Finsbury Square Rank
I have put out constant messages informing drivers that there will be spot checks carried out on the Finsbury Square (EC5) rank during the night hours. Some drivers obviously thought that I was making it up and that it would not happen or that it was a joke! Well that certainly wasn’t the case on 5 May. A DaC Marshal attended the rank at 00:30 and found it to be a complete shambles! The problem was caused by drivers who seem to think they are union officials or who know better than those running the Society.
   Drivers were scattered in every corner of the square with only around half being correctly parked. The list made by the Marshal was later compared to the V6 Data Despatch printout and any drivers not booked in correctly will be receiving a complaint. No driver can say they have not been warned, because I wrote in Call Sign not long ago about these problems, in addition to the terminal messages. If you book in incorrectly, you are not hurting me, you are cheating your fellow drivers.
   If you receive a complaint, please don’t try to get out of it by saying that you did not know the correct procedure for booking onto the rank.  If you are unsure - as we have told you many times - contact Allan Evans or myself right away and we’ll be happy to explain.

Clearing a Trip
When you clear a ride that you have accepted through the terminal, the system inputs some of the details for you. This makes life easier for you. However, we seem to have some drivers who alter these figures for others that are more to their liking. This is strange because the system tells us the original figures and we then have to ask you why they were altered. So please do not tamper with the CLJ form and insert different figures. So far two drivers who decided to do this have been expelled from the Society.
   Prior to the last terminal upgrade, we informed you of the many changes that it would include. There were extra buttons for general codes to make the terminal more user friendly, a meter interface and extra codes to save you remembering coded numbers. The upgrade makes the driver’s job easier so that when he brings up the CLJ form, all the details have been put in and you really only need just to send the form. The only time the fare needs changing is if the trip is a pre-booked station job, a Westminster ride where the passenger’s contribution needs to be taken off the total or if the job comes to lees than 

Tom Whitbread

the £8 minimum. Layouts for food and car parks etc have their own box and do not involve altering anything else.
   We have also restricted the continual use of certain requests for information such as QPs to ease the traffic through aerial and telephone lines. This is to try and stop bottlenecks with incoming and outgoing signals, which cause drivers to get the ‘BUSY’ message and to retry sending the message.
   The Board – together I must add with the vast majority of our drivers - intends this Society to be beyond reproach in every way. That includes the standard of our drivers and the service. We have the most and by far the best work for our drivers, so unless you do not want to avail yourself of this work, keep breaking the rules and you can be certain that I will eventually be writing to you.

We are undoubtedly the victims of our own advanced technology. The more facilities you give to bored drivers, the more they will play and that is what causes terminals to get overloaded with traffic signals.

To POB or Not to POB…
The same upgrade also gave us the facility to check on information regarding driver’s input during their daily routine while covering work. The software includes information on the GPS position of a cab when the driver presses his POB button or sends a CLJ form.
   This being the case, when the information was checked it was found that a minority of drivers were seriously breaking the rules. The drivers were questioned on this information and they admitted that they had broken the rules. It was explained to the drivers concerned that they could be taken to a Complaints meeting, but they were in no doubt of the conclusion the Committee would reach and they decided to strip out and leave the Society. In a two-week
Period, this totalled some 20 drivers.
   If any drivers believe that they can suddenly change their way of working and that we will not know, then they are mistaken. Those records go back to the time that you had your upgrade.
   We also have some drivers who are trying to tamper with the


equipment. If you try this, the computer notes a  malfunction and notifies the dispatchers. On certain occasions it will inform the driver to contact the fitting bay at Roman Way. For certain problems it will notify the IT department or myself, this being the case a letter or phone call will be given to the driver. This will tell them that they have go to Roman Way within 24 hours, or they will be de-authorised until they have reported to the depot.
   I believe most strongly that this Society has the best work and the best despatching system, one that allow all drivers to get a fair share of the work. But for it to work to its optimum, we must stick to the rules that are in place. We now have the facility to allow us to weed out any wrongdoers and to allow the vast majority of honest drivers to work without the worry that others are cheating on them.
   Because of the paperwork involved in dealing with the above-mentioned 20 drivers, I have not been able to hold a normal Complaints meeting. For this I apologise to any driver who has a complaint outstanding or is awaiting the outcome of a complaint they have submitted.

Acting Sensibly
On a recent Sunday, I had to go to my daughter’s house in Nottingham and I travelled by way of the M1. I was driving along in traffic at the maximum legal speed limit, when one of our taxis shot past me. When I’m on any road, if someone wants to act in a reckless manner, then I couldn’t care less provided he/she isn’t endangering me.  But when these morons travel at speeds of 90 mph plus whilst displaying our logo, then I consider that to be plain stupidity. This particular driver obviously did not think that any one of the cars around him could have been an undercover traffic patrol vehicle. How would he have felt to get points on his licence in addition to a fine? Then if the client informs us that he felt unsafe, the driver will then get a complaint for bringing the Society into disrepute. And what would have been the advantage of this speeding? Maybe arriving a few minutes early?  The disadvantages are more severe. A possible serious accident, his wife ending up a widow and his children fatherless. So before you take unnecessary risks, take a moment to think what the outcome could be…
   If you are about to embark on your summer holidays, I hope you have a wonderful time and return feeling rested. For those who will be working, think of all the extra jobs you can cover whilst they are away...!

Tom Whitbread
DaC Complaints Dept

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