Mailshot is your chance to tell the subscribers of Dial-a-Cab exactly what you think. Complaints, compliments or just to write about Call Sign.   This is YOUR paper within your magazine....

You can also email your letters to:

Forty job complaint
Tom Whitbread seems to be very busy with the other drivers like myself who have received his spineless letter of complaint re the inadequate number of account jobs completed for the month of September. I am wondering how much investigation he does before sending out such an offensive letter. If he had, he’d have seen that I renewed my cab at the beginning of that month, also my brand new cab got knocked back from the PCO because of the DaC equipment! As you can now imagine, I am extremely upset, as I have received this letter - the real icing on the cake! I have never been on complaint and prided myself on that fact, like most of my other DaC members.
   I like DaC, especially as we are a society and not a corporate business so far as we have a democratic vote each year. I have been a cabbie for 5 years now and it took me over 4 years to do the Knowledge, therefore, I will not be dictated to.
   However, we have to continue to supply the public and I am happy to do that with Dial-a-Cab so long as you continue to treat the drivers with respect and gratitude!
   I have one other complaint. On several occasions I have endeavoured to pass on a fleet message via the dispatch button on my screen, trying to pass on how much work there is at station venues and DaC marshalled events. Then there are road works etc. The Evening controllers have always appeared to be able to do this quite efficiently. However, the Day shift controllers seem to have no time or inclination to pass on such reports, which I find extremely frustrating and offensive, especially as I have just risked taking the time and the distraction when driving to benefit other drivers and possibly getting their cab through bad road works to the next DaC job!

Ian Lingham (K64)
Tom Whitbread replies: Any driver who has known me over the past 30 years, knows that I am far from spineless. I will always complete my work as Complaints Officer right up to the AGM. If I were spineless, I’d stop 6 months before and go round
kissing babies to gain votes!   This is far from my style. You say you will not be dictated to? I do not think you understand the Society you belong to. The drivers set the rules by voting at an AGM or postal ballot and you as a subscriber have to obey them. You say you like Dial-a-Cab and I should check my facts, well I do check! On checking your records, it shows that between January 2005 and September 2005 you should have done a minimum of 360 account trips, whilst in fact you actually achieved 25% of that total. Yes, you do like Dial-a-Cab so long as the hard working, rule abiding subscribers keep it trading…
   Day Shift Operations Manager, Lee Moreland, also replies: Due to problems I have had with drivers giving incorrect information, such as recently when a driver said Paddington Station was being closed when it wasn’t, I feel that we should be more careful about messages we put out. In addition to that, when I have 100 jobs in the system that need covering, the last thing I want to see put out is that "there’s work at Kings X Station."

Minicabs – do they affect us?
Could someone please explain to me how it is that now minicabs have been legalised, there seems to be more work than ever? I’ve just seen 75 radio jobs going begging, while for the previous two nights large premiums were offered on all radio trips between 7 and 8pm. Doesn’t it prove that minicabs have not affected the taxi trade one iota and never will. In fact, I’ve always said is that in a paradoxical way, they have added to it. For example, who would bother to work in areas such as Tottenham, Peckham or New Cross apart from the little people? I’m not talking about the low lives that pick up in the street, but those of the opposition who sit around in their offices waiting for the phone to ring. Anyone agree?
Stanley Frankel (K46)
Stanley, I think you are right and have always wondered how it could be that more and more minicab companies keep opening up if there is no work …Ed

Russell Hall in court
You may remember my request for a witness in Call Sign (May issue). Thankfully a witness saw my plea and attended Marylebone Magistrates Court to give evidence in allegations that I had an accident with a cyclist in Oxford St on 23 December 2004. After two adjournments, I attended the Court on 19 October having been accused of failing to exchange particulars at the scene of an accident and driving with undue care and attention. In truth, the cyclist’s route - on the wrong side of the road - was inadvertently hindered by my taxi and he decided to bash the back of my cab with his fist! The cyclist’s actions initially startled me, then when I went to investigate we exchanged a ‘few words’. I never touched him, either with my taxi or physically, so you can imagine my surprise when I was first contacted by the police to source who was driving the cab, then even more amazed when I found myself facing a magistrate for the above traffic offences to seriously damage my previous ‘clean’ driving licence. I called the Cab Section of the TGWU, with whom I’ve been a member for over 21 years, and they appointing a solicitor and barrister to assist me in clearing my name.
   The cyclist had a witness who must have had a bizarre memory, if you know what I mean. He stated that the cyclist’s cycle was ‘half under’ my cab and also that I "pushed and shoved" the cyclist. Amazingly, the cyclist never mentioned either of those facts when giving his damning evidence! What was even stranger was that the cyclist’s witness was a Director of the Pedicab company, Chariot Bikes! The two magistrates saw through this ‘imaginary’ story and found me not guilty on both counts.
   What beggars’ belief is how a case like this could ever reach a Court of Law? The Crown Prosecution Service, in their wisdom, had decided to take me to court without even taking a statement from me. The cost to you and I will probably run into the £1000’s. And what have I learnt from this experience?  Should I remonstrate with someone who decides to damage my taxi, or should I sit there and smile? The one thing I have learnt though is that if you are not a member of a trade organisation, then I urge you to join one of them as soon as you can - there is a cyclist out there more than ready to take you to court if you dare get in his way!
   I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the many DaC drivers who wished me luck and offered support, the TGWU (Cab section), my solicitor Jacqueline at O.H. Parsons, my barrister Roxanne and also my witnesses who were both inside my taxi (one of whom was a corporate client of DaC - not to mention also having the CBE) and ‘Tony’ who gave sterling evidence in my defence. I thank you all…
Russell Hall (G44)Well done Russell. Anyone who attempts to go through their cab driving career without belonging to a trade organisation is either stingy or just plain silly. Yes, they do sometimes argue over stupid things, but when it comes to instances such as Russell’s ‘set’ with the cyclist and that road user’s determination to taste the blood of a taxi driver, then you just cannot afford to act on your own. And anyone who thinks that we’d get our fare increases out of the goodness of someone’s heart, is living in cloud-cuckoo land …Ed

Badge numbers and receipts
I was speaking to another DaC driver recently and he told me that he had received a complaint letter from the PCO. The passenger had used the badge number from the cash receipt from the DaC printer to identify him. After asking around, I am lead to believe that only DaC put badge numbers on printed cash receipts and that this does not occur on non radio printers. Is this a requirement from the PCO? I can understand it being useful for sorting out credit or credit card problems, but why the need for cash rides? I am a firm believer that if you do nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about. However, on cash rides I believe that a passenger has ample opportunities to take the cab licence number from both inside and outside the taxi.  Usually a passenger takes the  cab number at the point of grievance. As things stand, a complaint can be made as an afterthought
   As taxi drivers, I have always felt that we are soft, easy targets and we should not make the publics complaints procedure any easier, because with e-mail it has become easier than ever before.  If the procedure was made a little harder, only people with genuine/serious grievances would persist.
   Finally, in the chairman's words. As I speak on behalf on the majority of members he never hears from, please look into this issue on OUR behalf.

Richard Potter  (T51)
Brian Rice replies: Well Richard, I can't say any longer that you represent the members that I never hear from, as I have seen your name a few times in the mag - however, there is nothing wrong with that! We installed the first of our terminals over five and a half years ago and they were capable of issuing a receipt. What you state is quite correct, it prints the badge number on a cash receipt providing that you are signed onto the system. If you are not signed onto the system, the receipt is printed without a badge number. It has never been a problem and this is the first time that I have ever experienced any comment on the topic. Can it be changed? Of course it can with a
rewrite on our software, but is it worth it? After all, there has never been one problem that we know about and the most pertinent part of your letter states: "I am a firm believer that if you do nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about." Nuff said!

Tom Tom to EC5?
A belated but happy birthday, Alan. With reference to Peter Straiton (F31)
enquiring about SatNavs (Nov Mailshot), I purchased a Tom Tom go system - which I found invaluable whilst doing the Virgin account work. It is easy to use, simple to install and can be purchased at a reasonable price. However, where it really comes into its own is working round the Finz when one is found to be caught out in the outskirts of SE1, N1, EC1, EC2 etc which seems to be the normal thing these days…        
Patrick Noble (S55)
Thanks for the email and good wishes Patrick. Most EC5 work is currently taken via the Bids, so provided you are within 15 minutes of the rank, you can be where you like. For the later periods when work slows down and you suspect that the driver "in front" isn’t actually there, phone the call centre and ask them to check on his position. If he is working a flanker, put him on complaint. Most EC5 drivers would agree with that …Ed

Alan Green at sixty…
Just a few lines to thank everyone for their cards, calls and congratulations on my recent birthday milestone. Even the lady bus driver smiled sweetly when I flashed my brand new pass at her! As a sop to my family and GP, I suppose I’ll have to ease up on the hang-gliding, pot-holing, and bungee-jumping hobbies. However, I do not intend to live like a hermit so the energy saved from curtailment of those activities will allow me to pursue the nightly round of boozing and partying with even greater enthusiasm!

Alan Green O.B.P. (Order of the Bus Pass and E52)
I don’t normally hire such elderly people to work for Call Sign, but I made an exception in deference to my former budgie - also named Alan! However, Alan Green is a gem and my sincere thanks go to him …Ed

Thanks to Tom…
I would like to thank Tom Whitbread for arranging the delivery of the lovely flowers and good wishes recently sent to my wife. It was certainly an unexpected surprise for her (and myself) and lifted her spirits in these hard and trying times for us both.  
   Thanks also go to Bob Thomas for his concern and thoughts. I still don't know his call sign after 20 years!
Roy Jackson (C42)          

…and Dial-a-Cab
Just a quick note to thank Dial-a-Cab for the flowers sent  to my wife after leaving hospital. It was a very kind thought. Thank you very much…
D. (Don) D'Andrea  (B71)

Ubiee Powerpill
I would like to thank both Alan

 Fisher and Dial-a-Cab for their
assistance in testing 6 drivers using the Ubiee Powerpill over the 2 month period during July and August and I am sure you will have all been impressed by the results in both the drop in emissions and the fuel savings - not to mention the better driving performance from all of the taxis now using the product.
   Many drivers are now contacting
our UK offices to purchase the PowerPill and we hope that this will continue into the future with more and more drivers using the PowerPill to both save on their fuel bills and help the environment at the same time. We understand the PCO’s reluctance to allow drivers to use the PowerPill to significantly lower emissions in place of a catalytic converter costing around £3,000, as they obviously cannot check that drivers would use the product all year round and not just at overhaul time.  However, we know that as it would cost the average driver less than £200 per year for lower emissions and save an average of 10% on fuel costs, it would be senseless to discontinue using the product. It is also worth mentioning that having a catalytic converter fitted will actually give the taxi less mpg.
   Once again, thanks to Call Sign and DaC. We look forward to more success with you all in the future.

Leon Warner.
UK Distributor, Ubiee Powerpill
   As another reminder to those using the Powerpill. After the second or third pill, don’t forget to have your fuel filter changed. After that, it should stay clean far longer …Ed

In praise of DaC
It is sometimes said that if you recognise that you are not very clever then you are not so dumb. However I sometimes think that if I were a bit brighter, then I would not be driving a taxi for a living; perhaps I could be working for a bank at Canary Wharf or maybe even running the bank? Having driven full time for 29 years, I realise that my employability in other spheres is now very limited. What I do see clearly is that work on Dial-a-Cab is so much better than it was and also far better than sticking to street work. What I cannot understand is the regular criticism the Chairman and other Board members get in Call Sign from a few malcontents. If only they could occasionally offer some constructive suggestions for improvement. Sometimes when waiting for passengers, I meet other drivers and a few say that Brian is only out for himself and in it for the money and wants to sell off the Society. To state the obvious, aren't we all out on the streets for ourselves and for the money? Nor is the Society his to sell: it would be up to the drivers to decide.
   At the moment, I feel that if an offer were to be made I would be unlikely to accept a hundred or a thousand pounds for my share. But if a company were to come along offering me thirty thousand pounds, then I would seriously reconsider. Perhaps I am naïve, but when I see my income from the circuit increasing, my accountant and bank manager happy and Dial-a-Cab showing a healthy surplus each year, then I think it is time to commend and congratulate the Chairman and the Board. The drivers who continually find fault and think they could do better seem to  imagine they could run a bank at Canary Wharf or sit on the board at Dial-a-Cab. Or just maybe they want to be in the lucky seat should an offer be made, now that all the hard work has been done?
   Please note that I am neither a relative nor friend of any of the Board members, but would like to wish them and all the hard working staff at Brunswick House, Seasonal Greetings and a happy new year.
Laurence Kelvin (W88)
How dare you say such nice things about the Chairman and BoM! You’ll be saying that Call Sign is ok next …Ed

Is it contagious!
Why don’t all the snipers having a go at our Chairman just go away. Nobody wants these troublemakers stirring up problems. Just tell them to leave!  I don’t want them on our circuit and if they don’t like what most of us obviously do, then tell them to go elsewhere. Bad publicity reflects through the trade and to outsiders reading our wonderful mag. So to all those troublemakers, I say clear off, go to one of the other circuits or go buy a converted van with windows and work for £5 an hour with Addison Lee. More harm is detrimental. Just who do these baboons work for? Is it ken Livingstone…?

Tony Arnold (F03)
Mind you, Ken is quite cute! …Ed

Over the past few weeks, it has become extremely busy both on the streets and the radio.  Being a night driver starting at 6pm and working through to around 3am, it is now common to see up to sixty jobs outstanding in the bid trips for EC5 around 9pm through to midnight.  There are also generally trips in double figures outstanding on E14 during this period.  Personally speaking and for obvious reasons, I would prefer to do radio work after 10pm than work the streets. From speaking to other drivers, they are of the same frame of mind. The imposition of the 40-trip rule is one way to address this problem. The offer of a new TXII -although a good incentive - will not personally change the way I work.  
   Although at the time of this letter E140 is not up and running yet, I believe that this will be a big step forward to resolving the problem on the Island. Proof of this came last Saturday when Clifford Chance wanted approximately 50 taxis between 4pm and 6pm. I worked this rank during that period and only had to wait about 20 minutes to get a job and although only going to SE1W, was more than happy. In addition, I suspect that the client was more than pleased with the service provided as from what I saw, there were always taxis available on the rank.  
   Whilst I see the reasoning behind W101, I do not see any falling-off of the service since its suspension during the road works on the rank. Putting aside the 'loss' of cabs through a walk up, the signals on the rank are appalling. To wait 20 minutes to get offered a job only to lose it through failing to get a signal, is infuriating. I, like many others, grab a coffee, book into W1SW and park up in the vicinity waiting our turn to get a radio job. Keeping all jobs in
   W1SW would improve service in this area.
   I read recently that the controller has the power to suspend EC5. Why if there are 40+ jobs outstanding, does he not do so? If I am driving empty to the City from Aldwych, am I going to ignore seven or eight street jobs and bid for an EC5 job that might for example be going from Tower Pier EC3 to N1E? I don't think so. However if offered a job from EC4 to A/D, I would more than likely take it. The same approaching from the North with EC1/EC2 being more likely to be covered. In the example given, even a short journey would not be a problem as having dropped, I could then bid for perhaps an EC1 job.   
    Finally regarding the Satellite Navigation system, surely Dial-a-Cab could negotiate a big discount from a major supplier for those who wish to purchase a system from their own pocket. I would be tempted to buy one for my girlfriend. This would stop her ringing me in a panic and getting me out of bed at 10am to ask the shortest route from Archway to an obscure road in Hendon!

Dave Cross (Y66)
Keith Cain replies: E140 will be in place by the time this issue is printed. As for your reasons for altering EC5, I totally agree with them.  However, while controllers can disband the rank, unfortunately by doing this all trips would go to their pick up zone and we would lose the ability to make them A/D or non-rejectable. We currently have our programmers urgently working on this, but major changes to the system will not be made until after Xmas just in case they cause other dispatching problems. I would add that although you see a large number of trips on EC5, they are not always the same ones. Our average response time on EC5 is between 6 to 10 minutes, which is not bad. I’d go further and say that during this busy time, it is excellent.
W101 has been disbanded and is not causing any coverage problems and while this
is the case, it can remain disbanded. 
   Sat Nav is something I would like to see built into the next generation of driver’s terminal. Whether we would have the pulling power to reduce the price, I'm not sure. Some on the market now are already very reasonably priced. If you've given your girlfriend that many directions, could it not be she just wants to hear your dulcet tones!

Exemplary service
I would like to express my appreciation of one of your drivers, Steve Crisp (D52), who collected me from my home on September 30. Not only did he get me to the airport on time so that I didn’t miss my flight, but he also returned the wallet that I had accidentally left in the taxi. The service he provided was exemplary and I would be grateful if you could please pass on my thanks to him. I was in too much of a hurry to catch my flight to leave him a tip, but I should like to do so now. Please can you debit the firm’s account by £10 and ensure that it goes to Mr Crisp.

J.D.N Horner
Davis Langdon LLP,
High Holborn, WC1
   Thanks for taking the time to write. Experience shows that it’s much easier to just forget that to take the time to write …Ed

One number?
In the latest issue of Ken’s propaganda sheet, The Londoner, it writes of the text home to get a minicab. What happened to the One Number system and all the promises? What is DaC’s view on the text home?

Mark White (B86)
Brian Rice responds: The 'Home' service was organised by TfL without any input from the radio circuits.  It gives a list of Private Hire companies in the area plus the One Number; the customer then makes their choice.  Our view? It is a start!

Circuit training for wardens?
Having accepted a job from St James Square and whilst waiting for the passenger outside the pick-up point, a traffic warden approached me and took my number. When I went to explain why I was there, he refused to answer and moved to check my road tax disk details, so I drove away. On passing the account address on the second circuit, I saw the warden noting signage details from where I had been waiting. I went round again and on the next circuit saw him writing outside the account address. There was still no sign of my passenger. I had no choice but to continue going around the square. On the next circuit, he was standing in the middle of the road, so I stopped some 20 – 30 feet in front of him. This "stand-off" lasted some two or so minutes until he spotted another victim. This kept him busy while I went round on another two circuits and on my seventh circuit, he unsuccessfully attempted to hand me a PCN.  This provoked what you might call an "appropriate response" on my next lap! Then I stopped and took his photo - believe me, it wasn’t a pretty sight. Then to my relief, the passenger came down following lap nine!
   Taking the advice of Bill Kibble (K86) with his how to avoid a parking ticket with Call Sign letter in the October Mailshot, I rang Westminster Parking on 0207 823 4567 two days later as this is how long it takes to process a PCN. I was told that a ticket had in fact been issued, but was subsequently cancelled, as it had not been served correctly. So my result was the same as Bills. However, be warned, if you think that you have been issued with an incorrectly served ticket, check with the local penalty ticket office as automatic cancellations do not necessarily follow.

Mike Lyons (Y52)
It does seem to be a fact that a PCN must be placed on the vehicle for it to be legally issued. However, you would have to show that you did not just take it off and throw it away …Ed

Nobu touts
I’ve just read the November Call Sign and I’d like to thank Alan Fisher for doing such a good
job in passing on the information to those who should know about minicabs touting outside Nobu in Berkeley Street ie the Cab Enforcement Section and the PCO. Hearing that they are doing something about it certainly helps compensate for my own indiscretion and the possibility of me losing my licence after amounting 12 points in a year.  That, in the great scheme of things, is of far less importance than that of the touting problem. Now that you have brought Nobu to the attention of the above, I’m hoping that we may well see some positive results.
John Fisher (C45)
John, hopefully the judge will use the discretion he has to give you a chance and allow you to keep your licence. As for the touting affair at Nobu, that led to Call Sign’s invitation to become involved with the Cab Enforcement Section on a "sting" during which we saw many touts arrested. So well done John for not just watching and doing nothing …Ed

Over a long period, we have heard stories of how we are trying to improve signals. I’d be interested in knowing what the latest situation is because I’m still having problems. I get the  ‘resend’ message as much as ever and

there is nothing worse than having
been booked into a zone for some time, only to be booked off when you get a trip offer because you can’t accept or reject and just get timed out. Help please!

Tony Campbell (B28)
Keith Cain replies: Tony, we really do understand your frustration and everyone else's. We have been discussing the problems with many experts in this field and have implemented their recommendations.   Unfortunately, we have not yet had the miracle cure. I believe recent problems were caused by one channel going up and down as it felt fit. This has now been rectified and found to be a BT problem from within their exchanges. I know it doesn’t ease your frustration, but it certainly adds to ours in working to getting the signals right.  Currently we are looking at ways of splitting channels and increasing the aerial sites.  Will it work? I'm sorry to say that we don't know until we try. Signals are still our main priority and will continue to be until an adequate solution is found.

"Butterboy" suggestions
I am just about to celebrate my first year as a London Cab Driver and will shortly be approaching my first anniversary with Dial-a-Cab. I made many friends whilst doing the Knowledge and one by one we all passed, some joining Com Cab, others Radio Taxis etc. After talking to my friends, I have to say that I definitely made the right choice in choosing to join Dial-a- Cab and slowly but surely my friends are all now joining DaC. That said however, I have a few suggestions from a new driver’s point of view of how to make our circuit even more appealing to drivers.
   I have over the past months had my share of scrubbed jobs. No problem, it happens in town. You’re put to queue position 1 and fingers crossed, it’s not long before you’re offered another job. But from Heathrow, Gatwick, Epsom, Esher etc, as great as it is if you take one of these jobs and it brings you into town, it is very frustrating to be scrubbed if you have either pulled out of the feeder park or driven a considerable distance (with a 45-minute or even 90-minute pre-booked time to an outer postcode) to be scrubbed with just a £3.80 run-in and the meter fare. Could we not introduce a scrub fee in addition to the meter fare?
   Also, when the tariff increase took place in April, I was expecting - like many other drivers - for the 20p increase of the flag fall to be passed onto our clients as it does with Joe public, yet this has not materialised and the run-in remains at £3.80.
   With Code 3, why does it switch the terminal off after just 60 minutes? If you have a cash job going in the wrong direction just after you activate it, you lose your window of opportunity. Can it not remain on until you sign off from the terminal but obviously only offer you work to take you home?
   I am very proud to be a member of DaC where there is a waiting list for new drivers. You have to be an owner-driver and we are the only circuit left in London that is run by drivers for drivers and not for the benefit of a PLC. Long may it last!
Adam McGann (J09)
Allan Evans replies: Hi Adam, I’m glad you are pleased with Dial-a-Cab, I agree wholeheartedly that you made the correct choice when you joined ODRTS and I’m sure you will continue to prosper. If you drive long distances for trips that have increased lead-in times, it is discretionary for the Call Centre to offer you a scrub amount in keeping with the time spent on the trip. The run-in is regularly reviewed and while others may have larger run-ins (for the run-up to the holidays), if they don’t have the work to offer drivers, it doesn't matter how high their run in is! We are giving all our drivers the chance to win a brand new taxi – surely a better bet that a few weeks of higher run-ins?
   Code 3 was reinstated 3 years ago by a proposition voted in by DaC members at an AGM. Generally, drivers do not pick up cash rides during the time that their going-home facility is activated to avoid losing that 60-minute "window of opportunity." After all, if you are looking to go home, why waste the chance of a job in your direction by carrying on working as normal?

Dear Brian…
In reply to your comment in last month’s Mailshot, yes it would be a token gesture for the board of Tesco to do a week on the shop floor, but a positive and visible token none the less.
   Tesco is one of the most successful trading companies in the UK, while Dial-a-Cab is the best radio taxi company. Why not follow suit and show an affinity between two greats? I'm sure that if they looked hard enough, our Board members would find their Bills and badges in their pristine and unused condition, hidden in some far flung corner of their homes. That's all that's needed to be welcomed back to the brotherhood of working taxi drivers, even for an occasional shift on the cab.  How nice it would be to see all of our desk bound Board members behind the wheel experiencing the frustrations that we, the work force, encounter every working day.  I'm sure they would find all kinds of areas needing improvement that only their expertise could rectify - a "mirror view" of Dial-a-Cab as it were.
   Then they could write in Call Sign with some updated ‘hands on’ experience and tell us why messages are not passed on, or maybe they would be more successful than the rest of us.
   As I said before, talk the talk, drive the drive…

David Kupler (Y74)
Brian Rice replies:
So you now want me to go out in a cab so that I can tell you why messages are not passed on? Well, I can tell you the answer to that now! It’s because an individual has not done what he/she should have done. How me driving a cab will have an effect on an individual’s error, I do not know - it will change nothing.   I’m interested that you admit we are the best radio circuit, but as you are aware it has not always been that way, so whatever we are doing differently we are doing it successfully. 
   I can only speak for myself when I say that I do not have the time to go out on a cab, whilst it may suit Tesco to have a PR exercise, in my case I am 'hands on' where their Board are not - they do not play a part in the day-to-day running of the business - we do! I do not believe I should or would even endeavour to justify the long hours that I work on behalf of DaC, the results of this organisation over the past ten years speak on my behalf. For you to say that you want even more from me (ie going out to work on a cab) when I have finished a days work is unreasonable and badly thought through, I learned seven and a half years ago what effect too many hours, too much worry and trying to modernise things too quickly can do to an individual.  Hopefully that will not happen again - fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice, shame on me!   

Christmas incentive…
Christmas incentives are great, but I am very disappointed with this year’s scheme in as much as it will only benefit 3 members. I’m all for Christmas bonuses, if we can afford it a party and cheque for the staff, but surely this has to be across the board? As we have record amounts of cash in the bank (approx £4.8 mil) wouldn't it be fairer to offer a premium per job or even free subs for all the drivers in January (at a time of year when it is a lot harder to earn a daily wage) at a rough cost to the society of £300K? After all, as a Mutual Society, how much money do we need in the bank?
Steve Crisp (D52)
Hi Steve, I’ve put your letter in but it would be pointless me asking a Board member for an answer as there isn’t one.  Most drivers think the incentive is great, but some think as you do. It’s just personal choice. It’s like splitting the main lottery prize into thousands of smaller prizes – much fairer but who would bother buying a ticket?  It’s true that only 3 drivers will win our prizes, but won’t the chance of winning a new cab or holiday or year of free subs, incentify drivers to cover as much account work as they can to give themselves a better chance?  What incentives are the opposition giving other than a longer run-in if needed? And Steve, even mutuals need money in the bank to run their businesses, because you never know when that rainy day might come …Ed

Christmas competition
I think the Christmas competition is a great idea! But if I win second prize in the draw and take six weeks holiday, will I come back to find myself on complaint for not doing forty account rides that month!
Keith White (A16)
Yes, cos no one likes a clever dick! …Ed

Thanks to the DaC Credit Union
I would like DaC drivers to consider for a moment the scenario of working away all the hours the good man upstairs dictates, then suddenly a mini crisis. Perhaps a very large unexpected bill or a bad smash in the droshky? What do you do? If ‘her indoors’ can’t help and there is insufficient wedge in the piggy bank, you go direct to our stress-free Credit Union who work on our behalf to get us out of shtook. Try them, I did. They were fantastic! Our own drivers working for and helping us! Our Credit Union is first class, try them, they come highly recommended by me and I can’t thank them enough.

Tony Arnold (F03)
I must be honest and say that I’m staggered that not every single DaC driver is in our credit union. You don’t have to borrow, you can just save and they do make everything so easy. You can take your money back if you want to and earn interest in the form of a dividend if you don’t …Ed

FSA investigation
I was shocked to read in the last Call Sign a letter from Mr T Gillam (N14) informing that the FSA investigation into DaC took 10 weeks to complete. Please could the Chairman answer the following questions-:
   1. Why was the membership not informed of the FSA investigation of DaC at the AGM?
   2. Who was the investigation into, just the Chairman or the whole BoM?
   3. What was the procedure of the investigation?
   4. The Chairman stated the FSA would not be taking any further action. What action did they take?
   5. Will you publish all the correspondence between the FSA and DaC?
   6. Can I (or any other subscriber) see the FSA report?

Michael Calvey (B95)
Brian Rice replies: I have written extensively in the past both in Call Sign and in a personal letter to members dated 14 April regarding the FSA investigation. I believe it is far better for our Society that this matter be concluded. If you have any queries over anything that I have written (ie you don't believe me!) then I suggest you contact the FSA, I am not foolish enough to go into print with details that are not correct! However, what really surprises me about your letter is that you were 'shocked' to read in the last Call Sign that the FSA investigation took ten weeks. In the personal letter that I wrote to members on 14 April - including to you - I stated that very fact! Either you do not read my personal letters to you, or you are becoming forgetful! Or is there another reason…?   

If I win the new cab…
I have decided that following an admonition from the Witchfinder General – aka Sir Thomas of Whitbread – that in the best interest of DaC I should endeavour to complete a minimum of 40 radio jobs per month. Not only that, but I am now looking forward to entering the raffle for a brand new ‘gold’ TXII and with the Gods always smiling on me, I wouldn’t be surprised if I won all three prizes! However, if I just win the new taxi, can you please arrange for it to be delivered to my home address as it would be beneath me to venture back into the east end from where I originated but don’t really like to talk about.  Please ensure that the taxi is royal blue, has 12 months road tax and naturally is covered by a fully comp insurance policy. Oh yes – and a full tank of diesel to start me off! Chauffeur driven would be nice with the driver smartly clad in a black suit, bow tie and regulation peaked cap. A beautiful blonde model with an hourglass figure should accompany him and open the door for me as I enter. Paparazzi are free to take photos should they wish. Mind you, thinking about it, I might consider an offer for you to keep the cab whiles I get the blonde. As an act of good will, you can have an older model that I have owned for the past 33 years, in part exchange…!

Stanley Frankel (K46)
God help us all! …Ed

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