Mailshot is your chance to tell the subscribers of Dial-a-Cab exactly what you think. Complaints, compliments or just to write about Call Sign.   This is YOUR paper within your magazine....

You can also email your letters to:

I think there is a lot of hype about what is being said to the Mayor about radios in taxis. Let's look at the difference between London and New York, both places have a similar population, but London is twice as large. New York set a limit on the number of 13000 plates in 1937 (London abolished the limit on plates in the 1830's).  London now has approximately 20,000 taxis (up 14,000 since 1957, the year I received my badge after 9 months on the knowledge.) In 1957 there were 1005 cabs on radio - approximately 1 in 6. Today there are around 7000 on radio, which means there are 13,000 not on radio!
   In New York, the number of taxis dropped to under 12000 due to WW2. Before radios were banned by the NY Mayor, only 24% of the cabs were on the radio. this means that London still has more non-radio taxis on the streets of London today than New York does.
   Another small fact is that New York are trying some van-type taxis and the doors have to be hinged rather than sliding (source: NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission) because of safety reasons and I hope that the PCO will keep this in mind when drawing up regulations for Hire Cars.
   Can I also briefly comment on the DaC - RTL court case as reported in the November Call Sign: Dial-a- Cab's real name is Owner Drivers RADIO TAXI Service Ltd, therefore even a fool could not object if they are not astute enough to register a name on the net with words Radio Taxi as a dot com. Even I am a dot com and another group with same name is
   Why do RTL not do the honourable thing and fall on their swords!
Stanley Roth (Y53)

I've just started to read the latest issue of Call Sign and after just a few pages I find myself annoyed at some of the content and the need to write in and air my views. So if you don't mind putting them in the next issue with perhaps comments from a BoM member (I am not having a pop at you Al).
   Firstly, let me say that I agree with your sentiments in the Editorial on the fare increase. I'm definitely against it.
   As for the Chairman's column, I think the 140 trips a month target before collecting a bonus is extremely difficult - even for a full time driver.
   Now to page13 and Mike Son's article: He is implying that drivers' gratuity be reduced or abolished. When I first joined Dial-a-Cab, we received 12.5% gratuity which was reduced to 10%. We were tricked by being told that when the work picked up the 12.5% would be renegotiated and reinstated. Well the work did pick up, but the 10% stayed. What I am getting at is that when you give something up, it is very difficult to get it back.
   I must point out that this letter is just my opinion, but that I found some of the articles insulting.
On page 17 we see Keith Cain dressed like a boy soldier and obviously enjoying himself. I don't see the need to publish an article where the content has absolutely nothing to do with either Dial- a-Cab or the trade in general.  What's more, I would be intrigued to know who paid for the day out. We as drivers are finding it harder by the day to take our money and then I get an article shoved in my face about Keith Cain's "Delta Force" and Brian Rice's "Omega Squad" playing soldiers. Hey, wake up ... get in the real world!!!!!!!
   Something that has also been annoying me for a while, is the number of lost property messages we are getting on our terminals. I find it quite laughable and unprofessional to keep seeing the likes of "...Lost property in red cab from 09-30am Liverpool St -Law Courts, bunch of keys and a Harrods bag, was it you?"

May I congratulate Call Sign on its great forward and innovative thinking in putting Lisa Dunn's excellent column in the magazine.   
"Putting Your Affairs in Order" re property transfers etc was extremely interesting and beneficial. Most of us who have parents still alive will unfortunately have to face this issue one day and we will all need some advice to help us keep the assets that our parents have accumulated over the years through their hard work, rather than have the  taxman take them.
   I have heard that the threshold for inheritance tax allowances is to be raised to £400K by Gordon Brown. Perhaps Lisa could comment on this?
Martin Hizer (M47)
I've passed your letter and request onto Lisa. Her next article is scheduled for the January issue of Call Sign...Ed

I write with reference to your comments as editor of Call Sign in the November 2001 edition regarding the UK Taxi discussion list of which I am moderator.
   Firstly let me explain why I set up the list originally. In May 1999 I joined a discussion list run by Vince Chin called Discuss.   Unfortunately, due to arguments between individuals on that list and the posting of some sensitive material, Vince decided to close the list. I thought this to be a great shame as I could see the discussion list encouraging some very good real debates between Taxi drivers from around the country and the exchange of views and working practices could be to the benefit of all concerned. With this in mind and the demise of Vince's list, I decided to take the plunge and launch a discussion list using the egroups service, which was later to be taken over by Yahoo. I invited every member of the old taxicab discussion list to join the new group and many accepted, but for reasons best known to themselves, some declined the offer. So from then, the UK taxi discussion list was born.
   The reason that the list is a closed list (this means that the moderator has to approve all new members) is to discourage the minicab fraternity from gaining access to the discussions. I am sure that you will agree that if they did gain access, then this would be totally unacceptable.  By moderating the members and checking their names and connection with the licensed  Hackney Carriage trade, this can hopefully be stopped. I see myself as being a responsible person and do my best to keep the membership to those connected with the Licensed  Hackney Carriage trade mainly within the UK, although the list does have some members from countries outside.
   I am personally not concerned with people like yourself gaining access to some of the postings from the list although I do know that this upsets some of the other list members, but what we must try to discourage is members of the minicab fraternity gaining access to the postings.
   What I must take you to task on is your comments and I quote: "...they even have a warning at the bottom of the letter saying that you cannot show letters outside of their little circle of trouble makers for fear of breaching the Data Protection Act. The moderator a DaC driver - obviously considers the conversation to be fine."
   Firstly let me deal with the disclaimer at the bottom of each page. This is a standard disclaimer that is used on most discussion groups and was used on the old taxicab discussion list, but I never heard you criticising Vince for this back then. The data protection act is there to protect everybody's interests with regards to stored material and information whether this may be stored on a computer on in paper form. This act basically prevents people from gaining unlawful access to any material to which they have no right of access and this applies to everyone. Maybe you should read the act Alan, as you may find some of it quite interesting.
   Secondly, with regards to member's individual postings, I am afraid that I cannot edit or reject a member's postings unlike yourself Alan. When a member posts an e-mail to the group, the e-mail is displayed to the rest of the group almost instantly. I am afraid that as a full time working Taxi driver I do not have the time or the inclination to moderate every members postings, this would take a considerable amount of time and would make the list more of a dictatorship rather than a medium for free speech. I for one would prefer the list to stay a place where people can speak freely about any issue concerning the taxi trade, rather than having a moderator who acts as an editor and either accepts or rejects every members postings. This would have the final result of making the list full of postings that pertain to only one person's views (those of the moderator / editor). One thing that I will not stand for on the list is racism, threatening behaviour or derogatory personal comments about another member. However with this sort of list and knowing what Taxi drivers are like, it is inevitable that this sort of thing will happen from time to time and when it does then I as the moderator have to take the member concerned to task on the matter, I then offer them the opportunity to make a full retraction and apology or I have no option but to
ban them from the group. I suppose that the member who showed you these so called "disgusting letters" failed to let you know that I do try to discourage this sort of behaviour on the list. You than go on to state: "However, one driver, to his credit in my book, was so disgusted that he wrote to me and gave me some examples". Firstly why did the driver write to you and complain rather than complaining to me the moderator, 
what did he think that it would achieve by complaining to you, and what could you possibly do 

as you are not a member of the   
 list? The only possible thing that you could do was to wait for an opportunity to include his complaint in one of your columns. May I also add that this is the first that I have heard of this complaint and that I am very disappointed that you did not pass the complaint onto me as you have my personal e-mail address and could also have gained access to my telephone number through the website and called me regarding this matter. I would not have asked the driver's name but you could have had the courtesy to highlight the problem to me, as it may have been something that I had overlooked. I do not always have time to read every e-mail in their entirety, so I would have thought that this would have been your first move rather than commenting on it in Call Sign.
Also, to say " his credit in my book" regarding the driver who passed on the e-mails to you is really unbelievable, to pass these e-mails onto you, the driver has broken the data protection act and therefore broken the law of the land. May I ask; do you always give people credit who have in my opinion broken the law? If a competitor to DaC gained access to its computer system and ultimately its customer base would you also give them credit for their actions?
   Your next comment that "...this little group who believe that they control the cab trade, once they read this will start a witch hunt to find the person who dared complain about their activities. I do not include Steven Van Gelder in the above criticism." I take it that because Steven is the only member that you mention, that you consider me to be a troublemaker? I must say that I take offence to this comment.  And to say that this group believe that they control the cab trade is total rubbish, come on Alan get real! How can 100 people, of whom many come from outside of London, control the cab trade in London? I for one have no illusions, I am merely a working Taxi driver who uses the Internet and launched my own website - which I might add has become very popular with as many as 30,000 people visiting it per month. I do not have any aspirations in wanting to run the Taxi trade, my commitments with the Albany and home would not allow me the time, also I do not profess to have the ability to take on such a role.
May I finish by reiterating what I have already stated, that I would rather see the discussion list continue as a medium for free and open speech rather than an edited dictatorship. I would hope that many more taxi drivers from around the UK will join the list and may it grow from strength to strength. The Internet is a very powerful tool and if used properly could enhance all of our working lives by the exchange of views and practices from which we can all learn.
Jamie Owens (S67)
Thanks for writing Jamie. First let me explain that I discounted Steven Van Gelder from my comments purely because I did not want to be seen to be specifically having a dig at any one person, it was your Internet list as a whole that I was referring to even though Steven was the writer of the letter to me. Consequently, you'll be pleased to know that I don't consider you to be a troublemaker, Jamie! If you have 100 members, then 90 are probably just regular guys; but the other 10? Well I wouldn't want them coming to my party. So let me answer some of your points...
Firstly, the letter written to me wasn't a complaint; it was more a condemnation of the way the Internet list was going. You mention minicab drivers not being allowed in, but they have their own lists and probably aren't particularly interested in your discussions. Regardless, it is licensed taxi drivers who hurl insults on the list. A former Chairman of this Society had the dubious honour of being referred to as a liar constantly with the perpetrators considering it to be a big joke judging by their attitude! Another recent posting referred to Brian Rice as "...that idiot from Dial-a-Cab." I wonder how long the writer would last running a radio circuit? I don't blame you, Jamie, but it does happen fairly frequently on your list.
As for the disclaimer, the reason I didn't complain when Vince Chin ran the list was because you are wrong, he never had any warnings on the emails. But you are right Jamie when you say that the Internet is a wonderful medium and could certainly enhance our lives, but the important part of your sentence are those three words - "if used properly."
Of course I appreciate how busy you are Jamie, not just driving your cab but also with the many hours of unpaid work you do for the Albany Taxi Charity, but the fact is still that the members can say whatever they like. I too like the freedom of the written word - do you think any other radio circuit would have printed your letter - but I like to think that I act as responsibly as possible. Do your subscribers? ...Ed

Following the article on page 35 of the November Call Sign, if there is any cab driver who wishes to dispose of any foreign currency before the Euro comes in on January 1st 2002, The London Taxidrivers' Fund for Underprivileged Children would be delighted and very grateful to accept it as a donation towards the Fund.
   You can contact me on 020 8205 6754 or mobile on 07946 338 4285 or any other committee member.
Gerry Dunn (S84)

In view of the current uneasy climate, the London Taxidrivers Fund for Underprivileged children will not be holding their annual winter collection at Heathrow's Feeder Park this year. However,  we are pleased to announce that at Christmas, an amount of £3500 in vouchers will be going to the dependents of taxi drivers unable to provide for their family.
   Anyone wishing to help in future events and outings should contact Barry Levene on 0208 550 8106 or mobile on 07850 171 330. We promise you a fun day!
   On behalf of the Chairman and Committee of the LTFUC, I would like to wish you all the compliments of the season.
Ray Levy
LTFUC Public Relations Office

I have now 'hung-up' my DaC terminal for the last time as the time has come for me to say goodbye. Having been with DaC and ODRTS for the whole of my taxi-working life (joining in 1958 at Pentonville Road), the last day seemed really difficult, but I must thank everyone concerned with DaC for their good wishes and for the very kind basket of fruit that materialised at my front door. I've had my fair share of swiping at Board members over the years, but generally speaking they have all been nice - especially the current bunch - and it is nice to leave with DaC doing so well. To all the drivers who know me, please keep in touch and to those who don't, my best wishes to you...
Cecil Adler (ex F90)
Enjoy your retirement Cecil...Ed

I'm sorry to say that this is my 'swan song' as a driver on DaC.  After almost four months off, the doctors have told me that I will no longer be able to drive any vehicle. It has been a pleasure being on the trade's finest radio taxi circuit as also writing for the trade's best mag, Call Sign. I hope that I can continue to write.  Regards to everyone associated with Dial-a-Cab.
Bernie Pressman (M31J)
I wish you well, Bernie, and hope to see those articles continuing... Ed

Tell everyone out there in Taxiland that New York City is hangin' in there and that the CNN dramathon that gives the impression that the City has been flattened is wrong. In addition, the limos and Ritzy-Titzy stuff are takin' a beating, but the "yellows" are doing OK
Michael Higgins
Publisher, Taxi Talk Magazine, New York
Thanks for the words, Michael, many over here will be pleased to hear them...Ed

Having just completed 4 nights with the new night rate, here are some first impressions. The new fares are very welcome, but if there is a delay in making contact with the passenger and then a wait for them to get to the taxi, then it is £5.60 or more on the meter before setting off. It is now very important not to start the meter until almost at pick up, or the £3.80 run in will be exceeded long before reaching the passenger. I have had one passenger who asked for an explanation of the new fare structure, and his comment was that he welcomed it and hoped the higher fares would bring out more drivers at night-time so that he was not forced to use mini-cabs.
   One passenger who I picked up from the rank at Hammersmith, a regular taxi user, expressed surprise at the higher fare long before we got to his destination at Strand on the Green. I explained that the night rate had gone up, the first such increase in about 10 years, and it was not really 25% but should be thought of as just 2% per year - can I get a job as a spin doctor?
   My guess is that within a couple of weeks most passengers will get used to the new fares and they will be accepted as routine.  As we all know, work on the streets and the radio has been very quiet, especially since September 11. With long waits between jobs, each night time 


passenger is now doubly welcome.
Laurence Kelvin (W88)

I would like to applaud Ken Livingstone and the people in the trade who have worked for us to get the night time increase. It was long overdue. Many years ago I worked in the print and the night workers got paid more than the people who worked during the day and it would have been unfair had it been any different. People who work at night are working unsocial hours and should be paid accordingly. I cannot believe the cab drivers that I am listening to on different radio stations knocking the new tariff. These drivers, who all seem to be day men (hours they choose to work) should get behind the drivers who work of an evening. We should be united as a trade, not attacking each other. 
   The work is slower at the moment because of the dreadful events of September 11th, not because of the new tariff.  Hopefully a few more day drivers will come out and work of an evening. They will earn a little extra for working these unsociable hours. I have not had one complaint about the new tariff. I have seen an article in the Evening Standard regarding the increase and it quoted a
media executive who complained that his taxi ride cost £14 instead of the usual £10. How much is he earning? It also showed a queue of people at Charing Cross waiting for cabs. People need to be patient. They don't see the empty stream of cabs heading back into the centre along The Mall and Cromwell Rd. If you go into a restaurant, you have to wait for your meal but it arrives within a reasonable time. If people would be a little bit more patient (at busy times) they will get a cab. People also need to realise they are paying for a professional driver and are getting a safe vehicle for their journey. Totally different from what they get from the touts who are illegal.   Hopefully when you get a taxi, it will be clean, the driver will behave professionally and you will get to your destination safely.  For this you have to pay. How much is a meal in a central London restaurant? Or to stay in a good hotel or even to park in a central London car park? You get what you pay for. I think we have been underpaid for a long time.
Harry Harris (R2)

Regarding the fare increase, I have given it a week and so far I have not had one complaint or even a comment from the cash paying public. I think this weekend and evening tariff was long overdue and there never is a right time for an increase anyway!
John Addis (N26)

The following letter was also sent to the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone...

Dear Mr. Livingstone,

As you are well aware, there is much adverse and really negative publicity surrounding the recent fare increase. This is being led by the Evening Standard (never a friend of the Taxi Trade) and is not helping to encourage we Taxi Drivers to go the extra mile or six.
   On a personal note, I have not been able to change to the new rate as my meter provider has had problems with the programme even though they have had months to get it right.   Consequently I am actually working at the old rate and will have to do so for the foreseeable future!
   When will there be a REAL crackdown and elimination of the THOUSANDS of touts and illegal minicab companies, those that failed to register on time and are now outside the law?
   If you really want the Licensed Taxi Trade to be there in the evenings, then please use your power to get the Police to do their job and not ignore the blatant touting by these undesirable characters. The Law must be seen to be done.
David Kupler (Y74)

In twenty-five of driving a cab I've never had such a strong reaction to a fare increase, most punters seemed surprised at just how steep the increase was.  "Minicabs for me in future," was a comment I heard twice. I think that once our account customers see the increase, we will have to do a lot more fixed price work or face losing the accounts.
S. Brady (N31)

With the mixed reaction among evening drivers created by the new fare tariff and the importance of not losing accounts because of it, I'd like to suggest that the BoM look at the possibility of making all account trips gratuity free between the hours of 8pm and 6am. This gesture would certainly raise our profile with clients and help bring back some of the goodwill that left when this huge increase came in.
Dave Spencer (V89)

We are now, quite simply, far too expensive! Prior to the new fare increase, I believed that the fare tariff was reasonable except for distance work (eg outside the M25) where we were too expensive and perhaps a 10% reduction would have been reasonable.
   Since the new increase came into force, I now feel embarrassed when it is time for the passenger to pay and shall be very surprised if we do not lose some very big accounts over the coming months. I would like to suggest to the BoM that we 'scrap' the drivers' gratuity on all account work between 8pm and 6am.
John Able (M31)

Just a line to say how much I enjoy reading Call Sign. The presentation and articles are great, especially Ron Coleman who I have always read avidly followed his earlier efforts for Metrocab owners and then later for the cab trade as a whole. Steve Shaller always makes me laugh with his colourful articles and the pictures in the magazine are also always so clear and well taken.
   Finally, please give a big thank you to Ernie in Driver's Reception, surely one of the best receptionists we have ever had.
Adrian Landau (T14)
Thanks Adrian, it's always nice to get praise and that gives me the chance to concur with you in thanking all those who give their time for Call Sign in addition to the above two and Alan Green who takes most of the pics for me. I count myself as being very lucky... Ed

In the November issue of Call Sign, Jason O'Brien says that the reason a job David Lessman tried to cover went haywire, was because he failed to respond to a request to do a 'delay advise'.  The fault lies not just with the driver, but also with the system because this message on the bottom line is too easily missed. It appears only briefly and is not accompanied by any identifying sound. This problem also applies when a 'job scrubbed' message is sent. If the driver is waiting and reading a newspaper, then it is all too easy to miss the message.  What is needed is a central dialogue box to appear with a warning signal if driver does not respond to any message within 1 minute.
Laurence Kelvin (W88)
Roy Masterson replies: Thanks for your observation Laurence. I have spoken with our software developers to see if anything can be done regarding making the message more visible. As usual they have responded very promptly and we are currently testing an enhancement where the bottom line message will return at specific periods should you accidentally clear it and it will only stop returning when that message has been actioned (i.e. job scrubbed and a 'no show' has been sent, or 'Old Trip - send delay' and a delay is sent). While on the subject, another enhancement being tested is the waiting time counter only starting at booked time on pre-booked job's and a 'version' checker to make sure each mobile is running the most current software. Hope that makes life easier...

Thank you for printing the story of my swim in Call Sign. You will be pleased to know that I have now completed my task; 25 miles - 1600 lengths - in a time of 24 hours 14 minutes. May I also take this opportunity to thank David "Flipper" Marks (R22) who swam alongside me to see that there was no cheating. To all those drivers who agreed to sponsor me, donations can be left in Driver's Reception for my attention; for those who would still like to help, it is never too late...
Bernie Silver (G8)
Bernie swam the equivalent of a Channel crossing in aid of a rare condition that his daughter Melissa suffers from - Angelman Syndrome. All money collected will go towards a support group's attendance at a major conference on the subject at Loughborough University next year. Well done, Bernie...Ed

I have just read an article in TAXI (dated 21st November) written by Bob Oddy, the General Secretary of the LTDA. Mr Oddy writes: "The stupidity of a few leading lights in the trade..." while referring to Brian Rice giving his views to the press regarding the recent increase.  What right does Bob Oddy have to assume this mantle of protector of all men? What right does he have to criticise Brian Rice for repeating the views of many (including mine)? Like the majority of the trade, I'm not in the LTDA, but I am with Dial-a-Cab and Brian Rice is currently representing the views of many because he feels it to be right and not because he is getting paid to do so. Carry on Brian!
Len Bell (L1)

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