Mailshot is your chance to tell the subscribers of Dial-a-Cab exactly what you think. Complaints, compliments or just to write about Call Sign.   This is YOUR paper within your magazine....

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An Open Letter to Brian Rice
Over the years through Call Sign, we have discussed many different topics and although we have not always agreed with each other, at least through Call Sign our sides can be read and hopefully discussed by the membership, hence this letter. I felt compelled to write in this time concerning the proposed take-over letter that we all received and also your reply to an earlier letter from George Wilson (F17) (April Mailshot).
   Firstly I must say that I found his letter to be spot-on and after discussing this with other drivers, I now know that I am not alone.  What I found very offensive was the way in which you tried to discredit both himself and his argument by disclosing to the members that he had only been on the circuit just 3.5 years. I thought that this was a very cheap trick and not worthy of a man in your position, bearing in mind that we pride ourselves on being a gentleman's circuit. Surely from the day he is accepted to join, buys his share, pays his subscription and also covers his quota of account rides, he has as much right to voice his fears and concerns as any other member... yes or no?
   Getting back to our buy-out letter, the most insulting aspect of that letter was the way that you, Mr Rice, cherry picked at the facts. Yes we knew how much we might receive, but not how much you and the Board would get, how interesting. You would not even name the company offering to buy us off and yet with only half the facts given to us, we are told to make a decision that will dramatically alter our working lives forever! Oh yes, and we are given just 14 days to reply.
Isn't it a shame that this wasn't bought up at the AGM two weeks previous. Call me naïve or stupid, but I didn't realise in this world of big business that multi-million pound take-overs just come through the post in a few weeks! I guess it's back to the Open University to get my money back for my Economics Business Studies degree! As I stated before in my letter, it is the cherry picking of the facts that I find an insult to my and other member's intelligence.
   It is a shame that the BoM cannot increase our work on the radio instead of dangling this 'carrot' of money in front of our noses, I like many other drivers, am still waiting for the work to pick up, so with say 500 cars on the circuit, it never will. We will pay higher subscriptions, receive little or no gratuity on our work and spend our time waiting for a job on the Fins while discussing the roader we got last week to Hammersmith!
   We have been constantly drip-fed all the rhetoric about minicabs over the past 18 months and with all this doom and gloom scaremonger drivel as well, what you have done is to scare all the drivers who feel (thanks to the BoM) that they are about to drown. But thanks to you, they - by means of this sell-out - will be thrown a financial lifeline. Did you know that even people on the lifeboats died with the Titanic?
Grant Davis (L39)
Brian Rice replies: Yes, we have disagreed in the past - mainly due to the fact that you always adopt an anti-establishment view. The view of the Board is irrelevant to you, as you will automatically adopt the opposite view and incidentally, your track record is not too good. The reply you desire from me is the answer that I gave to your friend in the last edition of the magazine, so I will not bore members with the same response again. However, there are one or two things that need to be stated. Of course Mr Wilson's letter was "spot on" - he agreed with you! My mentioning his three and a half years service was to explain why he thought everyone should get the same possible payout, as he does not have the length of service that many members have. My original letter sent to members was dated 15th March, while the AGM was 10th February - not two weeks apart as you stated, so perhaps you are right and your fees from the Open University should be returned to you! Also Grant, I suggest you read the letter again as it will NOT dramatically alter our working lives forever (your words). It was merely to see if members wanted more information and the majority do. Finally, talking of cheap tricks, whenever a member is struggling with their argument, do you know what they always say? "Isn't it a shame that the BoM cannot increase our work on the radio." Sound familiar...?

Eds note: Grant Davis is referring to the original Dac's news letter

Tariff 3
EC5 seems to be drying up a bit; do you think it could be that Tariff 3 is a bit too much? Between 8 and10pm, you are scratching to find any street jobs so you book into EC5 and find yourself at something like position 65 or even more while there seem to be more and more cars at some of our large accounts. I know times are a bit tough, but what if they extended Tariff 2 10.30pm and then Tariff 3 from 10.30 onwards? I also hear rumours regarding a large account in Aldersgate Street going over to cars only, perhaps if we change the tariff a bit we might get a bit more of the work? A lot of account work does seem to be drying up. Look at MS, you sit on the rank and there are 20 cars outside, how long before this happens at 75 London Wall because they are creeping in there as well. If we loose DB, there won't be enough in the City to keep us going at night. Who is the Sales manager at DaC?  Surely he could do a bit more?  I've heard about JPM but don't seem to get a lot of work from there. Do you think fixed prices are the answer or can't we compete with cars prices? A lot of drivers are moaning about HoC prices; are these similar to the prices offered in the city? I'd be interested in hearing from Brian Rice, as something needs to be done.
Dave Raymond (Fox56)
Brian Rice Replies: The new night tariff is with us and we must get on with it. My views on it are very well documented and I believe night men should have the enhanced tariff, but it could be argued that the timing of the increase was a little insensitive. Regarding new work, I can assure you that everyone at Brunswick House is not only endeavouring to secure new work as in the case of J.P. Morgan (already in our top twelve with another five thousand individuals still to come on board), but also consolidate what we already have. There is no question that the new night rate has made it even harder for us to compete against Private Hire, but compete we must and I'm sure you will agree that it is getting busier. Although price is very important to our clients, so is service, so that is the area we must concentrate on. It is all very well for PH to be cheaper than us, but if they can't supply a vehicle then it doesn't amount to much.
Regarding the HoC, I will agree that our fixed prices are extremely competitive, but what we have done is to despatch the work into SW1E instead of SE75, consequently there is no ranking and the driver is offered a destination and the fixed price; he/she then has a choice whether to accept or reject. At the moment, we believe that it is working quite well. Regarding drivers moaning about the fixed prices from the House believing them to be too low, some drivers also moaned when we lost the Westminster Special Needs account because we intended charging more than a competitor and as a result we lost the account ...hmm, it is difficult. Anyway Dave, whilst you and our colleagues are thinking about the subject and the threats that we face, that can only be good for our industry, personally I am very optimistic.

Steve Shaller Remembers...
You really did spring a surprise by publishing a photo of me showing just how young I once was, in my article "Those were the days" (May Call Sign).  Sadly, I am no longer able to assume the Lotus position though  I still meditate and "om." This is usually performed with the windows open...
   The second shot showing me driving my cab around Leicester Square, brought back rather unpleasant memories of which I recall vividly. That was the day I received a 'stop' note from the PCO for having a defective side carriage light and dirty wick! I remember expressing surprise at the Carriage Officer at the time as he walked away. "Dirty Wick..." I shouted! Those, indeed, were the days!!!
Steve Shaller (R75)
P. S. Thank you for not publishing the shot of me playing with my Sitar...

Ted Andrews
Many thanks for the lovely tribute you gave Ted in the May Call Sign. I wish to thank you and all at Dial-a-Cab for your kind words and help in the recent weeks. May I also send my condolences to Mrs Wilson and Mrs Hutton, as they must have felt as devastated as I was and still am. I know Ted enjoyed working for Dial-a-Cab, we also enjoyed reading Call Sign when it came every month and it was a race to see who read it first.   

 Thank you once again on the family's behalf, and can I say that sales of PG Tips have gone down drastically since Ted died - so I hope none of you have shares in the firm!
And Alan, if he does meet Johnny Leach, I am sure he will give him a good game!
Mavis Andrews

Phil Phillips
On behalf of Andrew, Simon and myself, I would like to express our grateful thanks to
everyone who attended the funeral of my husband, Phil Phillips. Since that very sad time, we have had numerous phone calls and letters expressing sympathy and offering help, which has gone a long way in helping us to come to terms with our grief and our loss. I am sure that Phil would have been amazed and very touched by the tributes paid to him, just as we were. Our grateful thanks to you all. In times of great sadness, it is good to know that you're surrounded by friends who care.
   Phil's stone setting will be at Rainham Cemetery, Upminster Road North, Rainham, Essex on Sunday 21 July at 3.15.
Jackie Phillips
Redbridge, Essex


Credit Cards
Following the recent tariff increases and the implementation of a drive to increase the usage
of credit/debit cards, is there a possibility of the credit card companies and Dial-a-Cab to not
only reduce the 10% handling charge, but to increase the £50 automatic authorisation? More than once I have found on a credit card booking through the system that the fare plus gratuity and handling exceed £50, but when trying to clear the job, authorisation has only been for the £50 maximum. This creates frustration and delay for both the passenger and driver and does nothing to promote the service we are trying to offer.
   On a different note, I was under the impression that one of the reasons for the introduction of the TX1 was that EU regulations would not permit the rear-hinged forward-opening rear passenger door of the LTI Fairway. Obviously this edict does not apply to the £10m new royal Bentley!!
David Lessman (D19)
David, I fully understand the frustration. There will soon be a new procedure regarding the processing of credit cards that will be no different to the way in which a credit card transaction is completed in any retail outlet. Validation will be real time and will have the scope to accept a wider variation of card. We are looking at drivers retaining the slip rather than having to bring it to the office. We are near completion of the project and drivers will be notified in due course. Watch this space!!!

KPM And DaC Taxis
In the last three issues of Call Sign, you have carried a notice stating that KPM now have two taxis fitted with DaC terminals, which are available to us on overhaul. However, when I recently took my cab to them to be overhauled, I was told that the notice was a misprint and the taxis were not available on overhaul. Could you please therefore clarify the situation regarding these taxis at KPM. Perhaps you know of drivers that have been given them on overhaul.
Peter Kelly (Y96)
As the terminals cost a substantial amount to install into KPM taxis, Call Sign mentioned Paul's letter to Brian Rice who then telephoned Peter De Costa of KPM for him to clarify the situation. It would appear that this pilot scheme has proven to be extremely popular with DaC members at both M&O's and KPM, so much so in fact that KPM have both their DaC vehicles tied up just so that our members can work when they have had an accident and it appears that there is not any 'down time' with the two cabs. Their view is that overhauls are pre-planned whereas accidents are not; Brian Rice commented that he could understand their point although he did not necessarily agree with their reasoning. The situation will be reviewed and thank you Paul for bringing this anomaly to our attention.

Uses For Receipt Pads?
Could we print on our receipt pads pictures of missing people in London and perhaps get large corporations to sponsor them? I would be willing to have money taken out of my subs each month. Let's help in some small way. Could we give it a thought please...?
Paul Levene (V21)
Allen Togwell replies: Whilst I agree with Paul Levene's moral reasoning to assist with the missing person's issue, doing it via our receipt pads is not really practical. Receipt pads are ordered in bulk for cost effective reasons and remain in stock for quite a long time. So the updating of the missing person's file would be somewhat difficult to administer. Advertising on receipts, as one would expect, is primarily for generating new business and because of the size, there is limited space for too much copy. The one we have in the Driver's reception at present was designed as a flyer to generate credit card work rather than as a receipt.
On the question of sponsors, we have had several companies approach us over the years with the idea of advertising their branding on our receipts for which they would pick up the cost, but for all the interest made at the time, none have ever taken it further. Getting back to Paul's missing persons. I feel it would achieve a greater response if a page was dedicated in Call Sign and all the trade papers.
Editor's Note: I am always happy to provide space for last minute urgent reasons.

Views Of DaC's Number One Expert On Taxi Affairs
Thank you for publishing my last letter. It proves that you have good taste! As DaC's number one driver and expert on taxi affairs (unpaid), may I say that the letter from Mr M.Madden is wrong (May Call Sign). He states that since the fare increase, the travelling public are much happier because they are now in a position where they can hail a taxi with ease because there are more mobiles on the road, especially after 8pm. How does he know that? Has he counted them? My guess is that since September 11, a recession has set in affecting the number of tourists coming to this country, especially those from America. That is the reason why there are so many cabs driving around with their for hire signs on. As for the touts, I can guarantee that we will be seeing a lot more of them once things get back to normal, probably during the coming summer months.  They'll be out there after crawling out of the woodwork like bugs on a sultry evening (Stanley, that is soooo beautiful...Ed). Never mind, even though I don't like to say it, loads'a pirates means loads'a work!
   As for Tom Whitbread's words of wisdom about our fare structure, how does he expect us to compete with those minicabs that work for peanuts? By lowering our fares, especially doing fixed price jobs, we will be putting a noose around our necks. The City companies who are making fortunes - especially lawyers, accountants and stock market firms, can well afford our fares. Let's be honest, don't they charge it up to their clients? I wonder how much Tom Whitbread earned working for Clarence House? I'd like to know, as would probably most of DaC's drivers - or did he do it for the honour and prestige as a great patriot. There is an empty plinth in Trafalgar Square and I suggest that we put Tom's name forward so that he can have a statue of himself placed there. As for myself, I'd hate one simply because I hate pigeons!!!
Stanley Frankel (K46)
   That's funny Stanley, I've been told that they like you! ...Ed

You Gotta Laugh Or You End Up Crying!
That lovely visit to the accountants was enhanced even further by visional defect. I parked on a P + D in Wellington Way E3 to find that the only machine in the street would not accept £1 coins. B...blast. I put in 60p in 20p coins, all I had. I left a large and polite block capital note in the kerbside window explaining. OK, I know its naïve!  I've been driving 18 years but still like to believe in the human touch, common sense, even fairness?  No you guessed. Anyway, I  found a gent to witness the problematic machine. With his 'testimony' I wrote an appeal. Surely this is tantamount to entrapment I said. Victims like me actually want to pay the £2.40 they need for an hour, but you make it near impossible.  Tough, they said. OK, tickets are almost an occupational hazard to us, apart from kicking myself I have always paid up, no fuss, fair cop and all that, but this one hurt. I went to New Zealand House on 28 May to appeal. They have sent me evidence of P + D machine maintenance as they are contesting its defectiveness, but in 6 sheets there is no mention of the one in Wellington Way.  Maybe this will help my case.  Also P.A 172 is clearly suffering a visional defect, for it seems he could see my 12mins expired ticket, he could see my valid tax disc and he could see my number plate, but according to Tower Hamlets evidence, he specifically noted no such polite notice was displayed. I have had to write again to my witness to confirm it. 


I've got a sneaky feeling that some of you old campaigners will be asking just who suffered from lack of vision. I'll
keep you posted....
Colin Carruthers (Y38)
Pleased you can still smile Colin! Some DaC drivers have recently complained about the bus lane in Upper Street, which precludes taxi drivers from the end that goes to the Angel. Several have found themselves photographed for trying to get their passengers through quickly and have been fined £40. Call Sign's David "Kupkake" Kupler is currently fighting such a fine and has taken the matter up with the Mayor's office... Ed

I was concerned that Brian Rice should write in May's Call Sign that "...I practically suggested he was a crook." If my letter can be interpreted that way then I unreservedly apologise. That was certainly not my intention. As my letter was obviously ambiguous, please let me try to clarify it. I believe the BoM and Brian Rice have a strong vested interest in Dial-a-Cab becoming a PLC or being sold off. My reasons for this are as follows.
   Using a number of independent surveys, it can clearly be shown that the senior management at Dial-a-Cab are paid less than 50% of what they would be paid in an equivalent public company (number of employees, sales, turnover etc). Were Dial-a-Cab to become a PLC, one would expect that they would receive the appropriate compensation.  Examples of where this has happened can be found in the Building Society sector where after they had converted, one chief executive's salary went from 260K to 430K and one doubled his pay to 824K. I have no objection to Dial-a-Cab paying the prevailing market rates provided the personnel are up to the task. Were Dial-a-Cab to become a PLC, then the BoM would not be required to stand for re-election. With secure positions, there would be no logical reason for them to retain their cabs. This would mean significant cost savings for them.
 As a PLC, the BoM would have much greater freedom to expand the business as they see fit. Brian Rice and many of the BoM have already stated that they would like to expand the services offered and provide other means of transport. While this would inevitably mean greater profitability for the company, it would be to the detriment of the taxi drivers.
   The last reason is perhaps where any misunderstanding may have arisen. When a company is taken over, it is normal practice if the current BoM are to be retained to pay them a loyalty or lock-in bonus in order to have a smooth transition and to ensure that business continues unaffected. This is a normal commercial practice and I certainly did not intend to suggest anything in any way underhand or illegal would take place.
   I trust this clarifies my position. I look forward to hearing Brian Rice and the BoM's impartial and considered decision once they have fully examined the current offer.
George Wilson (F17)
Brian Rice replies:
Firstly, George, thank you for your apology and I am happy to accept it.
It is only logical that any company interested in another would want to lock some of the management in to ensure the smooth running of that business. If I am honest, I find it quite flattering that an outside company feels that some of the management of DaC are good enough to compete in a commercial environment. To take it one stage further, the interested company have stated that a contract would have to be signed by some of the current management at DaC or the deal is off. I know that what I have stated will not prove popular with some members, but it is a fact. Dare I suggest that we should consider ensuring DaC's future prosperity by "locking" people in with a contract? But you can imagine what some members might say. Unfortunately, there is a minority in our trade whose only interest is in what someone else is getting. The fact that they are doing well is unimportant to them; they are just terrified that someone is getting more than they are. However, I believe the important issue is whether DaC as a company and
the membership as a whole will benefit from any change. But that is an imponderable because no one can know for certain until after the event. All that can be done is to lay out the 'fors' and 'againsts' before the membership and for them to make a decision. The offer has come to me and I have done my duty and informed the members and as I have stated before, I am very flattered to be the first Chairman in our fifty year history who has received an offer such as the above, so at the end of the day we must be doing something right.

Flags On Cabs
During June, the country went World Cup mad and taxis joined in with many sporting the red and white flag of St George to cheer on England. Yet I hear that the PCO were at Paddington giving '

stops' to cabs with flags on. Even worse, I heard the order was because the flag was considered to be racist, representing some far right political parties. I have the flag on my cab to show my support for the English football team, I also have an Asian wife.  So I would hardly be considered racist. Why are they like that...?
Ken Hardy (G36)
According to Ed Thompson, TfL and PH Director, the PCO were happy to turn a blind eye to cabs sporting flags during the competition, but were unhappy at the way some positioned them. Some, he says, were positioned dangerously and were obscuring the drivers road view or were on sticks on the dashboard that could, in an emergency stop, catch the driver in the eye. Those with flags placed in sensible positions were not stopped. He added that although the flag had in the past been used by far right parties, that was not the reason for any 'stops' ...Ed

Xbox Winner
What a lovely surprise to win the X-Box game consul, which is up and running and working very well. The graphics and sound are great. Thanks to Call Sign for providing such a super prize. I had an even bigger surprise at the presentation, I had a flashier tie on than Brian Rice! Once again thanks a lot...
Michael Lester (L74)
A report on Michael's win can be found elsewhere in this issue ...Ed

Headlights and Safety
It has become apparent to me that some of your drivers are not setting a good enough example in the early use of headlights during poor daytime visibility or when conspicuity needs to be increased. Even when they do use lights, they are content to use sidelights, which are totally inadequate as a means of "seeing and being seen" and not expected from a professional driver.
As a Safety Officer, I am asking Dial-a-Cab drivers to set a first class example to other road users in this respect and thus promote a high standard in this important aspect of road safety.
Tunbridge Wells
For as long as I can remember, taxi drivers have only used their headlights when absolutely necessary! Perhaps we should think about it and use headlights more often...Ed

Message for the Mayor
Mayor Ken Livingstone has taken London by storm in a way... hasn't he? He has been like a smash and grab merchant in New Bond Street, not afraid to ply his trade in the most established and influential areas. But are all his remedies to get London moving more of a quick fix - an instant euphoria for Londoners - than a gradual planned route of improvements and maintenance of good standards?
   Get more and more licensed taxis on the roads, even if it means watering down the Knowledge to enable applicants to get through at a much quicker pace. Get more and more red buses out on the road, even if it means bringing into service the dirty, unsafe old hop-on hop-off route masters. You know the ones - you just follow the black mushroom cloud through Camden's nuclear free streets.
   Get more and more minicab operators licensed; it gives them instant respectability even if it means their vehicles do not undergo stringent testing. Get more and more tube trains running late at night, even if it means a cut down on safety and maintenance time. After you have done all this and achieved total gridlock, you can get an advertising agency to design you a really trendy colourful poster telling people how easy and safe TfL have made it for them to
to get home and plaster it all over London. Then you can sit back confident that your PR rating has gone through the roof and pick up a fat pay rise.
   Well I am sorry, but I'm not impressed. I really do hope I'm wrong, but I think the licensed cab trade has a major fight on its hands to unite and keep the excellent standards of the past with a decent living now, for its drivers.
David Heath (W27)
As the Mayor receives each issue of Call Sign, your letter will no doubt be passed on to him. Should he wish to respond, then we'll be happy to publish it ...Ed

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