Views on life as seen through the eyes of David Kupler at


A Rainy Sunday Night
She waved me down in Farringdon,
outside that Sushi Place...
a little overweight
but quite a pleasant face.
She held the door open
so that her friends could get inside,
another girl and her fella,
were going for a ride...!

"East Dulwich then to Clapham,"
I felt my poor heart sink,
not 'cos of the destination,
but as she spoke, I smelt the drink...
They chatted about their evening,
but the fella looked morose,
that's when I had the feeling,
it was gonna be one of those...

I stopped in Lordship Lane,
praying he'd alight,
but the fat girl made it plain,
she was done for the night...
Then the couple had a barney,
about which way to go,
ignoring me completely,
as if I didn't know...!

These people were not Taxi riders,
more used to the underground,
and pirate migrant drivers,
the kind you see around...
But I followed their direction,
the customer's always right,
in their personal route selection,
on a rainy Sunday night...

Kopyright Kupkake 2001



Call Sign's youngest correspondent, 17-year-old Zara Gee with her views on a young world...

Hello party people! It's been sooooo long since I've written to you! I now have a new job at a supermarket, passed my driving test 5 weeks ago and am planning to live it large in Majorca ...again! This time with my mate Ema, we're going to Alcudia, up in the North. I've done absolutely tons of shopping and found a great bikini. If, like me, you have problems finding a bikini because you're a different size 'above' than you are 'below', then here are a few places to try and find one that you can actually wear and which doesn't look too much like a frilly flower bed that needs watering...get it...water ( watering! Sorry, I know it's feeble! La Senza, United Colours of Benetton, John Lewis, Fenwicks, and BHS... basically all the places that you thought were either too expensive or that you'd never shop at! And remember, this is when your NUS card comes in handy!
   I've started getting ready by doing sit ups, well thinking of doing them! So my stomach is ffffiiirrm! And girls, Cocoa Butter is fab for getting rid of stretch marks! You can get Cocoa Butter that firms your skin as well! Heaven!
   Although there might not be much left in the Sales, if you dig seriously hard enough you WILL be rewarded. One thing is baffling me - the weather; I mean do I wear a strappy vest top or jumper? Ahhh decisions, decisions!

Big Brother and MP3's...
This month can't go by without talking about the phenomenon of BIG BROTHER. Many of you may sigh at this point and say: "Oh bloody hell, that Brian is so annoying, Helen is so unbelievably  ditzy and Paul is so...well...Paul!" But people, I have to report I have no life, I AM quite sad... and I love it! I personally thought that all 11 housemates were

Zara Gee

interesting (cough, cough) but the combination that the directors and producers chose was wrong! While Helen and Paul were still flirting, I prayed that they get it onnnnn! But Helen's boyfriend is so weedy and really doesn't appeal to me; I mean why is he called Big G and why wasn't he waiting outside when Paul was booted out of the house? Send in your ideas, the address is below!
   A new thing I've discovered is an MP3 CD burner; so far as I know these are perfectly legal and you can seriously use one of these. You can download from This is the best site I've found, they offer hundreds of thousands of MP3's and the good thing is that if you are downloading off someone and they cut off, the MP3 is saved until the same song becomes available to download elsewhere! You can then download a CD burner from just type in MP3 CD burner in the search box. Pick the one you want, most of the burners give 3 or 4 free 'burns' and then charge you for registering, BUT... for less than the price of an album you can transfer the MP3's onto a CD to play anywhere you want!
   Whatever you're doing this year, have an absolutely pukka time. Don't waste it because before you know it, you'll be bored again and you'll want to go back into sad education or to dreary work and just long for the summer to come back!
   Talk again soon, keep your news flowing to me...

Zara Gee

European Fuel Prices

If you are contemplating driving in another European country for whatever reason, these are some of the current diesel prices per litre as of July 16th ...

United Kingdom 77.9
Austria 47.1
Belgium 47.5
Bulgaria 39.6
Cyprus 17.9
Denmark 58.8
Eire 45.7
France 49.8

Germany 48.8
Norway 68.6
Poland 30.9
Portugal 39.5
Romania 26.7
Spain 43.5
Sweden 52.4
Switzerland 55.6
Turkey 38.3
Greece 41.4
Italy 54.2
Netherlands 50.8

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