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Anyone who knows Allen Togwell will know that despite his numerous qualities, his use of tact and diplomacy sometimes leave a lot to be desired, but even by his own blunt and uncompromising standards I found his reply to Bill Tyzack and Russell Poluck's letter, particularly offensive.
   Having worked in the past on TDOY, it never ceased to amaze me how many 'experts' there are those who are only too willing to criticise the efforts of those who give up their time to promote the trade as a whole. I have spoken to Allen in the past about this subject and invited him to put forward some positive ideas or even join the committee so that the show could benefit from the expertise he keeps on telling us he has. Unfortunately, unlike Mike Son who did join, Allen decided not to take up the offer and as his reply shows, it's much easier to make sweeping condemnations rather than positive suggestions.
   In my opinion, Barnes was - in hindsight - a mistake but the committee were left with few options that year after Wandsworth Council pulled the rug out from under their feet when they had been preparing to return to Battersea Park. Always prepared to listen to it's supporters, the Committee decided that the following year the trade would be given what they had been asking for, a professionally run show. An exhibition company was contacted who were only too happy to take on the event.    Following preliminary discussions, a presentation was arranged at the Grosvenor House Hotel and the trade and no doubt Mr Togwell were offered what, we assumed they had been waiting for. How many of the usual exhibitors (manufacturers, radio circuits etc) took up the offer? Not one. They all complained, including our own Chairman that the cost was too expensive and they would not be taking part. So there you have it Allen, you want all the trappings of professionalism, providing it's done for free by the likes of Bill and Russell and then you slag them off when it's not to your liking. You can't have it both ways and your veiled suggestion that the likes of Bill, Russell, Gerry Dunn, Harry Joel, Martin Noble and others have given up thousands of hours on the various trade charities with one eye on the Birthday Honours list is particularly insulting. I look forward to hearing the news that Mr Togwell has decided to put some positive input into TDOY.   Unfortunately it takes a bit more than the odd weekend Allen, these blokes work their socks off all year round, every year and they are a credit to all of us.
Paul Jenner (L19)
Allen Togwell replies: Paul, I'm sorry that you should consider my reply offensive because you are someone who I respect and have always found to be receptive to other people's opinions even when you disagree with them. I made a comment about the TDOYS lack of vision and Bill Tyzack, rather than accept that perhaps someone who has physically supported the TDOYS for the past 15 years should have the right to voice an opinion, chose instead to retaliate by suggesting my only contribution to the show was to complain about the lack of food. I apologise if you took offence, Paul, it was not my intention, however I was aware that whatever I said and however I said it, by having the temerity to dare criticise anyone in the field of charity, I would ignite an angry response. I don't wish to say anything more that might be construed as offensive, but please accept a little advice Paul, which your committee might well consider for the future. At every Exhibition or Trade Show during the past 35 years that I have participated at, be it in the UK or elsewhere in the World, exhibitors are regarded as clients and are treated as such. Sadly, this has never been my experience at the TDOYS.
Be that as it may, my comments were my views and I wrote them regarding my 15 years of representing DaC at the Show and of expecting no financial gain or public recognition and just defending myself against a derogatory remark made by a TDOYS committee member. Regrettably, my choice of words has caused offence to several people, some of whom I have known for many years and have the utmost respect for. One in particular who I know has taken my comments out of context, is Harry Joel of the War Disabled charity. To you Harry, your charity and other charities associated with the cab trade, please accept my apologies for any offence caused, it was not my intention.

Dear Mr Lessman,
Just a few lines to say a great big thank-you for the wonderful day that we had on Friday 10th July to Southend. The drivers, police, caterers, ambulance crew, entertainers, RAC, Peter Pan's staff; everyone was so helpful and well organised. My driver was number 30 (Phil) from Ponders End, an extremely nice man and just so kind and helpful. Nobody could have done more.
   Jordan (my son) was so happy and content all day and when we arrived home my wife asked him if he'd had a good time and he 'signed' "more" (he has no verbal speech). That speaks for itself!   You really made the day very special for so many unfortunate children and their families.
   Once again, thank you to all the taxi drivers who gave up their day...
Phillip Frankel
(Part of) Norwood Ravenswood (Unity) East
   The report of the London Taxi Drivers Fund for Underprivileged Children's trip to Southend is elsewhere in this issue. We should all be proud that the trade's registered charities do so much work for so little praise. In this instance it's the LTFUC and Call Sign is happy to be able to get access to a thank-you from one of those that benefited from the outing. Incidentally, for those not too well up on DaC history, David Lessman is one of the very few DaC subscribers to be allowed to pick his own call sign.  D19 was the call sign of the late Jack Taylor who was also a Chairman of the LTFUC. In fact there is a strong link between DaC and the LTFUC, perhaps one day it will lead to an article...Ed

Well, I don't like to say I told you so, but in a earlier Call Sign I predicted that work levels wouldn't stay high forever and that not undertaking cash bookings was a bad move. Now that an economic slowdown is truly with us and companies are cutting back, it's about time the Board stopped aiding and abetting the success of the minicab industry and reconsidered that decision. The Board's answer for the non-acceptance of cash bookings was that we could be sued for not supplying a cab, but that reason doesn't seem to deter anyone else. I have just read the latest Call Sign and in Allen Togwell's column he writes: "...My role since I have been on your Board has been to try and put money in your pocket by way of work, any work". Well Allen, bring back cash bookings and then I will believe you.
   I would also like to ask the Board if they have any proof that increasing lead times to sometimes ridiculous levels, actually improves coverage because I believe that during busy periods, the reverse is true. I know that say in the morning peak, coverage is bad in SW6, SW11 etc, but it doesn't help by giving a 20 minute lead time. If you are offered a job when it first comes out, can you really expect a driver to sit around for at least 
11 minutes earning nothing before starting his meter? We are all individual businesses within DaC
and it is probably more rewarding to get one off the street, perhaps say between 8 and 9.30 or only


 accepting 'straightaway' radio jobs. After all, we were told a few months after cash bookings were stopped that coverage was better by having them dispatched as 'straightaway'.
Barry Spear (Y16)
See Keith Cain's Call Centre article in this issue ...Ed

Can I thank you for a brilliant publication. After 19 years on Dial-a-Cab, I'm proud that such an excellent circuit has such an excellent magazine to accompany it. My only problem is having to wait until my wife finishes reading it before I can get my hands on it! Keep up the good work...
Michael Golding (V55)
Sorry Michael, I only agreed to pay you if you said that I was extraordinarily good looking as well...Ed

I was amazed to see my name in the August issue of Call Sign re your article on Pentagon Supaglass. I'd like to add a few words if I may, because the product concerned is really excellent, deserves a plug and has now also been passed by the PCO.
   I drive a TX1 (not on DaC) with a red metallic finish and was distraught when it was recently broken into. The thief smashed the nearside front window and took a bag with some personal possessions in it, but no money.  However, the thief's breaking of the glass chipped the paint so badly that both nearside doors had to be re-sprayed. It was an expensive job, so I had to claim on my insurance and lost my 'No Claims' bonus as well. In addition, my cab was off the road for a while, which naturally affected my income.
   I had seen Supaglass advertised in car magazines and discussed the idea with a guy in the body shop who was repairing my cab. He said it was probably worth doing, so I went to Pentagon's workshop in Acton and had all the drop windows on the four cab doors Supaglass'd - there's a new word for the dictionary!
   The way I see it, if someone is determined to break in, they will get in, but most thefts - and certainly mine was - just smash, grab and quick getaway. If it takes them too long to get in, they will abandon the raid particularly when it's something like a taxi, which tends not to offer tremendous pickings. That small incident cost me almost what it costs to have the Supaglass fitted! It may never happen again; on the other hand, in the long run the Supaglass may well pay for itself. As you surmise in the article, perhaps one day cabs may well come fitted with Supaglass and then the cost will be even less.
   From a very satisfied taxi-driving Supaglass customer...
Dave Berman
   Thanks for the letter Dave. For those interested, the current Supaglass cost for window treatment is £850. However, Call Sign has spoken with Mike Maher, Pentagon's Business Development Officer and the cost for licensed taxis will come down to £425 for a limited time. Your cab will be at Acton from morning until evening and it is recommended that you do not work with it until the next day, as the windows should not be used for 24 hours. If you're interested, then you can find Pentagon at the Acton Park Estate, W3 and their phone number is 0208 749 9749. Tell them you read it in Call Sign and to contact Mike Maher if there is any doubt over the special offer price. You can read more about Supaglass at their website on  ...Ed

Whilst reading my husband's Call Sign August 2001, I was drawn to the letter from the City of London police re taxi touting (page 24).
   I was not surprised when I read the list of charges and hopefully the authorities will now start to eradicate the offenders. I do feel that maybe the Mayor should spend more time trying to implement procedures to finally put a stop to touting, rather than trying to fix the Licensed Taxi Trade when it is not broken. He states that there are prejudices within the trade, but to be perfectly honest, who at the Public Carriage Office would invite one of these offenders to earn his Badge!!!!
   I know not everyone in this world is perfect, but I don't think that there are any Licensed Taxi Drivers dodging the benefits agency, driving without insurance or causing actual bodily harm - do you?
Mrs Tracey Tennant
(Wife of John Tennant (T01)

Dear driver no.******, (deleted for security purposes ...Ed)
   I just wanted to say thank you for returning my mobile phone. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your honesty and generosity in bringing it back.  Thank you again...
Sarah Stewart
Simmons and Simmons
London, EC2
The letter above was sent to John Wells (K68) after he returned a clients phone that had been left in his taxi. Many years ago, Call Sign Magazine dubbed John Mr Reliable when he always guaranteed to turn up if he remembered. Times certainly change! Well done John... Ed

Having just read your reply to George Wilson's letter (One-way communication) in the August Call Sign Magazine, it shows just how much our Friendly Society needs a driver's forum.
   At the AGM, drivers were allowed 30 minutes of AOB, which was filled from start to finish. So drivers had 30 minutes to discuss one year's worth of important issues! You reply to George Wilson's letter - and I quote - "I must say you have asked a lot of questions but not really come up with any answers." Isn't this what he was asking for - you to answer the questions that he put to you, not for him to answer his own questions? It seems that he was asking a question, but you chose not to reply with an answer, but instead, with a question!
   You say that Call Sign is a sufficient forum for drivers, but in your Chairman's Report you ask drivers what they would do if they were Mayor. Your reply: "I know what I would do although I'm not prepared to give the answers here as I do not wish to give ideas that could, in my opinion, be catastrophic for our industry." So, when were we going to hear your thoughts that would be catastrophic to the Industry? In the next edition of Call Sign? Maybe the AGM or maybe never!
   Never being the likelier option!
Too many things are brought to drivers attention on a need-to-know basis and not even when the driver asks the right question is he given a decent reply. You can implement change whenever you feel like it (ie subscriptions) but drivers have to wait a year for the next AGM. If we had a forum, the drivers could voice their concerns and opinions and who knows, even come up with an idea or two that would benefit the Society. Because, given we are ALL licensed taxi drivers, yourself included, we should all be pulling in the same direction, should we not?
Tony Lawyer (C51)
Brian Rice responds: I read your letter with some interest Tony, and just a little dismay as I felt that there was a sarcastic undertone to it. You ask when the membership are going to hear my thoughts "...that would be catastrophic to the industry? In the next edition of Call Sign? Maybe the AGM or maybe never! Never being the likelier option!"
   I think that for someone such as yourself who has been a member of this society for such a short space of time to make a remark like that, is churlish and offensive. It became rather difficult to treat your letter with the respect I always give to Call Sign letter writers regardless of whether I agree with their point of view. I believe any member that has been here for any length of time will tell you that they do not always agree with what I have to say, but I always tell them the truth the way I see it, hence my comments about the Mayor's options.  Surely you must realise that I would not publicly announce my 
thoughts, just in case the Mayor's office have not considered theoptions that I was writing about.  Have you worked out

 what they are yet Tony - tut, tut, I'm getting as bad as you! Anyway, I take it from your letter that you would like a Forum? You could have said that in the first place.

Reading Steve Shaller's very amusing item on Life After Death in the August Call Sign
coincided with a similar incident that occurred to me at the beginning of August. I was in a
garage in Southend-on-Sea filling up, when a guy tapped me on the shoulder from behind. As I turned around, I recognised him as Dave Venables, an old friend from my early days in the cab trade on the Eastern section of ComCab. I was about to ask how he was when he went completely off-colour and I honestly thought he was about to have a fit or even worse...
   Coughing and spluttering and looking really quite ill, he managed to pull himself together and explained that he had been told I had passed away some four years previous and seeing me today, he thought I was a ghost! We chatted briefly as he was in a hurry, but no sooner had he gotten into his car than he got out, came back to me, pinched my arm and nodded with approval before driving off rather doggedly.
   Even Patrick Swazy can't beat that...!
Ronald S.Colman (J09)

As Press Officer of the DIGNITY Charity Committee and Mrs Echo 1 (Geoff Fenton), could I please impose on your good offices to insert an advert in the August edition of Call Sign.  This would help me to publicise the advertised event on the 6th September, which hopefully will raise much-needed funds for this very worthy cause. I am a great fan of the magazine and feel I need all the help I can get.
   Thank you in anticipation...
Barbara Fenton (Mrs E01)
You can find the ad elsewhere in the issue. Please support it if you can ...Ed

I've finally bitten the bullet and gone over to Telewest BroadBand. I've now had it since February and I can honestly say I could never ever go back to dial up. There could be some savings to be had for DaC drivers that want to switch over to Broadband as Telewest do a referral scheme, which gives the referee a free month's service and the new applicant half price installation. How about an article from Vince Chin on BroadBand radio?
   Can I also change the subject and mention - I just thought it was a bit funny that they push 'black cabs' on one page, but then Burgundy appear when you 'click on'.
Richard Rootes (W12)
Your wish is Vince's command! See his article on BroadBand radio in this issue. As for I tried it and also got the Burgundy website.  Perhaps the designers of the site are colour blind and can't tell the difference between black and burgundy ...Ed

I have recently discovered something of great importance which I feel should be made public to the London Licensed Taxi Trade. It is that on the expiry of a London Hackney Carriage Driver's Licence, when you attend at the Public Carriage Office (or send it by post) to renew it for a further 3 years, they take your money (£103), your two photographs and your completed green form and then issue you with a piece of paper they call a 'PCO Cover Note'.  This document is supposed to be sufficient for you to continue driving your Taxi for the duration of the period stated on the 'Cover Note' until the PCO send out to you your new Hackney Carriage Driver's Licence. Sometimes this period is extended for further periods by the issue of further 'Cover Notes'.
   However, to my horror I have now been informed (in writing) by my insurance company, (Norwich Union), that until I have my new H.C. Driver's Licence actually in my possession, my insurance cover is suspended. Therefore, if I drive my Taxi (and carry any passengers) while I have only a 'PCO Cover Note', not only am I not insured, but neither are my passengers should I have an accident of any kind! The Norwich Union at least, do not recognise the 'PCO Cover Note' as having any value whatsoever - it certainly is not sufficient for me to continue working as a London Licensed Taxi Driver. I would suggest to your London Licensed Hackney Carriage Driver readers that if they are also driving on a 'PCO Cover Note' only, that they should immediately check with their own insurance company (or fleet insurance company if they rent their cabs) and seek written confirmation that they are, in fact, still fully insured to work during the period between the expiry date of their old licence and the actual receipt of their new one from the Public Carriage Office.
   Further, I would draw everyone's attention to the words printed in the last paragraph at the bottom of the 'PCO Cover Note' itself, namely: <<<  Unlicensed drivers may be committing cab offences and invalidating their insurance >>> (my underlining).
   If what I am saying (and what Norwich Union have already said) is not true, then why has the Public Carriage Office seen fit to add these words at the bottom of their so-called 'Cover Note'? Is this paragraph for the drivers' benefit - or is it a 'disclaimer' of responsibility for their own benefit? Ask yourselves: Would any insurance company pay out on a claim if there was even the smallest excuse which would invalidate your insurance policy at the time of any accident?
   I enclose with this letter a copy of the written confirmation I have received from Norwich Union to substantiate what I have said above which the Editors/Publishers of the Taxi Trade Papers can publish together with this letter of mine, if they wish to do so.
   I have been advised and truly believe that the Public Carriage Office administrative staff have been causing London Licensed Hackney Carriage Drivers to periodically drive their Taxis without insurance and therefore unlawfully, and that they have misled the London Licensed Taxi Trade into erroneously believing that the 'PCO Cover Note' covers them for both licensing and insurance purposes when it does not. In fact, Parliament has provided no legislative authority whatsoever for the Public Carriage Office to lawfully issue such 'Cover Notes' at all.
   Name and address withheld
Call Sign rarely publishes unsigned letters but has made an exception in this case as the driver concerned has made himself known to us and given a reason why he cannot go public. Below, we publish a response from the Norwich Union...Ed

To whom this may concern: It is the policy of Norwich Union that at the expiry of a clients Hackney Carriage licence, we will suspend the insurance cover for the client's business use. This will remain suspended until a new licence has been obtained by the policyholder.
Simon Wormley
   Norwich Union Insurance
I would advise drivers not to panic re the above. Contact your insurance company for verification on the situation re PCO Cover Notes. While true that the statutes do not give the PCO authority to give out cover notes instead of licenses, neither do they forbid them doing so and any legalities may well depend on interpretations as to what the PCO are allowed to do off their own bat. Call Sign also invites the PCO to respond within these pages...Ed

Through the offices of Call Sign and on behalf of The London Taxidrivers' Fund for
Underprivileged Children, I would take the opportunity to thank DaC most sincerely for the donation of a computer complete with all the trimmings. The saving this generous offer makes, allows reserves to be directed where they can be of far more use and also eases the burden of Committee administration. Very many thanks once again...
David S. Lessman (D19) Hon. Chairman.

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