from the editor's desk

Hi again...If this issue of Call Sign seems weighted towards LTI and their TXI, well, in a month when the most important announcement to hit the trade for many years was officially made, that should hardly be surprising. Naturally, for those of you who claim not to read any other trade mags, we have the news on the TX1's new Ford 2.4 DuraTorq diesel engine. For those of you who have already read it and are perhaps tired of seeing it, then I apologise. However, it is a fact that for a trade of some 22,000 drivers, there are more magazines per head than possibly any other business and there is only so much news that can go around.
   Call Sign tries very hard to include as much Dial-a-Cab info as possible. When general trade news is included, I get some drivers telling me that because of the proliferation of trade mags, it isn't needed here. However, I get a surprising number of drivers who tell me the reverse and who go on to say that they only read Call Sign because it is sent to them and that they have no interest in any other magazines. I do try to please everyone... If I'm not succeeding then please let me know, when it comes to Call Sign, its readers are its eyes and ears...

Viz Livery
I'm pretty much of an easy going type and enjoy a joke as much as anyone - even those that may perhaps be a bit too spicy for Call Sign's Smile for the Day column. However, I can't help wondering whether an advertising company acting for, say the Ford Motor Company, would allow an advert that called them rude names? No, I don't think so either. Yet one of the companies that put liveries on taxis - yes, the kind that DaC drivers cannot have - have allowed one from Viz comic that has a prominently displayed logo on the driver's door which says 'Wan-Cab'. Now you don't need me to tell you what viewers standing outside the taxi would say about several cabs all with the Wan-Cab ad. Does "a bunch of Wan-Cab's" sound particularly nice to you? Nor me. The advertising company concerned

Alan Fisher, Editor 

are the villains in my book, not Viz who must have been staggered to be allowed to get away with it. So to the company concerned, my Goo award for the month - the Genital Owner Operative award...!

The Toggers Way...!
It seems that Allen Togwell has upset a few people for a change with some drivers complaining to him about his reply to Brian McKenzie (A63) in last month's Mailshot, when he wrote on the way he treats his passengers when driving a taxi. Among other things, he spoke of the effort he makes not to drop his H's and the complaining drivers have taken that as a criticism of how they speak! I've spoken to Mr T about the inference that we don't talk proper like wot we should and he assures me that there was no intent to criticise anyone else. He was merely emphasising what he tries to do in trying to gain the initiative. He was not advocating others should do the same, as he knows that there are many different approaches that could be adopted to achieve the same result. And why didn't I ask him to write this himself? I just wanted to keep the reply under 5000 words!

Michael Delew
I had been thinking just how to mention that May 21st represents my thirtieth anniversary as a licensed taxi driver when the horrific news came through that Mickey Delew had died from Bronchial Pneumonia. I only knew Mickey from EC5 and quite honestly we agreed on little except for the way that EC5 operated when uncovered jobs went to back-up zones. We both agreed that coverage would be far better on a first cab - first job basis. That eventually came back. But more importantly, we always agreed to differ.
   However, the above facts 


become so paltry compared to this tragicically appalling news. Mickey was only 37, with what should have been a full life still ahead of him. All I can do is to tell his family (his father Syd is on DaC) that the thoughts of all our drivers are with them and to wish them all a long life. David Kupler (Y74) was a close friend of Mickey's and has written a very moving eulogy in this issue.

Grandfather Rights
There are two reports in this issue on meetings that Brian Rice had at Mayor Livingstone's Romney House headquarters during April. One meeting was with Annie Marjoram, the lady charged with looking after the rights of women, while the second was with the big boss man himself, Ken Livingstone.
   One of the points raised by the Mayor was in regards to the so-called 'Grandfather Rights' for first batch of minicab drivers who will already have been driving their cabs for a substantial period of time when PH licensing finally arrives. I don't like the idea of ANY minicab driver being given a licence without doing the necessary topographical Knowledge, but if they are, I would hope that the Inland Revenue would be invited to check that every single name on the 'Grandfather Rights' list is down as having declared an income from driving a full-time minicab for at least three years previous. And I do hope there isn't any group who will say that the suggestion carries too many problems. We all know that it takes as long as typing in a name to a computer to check whether that person has a birthmark - never mind whether they pay tax!
Ken Livingstone is on the mailing list of Call sign and if he reads this, I hope he will bear the suggestion in mind when legislation finally comes into being...

And so ends my fourth year as Editor of Call Sign. Beginning the fifth one in June will seem strange without DaC memory man Trevor Clarke, who retired last week. My very best to you, Trevor, for a long and happy retirement...

Alan Fisher

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