from the chairman

Fare Tariff
At the time of writing, it has been almost three weeks since the increase in the night tariff and the feelings froms members are very mixed (see Mailshot ...Ed).

    There is no doubt in my mind that a man working at night should earn a higher rate than the day man due to the unsociable hours he or she works. Then of course there are some of the clientele picked up from the street who can be a little more unsavoury than you would expect if you only did radio work.
Initially, I was very much in favour of the increase, but as the year progressed I noticed a downturn in the work and changed my mind. The events of September 11 greatly emphasised the need to have the tariff increase postponed and then completely overhauled next April - a time when the tariff is normally reviewed.
   Unfortunately, in this industry you just can't please all of the people all of the time; some want the increase while others don't and whatever my views, some in our trade will get upset. It would appear that I am entitled to my views so long as they match theirs.
   Over the past few weeks, we have paid visits to all of our larger clients in order to try and explain the thinking behind the night tariff increase. It has proven to be quite a formidable task because no-one is exactly overjoyed to see the cost of a service they require, increase in price by such a substantial sum.
   As one of our largest clients said to me: "You have added £1/2m to my taxi account for the coming year, what are you going to do about it?" Well, that isn't the easiest question in the world to answer when I know that not one of you want to lose any work!

Brian Rice, Chairman

I've just read a report from Transport for London (TfL) stating that they have completed a survey on empty taxis in the West End at night and that the number of empty taxis cruising the streets proves that more drivers are working during those hours, again proving that the policy of increasing the night charge has been extremely successful.
   It did make me smile just thinking about those men (and women) going round with their clipboards while compiling statistics. Do you not agree that this method is rather 'hit or miss'? Has it not occurred to anyone at TfL that perhaps there are more empty cabs cruising around the streets because there aren't so many people currently travelling in them? Of course not, because that would disprove their argument.
   There is no doubt in my mind that things are quieter than they have been - even at this time of the year - and all we can do is to hope that we have some very bad weather after Christmas as that always tends to improve business...
   I know that you won't all agree with my sentiments, but at least the Board of Management at Dial-a-Cab will stand up and be counted and relate the situation to you in the way that we see it, irrespective of who wants to castigate us for doing so.
   However, on a happier note, two of our largest account clients have recently put their ground transportation needs out to


tender  and I know that you will be as pleased as I was to see that it did not include their taxi accounts.

Driver's Forums
I have mentioned in a previous issue of Call Sign that any member who would like to attend a Driver's Forum should notify me at this office. Well you did - all twelve of you! Consequently, as you can imagine with everything that is currently going on including our end-of-year Audit and compilation of the Financial Report, things have been rather busy here. So, as just the twelve of you have expressed an interest in attending a forum, it has not been one of my priorities - especially as the AGM is in February.

I know that it has been a long-held custom at Dial-a-Cab for those drivers that wish to make a donation to the Staff Christmas Fund to have the facilities to do so, to this end there are some forms in the Member's Reception that will enable you to do just that. Alternatively, you can ring Helen or Val in Driver Services or even Company Secretary Howard Pears. They will all be delighted to accept a donation taken from your credit work.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members and staff a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
   I know you will all join with me in hoping that the world returns to normality very soon and that we never ever again have to witness the atrocities, and the effects of them, that were perpetrated in the year 2001.

Brian Rice

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