Tom’s England…
May I start by thanking Christina Springham for her letter published in the last issue of Call Sign, it is refreshing to know that there are people left in Britain who do not want to give England away!
   Tony Blair is the man with the outsize ego who may sell us all down the river, just so he can gain a good job in Europe. He’s a man who puts people into jobs, thinking he knows better than going through a selection process. Most of these people have so far made a complete farce of the job they’ve been given. One that springs to mind at the moment is the Minister for Defence, Mr Hoon; he sends our troops to fight a war but neglects to give them the correct and adequate equipment. If that’s not bad enough, he then tries to lie about the mistakes!
Where did he appear from? I think you will find it’s the Cherie Blair stable…
   Some may believe that I belong to the BNP, far from it; they act like a group of mindless yobs that I would never associate myself with. I’m proud of Great Britain’s history, we are an island that in hundreds of years, has lost millions who fought and died protecting it. Now we have a Prime Minister who just wants to give it all away. The other countries in Europe must be wondering why they bothered fighting us? If only they’d known Tony Blair was coming!

Contacting Lovells
We have a problem at Lovells in Holborn Viaduct. Some drivers are not doing as they are supposed to do, that is to go into the reception and ask for their passenger by name. By the time the driver and passenger are linked up, there is substantially more than should be showing on the meter. This brings the Society into disrepute and that being the case, a complaint will be issued. If you have any problem contacting your passenger, the voice channel operator must be informed immediately.
   When it comes to complaints, they usually fall into 3 categories; deliberate, laziness and "I didn’t think." It is always easy when you think in hindsight, but by then you could have lost a major account.

DaC Prevents Client Being Defrauded
A major account client found that

  Tom Whitbread
 one of their accounts was being defrauded over a period of 5 months.
 We, as you know, have the most up-to-date and security conscious despatch system for taxis in the world.
 These passengers were dropped a short distance from the intended pickup point and the cab went on to pick up the two young men. Once they had given their details to the driver and got into the taxi, the driver turned back and took them to the waiting police and security!
   To make matters worse for them, one of the young men asked the policemen if they did not have anything better to do "…such as catching criminals!" It makes you wonder what they considered they were if not just a pair of common thieves.
   The client and I would like to thank all the staff involved in this incident. It proves that Dial-a-Cab will go out of its way to safeguard our client’s accounts. The client has now added extra security into their accounts to stop this happening again.

Lose the Metered Fare?
We have drivers who do not write down details of their job for future reference if a query
   should arise. We supply free of charge, the correct books to write all the details of your jobs, plus any changes. If you are not able to supply us with proof and details on a fare that is above the norm, then you could have money deducted.
   In the back of our credit books are a number of green pages. These are for recording deliveries with the recipient’s signature and printing in block capitals, so that it is easily read if necessary. If you fail to get a signature and the delivery goes missing, we cannot prove to the client that it was ever delivered, so we have no option but to deduct the fare from the driver as the client will not pay us.
   We set out these procedures so that drivers should always get paid, but if you are a Jack the Lad and cut corners, you will be the one to lose out.   I became involved some 3 weeks ago and started to collate as much 


information as possible, which was passed onto the client and police. We also got some pretty good descriptions from the drivers involved on past fraudulent trips – one being from the Editor himself!
The end came when, with all this information, the client had a good idea who the persons involved were and a plan was formulated to try and trap them. Involved in the coup de grace was the client, police, our call centre and the driver. It was just a waiting game from then on until the next call came in with details that matched past journeys.
   The call centre staff linked onto an incoming call and immediately informed the client’s security staff. A taxi was then despatched to pick up the security staff and then onto the police station involved to collect two police officers.

Proprietors Licenses
Ladies and Gentlemen, we still have a few drivers who are not producing their proprietor’s licence after their overhaul. After the overhaul, we need to see the licence or a photocopy. This is to keep with the ODRTS rulebook. You receive the licence on the same day as the taxi plate, so if we have not seen proof within 7 days, you are falling foul of our procedure rules.
   If found guilty of the above complaint on more than 1 occasion - they are recorded on your record - a committee may deem that you are not a fit and proper person to be on the circuit.

Receipt Pads
I can’t say well done to all those drivers who give our receipt pads to non-radio drivers. I’m getting more complaints about drivers who swear or give false figures on receipts to passengers. When I check the registration number or plate number, it often turns out not to be one of our taxis, but the passenger usually does not believe me and says they will never ride in a Dial-a-Cab taxi again.
   Even if you know the other driver, he does not want to be on the radio and therefore has no allegiance to us, so why take a chance? It is your work that he is losing, so before you ask me where the work is disappearing to, think about what I have just written.

Tom Whitbread
DaC Complaints Dept

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