from the editor's desk
You will read elsewhere in this issue about the Met Police random security check on a Dial-a-Cab taxi, which came across something that caused the Chief Inspector of Operations, Chris Rose (the operational lead for the Metropolitan Police Cab enforcement team) to issue a warning to this Society about. It involved the possibility of legal action that could arise out of giving our drivers advanced warnings of where police speed-checks are being carried out.
   When the taxi was pulled over, the two officers carrying out the security check noticed on the driver's terminal a message stating: "Warning, speed trap Regents Park." This terminal message was reported to Chris Rose, who then checked the files to find out whether indeed their had been a radar speed gun set up in Regents Park that day. The answer was yes...
   Chief Inspector Rose then wrote a letter to Tom Whitbread in which he explained that the use of DaC equipment in this way could amount to an offence of 'Obstructing the police in the execution of their duty'.
   He went on to add that "...Whilst I understand you wish to look after your drivers, I do not consider that a radio circuit of your standing should condone speeding vehicles, whether licensed taxis or not. I would be grateful if you would examine your operation in this area and ensure that such messages are carefully considered before being sent out."
   Keith Cain, who is in charge of the Call Centre, told Call Sign that he has no choice other than to make sure that no further messages of this type go out to drivers.
   In the meantime, Tom Whitbread has invited Chris Rose to tour DaC and to see our operations at first hand. If accepted, Call Sign hopes to be there and to ask CIO Rose exactly why, if the police are so against giving warnings of this type, they paint their speed cameras bright yellow...?

Stevie Boy's Back...?
So Steve Norris is standing once again as the Conservative Mayoral candidate for London, selected via a postal ballot no less - but let's not go into that!
   I make no bones about the fact that I like Steve Norris. My wife and I have had dinner with him (when he was Transport Minister for London) and he is a real charmer. He also has the amazing ability of remembering everyone he meets and when a politician who you haven't seen for a few years greets you unexpectedly and says: "hello Alan, how are you," it impresses you!
   However, although he 

Alan Fisher, Editor

undoubtedly had the most amazing knowledge of this trade - probably equalling Ken's passion for buses - we also remember the 
feelings we used to get when he seemed to ignore anything we asked for and how he pushed minicab licensing against the wishes of the trade at the time.  Older drivers will remember Ken doing something similar in pushing contra-flow bus lanes to the exclusion of licensed taxis when leader of the GLC!
   But then again, Steve Norris as a Minister was responsible for the quote: "So long as I am in power, minicabs will never be allowed to ply for hire."
   It could be an interesting election...

DaC AGM Rumpus
Call Sign was mentioned at the DaC AGM rather more than I'm used to hearing. I enjoy praise but I can also take criticism. I'm a believer in the maxim that if you dish it out, you must be prepared to take it. You need only look at the Mailshot pages of Call Sign, which occasionally publishes driver's letters that would make similar magazine editors go into labour! I am not afraid of controversy and few letters received are not published.
   But boy was I slagged off at the meeting by one of the BoM election candidates. In fact he used the whole of his election address to have a go at me, giving his version of events in our private conversations, much of which I had never heard before! Parts of every topic he raised had some truth in, but then went awry to contain bits that were new to me.  To those who noticed, yes, I was  absolutely fuming inside, eventually raising a "point of order" disputing the quotes that allegedly were supposed to have come from me.
   In fairness to the candidate, I am not going to dispute individual items of what he and I said in
our conversation, because neither can really prove what the other said, but I assume that his
low poll of votes in the hall itself must have said something.
   All I will offer is his statement concerning the leaflets he handed out to drivers around the Finsbury Square rank and other places including outside the meeting itself. His big bone of contention was that I would not allow him to give an election address in Call Sign, as I asked for CV's. Why I did that was itemised in the last issue.   

This candidate originally went to Howard Pears to show him his election address (before I ever saw it) and Howard told him that one item in it was illegal under our constitution. He had no other problem with it. The candidate took that as an acceptance from Call Sign, something that it wasn't because as Howard would tell you, he doesn't edit this magazine. It was later offered to me with the offending piece crossed out. I still rejected it as not being a CV.
   So he continued to give out the leaflets and deliberately left the offending item in, knowing full well that even if he were to be elected, it could not be put into fruition. In my book that comes very close to deliberately trying to deceive the membership. So why did he do it?
   Well, his answer at the AGM rostrum was that he deliberately continued to give out false information " order to get a response from Alan Fisher." No mention about drivers voting for a system that the candidate knew he couldn't carry out if elected!
   Well, Michael, here's my response. You alone have convinced me that I was right to ask for CV's rather than allow candidates to say and offer whatever they liked in the hope that they would become vote catchers, regardless of whether they could be carried out following the election. If I am still editing Call Sign at the next election, I plan to ask for CV's and put several questions (all the same) to candidates. Allowing anyone to make claims that they cannot hope to achieve serves no purpose to DaC subscribers who expect and deserve the truth from Call Sign. I thank you for proving to me that my final decision - perhaps forced on me - turned out to be the best way...

Tariff Increase
So the tariff increase revealed in last month's Call Sign has now been officially confirmed. Other than the fact that the clock 'drop' has now gone up to £2 instead of the £2.40, our increase forecast was spot-on. Not only were we correct, but in the Chairman's Report, Brian Rice even forecast that the Evening Standard would concentrate purely on the flag drop increase and totally ignore the fact that it works out at around 2.9% as you can now go much further for the £2. And guess what, two weeks later, page 2 of the Evening Standard saw the headline: Minimum fare for cabs set to rise by 40%. In a four-column article, you'd have to read the last three lines to realise that the increase would only affect 1.9% of taxi users.
   I think it's about time we had fare negotiators who live in the real world because anyone who thinks that this was a good time to increase the initial hiring charge is seriously out of date...

Alan Fisher

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