a drivers license £282 every three years. What are we getting for this money? This is a problem Transport for London need to address.
   Potentially all cab drivers will find themselves in this position and I feel we are putting our health at risk. Cystitis, prostrate and kidney problems are all caused by not going when you need to. We are told we should be drinking at least 2 litres of water a day - impossible in our situation.
   To conclude, I feel this fine is unjust for me and that this is a serious situation for all cab drivers. I cannot afford to constantly receive tickets, we need proper facilities for drivers.
   I would appreciate you intervening and to help have my fine revoked.
Yours Sincerely
Mrs Margaret O’Connor

Computer v Call Sign Hard Copy?
I have mentioned this before, but why can't Call Sign come out at the same time as you post the Call Sign magazines? The reason I am saying this is because I much prefer to read Call Sign on my computer and as you know Alan, everybody and his brother has a computer nowadays. Another point I would like to raise is if Call Sign could go online and you could know who was receiving it on their PC, surely this would save magazines being posted and of course, save money?

John Hillier (Y77)
   Thanks for the letter John. I may be wrong, but from talking to the many drivers I chat to about Call Sign, most still prefer to have a copy that they can leave in their cab for that odd moment when they have nothing to do. The main reason Call Sign goes on line every issue is for its reference library facility and the Call Sign library is exactly that – it is a library for drivers to use to look up something from a past
issue. Every Mailshot since 1998 is in the library together

 with many other stories. For example, I went to the "search Call Sign" facility, typed in Hillier and within two seconds was informed that the only other time you had written in was in May 2004 and that it was on page 33. I then typed in Nathan and again within seconds, the library search engine (LSE to his friends) told me that Sid (K88) had 38 references to his name plus which issues and pages the items were on.
   There is also the point that judging from the emails I get asking about London Taxi drivers, Call Sign probably has more overseas readers than all the other trade papers together and I feel that Dial-a-Cab drivers should be able to read the magazine well before it goes on line – usually around two weeks later. I also think I’d get something of a backlash from driver’s wives and partners, many of whom seem to enjoy reading it.
   And by the way John, as an online reader, you may have noticed that I’m trying to start a DaC historical section where Vince Chin is reproducing some of our old mags. We currently have an issue from 1967 online and more will be added when time permits …Ed

It’s all very well for the PCO to put on an exhibition to show new emissions technology, but unlike many Licensed Taxi drivers, they don’t have to pay for it! I also note the "coming together" of our trade organisations who have finally sat down together under one umbrella to get us out of this emissions mess that he of the messes - our London Mayor Mr Livingstone – has put us into. And what do they say? They all agree that London must become greener! Does that mean that THEY are going to pick up the £3000 tabs? Thought not! And at an extra 20p per job, it’s going to take 5 years to save the money anyway!
   The obvious solution – perhaps too complicated for the trade organisations who appeared to be too busy with their get-together photo shoot to worry about – is natural wastage combined with cleaner diesel fuel. There are lots of additives that help reduce emissions and several new types of greener diesel available. Combined with proper servicing and perhaps a 15-year age ceiling, these should be enough to allow most cabs to die a natural death without the burdon of a £3000 bill. With drivers gradually updating their cabs, the number of "offending" cabs would reduce each year and with the above suggestions, any "offending" would be minimal.
   I believe that those trade leaders who were preening themselves for their big photo shoot should instead have used the 4-day visit of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to command the biggest Taxi demo London has seen. Our Taxis were good enough for the Mayor to ask us to put "Back the Bid" stickers in…
Bernie Silver (G08)

Mayor Ken Against Taxis?
I've maintained for sometime and gone on record to state that Ken Livingstone has an agenda against Licensed Taxis and wishes to oversee their demise. I was reading an article in the Daily Mail and would like to publish some extracts and subsequently, what may end up so far as London Taxis are concerned…

Daily Mail, page 6, Friday 18 February 2005…
Suspicions were growing last night that the Mayor may have faced such a ferocious attack after he backed moves to break the ailing Standard's monopoly on London's Evening news paper market.
(This article is from the on-going news agenda with Mr Livingstone’s refusal of apology to a Jewish journalist). Mr Livingstone has a deeply felt opposition to the Standard's monopoly as the only evening paper in London. Last month he backed moves which will sweep aside the paper's grip on the London market and ensure competition giving Londoners a wider choice.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it! I also know through some of my contacts that he sits-in on various high profile board meetings and continues to promote within these confines as to how he will bring about the demise of the London Taxi. A warning: Backing Ken Livingstone will be detrimental to your future and your family’s wellbeing.
Tony Arnold (F03)
   The Mayor gets a copy of Call Sign. Perhaps he would care to respond to Tony and the Daily Mail? …Ed

DaC Backing the Bid
Monday night was rather painful one for me. It was bad enough watching my Crystal Palace get a good spanking at Arsenal, but to do it sat next to Martin Freeborn made it all the more uncomfortable! There was, however, one bit of the evening that made feel rather proud. Before the thrashing began, Arsenal in announcing that they were supporting the Olympic bid, played the official promo video and there for all those in the ground to see going across the giant screen, was one of our cabs all logoed up - something very pleasing when you consider it is going to be shown all over the world and quite an achievement by whoever at DaC got us involved. The ComCab driver sitting behind me made a telling comment: "How the f*** did you manage that? Everywhere I look I see that bloody logo!" I just hope that if the bid is successful, we will have our toe well and truly in the door when it comes to handing out the transport contracts. Well done DaC, it's nice to know we are still one step ahead of the field. As for Palace, well it's going to very, very hard but fingers crossed…
Paul Jenner (L19)
   Brian Rice wrote to the Mayor knowing that he is a big supporter of the bid, so it was a case of getting us into the right camp! Go to the DaC website at  and click on the Home Page, then the Back the Bid site, then go to "Sport at Heart. There you will see a direct link to the ‘Back the Bid’ official video with DaC. In addition, every one of our six thousand customers gets a bill from us each month with 'Dial a Cab backs the bid' at the top. There was also an interview with one of the Mayor’s aids, Liz Crawshaw in the February Call Sign (later republished by Taxi Globe). The video cost us nothing and could stand us in very good stead with the Mayor’s office and you never know when that might come in handy in the future! Whether he can do anything about Crystal Palace? More to the point…could anyone! …Ed

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